Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 153: Strong to the end!

What, you still want to go to Yue’s house?

The old principal's words shocked a group of people. He was going to be strong to the end!

The Yue family is different from the Jiang family. Yue Hai's father, Yue Taishan, is still alive and may have crossed over to the realm of martial saint and reached the next terrifying realm.

The old principal is extremely powerful, but he is still within the martial saint realm. If he really wants to take action, the old principal will probably be directly suppressed!

Yue Hai was held in the hands of the old principal, his expression extremely ugly, he felt that he had been completely embarrassed today.

"Teacher, I'll go with you!" Finally, the head of the Jiang family spoke, and he actually wanted to advance and retreat with the old principal!

"Master, no!" Someone in the Jiang family changed their expressions and spoke repeatedly.

"The Yue family attacked my junior brother, and the teacher went to the Yue family alone. As his disciple, how can I bear it?" Jiang Wenhuan said with a firm look on his face: "Don't worry, I won't implicate the Jiang family this time. I really can’t make a break with the Jiang family. From now on, I am no longer the head of the Jiang family!”

Jiang Wenhuan was very determined and spoke directly, actually giving up his position as the head of the family!

This caused a group of people in the Jiang family to fall into silence. Jiang Wenhuan was very powerful and could be regarded as the strongest person in the Jiang family over the years. If he really stopped being the head of the family, the Jiang family would probably become lonely because of this!

In the end, everyone in the Jiang family stopped speaking and fell into silence.

Lin Mo glanced at the old principal and said, "Teacher..."

"I accept your wishes. Lin Mo is your junior brother. From now on, you can just take care of him. There is no need for that!" The old principal finally spoke, stopping Jiang Wenhuan from following!

"Yes! Teacher!" Jiang Wenhuan finally nodded and agreed to the old principal's arrangement.

This also made everyone in the Jiang family breathe a sigh of relief, and looked at the old principal with eyes filled with gratitude.

"Let's go!" The old principal took Lin Mo and set off again to the Yue family!

"This is an order from the head of the Jiang family. From now on, Lin Mo is a distinguished guest of my Jiang family. Anyone who dares to do anything bad to him is targeting our Jiang family and will face unlimited revenge from the Jiang family!"

Jiang Wenhuan finally issued such an order. Everyone in the Jiang family was awestruck. Although they were worried that this would bring a lot of trouble to the Jiang family, they finally nodded and agreed to Jiang Wenhuan's order.

On the other side, Lin Mo, the old principal and others had already stepped out of the car and were standing at the gate of Yue's house.

Unlike the Jiang family, the Yue family covers a large area. Because Yue Taishan is still alive and is said to be ridiculously powerful, the Yue family has been very arrogant in recent years and does not take many people seriously.

The Yue family is developing rapidly. Relying on the reputation of Mount Yue Tai, many disciples of the Yue family are doing random things outside, and most of them dare to be angry but dare not speak out.


The old principal was very direct and smashed Yue Hai directly against the door of the Yue family!

The two guards originally wanted to scold him, but when they saw Yue Hai being thrown over, their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly reached out to catch it!

As a result, with a plop, countless bones on the two guards were broken at once, and each of them looked extremely pale!

At the same time, the old principal stepped forward, stretched out one hand and surged with energy and blood, rolled up Yue Hai's body, and slammed the door hard!

With a bang, the door was smashed open, revealing the situation inside!

"Enemy attack!" Someone yelled, and the whole Yue family was in chaos!

It can be seen that countless people rushed out from all directions of the Yue family and guarded the gate. When they saw Yue Hai lying on the ground, their expressions changed drastically!


A middle-aged man yelled, then stepped forward and helped Yue Hai up!

"Master, are you okay?" A group of people were extremely concerned and looked at Yue Hai with an ugly face.

"I'm fine!" Yue Hai waved his hand: "Where is father?"

"My old master is in seclusion and looking for a breakthrough!" The middle-aged man said in a low voice, with a serious look on his face. His eyes had already fallen on the old principal.

It's just that the old principal hasn't been born for many years. Although the middle-aged man has a high status in the family, he doesn't know the old principal.

"Old man, who are you? Do you know where this place is? If you dare to take action against my family, do you want to be exterminated?!"

The middle-aged man was so domineering that he even shouted at the old principal like this.

"Very good. I thought the Yue family was just the father and son of Yue Hai who were unreasonable and extremely arrogant. I didn't expect that the whole Yue family was like this!

In this case, I don't have any worries anymore and can take action directly! "

The old principal spoke calmly.

Yue Hai's expression was ugly. When the middle-aged man spoke, he once wanted to stop him, but he didn't have time.

Now that the words have been spoken, the old principal is obviously angry!

"Go ask my father to take action!" Yue Hai said loudly, and at the same time looked at several figures in the crowd: "You two take action!"

