Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 139 Everyone has their own gains

This palm was so terrifying that black clouds actually formed in the sky, and a big hand slapped them down from inside. There was no doubt that this was an illusion formed by condensed energy and blood. It was extremely terrifying!

Golden light flashed, and a dangerous aura enveloped Lin Mo!

"Lin Mo, stay away!"

Feng Xuan's expression changed drastically, and she rushed towards Lin Mo desperately.

Cold sweat flowed from Lin Mo's forehead. At this time, the ghost shadow trace had no effect at all. The power of Qi and blood condensed, forming a field-like thing around him, trapping Lin Mo in the middle!

In an instant, Lin Mo thought of a martial art and started to activate it!

Qi and blood flowed, forming frost around Lin Mo's body, and the thick frost condensed into armor on his body!

Black Ice Armor!

Lin Mo used the martial arts skills he got from Miss Yu'er, and black ice covered his body!

The old housekeeper's expression changed dramatically when he saw this scene, and the palm that had been slapped down hung directly in the air!

"You...who are you!" The old housekeeper looked at Lin Mo with a look of horror on his face.

Lin Mo originally planned to use Xuanbing Armor as a means of defense, but now looking at the old housekeeper's expression, he was extremely shocked, and at the same time he was constantly thinking about the reasons for this situation.

"I got the Xuan Bing Jia from Yu'er, so is it possible that this martial skill represents an identity? Otherwise there is no way to explain everything!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Mo had already thought of a lot.

His eyes flickered and he suddenly calmed down.

"Who am I?" Lin Mo said lightly: "This is not what you should ask. What you have to do now is to act like you don't know anything and continue to execute according to your original plan!

I want to go in now, do you have any objections? "

The old housekeeper's heart sank when he looked at Lin Mo's face, and cold sweat started to flow from his forehead.


The old housekeeper glanced at Feng Xuan and others behind Lin Mo, his eyes flickered, pointed in the distance and shouted: "If there's something going on over there, follow me!"

After saying that, he took the lead and rushed in the other direction!

His speed was very fast. When Feng Xuan rushed towards him, he was already far away!

Seeing this scene, Feng Xuan, who was on guard, looked at Lin Mo blankly.

"What's going on?" Feng Xuan whispered.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?" Lin Mo shook his head helplessly. He really didn't know what was going on, but he already had a rough idea in his mind.

The old housekeeper probably made a judgment about Lin Mo's identity from Xuan Bingjia, thinking that Lin Mo was probably someone close to Yu'er, or simply someone who was on an equal footing with Yu'er!

Judging from what Lin Mo knew, Miss Yu'er's identity was definitely not simple, so when the old housekeeper faced Lin Mo, he didn't dare to say anything!

"What should we do next?" Ye Qing saw the situation here. Although he didn't know what was going on, he quickly rushed over.

"According to the original plan, what we have to do is to go in first!" Lin Mo said. The purpose of coming this time is to save Sun Qian and others. Now that we finally got in, we naturally have to go to the City Lord's Mansion first!

The other two nodded and agreed to Lin Mo's suggestion.

Now that the gate of the City Lord's Mansion is open, you can even see that because the old housekeeper took everyone away, the entire courtyard is empty, and not a single person can be seen at all!

The three of them cautiously entered the city lord's mansion. Lin Mo looked at everything familiar around him. His original memories slowly revived, and the route he had taken was slowly becoming clearer.

"Follow me!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice, while leading the two of them to choose a direction and walk inside.

"This is... the herbal garden, it smells so good!" Ye Qing suddenly spoke after walking a few steps and looked at the garden next to it. There were patches of herbs there, which looked full of life.

"That's a hundred-year-old wild ginseng. This thing can kill you. As long as you still have breath, you can survive!"

"Is that Polygonum multiflorum over there? It seems to be hundreds of years old...

And over there, my God, that’s Blood Ganoderma, it’s so big, it’s like a washbasin..."

Ye Qing couldn't help but speak. She was a girl. She should have been very gentle, but now she was shouting very excitedly, with an excited look on her face.

"Don't act rashly, find Sun Qian and the others first!" Lin Mo raised his hand to stop her, and the three of them sped up.

Because he is worried that if the old housekeeper gets in touch with Yu'er, Lin Mo's identity may be revealed, so what he has to do now is to leave as soon as possible!

According to Lin Mo's memory, the three of them arrived at the entrance to the secret room.

Lin Mo once saw with his own eyes the way the old butler opened the door, so now Lin Mo tried several times and opened the door directly like the old butler!

"There are indeed a lot of good things here, but the city lord is also very powerful. Everyone should be careful!" Lin Mo warned seriously. He once found a weapons arsenal here. Although it has been too long, the quality of those weapons They were all very good, but it was a pity that Lin Mo had no way to take them away at that time!

