Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 141 Drop! Attribute Card!


The blazing light flashed, and a deep chill emitted from the lord's body, and in the shortest time, frost covered the surrounding area.

"Back off, this is the backlash before it dies!" Lin Mo yelled, and at the same time he took a dozen steps back.


On the ground, fine frost continued to spread, and finally stopped a few inches away from Lin Mo.

At this time, dense cold sweat broke out on Lin Mo's forehead.

"What's going on? Isn't the city lord dead? Why does he still have such a powerful attack power!"

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo with fear, and at the same time carefully glanced at the direction where the frost was spreading.

"Ice attribute power, and this power is so pure. If I hadn't escaped quickly, I might have turned into a lump of ice!"

Feng Xuan's face was also covered in cold sweat. He was injured and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. He was leaning against the wall with a pale face, breathing heavily.

"You guys wait here, I'll go take a look!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth. He firmly believed that the city lord had been killed. Even he didn't know what was going on with the inexplicable killing intent that just appeared.

"Be careful!" Ye Qing couldn't help but say. He knew he couldn't persuade Lin Mo, so he could only warn him.

Feng Xuan sighed. He was the strongest, but now he wanted Lin Mo to take risks.

Lin Mo approached step by step, stepping on the frost under his feet, making a clicking sound, like glass breaking.

The city lord's body was still connected to the stone wall, but now it was completely limp, as if it was hanging on the wall.

When Lin Mo approached, the corpse suddenly emitted a burst of light, turning into a stream of pure energy and sinking into Lin Mo's body!

"What a powerful force!"

Feeling the extra energy in his body, Lin Mo's expression changed slightly.

This powerful rush of energy made his Dantian tremble, as if it was about to explode.

"Killing the city lord in the abyss can also increase the power of blood! And the increase is absolutely terrifying!"

Lin Mo's face was filled with joy. Based on past experience, he judged that the increased blood value this time would be at least 150 calories!

"Isn't he going to become the King of Martial Arts soon?"

Lin Mo calculated his current vitality and blood value, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

After becoming King Wu, his mental strength and other qualities will make a qualitative leap, and his strength will inevitably be greatly improved by then.


A gust of wind blew by, and Lin Mo saw that the body completely dissipated like smoke and dust.

"He is indeed dead!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion. At this moment, he saw a palm-sized card on the ground that was emitting light.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo felt that the previous frost seemed to be caused by this card.

"What?" Lin Mo frowned and stepped forward.

The closer Lin Mo got to the card, the stronger the chill around him felt. In the end, a layer of frost appeared on Lin Mo's hair, which looked extremely terrifying.

At this time, Lin Mo finally came to the card. Looking at the crystal-clear card on the ground, his heart moved and he bent down to pick it up.


The moment he picked up the card, there was a soft sound in Lin Mo's hand, and then he felt that his fingers were losing feeling!

This startled Lin Mo and he quickly threw the card to the ground.

Looking at the fingers that just held the card, you can see that transparent blisters have appeared on those two fingers, and you can even see frost around the blisters.

"What a strong chill!" Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh. It was just a card, but it had such a terrifying chill.

But Lin Mo was able to tell that this card was definitely a good thing.

It's a pity that you can't touch it with your fingers, otherwise, the cold will freeze your fingers in a very short time.

"Psychic perception!"

Lin Mo used spiritual martial arts, turning his spiritual power into spiritual tentacles, spreading and wrapping towards the card step by step.


An even more blazing cold light lit up, and Lin Mo couldn't help but yell, because the cold light emanating from the card was going to freeze his head along the spiritual tentacles!

"What a terrifying thing, it can freeze the physical body and mental power!" Lin Mo's eyes became brighter and brighter. This thing is so extraordinary, it can freeze almost everything!

If you really get this thing, it must be a big killer!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo became even more unlikely to give up this thing.

In the next half hour, Lin Mo tried countless methods, but in the end they all came to no avail.

"No, I thought of something!" Lin Mo suddenly thought that he was not invaded by the cold when he was close to the body of the city lord.

"Why wasn't the cold invaded at that time..." Lin Mo whispered, and the next moment he raised his head: "I remembered, at that time my whole body was covered with the power of Qi and blood... Could it be said that this thing has no effect on Qi and blood? The power is ineffective?"

