Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 138: Decisive Killing

"Why are they here!"

Feng Xuan looked at the people coming out of the door, and his face changed drastically.

Lin Mo, who was standing by, also changed his expression slightly, and recognized that these people were among those who disappeared with Sun Qian and the others.

"Seven people disappeared at the beginning, and there are four people here. Where are the other three? Are they alive or dead?" Lin Mo's mind flashed the appearance of Sun Qian, Zhang He and others.

"I hope they are okay... But why did these four people get involved with the monsters in the abyss? Were they forced or took the initiative?" Feng Xuan, who was standing by, looked at the four people with a serious face.

This is a big event. Did a student choose to surrender after being caught?

At this moment, Lin Mo noticed that among the four people, some people's eyes fell on them.

"Not good, they found us!" Lin Mo glanced at Feng Xuan and Ye Qing beside him and spoke in a low voice.

Their faces also changed drastically. If those four people really betrayed the human race, then the three of them would be in danger!

Sure enough, one of the four suddenly looked at the old housekeeper beside him and whispered something, while looking at Lin Mo and others from time to time.

"Go first!"

Lin Mo's heart sank, the old housekeeper was walking towards them.

At the beginning, Lin Mo had felt the strength of the old housekeeper, and he had definitely reached the realm above the peak of the Martial King, and might even have stepped into the realm of the Martial Saint!

If that was true, the three of them could not be opponents!

Feng Xuan and Ye Qing nodded, and the three of them turned around in tacit understanding and walked out of the crowd!

"Catch them!" A loud shout came from behind, and Lin Mo recognized that it was the voice of the four students.

Looking back at them fiercely, Lin Mo's heart was already filled with murderous intent.

"Find a chance to kill them, useless trash!" Feng Xuan was extremely angry and couldn't help but curse.

"You two go first, I can't swallow this breath!" Lin Mo suddenly paused, and his mental power spread out in an instant!

Spiritual Sword Formation!

Lin Mo used the strongest means he could use at the moment, and his spiritual power turned into a flying sword and shot out in all directions!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking wind continued to ring. Although the sword of spirit could not be seen, the air seemed to be distorted wherever the sword light reached!

This attack method was very terrifying and could not be detected. Even the strong men of the same level could not stop it!




The muffled sound continued to ring, and many monsters that caught up kept rushing forward, and then fell directly to the ground in less than a few steps, and soon there was no sound.

"Sword of spirit!"

The consumption of the spiritual sword formation was too huge. After just one casting, Lin Mo's spiritual power was consumed a lot. At this moment, he gritted his teeth and cast the sword of spirit again!

It can be seen that the sword of spirit is suspended in front of Lin Mo, which is completely constructed by spiritual power.

It can be about three feet long, and the whole body is translucent, which seems to be extremely terrifying.


The next moment, the sound of breaking wind sounded, and the sword flew directly through the air, with a whistling sound, rushing towards the distance!

The sword light was invincible, dragging a very long tail, and after it was slashed out in an instant, it contained a momentum of unstoppable force!

Groups of monsters were directly harvested, a bloody wound appeared on the forehead, and they fell directly to the ground!

Monsters died one after another, which made the group of monsters guarding the door change their faces wildly and retreat continuously.

"Hmph, is retreat useful?" Lin Mo was angry, and at the same time silently estimated the distance between himself and the old housekeeper.

"Hmph! Give me your life!" A cold shout sounded, and Lin Mo did not intend to stop there, but drew out the sword of fire on his body and rushed into the monster pile!

The old housekeeper had already rushed up at this time. His strength was far beyond Lin Mo, but at this moment, his expression was relaxed, as if he did not take Lin Mo seriously!


He made a strong move and slapped Lin Mo's top of the head!

In his expectation, Lin Mo's head would be shattered by this palm, and he might even die directly!

"Hmph, I am not a person who is good at killing, but you make me very angry, I want you to die!" The old housekeeper actually spoke Chinese, so he spoke loudly at this moment, his voice was extremely cold.

There was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes, and he wanted to kill Lin Mo directly!


At the moment when this palm fell, Lin Mo's figure flashed and disappeared directly from here!

The old housekeeper did not expect Lin Mo's figure to be so flexible, and he was briefly shocked!

He looked at his palm, and a puzzled look surged on his face!


At this time, a muffled sound came.

The old housekeeper's heart sank, and he turned around to look.

There were four students standing in the direction of the gate, but now there are only three left. The other one has been separated from his head and body, lying on the ground, blood flowing everywhere, looking extremely miserable!

And Lin Mo was standing there, and the sword of fire in his hand was still dripping with blood!


