Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 152: The old principal steps forward!

What is understatement? This is called understatement!

Lin Mo took action directly, knocking Yue Xingyu, who was known as the number one young man, to the ground with three strikes.

Yue Xingyu's face was ugly, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he was sitting on the ground holding his chest, looking at Lin Mo with fearful eyes.

"The so-called number one among young people, that's all. I think you should stop using this name to show off in the future!" Lin Mo smiled lightly, raised his hand and patted the side of Yue Xingyu's face, and then stood up to leave.

At this moment, a figure flashed onto the campus.


He exuded terrifying energy and blood power. In just a moment, Lin Mo's body seemed to be pressed by a tyrannical force, unable to move at all!

Lin Mo's expression turned extremely ugly, and he stared gloomily at the middle-aged man who appeared in front of him.

The man's appearance was very similar to Yue Xingyu's, and he seemed to be his father.

"Mr. Yue, what do you mean?" Feng Xuan on the side said coldly, while taking a step forward to share the pressure with Lin Mo.

"You'd better get away!" The middle-aged man said calmly, and at the same time he raised his hand and waved lightly. A majestic force surged and pushed Feng Xuan aside.

"Boy, why don't you say anything?" The middle-aged man is Yue Xingyu's father, the current head of the Yue family, Yue Hai!

"What did Mr. Yue want me to say?" Lin Mo chuckled: "I defeated your unsatisfactory son, and now you come out to vent your anger for them?

It's really a fine tradition of the Yue family. If you hit the small one, the big one will jump out immediately.

If I were strong enough to take care of you, would your dad also jump out? "

Yue Hai's face suddenly darkened, and the energy and blood in his body boiled instantly.

"How dare you say such words to humiliate my family-in-law!"

He raised one hand and made a downward pressing motion.

"The Five Sacred Mountains are pressing down!"

As the voice fell, Lin Mo felt as if he was carrying a thousand kilograms of weight!

His feet were shaking, and all the bones in his body made a series of sounds, as if they were about to crack.

"Kneel down!" Yue Hai shouted coldly, and at the same time, the pressure on Lin Mo became even greater!

Lin Mo's face was pale, and thunder was jumping all over his body.

The power of Qi and blood boiled, and Lin Mo's previously dissipated bloodthirsty and violent state started again!

His legs were shaking and he almost fell to his knees.

But Lin Mo gritted his teeth and stood there forcefully!

"Boy, I want to see if you kneel or not!" Yue Hai's face was cold, with murderous intent in the corner of his mouth. He was vomiting energy and blood again, and greater pressure came!

"I kneel down on your legs!" Lin Mo roared loudly. He bit the tip of his tongue and spat a mouthful of blood on Yue Hai's face.

At this moment, Yue Hai's eyes also looked shocked, because the weight Lin Mo was bearing at this moment was close to 10,000 kilograms, which was almost the limit that King Wu could bear at his peak!

But what kind of strength is Lin Mocai in front of him? !

"This kid..." Yue Hai looked at Lin Mo, and his nose was filled with the smell of blood, but when he looked at Lin Mo, a kind of fear surged in his heart!

"We must kill him, otherwise, when he grows up, my in-law family will be finished!" Such thoughts came to Yue Hai's heart, his eyes were frightened for a moment, and murderous intent surged!

"Haha, good boy, since you are looking for death, then I will help you!" Yue Hai laughed: "How can a member of my Yue family be humiliated by just any cat or dog!

Go to hell! "

He raised his right hand, his palm filled with blood, and mercilessly grabbed Lin Mo's Tianling Cap!


A layer of ice crystals appeared around Lin Mo's body.

This was Lin Mo's last resort, using the power of ice crystals to protect himself.

But such a method was of little use against Yue Hai. With a soft sound, the ice crystals shattered, and the hand was only an inch away from Lin Mo's head!


At this moment, a figure rushed out, raised his hand and took a picture of Yue Hai.

Yue Hai let out a scream, flew out diagonally, and hit the ground heavily.

He looked at the arriving person in fear, and when he saw the face clearly, he was stunned.

"Teacher, you are finally here. If you don't come again, I will die!" Lin Mo looked at the old principal standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

There was blood flowing down his forehead. Although Yue Hai's fingers did not touch his head before, the strong wind generated by the power of Qi and blood had cut open his scalp. At this moment, it was dripping with blood and looked extremely miserable!

The old principal snorted coldly, raised his hand, and all the power falling on Lin Mo disappeared.

At the same time, he took a step forward and supported Lin Mo, who was about to fall to the ground.

The old principal put a hand on Lin Mo's shoulder, and the power of Qi and blood surged directly into Lin Mo's body.

"Thank you, teacher! I'm fine!" A minute later, Lin Mo opened his eyes. Although his face was still ugly, his voice became normal.

At this moment, the two of them had time to look at Yue Hai who was standing aside.

"Old principal, what do you mean? I'm seeking justice for the Yue family. Why do you want to stop me?"

