Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 15: Open the martial arts arena!

Lin Ya looked at Lin Mo in fear, her eyes full of fear.

This was the first time she saw Lin Mo showing such an expression, like an angry lion, exuding murderous intent.

"You...why are you so mean!" Lin Ya quickly reacted, adjusted her emotions, and glared at Lin Mo: "Did you offend Li Wei from your class? Do you know that dad is at Li's house?" working on the construction site.

The trouble you caused yourself is now being blamed on Dad! "

"Okay, stop talking!" Lin Dayong glared at Lin Ya: "The work on the construction site is too tiring, it doesn't matter if I get fired, I just have two days of rest.

You two, go back to your house and practice! "

Lin Mo glanced at him, nodded heavily, and returned to his room.

"Li Wei!" When he returned to the room, Lin Mo's eyes instantly turned cold: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

Lin Mo suppressed the anger in his heart, took out a Qi and Blood Pill from his school bag, and swallowed it directly.

With the previous experience, Lin Mo lay directly on the bed and fell asleep.

Game loading...

Three copies of "Goblin Country", "Cat Monster Forest" and "Martial Arts Arena" appeared in front of Lin Mo again.

The difference from the previous time is that this time the martial arts field has been activated.

Lin Mo immediately chose the martial arts arena and entered the dungeon.

At this moment, Lin Mo was in a huge space. He was standing on a ring, and the martial skill "Diamond Finger" appeared in front of his eyes.

After choosing the Diamond Finger, a Goblin Lord wearing a crown appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo used Diamond Finger according to the method he learned and attacked the Goblin Lord.

Along with a scream, green blood stains appeared on the Goblin Lord's body.

At the same time, Lin Mo saw the damage analysis of this blow and some errors when performing martial arts.

"The way the energy and blood circulate is wrong, and when the martial arts was just performed, the angle was also wrong...the correct method of execution should be..."

Lin Mo read the text above, with an excited look on his face.

"The martial arts arena actually has this function. According to the description above, I will definitely be able to improve the proficiency of the Diamond Finger in a very short period of time!"

According to the above description, Lin Mo activated the Diamond Finger again.

"The damage has been doubled!"

After one blow, Lin Mo couldn't help but get excited when he saw the data analysis reappearing in front of him.

At the same time, the disadvantages of this attack are still given above.

In the following time, Lin Mo used Diamond Finger over and over again, modifying the way of performing martial arts based on the above corrections over and over again.

"Diamond Finger!"

Lin Mo roared angrily, and along with the sound of breaking wind, Lin Mo's fingertips seemed to be wrapped in a layer of golden light!


The fingers directly pierced the Goblin Lord's head, and with a scream, the Goblin Lord fell directly to the ground.

"The current damage value is three times that of the original!" Lin Mo looked at the damage analysis in front of him excitedly. At the same time, he noticed that his proficiency in this martial arts was also given on the side.

"Advanced!" Lin Mo was startled: "After just a moment, my proficiency has already reached the advanced level!

It took Yu Qiang and the others ten days to reach the intermediate level, but it only took me a while to reach the advanced level!

Incredible! It’s incredible!

With the existence of the martial arts performance field, I can improve my proficiency in any martial arts in a very short period of time! "

Just when Lin Mo was so excited, everything in front of him became blurry.

Lin Mo opened his eyes and glanced at the time. It was already early morning.

"The blood value has not increased, but the proficiency of the Diamond Finger has reached an advanced level..." Lin Mo used the Diamond Finger again in the room.

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and just like in the dream, his fingers were wrapped in a layer of golden light.

"With my health value of 4.1 and the proficiency of Diamond Finger reaching an advanced level, if I face Feng Fei again, I am confident that I will kill him with one strike!"

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with confidence. After pondering for a moment, he walked towards the closet.

He changed into black clothes, took out a black mask and put it on his face.

Opening the window, Lin Mo jumped down!

The Lin family lives on the fourth floor. With Lin Mo's current physical condition, such a height is like child's play.

In the night, Lin Mo, dressed in black, ran towards the Li family's construction site.

In order to speed up the construction progress, construction will continue on the construction site even at night.

Lin Mo ran all the way and entered the construction site.

The entire construction site was in full swing, and the resonance of various machines was deafening.

"Come on, brother Lei, I toast you with this drink! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been commended by Mr. Li!"

Not far from the construction site, several figures were sitting around a broken wooden table.

The speaker was a young man, who was currently raising a glass to another middle-aged man.

"You seized the opportunity yourself." Brother Lei drank the wine in his glass in one gulp and said with a smile: "You guys all follow me and work hard. I guarantee that you will enjoy the hot drink!"

"That's necessary!" A group of people responded with a smile.

"Brother Lei, you said that if we beat Lin Dayong like that, if he reported it to the Public Security Bureau..." A young man couldn't help but speak.


"Are you stupid?" Brother Lei raised his hand and slapped him on the head: "With the support of the Li family, let alone beating him, even if he is killed, he deserves it!"

Lin Mo stood not far away, listening quietly, with anger in his eyes.

There was no doubt that it was these people who attacked his father.

That brother Lei exuded a strong blood and qi power, but he should not have reached the realm of a first-grade warrior.

As for the young men around Brother Lei, they had blood and qi of about 1.5 at most.

After judging the strength of several people, Lin Mo walked towards them step by step.

"Hehe, Brother Lei, I heard that Lin Dayong has a daughter who looks good. What do you think if I get her to Mr. Li's bed..." One of the young men suddenly looked at Brother Lei with a wicked smile on his face.

"You are good!" Brother Lei also smiled: "If this thing is done, I will follow you in the future..."

Halfway through the conversation, Brother Lei suddenly noticed Lin Mo walking towards them.

"Who are you?" Brother Lei's face sank, and he clearly felt that Lin Mo was not a good person.

Lin Mo did not respond, but accelerated suddenly and rushed towards the young man who had just spoken.

"You..." Seeing Lin Mo rushing over, the young man's face changed slightly. Just as he finished speaking, he saw a fist hit him.


With a muffled sound, the young man felt that the whole world was spinning, and the whole person fell to the ground.

But Lin Mo did not give him a chance to fall, but held his collar with one hand and slapped him in the face with the other hand.

"Who do you think you are! Touch my family?"

Lin Mo was like an angry lion, slapping the young man in the face one after another.

After a while, the young man's face was swollen like a pig's head, and the whole person had fainted.

Lin Mo casually shook it off and looked at Brother Lei with a gloomy look.

"Brother, I don't know where I have offended you?" Brother Lei was shocked by Lin Mo's momentum, and clasped his fists to Lin Mo and said: "Why don't you sit down and have a drink, we can talk it out?"

"Talk it out?" Lin Mo flipped the table casually: "Talk about your mother!"

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