Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 156: Participate in the Student Union President Election!

Lin Mo felt that his head was a bit confused, and he walked out of the dormitory in a daze, chose a direction and walked out.

In the measurement room, many people saw Lin Mo and showed surprise on their faces.

"Lin Mo just finished the test a week ago, why is he testing again now?"

"Could it be that he has improved again?"

"Impossible, how much can he improve in a week? He can't just increase his Qi and blood value by a thousand points!"

"A thousand? If he can increase his Qi and blood value by more than 500, I will eat a bowl of Aoli Gei!"


A group of people watched Lin Mo walk into the VIP measurement room and couldn't help but speak in a sarcastic tone.

"It's a pity that we can't get into the VIP measurement room!"

Someone spoke helplessly, they were very interested in Lin Mo's measurement results.

On the other side, after Lin Mo entered the measurement room, he put his hand on the measuring instrument.

Not long after, a line of numbers appeared on the measuring instrument.

Looking at this line of numbers, Lin Mo was stunned.


Even though Lin Mo thought that his value would improve, he didn't expect it to improve so much!

An increase of more than 2,000...

"Wait a minute, I know why!" Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock, he thought of the reason!

The last time he measured, his mental power was about 2,000!

Now that the two energies have merged, his mental power value has been directly added to the blood value!

"This..." Lin Mo was ecstatic: "That is to say, my current mental power should have reached 3,000!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo rushed to the front of the mental power measuring instrument without hesitation, and adjusted his mental power to 2,000 first!

This time, Lin Mo effortlessly withstood this mental impact!

"3,000!" Lin Mo adjusted again, and directly adjusted the impact of mental power to 3,000!


This time Lin Mo felt the pressure, which also proved that his current mental power was 3,000!

"Sure enough, this is the real secret of the Heshen Fruit!"

"After the fusion of the two energies, the mental power value and the blood power value are actually unified, and they are exactly the same thing!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and he really wanted to cheer loudly.

You know, it is not very difficult to improve the power of Qi and blood, but it is extremely difficult to improve the power of spirit!

But now, the two values ​​are the same and they are improving together, which means that he can improve his spirit by practicing the power of Qi and blood!

"Spirit Realm!"

Lin Mo thought about it and directly used the Spirit Realm.

Soon, the Spirit Realm sensed the people outside the measurement room, and everyone's voice and expression appeared in Lin Mo's mind.

"Dare to scold me..."

"This one actually said that my increased Qi and blood value cannot exceed 500? If it exceeds 500, you have to eat a bowl of Aoli Ge... This request cannot be satisfied by reality, I can satisfy you in the Spirit Realm..."

Lin Mo was listening carefully to the conversation outside, and at the same time retaliated against some people who said bad things about him.

The Spirit Realm flashed, and some people were directly pulled into this boundary.

Moreover, Lin Mo used the suppression of mental power to control what they saw and felt!

Soon, one of them began to scream loudly: "Impossible, how can Lin Mo be so powerful!"

"Too powerful, Lin Mo, I kowtow to you, I really surrender to you now!"

This person knelt directly in front of Lin Mo and kowtowed continuously.

The other person kept waving his hands, as if he was refusing something.

"I don't want to eat, I don't want to eat..."

This person spoke with a look of resistance on his face.

Lin Mo's mouth was smiling, and he felt very happy to see them being defeated!

Especially the one who said he wanted to eat a bowl of Aoli Ge, Lin Mo made him a big bowl of hot and thin in the spirit world...

When Lin Mo walked out of the measurement room, he took them out of the dream.

After one of them came out, he ran directly to the trash can, hugged the trash can and began to vomit wildly.

As for the other one, he knelt on the ground with a plop: "Lin Mo, I beg you to forgive me, I am not a human, it's all my fault..."

There is no doubt that the reactions of these two people were very big, which directly scared many people.

Lin Mo looked at them, smiled, and left.

After Lin Mo left, a group of people gathered outside the measurement room.

"I really want to go in and see what Lin Mo's strength is..." someone said.

