Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 151 The first young man? Pah!

Yue Xingyu was dressed in a black trench coat, with black hair flowing down to his shoulders, and an impeccably handsome face.

He stood quietly in front of Lin Mo, with a very pale look on his face, and even some emptiness in his eyes.

It was as if there was no room for anyone else in his world except himself.

Or maybe Lin Mo couldn't get into his eyes from beginning to end.

"Are you here to avenge your unfulfilled brother?" Lin Mo chuckled. Instead of shaking hands with him, he took a step forward, further shortening the distance between the two.

At this moment, the two of them were almost face to face, especially their noses. Because the distance was so close, they might touch each other if they turned their heads at least slightly.

The most important thing is that when Lin Mo breathes, the air in his nasal cavity will spray on his face.

Yue Xingyu took a step back calmly, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo finally changed... and there was a hint of disgust.

Lin Mo only thought it was funny when he saw this scene. Yue Xingyun wanted to use this method to make Lin Mo feel oppressive, but who would have thought that Lin Mo would use the same method to directly destroy Yue Xingyun's carefully designed scene. , and even directly suppressed him.

"He himself failed. Originally, I had no interest in revenge. But in the abyss, I found that the city lord was dead and everything in the treasure house had been moved away. I want to know if those things are among your In hand?

If it is in your hands, hand it over to me immediately, and I will spare your life, and I will not hold you accountable for my brother's matter! "

Yue Xingyu's expression was cold and he spoke slowly, as if he had made such a merciful decision.

"Sorry, if you want those things, you may have to ask Jiang Xue for them. After all, I auctioned off all those things last night! The one who spent the most money among the buyers was Jiang Xue!" Lin Mo pointed at the things in the distance. Jiang Xue smiled softly and spoke.


Jiang Xue was already very depressed after being beaten, but now after hearing these words, she became even more depressed. She simply looked up to the sky and spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and then completely fainted.

"You should know very well what I want!" Yue Xingyu said calmly: "You killed the city lord. According to past experience, killing the city lord will inevitably drop some extremely precious materials or even weapons.

Give me what the lord dropped and I will spare your life! "

"Things dropped by the city lord? What city lord?"

"You don't even know that the city lord is the lord of a city in the abyss...could it be said that the last time Lin Mo and the others entered the abyss, they actually killed the city lord?!"

"How does Yue Xingyu know that after killing the city lord, good things will drop?"

"With the strength and status of the Yue family, they have naturally killed the city lord, so they must have encountered corresponding situations. This is the rule they have concluded..."

After Yue Xingyu finished speaking, there was a burst of discussion all around.

Lin Mo stood there, although he was listening to their words, but he felt a sense of emotion in his heart. The accumulation of a family like the Yue family over the years is really much better than many talented martial arts practitioners.

Not only will there be more resources, but there will even be fewer detours!

"Spare me?" Lin Mo sneered, and his eyes became cold: "Who do you think you are, killing me? Can you kill me?"

It’s just an eighth-grade Martial King, it’s not like he hasn’t been killed before! "

Lin Mo's voice was loud and he didn't take Yue Xingyu seriously at all.

Especially the last sentence. After the words fell, Yue Xingyu's expression finally changed.

His face was gloomy, and his eyes were almost bursting with flames.

"The so-called calmness and calmness are nothing more than pretense. I really think that I am a big clove of garlic. In my eyes, you are nothing!" Lin Mo stepped forward again and gently pointed his right hand towards the front: "Set up the formation! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the mental sword array formed instantly, and a dozen dazzling swords spun and shot out towards Yue Xingyu!

Yue Xingyu's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that it would be so exciting at the beginning!

"Hmph! It's just mental power, how much stronger can you be than me?" Yue Xingyu said in a cold voice, while taking a step forward to receive this mental impact.


For a moment, he felt as if his head was going to explode. This mental shock was so terrifying!

"I underestimated you..." Yue Xingyu chuckled, then took out a jade pendant from his body, wiped it carefully with his sleeve, then took out a rope from his body, put it on, and put it on his neck. "So-called The Qi Master is a joke in front of this jade pendant!"

"That's the Yue family's treasure, the soul-suppressing jade! I didn't expect it to be taken out by Yue Xingyun. This thing is said to be immune to 80% of mental damage. Of course, this immunity only occurs in the same realm.

If it is a high level of crushing, the jade pendant will be ineffective. "

"Immune to 80%, does that mean that as long as you wear this jade pendant, you don't have to be afraid even if you encounter a Qi Master in the future.

A group of people discussed the function of the soul-soothing jade.

Lin Mo's expression was as usual, and mental power was not his main means of output. He had stronger means that he had not yet used.

"Your mental strength is gone, now it's my turn!" Yue Xingyu sneered, swinging his right fist violently, the sound of cracking wind sounded, this punch was extremely powerful.

"Xuanbing armor!" Lin Mo yelled, and a layer of frost suddenly appeared on his body, and before his fist fell, a silver-white armor formed!

This transformation only took a moment. After possessing the ice attribute, Lin Mo's speed of using this skill and the strength of the ice armor increased many times.


With a slight sound, Yue Xingyun punched Lin Mo, leaving only a white mark on the ice armor, without even a crack on the armor!

"It's my turn!" Lin Mo grinned, and his blood and qi burst out instantly.

Tiger Fist!

White Crane Fist!


He directly used the Five Beast Fist he mastered, putting himself in a state of blood-thirsty and blood-thirsty!

After being promoted to the Martial King, he used these two states again, and his strength was improved to a higher level. In just a moment, the aura displayed by Lin Mo surpassed that of Yue Xingyu, the eighth-grade Martial King!


The tiger roared, and Yue Xingyu seemed to see a tiger, ten feet long, with dark black Wang characters on its forehead, rushing towards him!

Yue Xingyu's cold sweat instantly came down, and he felt that he could not bear it at all!

This made him feel humiliated. He was an eighth-grade martial king, but he couldn't even compare to a kid who had just entered the martial king realm? !

"Kill!" He roared and rushed directly towards the tiger.

His fist was glowing, and it was obvious that some special talismans were condensed on it, which could increase the attack power.


The next moment, Yue Xingyu screamed and flew backwards to the ground!

"The first young man? Bah!" Looking at Yue Xingyu's miserable appearance, Lin Mo couldn't help but spit on the ground!

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