Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 146: Fusion Ice Card!

"The harvest is really huge, a total of 400 million!"

On the way back, Feng Xuan kept talking with an excited smile on her face.

In fact, what excited him the most was that Lin Mo directly caused Jiang Xue to suffer a big loss.

As one of the most powerful families in the capital, the Jiang family and the Feng family are not in harmony. There is a lot of competition between the two families. Now that the Jiang family is suffering, Feng Xuan feels relieved!

"Thank you, senior, for what happened today. I need to retreat in the past few days. If senior, you have time, you can help me guard the retreat!" Lin Mo looked at Feng Xuan and said seriously.

Fusion of ice cards is a big deal. If you are not careful, you will fail. If you fail, you will probably die.

So when you are in retreat, someone needs to watch over you.

The person guarding the retreat must be absolutely trustworthy, because once the retreat is interrupted, it means failure.

"Leave it to me!" Feng Xuan patted her chest: "I'm sorry, does the old principal know that you are going to start the integration?"

"I don't know yet!" Lin Mo shook his head. He hadn't had time to tell the old principal yet.


Feng Xuan raised her hand and slapped Lin Mo on the head: "What are you thinking about all day long? If you don't tell your teacher about such a big thing, is there something wrong with your brain?"

The old principal has an unusual status. If I tell the old principal about this, someone will be able to tell the truth about what went wrong.

Lin Mo nodded, took out his cell phone and dialed the old principal's number.

On the phone, the old principal's voice was trembling: "Are you ready? Are you about to start?"


Lin Mo just responded with a firm and short word.

"I know!" the old principal replied in the same serious tone, and then the call was hung up.

"The teacher already knows, I'm going to start!" Back in the dormitory, Lin Mo placed the two herbs he got from the auction house in front of him.

The age of the old wild ginseng is a bit frightening. When it is placed there, a quiet fragrance is emitted, making people feel relaxed just by smelling it.

"What a good thing!!" Lin Mo sighed, then sat cross-legged on the bed. With a slight movement of his mind, a crystal clear card appeared in front of him.

The size of the card is the same as that of playing cards, and the thickness is only a few millimeters at most. The whole body is crystal clear, as if it is made of crystal.

Ice card!

Lin Mo's heart moved. The moment this thing was taken out, the entire surrounding environment seemed to have dropped a lot!

Lin Mo could feel his heartbeat speeding up, and he couldn't wait to start operating according to the method taught to him by the old principal.

Extreme martial arts is a process of adapting the attributes of one's own qi and blood into ice attributes. The whole process consists of two steps. The first step is to convert all the qi and blood in the body into ice attributes.

The second step is to imprint the ice attribute into the blood to ensure that all the qi and blood produced in the future contain the ice attribute.

Only when both steps are completed can one achieve the goal of transformation and become an extreme martial artist.

"China has not seen extreme martial arts for a long time, at least not among your age group!

Several monsters had tried before, but one of them was swept to ashes by the flames, and the other became a victim of the thunder. Thousands of thunder struck down and chopped the living people to death, leaving no bones left! " Lin Mo recalled what the old principal said in his mind.

"Just because so many geniuses have failed, it doesn't mean that I will fail. I am different after all!"

Lin Mo felt like hell in his heart to cheer himself up.


He roared silently, and the next moment, his whole body started boiling, as the power of Qi and blood was released without reservation, forming a barrier around his body.


Lin Mo roared angrily. At this moment, his body was surrounded by extremely rich energy and blood. With Lin Mo's low roar, his Dantian was roaring.


The ice card was shaking, and wisps of chill began to spread around!


Lin Mo heard a slight sound, and he could guess that it was the glass in the room that was cracked by the cold!

Spiritual perception, release!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and released his mental perception. Everything around him instantly became extremely clear, and any disturbance could be seen at a glance!

The power of qi and blood transpired, drowning all the cold air, and the power of qi and blood on Lin Mo's body seemed to be endless. The cold air released by Bing Ka was quickly divided up!

"No, the chill is not enough. If you don't release more powerful chill, I will speed up the fusion!" Lin Mo yelled.

Bingka is the most extreme condensation of ice in the world. It is infinitely cold. How could it be so humiliated!

At this moment, Bingka seemed to have his own consciousness, trembling again.


There was a cold wind blowing all around. What Lin Mo didn't expect was that Bingka directly changed the weather in Lin Mo's room, and a large piece of cold cloud directly enveloped the room.

Ice crystals began to appear and fall around Lin Mo's body. After just a few seconds, a layer of frost formed on Lin Mo's body. Lin Mo looked as if he was made of ice crystals!

