Yue Taishan looked extremely old, but he was very strong at the moment, and wanted to kill the old principal directly!

He stood alone in the air, his face was cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent!

Under his feet, the old principal looked indifferent, and even the blood and qi in his body were restrained a lot.

"Standing so high, if someone didn't know, they would really think you have surpassed the realm of martial saint!"

The old principal spoke with a calm smile on his face.

"Whether you have surpassed the realm of martial saint, you will know if you try it!" Yue Taishan made a move, he waved his hands, and his blood and qi pushed open more than a dozen tombstone-like boulders, which fell from the air!

"Death tombstone!"

Yue Taishan used this martial art to make the blood and qi become a tombstone-like object and fell towards the old principal!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of booming was endless, and the old principal was still indifferent, he punched to meet it!

The old principal did not have any special skills, just using a pair of iron fists to fight with an invincible momentum!

Every time he punched, a tombstone was smashed.

Moreover, the old principal's aura continued to rise, and in the end, he really looked like a young and powerful war king!

"One punch to open the sky!"

The old principal roared, no longer relying on the power of his fists, but using martial arts to open a blood barrier with his fists, and then rushed forward!

Yue Taishan's eyes shrank, stopped the current martial arts, and turned to use another powerful martial arts.

"Tiger down the mountain!"

After the voice fell, a huge tiger appeared behind Yue Taishan, and at the same time he rushed towards the old principal like a tiger down the mountain!

His aura was too strong, and the blood and qi around him were emitting light. This was an extremely powerful force, terrifying.

The attack of the tiger down the mountain was the most powerful and majestic.

But the old principal was equally powerful. He used boxing, called One Punch to Open the Sky.

This kind of boxing method is open and close, and every punch will cause the air to vibrate continuously, and it will make a loud noise, as if it is about to break!

Bang bang bang!

The two fought, and in the blink of an eye, they had already collided with hundreds of punches!

The shadows of the fists were like illusions, and at the same time, the fluctuations of the blood and qi power spread to the surroundings.

Lin Mo and Feng Xuan looked ugly. They were under such pressure, and they felt like they were carrying a heavy burden!

"You two, step back!" The old principal spoke and punched again.


The fluctuations caused by this punch were even more terrifying. Someone in the Yue family screamed. They were affected and staggered and flew backwards, hitting the ground. I don’t know how many ribs were broken!

Such a scene is really amazing. It was just the aftermath of the fight between the two, but the spectators were injured!

"The old principal is going to win!"

At this moment, Lin Mo smiled, because the old principal seized the opportunity, made a strong move, and punched Yue Taishan on the shoulder!

With a click, blood spurted out of his shoulder.

This punch actually broke Yue Taishan's shoulder, and the blood stained his clothes red, making him look miserable!

The old principal was also injured. You can see that his chest was slapped, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his face became much paler.

"Teacher!" Lin Mo shouted.


"Old Patriarch!"

On the Yue family side, someone couldn't help but call out.

At this time, the two of them retreated at the same time and then stopped!

"How about today's battle end here!" The old principal said lightly.

"Let's call it a draw!" Yue Taishan nodded and said so.

"Okay, but I brought my disciples to the door, and the Yue family must give me some expression!" The old principal nodded in agreement, but put forward his own conditions.

Lin Mo's brows trembled. The old principal actually used such an excuse to blackmail the Yue family!

Yue Taishan is still alive and well, will he really give in?

"You are too much. It's you who came to our door, and you dare to ask us for a gift!" An old man from the Yue family spoke up. His strength was not high, but his seniority was not low. He was Yue Hai's uncle.

"Shut up, when is it your turn to point fingers at the affairs of the Yue family!" Yue Hai spoke up, then glanced at his father, stepped forward and said: "Lin Mo is a young talent, and my two sons and I are not acquainted without fighting.

Today is the first time I come to your house. It is reasonable for me to give some gifts. I wonder what gift the old principal thinks is suitable?"

"I heard that the Yue family once got three fruits in the abyss, which can make the physical body and mental power more perfectly matched. My disciple has just entered the realm of the King of Martial Arts. If such fruits can be provided... Lin Mo and I should be very happy!"

The old principal spoke up and actually mentioned such a fruit.

"Perfect combination of mental power and physical body?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the physical body and mental power should be perfectly combined, but since the old principal said so, there must be a reason for it!

"You old fool, you actually want to take this kind of fruit from my Yue family!

I warn you, no way, there are only two of this kind of fruit left in my Yue family, and there are some left for future generations!

It is impossible to give it to Lin Mo!"

