Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 147: Fusion successful! Promoted to Martial King!


Endless pain centered on Dantian, rippling like ripples, spreading towards every corner of the body.

The cold was like a knife, cutting every inch of flesh and blood.

This painful feeling does not only come from the body, but also from the spirit!

The cold turned into a spiritual blade, cutting into Lin Mo's spirit. The pain seemed to shatter his mind!

A moment of severe pain caused Lin Mo's consciousness to instantly enter darkness. His eyes flickered and he almost fainted.

"wide awake!"

Lin Mo bit the tip of his tongue sharply, and his consciousness returned instantly.

Only then did he notice how bad his condition was.

Half of his flesh and blood was actually frozen, with looming ice crystals inside.

There were countless wounds on his body. Although no blood flowed out, there was a chill emanating from the wounds.

He looked inside and found that the blood in his meridians began to solidify, and a layer of ice crystals appeared above his heart!

"What a powerful force!"

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and absorbed the escaped energy and blood back into his body. At the same time, he was running the Thunder Breathing Technique, as if there were thousands of thunders rushing through his body!

In the room, countless energies began to fluctuate, and were transformed into the power of Qi and blood by the Thunder Breathing Technique, and then submerged into Lin Mo's body.

Soon, Lin Mo discovered the problem. The power of blood and qi that was not fused with the ice card was actually being repelled in the body. The collision of two different forces directly destroyed part of Lin Mo's meridians!

This is a very serious matter. If the meridians are destroyed, not only will the path of martial arts be affected, it may even hurt your life!

"Damn, the fused ice card is so dangerous!" Lin Mo opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood with ice residue.

Blood fell to the ground, the air was cold, and there was even frost spreading around.

"At least some of the blood in my body has been fused with the power of Bingka, which proves that my path is correct." Lin Mo was still thinking.

I have to say that he was shocked. At such a dangerous moment, he was still thinking seriously.


He took out the old wild ginseng beside him, pondered for a moment, then picked off a long ginseng tendril and put it into his mouth.

In an instant, a pure energy spread from the lips to the surrounding body.

The frozen frost actually started to melt!

"Good stuff, these five million dollars are so worth it!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face. The old wild ginseng could repair some of the meridians in his body in such a short period of time.

Taking advantage of this short period of time, Lin Mo mobilized the power of Qi and blood and began to try to imprint Bingka's mark on the meridians of the body.

This is a very painful process. He must disperse his mental power, part of which is imprinted with Bingka's mark, and the other part of which monitors the state of his body.

"it works!"

Soon, Lin Mo saw marks appearing in his body. They were special words that looked extremely profound.

They were shining like stars in Lin Mo's body, which were the marks of power.

Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face. The whole process was very long, but he was not in a hurry and was imprinting it little by little.

All the roots of the old wild ginseng were torn off by Lin Mo. The energy continued to extend in the body, and was eventually used by Lin Mo to brand Bingka's mark.

Soon, when nearly 90% of the marks were imprinted, they stopped again.

"What's going on? Why can't they all be imprinted and perfectly integrated?"

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Mo's face. The old wild ginseng and snow lotus had been eaten, and now he couldn't find anything else to replenish his energy.

"The power of qi and blood, the power of qi and blood fused with the ice card should be able to keep the mark on!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo began to mobilize the power of Qi and blood in his body, trying to continue to fuse those marks.

Countless energy and blood flow, but only a small part of the energy can fuse and brand the mark.

"Why is this happening... Is there any difference in the power of Qi and blood?" Lin Mo pondered, and soon he thought of a possibility.

The power of energy and blood comes from the city lord.

"Only the power of blood from the city lord can allow me to imprint those ice card marks into my body!"

This discovery made Lin Mo suddenly excited, and all his mental power was mobilized again. He was constantly peeling off and decomposing those powers.

Soon, a ball of energy and blood was gathered by Lin Mo and began to gather around the body.

With the addition of this energy and blood power, the speed of imprinting has been significantly increased!

It can be seen that within Lin Mo's body, countless star-like marks are flashing, and the traces left after the ice card exploded in the dantian have completely dissipated!

"Such pure energy, I feel that the power of qi and blood in my body is increasing! At the same time, the power of qi and blood seems to have been given a new attribute, this is ice attribute energy!"

Lin Mo felt the changes in his body, and a smile appeared on his face.

I have to say that this change is really amazing. Just an ice card has changed the properties of the power of energy and blood.

"And the mental power... seems to have improved to a higher level!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face. Improving mental power is much more difficult than improving the power of qi and blood, but now that he has absorbed the ice card, his mental power has also improved. Promoted!


At this moment, Lin Mo's body trembled, and another inexplicable force began to surge, and his body seemed to explode!

"King Wu!"

Lin Mo understood something instantly. He was thinking about King Wu's promotion!

He showed an excited look on his face. Once he became a martial king, his mental power might increase again.

He did not suppress this power, but let it wander in his body.