"It's interesting, but that's not enough, the chill is still not enough!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face. The power of Qi and blood around his body was really changing its attributes, and the power of blood had changed.

Of course, this change does not affect a person's life genes, but it can affect his attributes and make the whole person evolve in a more extreme direction!

"More!" Lin Mo felt the changes in the power of qi and blood. Now the 90% of the power of qi and blood has been fused. After the fusion, the originally bright red power of qi and blood actually released a faint blue aura.

"Is that the limit of ice?" Feng Xuan stood in the distance, paying attention to the situation here.

Seeing the blue ice crystals around Lin Mo's body, a look of envy appeared on his face.

"It will be much more convenient to drink iced Coke in the summer from now on!" Feng Xuan couldn't help but say.

However, Lin Mo could not hear these words. Because he was worried that the entire fusion process would fail, Lin Mo temporarily closed his five senses and sensed the surroundings with his mental power.

"It's still a little bit short!" Lin Mo said again, the power of Qi and blood has not been completely transformed!

"It's not enough to waste time like this. Should the remaining unfused energy and blood be retained in the body?"

With Lin Mo's current strength, it is not important to think about such issues.

Because it can dissipate this mass of energy and blood in a single thought.

But Lin Mo didn't do that. Instead, he made his own deductions and guesses after trying seriously!

"The fusion of the power of qi and blood is not perfect. It should be because the previous layers have not been pressed. The power of qi and blood is still being generated continuously. These imperfections should be the newly generated qi and blood! It has not been transformed!

It should be possible to imprint the attribute information of the ice card on the physical body, and then the energy and blood power of the ice attribute will be generated! "

Lin Mo looked at Bingka in front of him with a solemn look on his face.


In the end, Lin Mo gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to stuff the ice card hanging in front of him into his stomach!


Almost at this moment, Lin Mo took a breath.

Because there was ice stuck in his body, this breath of cold air actually made Lin Mo feel a burning sensation!


The extremely cold breath spread all over Lin Mo's internal organs, and you could see ice crystals everywhere on Lin Mo's body.

His skin began to peel off, revealing the flesh and blood inside. What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the flesh and blood actually contained ice crystals!

"This ghost thing is too scary!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth. He could feel that the energy in his body was beginning to become disordered, and human intervention might be needed between them.

But Lin Mo knows very well that the most important thing now is to get through it. After that process, everything will disappear!

Lin Mo was gritting his teeth. This process was too painful and he could not completely integrate.

Because Lin Mo felt it, the ice card began to dissolve. Starting from his internal organs, the frost began to eat away at them bit by bit!

After all the internal organs have been eaten away, that's when Lin Mo will die!

"Damn it, I almost forgot the most important point!" Lin Mo's heart sank, and he suddenly thought of the martial arts skill he had just been able to get from Miss Yu'er, Xuan Bingjia!

"Ultimately, this is a process of converting the surrounding energy and blood into ice crystals. It involves the control of ice crystals, and it should be regarded as one of the abilities to control ice attributes...

Maybe I can try it now! "

Lin Mo thought in his heart, the other side has already started to try!

Contrary to Lin Mo's expectation, within the next three days, the freezing speed of ice crystals and internal organs slowed down.

Lin Mo's body was wet, it was the liquid after the ice crystals melted during the entire practice!

"It's almost successful..." Lin Mo had a smile on his face. Bingka had followed the passage in his body to his dantian and was hanging there.

At this moment, the card-sized ice card became only the size of an egg.

"The rest is when the real danger comes!"

Lin Mo's face showed a solemn look. Dantian is the mother sea of ​​qi and blood. All the power of qi and blood is born here and dissipates here!

It can be seen that there is a sea of ​​qi and blood in the Dantian, but this sea of ​​qi and blood is almost boiling at this moment, because an ice card the size of an egg is hanging there.

"It is necessary to melt the ice stuck on the sea of ​​dantian and have a certain impact!" The words of the old principal appeared in Lin Mo's mind.

Obviously, the old principal wanted to use this opportunity to teach the students a more vivid lesson.

"We martial arts cultivators seize the day and night!"

The next moment, Lin Mo's eyes were firm and he spoke loudly. He had made his choice.

The dissolving speed of Bingka is too slow. It is too difficult to imprint the information of Bingka in the body bit by bit!

But Lin Mo thought of a potentially useful way!

It's just that this method is too radical. If it fails, even if you don't die, you won't be able to take a step into the field of martial arts in the future!

But at this moment, Lin Mo's heart was determined. He wanted to complete his inner speculation and try!

"Explode!" Lin Mo's voice sounded in Dantian.

With a muffled bang, the ice card hanging over the Dantian Sea suddenly exploded!

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