Yue Taishan refused directly with a gloomy face, because the request made by the old principal was too much and the Yue family could not afford it.

"No, we have to fight that one! Otherwise, we will continue to fight. Anyway, the winner has not been decided yet!" The old principal shook his head firmly: "I took the initiative to bring my disciples to the door. If I can't accept the gifts that suit my face, it will be so embarrassing!"

Yue Taishan had a gloomy face. He didn't expect that the old principal would not change his mind and would fight him to the death at any time!

However, Yue Taishan couldn't fight to the death at all now, because he was about to take a critical step and step into the realm after the martial saint.

"Old thing, do you really want to force me to fight to the death with you! You must know that the abyss is about to descend on the earth. At that time, both you and I will be the main fighting force. If there is any loss at this time, it will be a loss for the whole of China!"

Yue Taishan yelled angrily and said such a big secret!

Lin Mo was also shocked. What did he hear? In the future, the abyss will descend in full, and the whole earth will be in chaos!

After saying this, Yue Taishan seemed to understand that he had said something wrong. He looked at everyone with a cold face and said nothing.

"What does our strength mean to us?" The old principal said faintly: "In the future, only the strongest people will exist. You and I are just a speck of dust in the era, and Lin Mo is destined to be one of the most dazzling stars in this era!

So, give me a fruit. If you don't give it to me, I will definitely kill my way into the Yue family's treasure house and take out all the fruits directly!"

The old principal was so strong that he even said that he would rob the Yue family's treasure house!

The faces of the people in the Yue family showed angry expressions, but they were helpless. The old principal was too strong and they were no match at all!

"I count to three!" The old principal said, and stretched out three fingers at the same time: "Three..."

"I promise you!" Finally, Yue Taishan sighed and shouted loudly. At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a jade box the size of a longan!

The whole box is so precious that it is almost a flawless imperial green!

"What a good thing!" Lin Mo sighed. This box is so precious. It is green all over. It can definitely be sold at a good price!

Finally, Lin Mo took it and stood respectfully beside the old principal.

"Thank you, old friend. See you on the battlefield! I hope we can compete to kill the enemy then!" The old principal did not stay here. After achieving his goal, he took Lin Mo and Feng Xuan to the car and left the Yue family!

Looking at the back of the old principal leaving, Yue Taishan suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Father!" Yue Hai was shocked. His father was like a god in his eyes!

But now he was injured and vomited blood. It seems that he was seriously injured, otherwise he would not hand over the fruit!

"I'm fine. I have to recuperate in the next one or two years. My body is injured. During the recuperation process, I can think about the method of breakthrough!"

Yue Taishan is very extraordinary. He actually wants to think about the method of breakthrough while recuperating, and wants to advance to the next great realm!

"Teacher, what you want!" In the car, Lin Mo directly handed the jade box to the old principal.

The old principal took it with a smile, and looked at it non-stop, full of interest in this fruit!

"This thing is called the Heshen Fruit, which can merge the body and the spirit into one.

This fruit has always existed in legends, but I didn't expect to see it today!"

After the battle, the old principal became a trembling old man again: "The King of Martial Arts is a special realm. In this realm, the spiritual power begins to manifest and play a huge role.

At the same time, the strength of the physical body has also been greatly improved. At this time, people often face the choice of whether to cultivate the physical body or the spiritual power.

After cultivating the physical body, the cultivation of the spiritual power will inevitably be delayed. As for choosing to cultivate the spiritual power, the physical body will become the weakest among the same level!

You may ask, what if I cultivate both at the same time?

What I want to tell you is that if you cultivate both at the same time, the final result must be that neither of them has cultivated to the normal level!

At this time, The effect of the Heshen Fruit will be reflected!

This fruit can fuse the body and the spirit. At this time, cultivating the body is equivalent to cultivating the spirit!

Both are cultivated at the same time, and they become stronger at the same time!

In this way, even if you are in the deep realm of the King of Martial Arts, you can still fight against a stronger existence than you! "

The old principal said here and looked at Lin Mo deeply: "Especially you, as a mind Qi master, you are also a powerful martial artist. If you can take the Heshen Fruit and let the two merge perfectly, then in the future, you will be invincible!

Such a road can be taken to the extreme by you and become the strongest martial artist! "

Lin Mo looked at the old principal's face and showed a touching look. At this time, how could he not understand that the reason why the old principal made such a big move today was, on the one hand, to help Lin Mo out, and on the other hand, for this fruit!

He wants to help Lin Mo forge a flawless King of Martial Arts!

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