Now entering again, Lin Mo wanted to take away one or two things.

According to the memory in his mind, Lin Mo took them to the weapons depot again.

The moment they entered, Lin Mo heard the sound of them swallowing.

"I've made a fortune, this is like making a fortune!"

Feng Xuan's face showed excitement. There were too many things in the weapons arsenal. The worst ones were Xuan-level weapons, and the best ones even exuded earth-level fluctuations!

"Whether the weapons on the ground floor can be taken away, I think this needs to be seriously tested. If the city lord notices it, there may be problems!"

Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face, reminding him seriously.

"That's right, the alchemy furnace is actually from the ground level. The elixirs refined from this thing are definitely better! The purity is higher and the side effects are smaller!" Lin Mo pointed to an alchemy furnace not far away and looked at Ye Qing .

Ye Qing's expression also became excited. The number of alchemists was very small. At the same time, because they did not have much fighting power, few people spent a lot of money to make weapons for the alchemists.

But the alchemy furnace in front of me is different. It is actually made of some kind of mysterious metal. It has reached the standard of the first-level earth level. If it is given to Ye Qing for use, it will definitely be even more powerful!

Ye Qing stepped forward and carefully put away the alchemy furnace. By this time, she was satisfied and no longer wanted to look at other weapons.

"A gun from the ninth level of the Xuan Rank!" Finally Feng Xuan also discovered something. Although it was a ninth rank of the Xuan Rank, the gun body was black and purple, and faint dragon scales could be seen faintly flickering on it.

Such a scene is very shocking. It's just a gun, but there are dragon scales flashing on it.

"This is... a gun made from the spine of a thousand-year-old dragon. It is extremely powerful. Although it is only at the ninth level of the Xuanjie, a trace of the old dragon's spiritual power remains inside. This makes this gun directly possess the consciousness of life and is powerful. Boundless!”

Feng Xuan had an excited look on her face and wanted to take the gun away.

Lin Mo's mental power was released and spread to the surroundings. At this moment, the surroundings were empty and no danger was found.

"Be careful!" Lin Mo warned, not having any suggestions or criticisms about Feng Xuan's plan to take the gun.

Feng Xuan quickly stepped forward and took the gun in his hand.

The body of the gun is still uneven, and you can see that there is still rust in some places on it, but it is still difficult to conceal the power of this gun!

"What a gun!" Lin Mo couldn't help but praise.

"It's your turn, aren't you going to choose a weapon for yourself?" Feng Xuan and Ye Qing both chose something suitable and were admiring it excitedly. Lin Mo didn't rush forward to choose a weapon. Time was a bit shocked.

"I feel like there are no weapons here that are suitable for me. Plus, my current Red Blood Sword is already powerful enough. I can trample any enemy to death with just one step of the accelerator!"

With a confident look on Lin Mo's face, he spoke slowly.


Lin Mo frowned and turned around to look at the corner of the weapons warehouse. It was very dark there and there were no weapons that had any special appeal, but Lin Mo still couldn't help but walk there.

Soon, he came to the corner. The dust here was very thick, and it seemed that no one had cleaned it for a long time.

Lin Mo searched the area in front of him several times, but he couldn't find anything that made him feel abnormal!

"Something's wrong. I suddenly had a hunch in my heart that I would find something shocking here. Why didn't I find it?"

Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face and spoke slowly.

His mental power once again swept across every inch of the floor in front of him, and finally Lin Mo discovered something.


Lin Mo gently swept the ground with his hands, sweeping aside the thick dust.

"Is this...a piece of skin?" Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face, looking at a palm-sized leather object on the ground.

"A piece of skin looks very unusual. It made me feel something in my heart and made me aware of its existence!" Lin Mo exclaimed and went forward to pick up the skin.

The text on it was obscure and difficult to understand. Lin Mo read it for a long time but still found nothing. In the end, he had to give up and put away the remaining skin.


There was a sound of metal hitting the ground, and Xun Sheng looked around and suddenly took a breath of air.

It was a gong, as big as a basketball. It rolled on the ground for a while before hitting the ground with a loud noise.

With a bang, Lin Mo felt that his ears were about to explode, and he quickly reached out to cover his ears.

"It's actually the first level of the Earth Rank!"

Feng Xuan on the side looked at the gong in front of Lin Mo with a shocked look on her face.

"It's just a gong. It's made of some special metal. The most important thing is that the gong is a first-grade earth-level one!"

"Shouldn't this thing be a musical instrument? How could such a thing appear?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it can play a certain role!" Lin Mo put the gong away and continued to move forward.

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