Yue Hai stared at the old principal with an ugly expression.

"You seek justice for your son, can't I seek justice for my disciple?" The old principal said softly: "A good-for-nothing son is worthy of your shamelessness, am I, a genius disciple, not worthy of my action? "

The old principal's words about a useless son made Yue Xingyu open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and he fainted again!

And Yue Hai's face was extremely ugly. Yue Xingyu was known as the number one among the younger generation, but when it came to Lin Mo and the old principal, he turned into a waste!

The most important thing is that the old principal has already given his evaluation, so the word waste is likely to accompany Yue Xingyu throughout his life!

"Old principal, as you are highly respected, you should know very well that Lin Mo injured my youngest son first, and now he beats my eldest son like this. Shouldn't I take action?" Yue Hai said.

"Why did Lin Mo hurt your son?" the old principal asked calmly.

"Is the reason important? No matter what the reason is, he can't do anything to my son. Who is he..."


Before Yue Hai finished speaking, the old principal's face darkened, and he raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

"You scold my disciples in front of me. You don't take me seriously at all!" The old principal said in a low voice: "Your father may not even dare to scold my disciples in front of me. How dare you do this? Look. It’s been a long time since I was born, and few people remember how awesome I am!”

The power of Qi and blood in his body is boiling, and his momentum is also rising.

"And the Jiang family, how dare a playboy come to the door to ask for trouble? It's really unreasonable!" The old principal looked at the group of bodyguards who were knocked to the ground by Lin Mo. He snorted coldly, raised his hand and caught Jiang Xue. In hand.

The other hand exerted a little force, and Yue Hai was lifted up by his neck.

Jiang Xue was trembling with fear, while Yue Hai's face was extremely expressionless.

The dignified head of his Yue family is now being carried like a little chicken...

"You'd better not show any hatred, otherwise, I won't mind eradicating the roots!" the old principal said calmly.

In an instant, the hatred in Yue Hai disappeared, leaving only infinite fear!

"Follow me!" The old principal looked at Lin Mo and said calmly.

"Where to go?" There were bursts of thunder inside Lin Mo's body, and electric arcs were jumping outside his body. This was the effect of the Thunder Breathing Technique.

At this moment, his injuries are repairing quickly!

It has to be said that after becoming an extreme martial artist, his abilities in all aspects have improved, and his healing speed is now twice as fast as before!

"Go and seek justice for you!" The old principal snorted: "They are all knocking on your door. It would be a bit inappropriate for me not to give you an explanation!"

Lin Mo looked at the old principal with a touched expression on his face.

Both the Yue family and the Jiang family are giants in the capital, and the old principal actually came to seek justice for him!

"Teacher..." Lin Mo opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out.

The old principal waved his hand and said calmly: "Stop talking about those nonsense words. I am too lazy to listen. I will keep this person. If you are free in the future, you can kill him at any time!"

The old principal shook Yue Hai in his hand and spoke calmly.

Yue Hai felt angry. The old principal actually wanted to leave him to Lin Mo to kill him later! !

This is so disrespectful to him!

What's even worse is that Lin Mo actually nodded seriously: "Teacher, don't worry, if he messes with me, I will kill him in the future!"

The old principal nodded, and the two of them got into the car directly. Feng Xuan became the driver diligently: "Should we go to the Jiang family or the Yue family first?"

"Get closer to the Jiang family!" the old principal said calmly: "Besides, if we don't go to the Jiang family, this kid will die!"

At this moment, Jiang Xue, who was being carried by the old principal, was trembling all over and her breathing became much weaker.

Feng Xuan stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out. Ten minutes later, it stopped at the gate of Jiang's house.

Seeing Jiang Xue being carried in his hands, the two guards guarding the gate turned pale with fright.

"Put the young master down!" One of them took out a short gun and pointed it at the old principal, while the other opened the door and got in.


The old principal threw Jiang Xue to the ground and said calmly: "Let Jiang Wenhuan come out to see me!"

Jiang Wenhuan is naturally Jiang Xue’s father!

Not long after, a dozen people rushed out from inside, and the leader was Jiang Wenhuan!

"Dad! Save me!" Jiang Xue said miserably.

"Get out of here!" Jiang Wenhuan kicked Jiang Xue aside, then quickly came to the old principal and knelt there with a plop: "Teacher, you are here, what wrong did this traitor do?

I'll kill him now! "

Jiang Xue was so frightened that her father actually wanted to kill her? !

"I thought you didn't recognize me as a teacher!" the old principal said calmly.

"Students don't dare!" Jiang Wenhuan quickly kowtowed: "What the students are today is the result of the teacher's hard teaching. The students are grateful!"

"Get up, I'm here to introduce you to a junior brother, his name is Lin Mo!" The old principal pointed at Lin Mo: "Today your son came to bully Lin Mo. Fortunately, Lin Mo was also able to live up to his expectations and sent those bodyguards to the door. They were all knocked to the ground!

Okay, you go back, I have to go to Yue’s house! "

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