Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 140 Kill the City Lord!

The harvest is huge!

Lin Mo looked at the gong in his hand with a smile on his face. Although this thing looked a little shabby, it was indeed a real first-class earth-level item!

Among all the weapons currently on Lin Mo's body, its grade should be the highest!

"I don't know what this thing does..." Lin Mo looked at the gong in his hand with a puzzled look on his face.

"Didn't it make a sound before? I feel like my head is going to explode! This thing is of such high grade, it can't have a special function!" Feng Xuan had a thoughtful look on his face. He was in a good mood and got A very powerful weapon.

"I suspect that this thing can cause mental damage. The moment the gong rang, I had some mental problems. My head felt like it was going to explode!" Ye Qing said calmly with a thoughtful look on his face: “I just don’t know the correct way to use this thing!”

"You can't just hit someone on the head with a gong. After all, this thing is not very flexible..."

The three of them were discussing each other seriously, and unknowingly they had arrived outside the city lord's room.

Lin Mo paused and raised his hands behind him.

He had always been at the front, but now after raising his hand, everyone stopped and looked at Lin Mo.

"Be careful, we are about to reach the city lord's room!" Lin Mo was deeply impressed by this place. When he saw the city lord's appearance, although it was not very realistic, he could feel the power of the lord!

The most important thing is that the city lord seemed to have discovered him at that time!

"I'll be in front. If there's danger, I can withstand it for a while!" Feng Xuan said, holding the silver gun in his hand and walking up step by step.

"The city lord's movement range is limited, let's all be careful!" Lin Mo reminded, while carefully following behind Feng Xuan.

The mental perception is turned on, covering the room bit by bit.

Lin Mo looked a little nervous. The city lord was undoubtedly very powerful. It might be difficult for the three of them to defeat him.


At this moment, Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock. He looked at Feng Xuan in front and shouted desperately: "Get back!"

However, by this time, it was already too late!


With a roar, Feng Xuan flew upside down and hit the ground heavily!

A huge hole appeared on the wall in front of him, and a pair of red eyes could be seen lighting up from inside.


An earth-yellow tentacle suddenly swept over and hit Lin Mo's head hard!

Such a scene frightened Lin Mo into a cold sweat. He roared angrily and used the Ghost Shadow Movement Technique instantly. He held Ye Qing with one hand and rushed to the side!


Smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the tentacle hit the ground directly, causing the wall there to shatter and dust everywhere.


Lin Mo and Ye Qing coughed one after another, with shocked looks on their faces.

It's just a tentacle, but it has such terrifying strength!

"At least a strong man at the martial saint level!" Ye Qing said with a serious look.

Lin Mo looked at Feng Xuan aside: "Can you still get up?"

They were far away from each other, and Lin Mo didn't have time to step forward and help him up.

"I'm fine!" Feng Xuan struggled to stand up, holding the silver gun in her hand tightly: "Come again!"

He displayed powerful martial arts, and the silver spear in his hand twisted and pounced forward like a silver snake!

The silver gun moves around as if it can block all directions!


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the tentacle smashed down again.


Silver light flashed, and Feng Xuan nailed the silver spear directly to the tentacle!

Just for a moment, a layer of frost appeared on the silver spear!

"Ice attribute attack! So strong!" Feng Xuan's face showed a look of shock, she couldn't help but yell, and at the same time she backed away crazily!

Ice attribute attack?

Lin Mo looked stunned, not understanding what this sentence meant.

"When martial arts cultivators reach a certain level, some highly talented martial arts cultivators can sense a certain kind of energy and use this energy skillfully!

Generally speaking, energy can be divided into seven types: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, and thunder. Martial arts practitioners who can use special attributes can become extreme martial arts practitioners!

This means that their ability to control a certain energy has reached a certain level! "

While Feng Xuan was speaking, the movements of her hands did not stop.

The energy and blood in his body boiled, covering the silver spear. At the same time, the silver spear was trembling, shattering the ice shards on it!

Feng Xuan is really strong. Facing this tentacle, he showed great fighting power.

"The same goes for monsters. Some monsters can master a certain attribute proficiently and become extreme monsters!

The owner of the tentacle in front of me should be an extreme monster, with ice attributes! "

"Ice attribute?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of a possibility: "Can things with fire attributes restrain ice attributes?"

"Do you have something with the fire attribute?" Feng Xuan's eyes lit up and she looked at Lin Mo: "The fire attribute is one of the rarest and most powerful attributes among the seven attributes. It can completely restrain ice!"

He looked at Lin Mo with excitement.

Sword of Fire!

Lin Mo directly took out the sword of flame. After it was covered with Qi and blood, a layer of flame-like luster suddenly appeared on it, and at the same time, magma slowly flowed on the sword body.

