"Escape?" Dong Xuan sneered: "I think you didn't dare to go in, so you made up an extremely stupid excuse!

You guys just stand here and don't move, I'll go find them myself! "After Dong Xuan dropped these words, she walked towards the city lord's palace.

There is no doubt that Dong Xuan is beautiful. She is wearing a long skirt and has a light smile on her face. She is walking towards the yard step by step.

You can see the energy of blood boiling around her body, which is what happens when her strength reaches a certain level.

"This woman is very strong, let's find a way to leave first!" Feng Xuan said, with a very serious expression.

After Dong Xuan left, he left several people around them to guard them to prevent Lin Mo and others from escaping.

At this moment, Lin Mo and others made eye contact for a moment, and then, a murderous intent flashed in Lin Mo's eyes: "Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them took action directly!

Although the people around him were very powerful, Lin Mo took action. With that card, these people were not enough to see. After just a moment of fighting, they fell to the ground trembling, and frost could be seen on their bodies. , which is a reflection of being frozen.

"Let's go!" Lin Mo said, leaving all these people at the door of the yard.

They ran along the way they came, and after a few hours, they finally arrived at the exit of the abyss.

"It's a pity that Sun Qian and the others were not found!" Ye Qing had a look of regret on his face. This time the three of them gained a lot, but they failed to complete the task.

"Sun Qian and the others are missing in the abyss, and their chances of survival are already slim. It would be great to be able to find some clues about them. As long as we go back and report the truth truthfully!" Feng Xuan spoke to persuade them.

Lin Mo also nodded, with a firm look on his face and said, "I believe we will see you again in the future!"

Sun Qian and the others are not weak. If they can escape from the city lord's palace, they will definitely be able to live well in the abyss in the future!

The light flickered, and the three people left the abyss through the exit.

Accompanied by a feeling of dizziness, when they opened their eyes again, they had arrived at the place where they entered the abyss before.

"Unexpectedly, you all came back alive...all of you were a little injured. Something is wrong. Your boy's strength seems to have improved a lot. Tsk tsk, you are indeed a formidable young man!"

The old man nodded and looked at Lin Mo with an envious look on his face.

"Thank you, senior, for guarding us here!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and at the same time said seriously: "In the future, I hope that one day the abyss can be completely calmed down, so that senior can enjoy his old age in peace!"

The old man's eyes flashed, he looked at Lin Mo seriously, smiled and nodded: "If such a day comes, I will give you this door to use as a weapon!"

The gate is made of some kind of precious metal, which can be used to make powerful weapons. If it is placed outside, it will definitely sell for a sky-high price.

Lin Mo and the old man looked at each other and laughed. This was a beautiful wish. Although the old man and the young man did not know each other, they had the same wish!

"It went smoothly. That person named Yue Xingyu didn't show up. Let's go back to school now!"

After the three of them got into the school car, they immediately ordered the driver to drive and return to the school in the shortest possible time.

The next morning, the three people appeared at the school gate. Because they had notified the old principal in advance, as soon as the three people appeared, the old principal arrived and took Lin Mo away directly.

"You have been tired for such a long time. You go back and rest first. If you have anything to do, wait until I come back to talk about it!" Lin Mo confessed and followed the old principal into the office.

It took more than an hour for Lin Mo to explain the entire journey to the abyss.

After hearing that Lin Mo and Feng Xuan used the principle of conflicting attributes to kill the city lord, the old principal showed a look of relief on his face.

When he heard that after Lin Mo killed the city lord, a warm current entered Lin Mo's body from the city lord, the old principal looked nervous.

"A force of qi and blood has entered your body... Hey, I don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse. After the waiting meeting is over, go to the measurement room to see what level your qi and blood are. According to My estimate is that you have reached the level of a ninth-grade warrior, just a hair away from the King of Martial Arts!"

The old principal looked at Lin Mo and gave his own judgment.

Ninth grade warrior!

Lin Mo had an excited look on his face. This upgrade speed was so fast. Less than half a year after entering the school, he was about to become the King of Martial Arts!

When the old principal heard that Lin Mo had obtained a card from the city lord's body, the expression on his face instantly became solemn.

"Show me that card!"

Lin Mo nodded and took out the card.

The old principal raised his hand, and a force of energy held up the card, letting it hang in front of him, constantly rising and falling.

You can see that the card is constantly emitting cold air, and waves of white frost are floating away, as if it will fly away at any time!

"Sure enough, it's an attribute card, extreme martial arts!" The old principal showed an excited look on his face and looked at Lin Mo: "You kid is really lucky. This thing can make you an extreme martial artist. Ice attribute energy and blood!

