Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 149 You are so lucky!

"I...what did I see?"

"Did Lin Mo just attack?"

"He did, but it was too exaggerated. He only used one move?"

"In less than three seconds, four martial kings were killed instantly!"


Everyone looked at the four martial kings lying on the ground with shocked expressions on their faces.

In his first battle as a martial king, Lin Mo showed extraordinary fighting power and achieved brilliant results!

On the other side, Lin Mo and Feng Xuan were already standing at the gate of the old principal's yard.

"Teacher, I'm here to see you!" Lin Mo raised his hand and knocked on the door, shouting at the same time.


The door was opened and a figure walked out.

"Master's wife, is the teacher here?" Lin Mo looked at the figure inside and spoke respectfully.

"You must be Xiao Mo, the old man often mentioned you to me, please come in!" The old woman smiled and invited Lin Mo and Feng Xuan in.

The two bought gifts on the way, and put them on the stone table after entering the yard: "Teacher's wife, these are some small things I bought on the way, you and the teacher don't mind!"

The old woman smiled and said: "You are here, and you bring things. Okay, you two hurry up!"

After thanking, the two entered the house.

"On the second floor!"

The old woman's voice came from the door, and the two walked up the stairs to the second floor.

As soon as he entered the second floor, Lin Mo heard the sound of reading ancient texts. Following the sound, the two soon came to the door of the study.


"Come in!" Lin Mo just opened his mouth, and the old principal's voice sounded.

The two pushed the door open and were stunned by what they saw.

The entire study area is only about ten square meters, but nearly eight square meters of it are bookshelves, and the shelves are full of books, some of which are old books.

The old principal was sitting on a small stool at the moment, holding an ancient book in his hand and studying it carefully. After hearing the sound of the two people entering the door, he still finished reading the last paragraph before putting the book at his feet.

"Is the fusion successful?" The old principal glanced at Lin Mo, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and he stood up from the stool, pulling Lin Mo's arm and looking up and down for a few times.

"Not bad, good! Very good!"

The smile on the old principal's face became brighter and brighter, and one hand kept patting Lin Mo's shoulder while laughing up to the sky.

"The degree of fusion is infinitely close to 100%, which is amazing! You can be called a true extreme martial artist!"

The old principal gave his own judgment.

Lin Mo also smiled and nodded.

"Your mental power has also improved a lot. I feel that your whole temperament has changed!" The old principal quickly calmed down and asked casually.

"Just two thousand..."

"What?! Two thousand?" The old principal was quite calm at first, but after hearing Lin Mo's answer, he was stunned again.

He looked at Lin Mo from head to toe as if he was meeting him for the first time: "It's really amazing, Lin Mo, Lin Mo, it may be my honor to be your teacher!"

Lin Mo just laughed and didn't respond.

"Tell me, since the fusion is successful, what's the matter with coming to me? Is there any trouble that needs to be settled by the teacher?"

The old principal looked like he saw through everything, lying on the recliner, smiling lightly and speaking.

"Teacher, look at what this is!" Lin Mo took out the black gas and placed it in front of the old principal.

The old principal's emotions had just calmed down, but when he saw the black gas, he became excited again.

"This... where did you get this thing?!" The old principal widened his eyes and snatched the black gas directly.

In an instant, the old principal's aura changed!

The blood and qi began to flow along his body. He held the black gas with his left hand, and the blood and qi were inhaled and exhaled by the fingertips of his right hand, cutting the mental power around the black gas like a sharp blade.

Lin Mo wanted to open his mouth to remind him, worried that the black gas would escape again after cutting the fences.

But considering the strength of the old principal, he finally shut his mouth honestly.


The old principal must have been fully confident when he took action, and his strength was naturally different from Lin Mo's.

Sure enough, after the mental barrier was cut, the black gas rushed out quickly.

"Want to leave? Do you think I'm a decoration?" The old principal chuckled, and the blood power at his fingertips swallowed and spit out, imprisoning the black gas.

His eyes flashed, and a spiritual power surged out, covering the black gas.

The black breath was like a frightened deer, constantly colliding in the confinement formed by the blood.

"Be quiet..." The old principal spoke, and at the same time his spiritual power was shaking, and the black gas actually quieted down and stopped colliding around.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan almost dared not breathe, staring at this scene nervously.

They all knew that the old principal was using his spiritual power to explore the black gas at this moment.

"Your luck... is too good!"

After a long while, the old principal let out a long breath, looked at Lin Mo, and spoke slowly.

"What?" Lin Mo was stunned, staring at the old principal blankly.

"I said your luck is too good! You can get such a thing!" The old principal's face was full of admiration.

This admiration made Lin Mo and Feng Xuan even more confused.

Especially Lin Mo, because of this black air, he almost lost his life.

How can this be a good thing?

"Teacher, what on earth is this?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

"Essence!" The old principal said: "You should know that after some monsters die, there will be a demon pill left. That is the essence of the monster's blood, and the essence is the essence of the spirit!

The demon pill can give weapons special properties, and the essence can give weapons spirits!"

"Let the weapon have life!" Lin Mo explained his meaning in the shortest sentence.

"Let the weapon have life!" Feng Xuan also showed a shocked look on his face.

They thought of a saying that most of the weapons in this world stay below the ninth grade of the earth level, and there are very few weapons above the heaven level.

The reason for this is that most of the weapons above the heaven level have a trace of intelligence and give birth to spirits.

But how easy is it to give birth to spirits?

With this ball of black air, the weapon will naturally have a spirit... Does this mean that this weapon has become a heavenly weapon?

"It seems that you all understand!" The old principal nodded with a smile: "I really don't know what to say to you. After entering the abyss, you not only became an extreme martial artist, but also possessed the essence that can forge a heavenly weapon!

Your luck is really invincible. I am really envious and sad!"

The old principal had a smile on his face, imprisoned the black gas again, and then handed it to Lin Mo.

"When you have a good weapon, then give the essence to that weapon and make it a heavenly weapon!"

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