"What a terrifying heat!" Feng Xuan couldn't help but speak.

Lin Mo sneered and said, "Help me control him, I'll use him to test the sword in my hand!"

Feng Xuan nodded, gritted his teeth and stabbed the tentacle with the silver spear in his hand.

At the same time, he encouraged the blood and qi in his body, and let the whole person fall to the ground!


Finally, the tentacle was nailed to the ground by Feng Xuan!

It can be seen that the cracks on the ground spread several meters away at once, and Feng Xuan's silver spear was inserted into the ground, emitting terrifying blood and qi!

"So strong!" Lin Mo couldn't help but admire. During this period, Feng Xuan's strength was improving, especially the blood and qi power was more powerful. It is very likely that he will charge to the peak of the martial king!

"Take advantage of now! Hurry, I can't hold on for much longer!" He shouted and looked in the direction of Lin Mo!


Lin Mo held the sword of fire and shot directly!

He was very fast. With the help of the Ghost Shadow Body Technique, he turned into a shadow and rushed forward!


The sword was filled with flames, and the flames were two meters high. The next moment, an arc was drawn and cut on the tentacles!

Just like the melting of ice and snow, a lot of white smoke rose from the tentacles, and the next moment it fell to the ground with a snap!

The tentacles were cut off by Lin Mo with a sword!

Moreover, after the tentacles were cut off, the other half was constantly trembling, and blood was oozing out. After a while, it collapsed on the ground and shrank quickly!

"It's shrinking like a flower. The power of the Flame Sword directly evaporated the moisture of the tentacles!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he looked at the scene in front of him with a look of surprise on his face.

Because this was really too surprising, a sword cut down, and unexpected effects appeared!


A louder roar came from behind the wall. At this time, Lin Mo was convinced that the city lord behind the wall was an immovable octopus!

"Follow me!" He waved at Feng Xuan and Ye Qing, and then rushed in directly!

Thinking that the pair of blood-red eyes were full of anger, the city lord's body was huge, and his soft body was five meters tall, but at this moment, the pair of eyes were looking at Lin Mo.

Anger, murderous intent...all kinds of negative emotions seemed to be constantly overflowing from his eyes!

Sword of Flame!

Lin Mo said nothing and swung the sword of flame in his hand forward!

This thing is absolutely afraid of everything with fire attributes, so when this sword was slashed out, Lin Mo saw the fear in its eyes, and there was anger flowing.

"As long as you still know how to be afraid, that's a good thing!" Lin Mo had a mocking smile on his face, and the sword of flame swung, directly cutting the face of the octopus with the flame sword.

Just like the lord in the dream, this is the city lord!

Lin Mo was able to kill it back then, and he can still do it now!

The same weakness, the same means of attack...

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's face suddenly changed.

"Everyone be careful..."

Lin Mo roared, and before he could remember to remind what was going to happen, the eight claws in front of him struggled.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The next moment, seven tentacles in the sky stabbed at the three people below like sharp steel pipes!

This was too sudden, Feng Xuan and Ye Qing had never expected such an attack method, so that they were both shocked in an instant, and they even forgot to dodge when they stood there!

Lin Mo's face changed drastically, and he rushed up with a roar!

At the same time, he swung the sword of fire in his hand and slashed forward!

This time, the hotter sword light was swallowed and spit out, a full five meters long, and a blazing sword arc flashed away!


The muffled sound continued, and those tentacles were cut off by Lin Mo's sword!

This is really amazing, just one sword, and such a result occurred!

Lin Mo clearly heard the painful roar of the city lord behind him!

At this time, Lin Mo's courage grew even bigger, and he rushed forward with the Sword of Flame!

Most of the lord's eight tentacles had been cut off, leaving only half of them attached to the body, and the threat was not very great!


Lin Mo's sword thrust had a great effect. A large wound appeared on the city lord's body, and the wound was emitting green smoke and constantly dissolving, like a glacier encountering a hot flame!

"It worked! Come on, Lin Mo!" Feng Xuan's face was filled with excitement. Who would have thought that a city lord of the Martial Saint level was easily solved by Lin Mo with the Sword of Flame!

Lin Mo did not respond, he was swinging his sword seriously!

Although the lord was suppressed by the attributes, its blood and qi were very strong. After all, it was a monster of the Martial Saint level. It was really difficult to kill it directly!

However, Lin Mo was very patient and kept killing it.

Finally, after a long time, the city lord let out an unwilling roar and fell directly to the ground!

"It's done!" Ye Qing and Feng Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lin Mo also showed an excited smile on his face. He personally solved a monster of the martial saint level!

"The power of the attribute is so terrifying..."


Before he finished speaking, a cold light suddenly lit up from the city lord's body!

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