Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 148 The youngest Martial King!

Huaxia Military University, inside the measurement room.

"You are so rich that you can use the VIP room!" Feng Xuan followed Lin Mo into the measurement room with an envious look on her face.

"You are not a VIP?" Lin Mo turned around and looked at the student who was known as the top senior, with a surprised look on his face.

"Do you think the VIP status is so easy to get? Do you know how harsh the conditions are... And you have to be in the eyes of the person in charge of the measurement room. He has been in charge of the measurement room for so many years, and he has seen all kinds of geniuses. As far as I know, you are the only student who has VIP qualifications in the past ten years...

And you are a freshman!"

Feng Xuan had a look of envy and jealousy on his face. It was so uncomfortable to be crushed by a freshman.

"It's okay, I will take you to broaden your horizons today!" Lin Mo shook his student ID card proudly and swiped the card to enter the measurement room.

"No need to queue, good privacy, and can measure multiple data at once..." Feng Xuan looked at the measurement room, and the envy on her face became stronger.

"Do you want to try your strength?" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Feng Xuan nodded and put her hand on the measuring instrument.


"Seventh-grade martial king, there are only a few hundred points of blood and qi value away from the eighth-grade martial king. It seems that you will be promoted to the eighth grade in a month at most!" Lin Mo finally showed an envious look on his face.

"Promote to the eighth grade in a month? Are you kidding me? Do you know how difficult it is to improve the blood and qi value..." Feng Xuan suddenly closed his mouth and stared at Lin Mo.

"How difficult is it?" Lin Mo looked at Feng Xuan with curiosity.

Feng Xuan sighed, raised his hand and slapped himself: "It's okay, you think I didn't say anything."

Feng Xuan felt that he was an idiot. He actually said that it was difficult to improve the blood and qi value in front of Lin Mo. You know, Lin Mo, this kid, was promoted from a first-grade warrior to a martial king in just over two months.

How many people in the whole school can find such a speed of blood and qi value improvement?

"You'd better measure the blood and qi value quickly!" Feng Xuan didn't want to waste too much time on this matter. It would be tears if he said too much!

Lin Mo nodded and put his hand on the measuring instrument.

He took a deep breath and waited for the final measurement result.


The measuring screen was dotted with light, and finally a number appeared.


"I... Oh my! Is there something wrong with my eyes?"

Feng Xuan looked at the string of numbers, widened his eyes, and even raised his hands and rubbed his eyes fiercely.

First-class martial king!

Lin Mo was also shocked when he looked at the string of numbers. He originally thought that his blood value was at most a little over a thousand.

Who would have thought that it reached more than one thousand two hundred!

"If I work harder, maybe in a month, I will be a second-grade martial king!" Lin Mo murmured. He still has more than 300 million in cash on hand. If all of it is used to buy Qi and Blood Pills...

"Do you want to listen to what you are talking about? You want to increase your Qi and Blood value by more than 700 points in a month? Is it possible? Is it possible? If you really succeed, how can we seniors live?"

Feng Xuan almost cried. When he faced the city lord in the abyss, his mood was not so bad!

"Okay, you have become a martial king, and your mental power should be further improved. You are also a Qi Master, and your mental power should be much higher than those third-grade martial kings!

Test it and see!"

Feng Xuan said with a smug smile on his face: "To be honest, although I am not a Qi Master, my mental power is not weak. Now I have reached the peak of the second grade..."

Peak of the second grade?

Lin Mo silently calculated: "That's about 900 mental power, it's really amazing!!"

Feng Xuan nodded proudly: "Of course, but if you are not as high as me, don't feel bad, after all, you are a mind master, after the level is up, you can catch up with my mental power in the shortest time..."

Halfway through the words, I saw Lin Mo adjust the value of the mental meter to 1,000.

"One thousand, you are crazy, that's the threshold of the third grade, you have just entered the realm of martial king, even if it is..."


Before Feng Xuan finished speaking, he felt a strong mental power sweeping over, and in just a moment, his head was dizzy.

Just when he thought his head was going to explode, Lin Mo's figure blocked him: "Sorry, it affected you...

How about you stay away a little bit?"

With Lin Mo standing in front of him, Feng Xuan's mental power was much smaller. He gasped, glanced at Lin Mo, and then walked silently to the corner of the private room.

He looked extremely embarrassed, because the mental shock at that moment was too great, and his black hair was messed up.

Feng Xuan stood in the corner, silently looking at Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo had raised the value of the measuring instrument to 1,500.

Above this value, the impact of mental power was almost materialized, a kind of faint white light.

Those lights were flickering, making Lin Mo look like a giant standing in the light and shadow from behind!

"Perhaps, in the future, only people like you can become the backbone of this world!"

Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo's back and spoke silently.

Lin Mo, who was in the midst of a mental shock, naturally couldn't hear Feng Xuan's words. He was seriously feeling the power and judging his own strength.

"not enough……"

Lin Mo raised the value to two thousand.