You have a flame sword on your body, which is of the fire attribute. If you combine the two, you can exert the power of the two attributes...

Even among extreme martial arts, you are the best among them! "

"Teacher, do you know how to fuse this attribute card?" Lin Mo said: "The attribute card can only be wrapped with the power of qi and blood. If you are not careful, you will freeze yourself into a popsicle. I want to have the power of qi and blood with the ice attribute. , but I don’t want to freeze into popsicles!”

Lin Mo had a helpless look on his face and spoke slowly.

"I have some notes here about fusion attribute cards. You can go back and take a look..." The old principal turned around and took out several thick notebooks from the bookshelf. They were all handwritten and recorded the fusion attribute cards. all processes.

"Some people have succeeded and some have failed. I believe it will be of great use to you!"

Lin Mo took those notes and flipped through them. The records above were very detailed and contained complete experiences!

He was extremely excited. This kind of thing is too precious. Without a master-student relationship, the old principal would probably not give it to him: "Thank you, teacher!"

"Go on, what happened to Sun Qian and the others? Are they alive or dead?" The old principal waved his hand and asked Lin Mo to continue.

Lin Mo then told the message he saw after killing the city lord.

"Did they stay in the abyss?" The old principal stood up from his chair, with a pensive look on his face: "The abyss is full of dangers, and if they stay in it, life or death is uncertain...

But if they can survive in the abyss, given the environment in the abyss, the speed at which their cultivation will improve will be terrifying!

Moreover, they are members of our Chinese army. If they can survive in the abyss, and one day they become strong enough, they may be able to make a great contribution to our attack on the abyss! "

"I hope they can live well!" Lin Mo said seriously. He really hoped that Sun Qian and the others were fine, and looked forward to seeing each other again in the future!

"Go back and take a look at these notes first. Also, you must always pay attention to the qi and blood in your body. If there is anything abnormal, you must tell me in advance!"

The old principal warned seriously: "What you said today is very important. I must report it to the superiors as soon as possible!"

The old principal signaled that Lin Mo could leave, and then directly picked up the phone next to the table.

Lin Mo was obviously not comfortable listening to the next content, so he stood up and left.

He went straight to the measurement room first. This time he gained a lot. He also wanted to know how much his blood value had increased.

Because of his special status, Lin Mo didn't need to queue at all and went directly to the VIP measurement room.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mo put his hands on the measuring instrument.


Looking at the numbers on the measuring instrument, Lin Mo had a smile on his face!

This is already the limit value of a ninth-grade warrior, and is just a little bit closer to reaching the realm of the King of Martial Arts!

"I didn't expect that I would gain so much this time. I am only 11 points away from King Wu. Once I become King Wu, it will be a completely different realm!

I am looking forward! "

Lin Mo's eyes were shining, he wished he could use the Qi and Blood Pill now to completely break through to the realm of the King of Martial Arts!

"It's better to study these notes first and see if we can fuse this card as soon as possible!"

Lin Mo left the measurement room and returned to his dormitory.

Because now Ye Qing has cooperated with the old principal and started researching new Qi and Blood Pills, so she has moved out and has her own residence in the school.

Lin Mo sat cross-legged on the bed alone, carefully studying the notes left by his predecessors.

"No way, when the fire attribute card is fused, it is likely to burn all the flesh and blood of the fused person. If it cannot be repaired in time, it is likely to die suddenly!"

"There are also cards with thunder and lightning attributes. When these things are fused, they directly consume vitality, so a large amount of medicinal materials need to be used to provide vitality..."

Lin Mo's eyes widened. Fortunately, he took a look at these notes. Otherwise, he might have a big problem during the fusion process.

In particular, ice attribute cards have environmental requirements when they are fused. It is best to fuse them in a simulated environment, and the surrounding temperature must be very low.

"The school has a simulation room, which is perfect for fusion. Fortunately, I have enough points, otherwise, I would be in trouble!"

Lin Mo took a look at his points and let out a long sigh of relief. His current points were enough for him to stay in the simulation room for half a month!

"To be on the safe side, it's better to get some money and redeem some points!" Lin Mo took out the weapon he brought back from the abyss.

There is no place to purchase weapons in the school, but he knows that there is an auction house in the capital that specializes in auctioning weapons.

"In order to ensure that the fusion goes smoothly, I think we need to buy some healing drugs, and even some life-extending drugs..." Lin Mo frowned, thinking silently in his mind.

He thought of Feng Xuan. When selling weapons, Lin Mo thought it would be better to take Feng Xuan with him!

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