Lin Mo licked his lips and looked a little nervous, because if he failed this time, he might really be in danger and would eventually give up this card.


The power of qi and blood shook. Lin Mo's expression was extremely serious. He used the power of qi and blood to protect his hands, and then stretched forward.

He was a little nervous, with a serious look on his face, and he picked up the card with two fingers.

This time, his fingers felt cold, but the imaginary scene of frost covering the entire hand did not appear. The card continued to shine coldly in Lin Mo's hand, but the light was much softer.

Lin Mo's palm was intact and still in good shape, with no trace of frost visible on it.

"It is indeed effective!" Lin Mo's eyes were bright, and the card wrapped with the power of Qi and blood could indeed be picked up directly.

"Lin Mo, what did you find? It took you so long?" Feng Xuan's voice came, and she didn't know when she was standing behind Lin Mo.

"A card!" Lin Mo didn't hide it, but took out the card.

The cold light was still flickering, and Feng Xuan could feel the chill even without holding it in her hands.

"Something, it looks like ice crystals..." Ye Qing also came. Looking at the thing in Lin Mo's hand, he reached out to touch it.

"Don't touch it!" Lin Mo yelled. If this thing were knocked over, with Ye Qing's current strength, it would probably be frozen into a popsicle!

Ye Qing was startled by Lin Mo's shout. After retracting her finger, she looked at Lin Mo with aggrieved face.

"This thing is very cold. My hands have been frozen, and the frost on the ground is released from this thing!" Lin Mo explained, showing his injured finger at the same time.

After listening to Lin Mo's explanation, Ye Qing nodded slowly. Looking at Lin Mo's injured finger, she felt extremely distressed.

"your hands……"

"My hand is fine. The key is this card. It's so incredible. If you hold this thing in your hand, your whole body will turn into a refrigerator!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Feng Xuan on the side stood there without saying a word. His eyes were looking at the card in Lin Mo's hand, looking thoughtful.

When Ye Qing wanted to say something, Lin Mo raised his hand to stop him.

He pointed at Feng Xuan and put his finger on his lips.

Ye Qing nodded, and the two of them just stood there, waiting quietly.

After a few minutes, Feng Xuan's expression suddenly changed, and excitement gradually spread across his face.

"I'll go! Lin Mo, what kind of bad luck did you have, it's so unnatural, you've already encountered this thing!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't have believed that I could actually see this thing!

This is a legendary thing. The chance of seeing this thing is about one in a hundred million! "

Feng Xuan looked excited and spoke loudly.

"What's going on? Please explain it to us, Senior Feng!" Lin Mo's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Feng Xuan was a little too emotional and hadn't explained what it was yet, so she got so excited!

"This thing is probably an attribute card!" Feng Xuan restrained her excitement, looked at Lin Mo and said excitedly: "I have told you before that there are many extreme martial arts practitioners in this world, and they have some kind of mastery. The pure ability of the elements is very powerful, almost comparable to that of a telekinesis master.

But becoming an extreme martial artist is easier said than done. You have countless opportunities to choose in your life. If you make the wrong choice even once, you will never become an extreme martial artist!

Some extremely talented martial artists may awaken certain extreme talents when they reach the Martial King realm, but some talented martial artists do not have this ability.

But this attribute card is different. As long as the attribute card is refined, this thing can turn an ordinary martial artist into an extreme martial artist in a very short time! "


It was only then that Lin Mo and Ye Qing showed shocked expressions on their faces.

It's just an attribute card. It's very possible to create a powerful martial arts cultivator in an extreme time, but if this cultivator is killed in a competition or other scenarios.

Then the attribute cards will disappear, and at the same time those powerful abilities will disappear, and you will completely become an ordinary person!

Feng Xuan's voice sounded in Lin Mo's mind.

"If this is really the case, the absorption of attribute cards is best placed after the King of Martial Realm!

As long as I become the Martial King, I will be a strong person! "

Lin Mo's face showed excitement, he looked at Feng Xuan and Ye Qing and said, "I'm taking this with me, and after I go out, I will give you all a certain amount of financial compensation!"

There is no doubt that this card is worth practicing, but this is all Lin Mo has!

"Okay, put it away quickly, it looks quite cold!" Feng Xuan patted Lin Mo on the shoulder: "The city lord is dead, let's find the whereabouts of Sun Qian and others first!"

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