This time, the light caused by the mental shock became blazing, covering Lin Mo's body like a ball of white light.

Lin Mo was in the midst of the impact, as if his head was about to explode.

But he gritted his teeth and resisted silently.


At this moment, the black energy originally hidden in the spiritual pool in his mind emerged silently, and together with the spiritual shock, it was about to wash away Lin Mo's brain!

"Damn it, are you going to kill me at this time?" Lin Mo gritted his teeth. As expected, this black energy had its own consciousness and actually seized this opportunity to attack Lin Mo.

In just a few breaths, Lin Mo felt that his brain had entered a brief blank.


At the critical moment, part of Lin Mo's mental power recovered, and Lin Mo's spiritual will echoed throughout his mind.


Around the pool of spirit, countless crystal clear marks emerged, and then a chill surged, directly shrouding the black energy in it!

The cage made of coldness was unbreakable. This mass of consciousness kept attacking the surroundings inside, but found that it could not be broken through at all.

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, but he didn't expect that it would be a blessing in disguise in the end, and he would catch this black air.

The black energy inside the spiritual pool is not easy to remove. Fortunately, Lin Mo's storage space is also in his mind.

So with a slight movement of thought, Lin Mo held the black energy wrapped in spiritual power in his hand.

At this time, Lin Mo stopped the measuring instrument and looked at the black gas in his hand, with a cold look on his face.

"What is this?" Feng Xuan came forward and looked at the black energy in Lin Mo's hand, with a puzzled look on her face.

"After killing the city lord in the far distance, its spiritual will entered my mind. Just when I was testing it, it suddenly appeared and wanted to control my brain and will, but I finally caught it!"

Lin Mo was also frightened for a while. It was really dangerous just now. If it hadn't been for the fusion of the ice card, he might have become the puppet of the octopus now.

Hearing Lin Mo's explanation, Feng Xuan was also frightened. If Lin Mo made any mistake, it would be a huge loss to the entire school and even China.

"No, this matter must be told to the teacher as soon as possible!" Feng Xuan said: "After all, you are the youngest King of Martial Arts since the establishment of our school... a King of Martial Arts who is less than nineteen years old!

How many have there been throughout the ages?

I don’t think many people can surpass you in the future! "

Feng Xuan had a sincere smile on his face. He was really proud of Lin Mo.

There was no doubt that Feng Xuan was sincere. She pulled Lin Mo and walked outside.

Lin Mo quickly put away the black energy, and then glanced regretfully at the instrument measuring attack power behind him.

He originally planned to see how much his martial arts had improved, but now it seemed that he had no chance.

The two of them were stunned when they rushed out of the measurement room, because there were actually people surrounding them outside.

"Senior Feng, we just heard your voice. What did you say about the youngest Martial King in the history of the Chinese military? Who is it? Do you mean Lin Mo?"

Someone raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Who do you think you are?" Feng Xuan glared at them: "If you don't believe me, come up and compare!"

Hearing Feng Xuan's words, the student quickly shook his head and took a few steps back.

Feng Xuan snorted coldly and led Lin Mo through the crowd.

"How about we give it a try?" a voice sounded, and not far away, several students slowly walked over.

Lin Mo had some impressions of them. When he first arrived at school, there was a conflict.

"Three fourth-grade Martial Kings want to unite to bully Lin Mo, right?

You don’t really think that if you join forces, you will be Lin Mo’s opponent, right? "Feng Xuan looked at them with disdain.

"Since you are the youngest Martial King in history, you must show us your strength. Otherwise, you may not be able to convince the public with the title of being the first!" The leader said with a faint smile.

But his tone was so sinister that Lin Mo felt disgusted.

"You all come together!" Lin Mo said lightly, taking a step towards them at the same time.

"How crazy! You are so arrogant just after entering the Martial King realm. You really think we are idiots!

Brothers, let's take action together and teach him a lesson! "

This man had a cold look on his face, beckoning the remaining three people to take action with him.


The moment the four of them rushed towards Lin Mo, his body suddenly jumped up high, and then he stomped hard on the ground!

Eagle steps!

Lin Mo performed this martial art, and the moment his feet landed on the ground, the power of Qi and blood surged around.

The frost seemed to be alive and began to spread densely in all directions.

In the end, the spreading frost pounced directly on the four of them!


In the blink of an eye, frost formed on the four people's bodies, and at the same time they turned into solid ice cubes in the shortest possible time!

thump! thump……

Four muffled sounds were heard, and the four figures that had just rushed towards Lin Mo hit the ground directly.

Fortunately, they were not completely frozen, but there was a thick layer of ice on their bodies. The moment they landed, the ice cubes shattered.

"Let's go!" Lin Mo didn't even look at them. He stood at the door and waved to Feng Xuan.

"Ah! Right! Let's go!" Feng Xuan came to her senses at this time and hurriedly followed.

The two walked towards the courtyard where the old principal was, one in front and one behind.

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