Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 142: Looting the City Lord's Mansion

In the huge room, the three people carefully searched for traces of Sun Qian and others.

But in the end they were disappointed because Sun Qian and the others were not here.

"It has been delayed for several days. Sun Qian and the others are probably transferred!" Feng Xuan frowned: "There is another possibility..."

He looked ugly and did not continue speaking, but Lin Mo and Ye Qing both understood the meaning of what he had not finished.

They have seen other students today, so is it possible that Sun Qian and the others were killed because they were unwilling to surrender?

"Look here!" Suddenly, Lin Mo's eyes flashed and he looked at the wall to the side, where there was a tiny arrow.

Several people looked along the arrow and saw a line of Chinese characters written on a palm-sized area on the wall.

"We are safe now. We have left here and are wandering in this abyss. We will look for opportunities to go back!"

The font is delicate and elegant, and you can tell at a glance that it was written by a girl.

"It's Sun Qian's calligraphy!" Feng Xuan showed a relaxed smile: "Did they really escape from here?"

"If that's true, that would be great!" Ye Qing also had a smile on his face: "But... wouldn't it be unsafe for them to wander in the abyss?"

"Sun Qian and the others are stronger than us, so there shouldn't be any big problems!" Lin Mo said solemnly: "We'd better hurry up and leave here...

Of course, before leaving, we need to bring back some souvenirs! "

Feng Xuan and Ye Qing looked at each other and understood the meaning of Lin Mo's words.

The three of them left the underground secret room directly, and following their memories, they came to the weapons depot again.

The three of them all carried storage space. This time, the three of them had no worries and worked hard to collect powerful weapons.

"Only this gong is an earth-level weapon. The others are almost all black-level and yellow-level weapons, which are not valuable!" Lin Mo said with some regret.

Ye Qing on the side couldn't help but roll his eyes. The lowest one here is the ninth grade of Huang rank, which is only a hair away from the Xuan rank. The price outside is at least 90 million or more!

If these weapons were sold outside, the three of them would immediately gain a lot!

Unfortunately, the storage space for the three of them was limited. When they left, the three of them only took away the best weapons.

In Lin Mo's space, there were more than a dozen Xuan-level weapons suspended, as well as a first-level Earth-level gong.

"After we get out, exchange everything into cash and buy a lot of Qi and Blood Pills!" Lin Mo had already made up his mind. After getting out, he would go into seclusion to improve his strength.

After leaving the underground secret room, Lin Mo took the two of them around the city lord's palace. They wanted to see if they could find other traces left by Sun Qian.

At this moment, footsteps sounded, and outside the door, the old housekeeper rushed in with a group of people, and saw Lin Mo and others from a long distance away.

The old housekeeper's eyes lit up, he pointed at Lin Mo and said sternly: "Catch him! They killed the city lord!"

The group of people behind the old housekeeper showed horrified looks on their faces, and then roared and rushed towards Lin Mo and others.

"Just in time to use your sacrificial sword!" Lin Mo sneered and drew out the sword of fire.

After using the ghost shadow movement technique, Lin Mo rushed into the crowd like a ghost!


A large area of ​​sword light lit up, and Lin Mo discovered a problem, that is, the attribute of the city lord was ice, and these monsters in the abyss also had slight ice attributes.

As the flame sword slashed through, a large amount of white water mist rose up, and the smell of blood filled everyone's nostrils!

"Haha, cool!"

Lin Mo's face was full of smiles. After killing the city lord, he felt that his strength was improving.

Now that he had a kill, he confirmed this even more.

"The health value has increased by more than a hundred. It is very likely that I am only a hair away from the realm of King Wu now!" Lin Mo was extremely excited, and he swung the sword in his hand more flexibly.

He kept wandering around, holding his sword and weaving in and out among the monsters.

By the time Lin Mo stood firm again, there were already more than a dozen corpses on the ground.

The old housekeeper looked at this scene in shock, and then snorted coldly: "Do you think this is over? It's just a few people dead, it's useless. I want all of you to die for the Lord of the City!"

The old butler's voice was distorted, and now it was filled with endless hatred. He was about to take action!


With a roar, the old housekeeper took action forcefully.

He still activated his energy and blood, formed handprints in the air, and covered them towards Lin Mo.

This move was so powerful that Feng Xuan and Lin Mo's expressions changed slightly, and the next moment, they both took action at the same time.

They mobilized their energy and blood, raised their hands, and opened up a space to block these huge palms in the air.

"Death!" The old housekeeper spoke sternly with hatred in his eyes.

"Open it!" Feng Xuan and Lin Mo shouted.

But it was useless, the old housekeeper was obviously stronger, and under his strong attack, they had no power to fight back.

"Brother Feng, hold on, buy me some time!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and he used ghost shadow to rush towards the old housekeeper.

The old housekeeper had a sneer on his face and clapped out with his other hand!

Murderous intent permeated the air, and the old housekeeper wanted to kill Lin Mo directly with this move.

"Try this, old man!" Golden light flashed in Lin Mo's hand, and a first-grade gong appeared.