Three middle-aged men walked out of the crowd, each with a cold look on his face, and strong energy and blood fluctuations all over his body!

There is no doubt that these three are strong!


"The Yue family cannot be insulted!"

"Pay the price and let you know what terror is!"

Several middle-aged men shouted loudly and took action at the same time!

Their strength is very strong. After pulling the power of Qi and blood, you can see strange scenes emerging behind them. It is the condensed power of Qi and blood. It is extremely terrifying!

The old principal took a step forward, his expression was very indifferent, and he greeted him with a slap in the face!


The hand directly enlarged in midair, as big as a millstone, and it was all made of blood and qi, which could be said to be extremely powerful.


The slap directly hit the three people, making them make crackling sounds, and then they flew backwards with screams!

This blow directly frightened the remaining middle-aged men. They stopped abruptly and looked at each other, and saw solemn expressions in each other's eyes.

"Three Talents Formation!"

Finally, one person spoke and actually called out the name of the formation.

The other two nodded repeatedly, and then the three rushed in different directions. The blood and qi were released, and after connecting with each other, a special echoing relationship was formed!

There is no doubt that this is a very powerful formation, with three kinds of blood and qi echoing each other and multiplying!

"Teacher!" Lin Mo was a little worried, looking at the old principal, wanting to follow suit.

But the old principal shook his head at him and chuckled, "Don't worry, they can't hurt me yet!"

The old principal's face was old, and he looked very small in front of the Three Talents Formation, but he approached step by step, and the blood and qi in his body were as sharp as a sword, and he slashed forward!

In the Three Talents Formation, three middle-aged men sneered: "Kill you today!"

They shouted coldly, the Three Talents Formation can multiply the combat power, and now they are not afraid even if they face the peak of the Martial Saint, and dare to fight!

In their opinion, the old principal is old, and he can't be a figure at the peak of the Martial Saint anyway!

However, the next moment, they were stunned. The old principal took a step forward, still raised his hand and slapped it down fiercely!

When the millstone-sized palm slapped down, the air in the positive film seemed to be vibrating, and the terrifying breath circulated, and the Three Talents Formation collapsed directly!

The three middle-aged men were pale, and blood was flowing from the corners of their mouths.

They covered their chests one by one, and it was obvious that they were seriously injured!

At this moment, the old principal's robe was shaking, his face was indifferent, and his gray hair was blowing in the wind.

Everyone in the Yue family was stunned. The one who had taken action before was the top combat power of the Yue family, but he was defeated in an instant!


The old principal took a step forward, his steps were firm, but not very big.

But even so, everyone in the Yue family retreated at the same time, and even had a look of panic on their faces.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan stepped forward, standing on the left and right beside the old principal.

The three of them stepped forward at the same time. Hundreds of people from the Yue family stood at the door, but when they saw this scene, they all retreated, and no one dared to take action!

The middle-aged men lying on the ground looked ugly. They lost, completely lost, and scared the people of the Yue family!

"The main force of the old family took action, how could you be arrogant here!" Someone spoke with an unwilling look on his face.

"Yue Taishan?" The old principal chuckled, his feet did not stop, and the next moment he actually performed sonic martial arts!

"Yue Taishan, an old friend is here, can you come out and see me!"

This voice was extremely terrifying, like thunder exploding, echoing over the entire Yue family.

Lin Mo's face was filled with shock. The old principal's move was somewhat similar to the tiger roar attack, but it was even more powerful!

He silently experienced everything just now and felt that he had gained something!

"Old thing, long time no see, I thought you were dead!"

A calm voice sounded, and then a figure slowly walked in the deepest part of the Yue family.

He was only about 1.5 meters tall at most, with a hunched back and a head full of white hair, covering his face!

He was wearing a simple gray robe and looked like an ancient man!

But when he came, everyone in the Yue family made way, and at the same time they knelt on the ground with excited expressions on their faces.

"Old Patriarch!"

"The old patriarch has taken action, and these three lunatics are going to be in trouble!"

A group of people were extremely excited, thinking that after the old patriarch took action, the old principal would definitely die!


Unexpectedly, Yue Taishan attacked directly when he was close to the gate.

This time, there was no sign of attack, and he rushed towards the old principal in a flash!

At the same time, the old principal also attacked strongly as if he had been prepared.

The two stood in the battle with their fists, and the terrifying blood and qi power turned into a wave-like force surging around.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan retreated. The aftermath of the battle between the two was too terrifying. It fell on them, as if they were hit by a huge rock!

"After so many years of seclusion, I thought you took that step! But you still look like this!" The old principal shouted: "If I had known this, why didn't you go to the abyss to kill the enemy!

I should have let you guard the gate! Guard the abyss!"

"Haha, killing you is enough!" Yue Taishan sneered, and the next moment, he actually walked step by step into the air and stood there.

"Kill you today to show the power of my Yue family!" Yue Taishan stared at the old principal and spoke coldly.

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