The power of blood and qi surged again, and Lin Mo smiled. The process of being promoted to martial king was much simpler than he thought. There was no blockage at all, and he stepped directly into that realm!

The next moment, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and his mental power began to change.

In the brain, where the spirit platform existed, a pool appeared, and the pool was filled with transparent liquid like crystal!

"Are all these energies transformed from mental power?" Lin Mo showed a surprised look on his face, and felt this power seriously.

After being promoted to martial king, his mental power did not increase directly, but changed sharply, forming something like liquid in his mind!

"Not much, but it must be amazing!" Lin Mo felt the mental fluctuations in the pool, and his face showed excitement.

"Something is wrong...what is that thing!"

At this time, Lin Mo felt something was wrong in the pool. It was a ball of black gas that kept swimming in the pool.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo felt a familiar breath in the gas!

"It's...that city lord!" Lin Mo was sweating all over. A ball of black gas with a monster's breath actually appeared in his mind!

This is too shocking and terrifying.

He tried to mobilize his mental power to wipe out the black gas, but it kept dodging, as if it really had its own consciousness!

After a long time, the black gas was still hidden there, and there was no sign of being wiped out!

"Damn it, it's not going to revive through my body!" Lin Mo's face showed a solemn look.

If this is true, then the problem is serious.

After many attempts, the black gas still exists in his mind.

He is like stubborn psoriasis, which is very annoying.

"It seems that the teacher needs to take action. This ball of black air in my body is definitely a disaster!" Lin Mo opened his eyes and stopped trying.

At this time, he saw that his clothes had become tattered and even had water stains flowing.

"This is the water produced after the frost melted!" Lin Mo made a judgment.

Then, a smile appeared on his face and he looked at his hands: "Finally, I have become a martial king... Tiger Fist!"

He shouted and made a move directly, performing the Tiger Fist.


A tiger roar shook the earth, Lin Mo's fist wind roared, and a tiger ran out and rushed towards the wall!


With a loud bang, a hole the size of a head appeared on the wall!


Lin Mo was shocked. It was obviously just a mark condensed by the power of qi and blood. How could it be like a real tiger in the end, leaving such a deep mark on the wall!

"What's going on! What's going on!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and Feng Xuan, who was covered in dust, walked in cursing.

He looked Lin Mo up and down, then looked around: "No enemy attack, right? What happened just now?"

"Holding my fists, I tried to see if my strength has improved..." Lin Mo's face was full of apologies. Looking at Feng Xuan's embarrassed look, he felt funny in his heart.

"Do you have a conscience? I was kind enough to guard the gate for you, but you punched me and almost buried me!

Are you a bit too much!"

Feng Xuan complained, it was too bullying.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry!" Lin Mo apologized sincerely, but he really didn't expect Feng Xuan to squat in the corner to help him guard the gate, and he didn't expect that the punch was so coincidental that it directly hit the wall where he was squatting.

Feng Xuan rolled his eyes at Lin Mo, and the next moment, he was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to remember something.

"No, I was so angry at you that I almost forgot to ask... Did you succeed in the fusion?"

Lin Mo nodded and said, "I succeeded by luck, I almost died!"

"Oh my god! You actually succeeded! Do you know what the success rate of fusing such extreme attribute cards is?

It's too low. You actually succeeded. If this gets out, it will definitely shock a lot of people!"

Feng Xuan walked back and forth with excitement on his face.

"The student union selection will be in a few days. You will definitely scare them all by then!

Also, you have to work hard in the school competition in a month, and strive to get a better ranking for the school!"

"School competition?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. He knew about the student union selection and had promised Feng Xuan at the beginning, but he was not very clear about the school competition.

"Before the Chinese New Year every year, all martial arts universities in China hold an exchange meeting to let all students understand the gap between each other and let them know what it means that there are always people better than you!

Of course, at that time, not only schools will participate, but also some martial arts families will participate. They are all families that started practicing martial arts when martial arts first emerged a hundred years ago. They have a deep foundation and many of the disciples they have trained have surpassed the strong men in our school!

This year, it is said that a descendant of the Huo family has directly practiced the Huo family's Mysterious Fist to the master level, and his personal strength has reached the seventh-grade martial king level!

With perfect proficiency, coupled with the strength of the seventh-grade Martial King, the average seventh-grade Martial King is no match for him!

There is also the Huang family. It is said that there is also a strong man who has perfected the shadowless kick. I don’t know what level he is in, but it is said that he has the title of the best young man in Guangcheng..."

Feng Xuan was introducing those strong men to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo listened carefully, and the look on his face became more and more serious.

Among these strong men, there are also extreme martial arts cultivators!

"By the way, what state are you in now! Are you already King of Martial Arts?" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo with a questioning look on his face.

"He should be the King of Martial Arts already, and he's about to take a test!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!" Feng Xuan pulled Lin Mo and rushed outside: "You may be the youngest Martial King in our Huaxia Military Academy!"

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