Lin Mo punched the gong directly, and his voice trembled, turning into sound waves visible to the naked eye and sweeping towards the old housekeeper!

This sound wave was terrifying to the extreme, covering the old housekeeper like a tornado.

"No! Damn it, you actually got the thunder gong!" The old butler's voice was stern.

At the same time, Lin Mo also noticed that many monsters standing behind the old housekeeper were directly frozen by the sound waves, standing there as if they had lost their souls.

Lin Mo sneered and charged again with his sword!

Facts have proved that earth-level weapons are indeed extraordinary. After Lin Mo used the sword of flame to kill the remaining dozen monsters, he pierced the sword of flame into the chest of the old housekeeper!


The old housekeeper stared blankly at the sword on his chest, with an incredible look on his face.

He had already reached the martial saint level, but now he was killed by two lowly martial arts cultivators!

"I'm not willing to give in!" The old housekeeper finally left these words and slowly closed his eyes.

"It's done!" Lin Mo and Feng Xuan looked at each other, and both saw relaxed expressions in each other's eyes.

"The old housekeeper is dead, should we search the entire city lord's palace by the way, in case there are any treasures that haven't been taken away?" Ye Qing suggested seriously from the side.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan's eyes lit up.

"You are such a clever little kid!" Lin Mo gave Ye Qing a thumbs up. Unknowingly, Ye Qing seemed to have turned bad...

Lin Mo's mental power spread out and gradually enveloped the entire City Lord's Mansion.

Finally, he found a treasure house. It was not large, but it had a lot of materials and consumables piled inside.

Under the leadership of Lin Mo, the three finally arrived at the treasure house. After punching open the door of the treasure house, the three of them could not help but drool.

There are so many good things here, the first of which is the Qi Blood Stone.

There are more than thirty Qi-Blood Stones as big as a fist. The most exaggerated one is a Qi-Blood Stone the size of a human head. It is placed on a table in the middle of the treasure house and is emitting light at the moment.

There is no doubt that the purpose of this Qi-blood stone being placed here is for lighting.

In addition to the blood stone, there are also various medicinal materials.

Ye Qing's eyes lit up and she took out all the things in the storage space. These medicinal materials were good things to her and were extremely precious.

She still selected the most precious medicinal materials to get them. In the end, two-thirds of the medicinal materials on the ground were dried up, and the rest were some medicinal materials that could not be identified or were too large in quantity outside!

"The harvest this time is really rich!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

"It feels like it's faster to accumulate wealth through robbery... I don't want to leave here anymore!" Looking at the good things in the storage ring, the steady Feng Xuan became excited and wanted to laugh three times here.

"If we have the chance in the future, let's go loot more abyss!" Lin Mo and Feng Xuan were shoulder to shoulder, thinking carefully about something.

Unknowingly, the three of them filled up the storage space. According to the original plan, the three of them were to find Sun Qian, but they failed to find her and only brought back some precious medicines and weapons.

Then we will see how the people we interact with have a bad attitude. If they have a bad attitude, they won’t be able to take any of these things away!

"That's right. This time we narrowly escaped death and brought back these materials. If they dare to steal it openly, then do it directly!"

There is no doubt that they lack trust in some people in the Huaxia Military University.

Lin Mo smiled and nodded.

Just as the three of them were about to leave, footsteps sounded again outside.

The three people immediately retreated and looked at the place where the footsteps sounded.

After a while, Feng Xuan looked at the people in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Why is he here!"

"Do you know him?" Lin Mo followed Feng Xuan's eyes and saw that she was a woman wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and pink shorts. She looked very attractive.

There were several men standing next to the woman, and they all exuded strong energy and blood fluctuations.

"This woman and the people behind her are so powerful!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

"That woman is Yue Xingyu's fiancée, her name is Dong Xuan, she is very powerful, it is said that she has reached the eighth-level Martial King realm!

Since Dong Xuan is here, Yue Xingyu must be nearby too! "Feng Xuan reminded in a low voice.

Yue Xingyu?

Lin Mo sneered, he would encounter him sooner or later. If Dong Xuan didn't have eyesight, he would kill him immediately after he brought him back!

This was Lin Mo's plan, and Dong Xuan, who was opposite, felt Lin Mo's gaze and the strong murderous intent, and couldn't help but frown.

"Come here, you guys! Our master has something to ask you!" At this moment, a bodyguard behind Dong Xuan spoke.


Dong Xuan turned around and slapped him in the face: "I didn't say anything. When will it be the turn of a dog like you to bark?"

The person who was beaten turned pale and fell to his knees with a plop.

Dong Xuan ignored him and looked at Lin Mo: "I heard that sister Sun Qian is in the city lord's palace. Why did you fail? Didn't you rescue them?"

"They have already escaped. We went in for nothing!" Feng Xuan said quickly.

He was worried that fighting a woman at this time was probably caused by excessive sadness.

"Escape?" Dong Xuan sneered: "I think you don't dare to go in, so you made up an extremely stupid excuse!

All of you just stand here and don't move. I will go find them myself! "After saying this, Dong Xuan walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

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