Lin Mo swung his sword, and the tip of the sword pointed at the remaining three students!

In fact, the three students in front of him were all strong men in the realm of King of Martial Arts, and their strength was much higher than Lin Mo, but now, they were actually scared to death when facing Lin Mo!


Lin Mo swung his sword continuously, and two of the remaining three were killed directly!


The face of the last remaining student changed drastically, and he couldn't help crying.

His face was pale, and he couldn't stand up. He collapsed to the ground with a limp body!

"Looking for death!"

The old housekeeper was extremely angry. He brought these four people out, and now three of them died at once. How could he explain to the city lord!

He rushed towards Lin Mo with anger!

The monsters in the abyss obviously use different methods from humans!

The old man is obviously a humanoid creature, but at this moment, lavender barbs have grown on his hands, which look crystal clear and give people a sense of danger!

The most important thing is that the old housekeeper's hands are changing. The original old skin is blackening, becoming harder, and even a layer of scale-like covering layer appears on it!

This change is so amazing that the old housekeeper's hands have suddenly turned into an eagle-like creature!


He waved his hands, and there was a burst of air-breaking sound!

Such a sound is so terrifying that even the air is cut with one claw!

"Lin Mo, be careful!"

In the distance, Ye Qing couldn't help but yell.

Ghost Shadow!

Lin Mo put down the last person and did not take action. Instead, he used the Lone Shadow Mirage to escape from here.


A long cry sounded, and Lin Mo trembled all over, and his mind was momentarily absent-minded!

"Damn it, mental attack, I lost the ability to move all of a sudden!"

Lin Mo's face changed wildly. This cry was so terrifying that it made Lin Mo lose the ability to move for a short period of time!


The hard fingers directly penetrated Lin Mo's chest, and he could feel that his heart seemed to be gently rubbed by the palm.

As long as the palm exerted a little force, his heart would explode instantly!

"If you kill them, then you will take their place!

The abyss is open, help me find the creatures of your world, as long as I find enough, I can make your strength even better!"

The old housekeeper looked at Lin Mo, and at the same time, his fingers were gently fiddling with Lin Mo, which made Lin Mo very irritable at the moment.

It was too dangerous. A finger was constantly stroking his heart, and it would be crushed if he was not careful!

In this situation, most people dare not act rashly!

"Do it!"

However, the next moment, Lin Mo suddenly yelled, and Feng Xuan, who had already left, suddenly rushed out of the crowd!

"Old beast, die!"

Feng Xuan cursed, and at the same time, he stabbed the old housekeeper's heart with a long sword!

The old housekeeper obviously didn't notice that after Lin Mo came back, Feng Xuan also came back, and quietly hid in the crowd, ready to give him a fatal blow at the critical moment!

Faced with such a blow, no matter how strong the old housekeeper is, he has to divide some of his mind to deal with him, so Lin Mo seized this opportunity and directly broke away from the old housekeeper's palm!


He raised his hand and cut off the old housekeeper's broken arm!

The old housekeeper showed an angry look on his face. Such a powerful strength was finally broken by others, and the person he wanted to kill was not killed!

"If I were you, I would definitely not be in a daze at this time!" At this time, Lin Mo's voice rang again!

The old housekeeper's heart suddenly sank, and he quickly broke free from the illusion and looked in the direction of Feng Xuan!

"I didn't see the school!" Feng Xuan said helplessly.

At this time, the old principal was getting more and more uneasy!


At this moment, a loud noise came, and Lin Mo actually came back again!

The old housekeeper showed a look of shock on his face, looking at Lin Mo who had rushed to the last person.


The old housekeeper pointed at Lin Mo, with an angry look on his face.

The most important thing is that he is now restrained by Wang Chuanjun, and he can't escape for a while!

Lin Mo's face was indifferent, he raised the long sword in his hand and swung it down!


The last of the four people was also killed directly by Lin Mo!

Because they were too close to Lin Mo and others, many people had blood on their bodies and looked extremely embarrassed.

"Junior, you deserve to die!"

The old housekeeper looked at the fallen student, and was extremely angry. He raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo and asked Cao Zhe to fly over!

At this time, Lin Mo was not afraid at all, he raised his hand and rushed up!


It was a pity that the old housekeeper was too strong. Facing this scene, he put away his playful thoughts and sent a powerful attack to Lin Mo!

In just a moment, Lin Mo saw that the sky above him was full of black clouds!

In the black clouds, a palm slowly pressed down!

The hand was extremely black, and there was a black gold material on it. This thing was shiny and looked very beautiful.

But everyone knew that such a beautiful palm contained shocking energy, which was going to take his life!

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