With a bang, the mess on the table was all over the place.

Brother Lei was the first to be hit, and was splashed with soup and wine.

"Boy, are you looking for death?" Brother Lei's face was gloomy: "I, Shi Lei, have been in this area for so many years, and I haven't been in this area for nothing!

Come on! Beat him to death, I will take responsibility if he kills me!"

Shi Lei waved his hands, and the young men around him immediately rushed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo picked up a bench leg and smashed it on the legs of the young man on the left with a bang.

The young man fell down and was kicked aside by Lin Mo.

At the same time, the other three young men had already swung wooden sticks at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo ducked to avoid it, and at the same time swept his right leg across the ground.

The young men only had about 2.0 Qi and blood at most. With Lin Mo's current strength, it was effortless to deal with them.

After a few muffled sounds, only Shi Lei was left standing there.

"You are so young, but your blood and qi are not low!" Shi Lei looked at Lin Mo calmly: "But you are not my opponent yet."

After the words fell, the blood and qi power on Shi Lei's body slowly evaporated, and his momentum was completely above Lin Mo.

"At least 6 blood and qi!" Feeling this blood and qi power, Lin Mo quickly made a judgment in his heart.

"Boy, I'll give you a chance..." Shi Lei pointed to the soup on his feet: "Lick it clean, and I can spare your life."


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and Lin Mo threw the bench leg in his hand in response.


Shi Lei punched the bench leg, breaking the thick wooden stick, and snorted coldly, and rushed towards Lin Mo!


Shi Lei's eyes were cold, and he punched Lin Mo in the face.


Lin Mo raised his hands to resist, and his fists and palms met, and a muffled sound came out.

Step! Step! Step!

Lin Mo took three steps back in succession, and felt a sharp pain in his arms.

"Hey, kid, you have so little blood and energy... I'm afraid it's not enough!" Shi Lei chuckled with a playful expression on his face.

Lin Mo's face was serious. He was at a disadvantage in the previous attack... The difference in blood and energy between the two was not small!

"But I may not lose!" Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he rushed forward.

"Come on!" Shi Lei sneered, and a layer of blood and energy wrapped around his fist.

"Stone-breaking Fist!"

Martial arts!

Shi Lei directly used martial arts, and his fist speed suddenly increased by one time, and smashed towards Lin Mo!

The increase in fist speed brought about a doubling of strength. If this punch really hit the body, it would be either death or injury!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Lin Mo shouted coldly, and took out the iron rod with his right hand behind his back and smashed it against his fist!


The iron rod made a crisp sound, and Shi Lei's screams rang at the same time.

"You..." Shi Lei retreated in succession, staring at the iron rod in Lin Mo's hand in shock.

"Yellow-level weapon!" After realizing what Lin Mo was holding, a greedy look appeared on his face again: "Boy, you're dead!"

His right hand was broken by Lin Mo, but Shi Lei didn't care anymore.

As long as he solved Lin Mo, he could get a yellow-level weapon, which was worth it!

Thinking of this, Shi Lei exhaled a breath of turbid air and mobilized the blood in his body again.

"Boy, I wanted to spare your life, but now I have changed my mind..." Shi Lei licked his lips, and then rushed towards Lin Mo again.

When he was about one meter away from Lin Mo, he jumped high and stepped on Lin Mo!

"Eagle step!"

Shi Lei roared, and with the weight of the whole person plus the blessing of martial arts, an unprecedented sense of crisis attacked Lin Mo!


Lin Mo still swung the iron rod, but the huge force came, and his whole person was also pressed by this foot, almost half kneeling on the ground.

"My shoes are specially made to match the Eagle Step!" Shi Lei chuckled.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed that Shi Lei's soles were made of metal. Although they could not reach the Yellow Rank, they were also extremely hard!

"Go to hell!" Shi Lei shouted coldly, and his feet on the iron rod lightly tapped again, and the whole person jumped high again!

He performed the Eagle Step again!

Lin Mo held the iron rod with both hands. The impact just now had cracked his knuckles. If it happened again, his hands might be crippled!

However, it was not easy to dodge this blow!

"I still have a chance!" Lin Mo's eyes were firm, and he put the iron rod away directly.

"Vajra Finger!"

Lin Mo roared, and a layer of golden blood and energy wrapped on the two fingers of his right hand, and pointed at Shi Lei's feet!


With a crisp sound, the solid metal was pierced by Lin Mo's two fingers!


Shi Lei fell to the ground, hunched over like a shrimp, holding his right leg.

Lin Mo's fingers were already stained with blood. The blow just now shattered not only Shi Lei's shoes, but also the entire leg bone of his right leg!

The Vajra Finger under advanced mastery is so terrifying!

Lin Mo looked at Shi Lei lying on the ground, and was shocked.

Concentrating his mind, Lin Mo walked towards Shi Lei with the iron rod.

"You... what are you going to do?!" Shi Lei looked into Lin Mo's eyes, and a look of panic appeared on his face: "You can't kill me, I'm from the Li family... ah!"

Lin Mo swung the iron rod and hit his sitting leg, then put it away and nodded with satisfaction.

He squatted down, fumbled around Shi Lei's body for a while, and took out a wallet.

"Brother Lei is so powerful, he actually carries so much money with him!" Lin Mo counted and found that there were more than 20,000 yuan in his wallet.

He took out the cash, put it in his pocket, and then turned around and stalked several other young people for a while.

In the end, a total of more than 50,000 yuan was collected.

"This money should be considered as medical expenses." Lin Mo packed up the cash and raised his hand to pat Shi Lei's face: "I am very interested in the martial arts you just used..."

Lin Mo waved the iron rod in his hand: "I want to learn, Brother Lei should be happy to teach me..."

Shi Lei looked at the iron rod in fear, and finally reluctantly handed over the two martial arts skills to Lin Mo.

After obtaining the martial arts skills of Gravel Palm and Eagle Step, Lin Mo patted Shi Lei's face with satisfaction: "Tell that to Li, I will destroy him sooner or later!"

After that, he walked away.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Lin Mo returned to the room along the drainage pipe.

"Although I won this battle, a large part of it was because my proficiency with Diamond Finger has reached an advanced level!"

Lin Mo sat cross-legged on the bed, silently recalling the gains and losses of this battle.

"We must make good use of the martial arts field. It is very important to improve the proficiency of martial arts!"

"My strength is still too low. If it weren't for good luck, I might have died today!"

"However, the harvest is not bad, an extra fifty thousand yuan!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and planned to find time to hand over the money to his father tomorrow.

After packing up his clothes, Lin Mo took out another Qi and Blood Pill from his schoolbag and swallowed it without looking at it!

Game loading...

This time, Lin Mo chose the Cat Demon Forest.

The scene from the last dungeon quickly appeared in front of him. Under the gloomy sky, Lin Mo had a stone door flashing with red light in front of his eyes.

Lin Mo moved his hands and feet and walked in directly.


A shrill meow sounded, and not far away, a cat demon exuding lilac miasma was staring at him with khaki eyes!

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