"I have permission to enter!" At this time, a man spoke and took out a student card from his body.

"It's Zhang Chulan, this kid is ridiculously strong. As a sophomore, his cultivation has reached the first level of Wu Wang!

If it weren't for Lin Mo's appearance, there might not be many people in the whole school who could steal his limelight. Now, Lin Mo has completely suppressed him!

The youngest and strongest Wu Wang in Huaxia Military University! It is said that he is also the extreme Wu Wang!"

Someone spoke up, recognized the young man, and said some gossip at the same time.

The student named Zhang Chulan glanced at them coldly, and several people were so scared that they dared not speak.

Because although they are juniors, they are not strong enough to face Zhang Chulan...

What's more, they are waiting for Zhang Chulan to open the door of the measurement room to see Lin Mo's measurement results!

Zhang Chulan took out his student card and swiped it, and the door of the measurement room was opened.

"Junior Chu Lan, can we go in and take a look?" A junior student asked, looking at Zhang Chulan with eyes full of prayer.

Zhang Chulan curled his lips slightly and nodded: "Come in!"

After getting permission, a group of people rushed in directly. .

"Junior Chu Lan, you should hurry up and see what Lin Mo's strength is. I can't wait!" someone said.

Zhang Chulan nodded and directly clicked on a few numbers on the screen. Soon a line of text appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Lin Mo's information is kept confidential, and all current information is kept confidential. No one is allowed to access it. In addition, I can definitely tell everyone that Lin Mo's future is extremely important, and he can now be regarded as one of the younger generations. The first one in!

He deserves it! "

Such a line was very long to read, but the content inside made a lot of people take a breath.

"The number one of the younger generation, what a domineering title, I, the Fiery Tiger, am not convinced!"

"And I, the dragon and the lion haven't spoken yet. You also want to defeat Lin Mo. I think you are going to deliver extra food to Lin Mo!"


Zhang Chulan felt very uncomfortable when he looked at the line of text in front of him. In his opinion, all this should have been his, but now it was all taken away by Lin Mo.

"Are you very strong? The last measurement said that you have become the strongest Martial King, but I have been working hard during this period. Even if you have become a second-grade Martial King, I can still defeat you!"

Zhang Chulan raised his right hand, made a handprint, and then pointed forward.

In an instant, the hand became gleaming, as if it was made of gold!

Such a scene shocked everyone: "It turns out to be a golden light technique. It uses the power of Qi and blood to emit this kind of golden light. If it shines on the enemy, the enemy's strength will inevitably be weakened a lot!

If the golden light falls on oneself, the power of Qi and blood will skyrocket, and the combat power will be doubled for at least one lifetime! "

Someone knew about this martial art and began to introduce it to everyone.

"So Zhang Chulan can actually fight Lin Mo!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Chulan directly chased after Lin Mo in the direction he left.

A group of people quickly followed, because they thought this was a sign that there would be a battle between Zhang Chulan and Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo didn't know that someone was following behind him, and he was still depressed.

"The values ​​have increased, but I don't know if the strength has improved..."

Feng Xuan's face appeared in Lin Mo's mind. He was going to use Feng Xuan as a training target for a battle!

At this moment, Lin Mo's heart moved and he felt a killing intent coming from behind.

He turned around suddenly and took a dozen steps back, putting some distance between himself and the person coming.

At this time, Zhang Chulan's face was extremely ugly. Although it was a sneak attack, he still hoped to cause huge harm to Lin Mo.

"First-grade Martial King?" Lin Mo looked Zhang Chulan up and down with a mocking look on his lips.

Not only did he have the strength of a third-grade Martial King now, even when Lin Mo only had the strength of a first-grade Martial King, he would have dared to fight Zhang Chulan.

Because Lin Mo believes that he is invincible in the same realm!

This is a belief, whether he is in a state of violent blood or bloodthirsty, he can increase his combat effectiveness to a terrifying level.

Zhang Chulan's strength is indeed not good now.

"Lin Mo, I want to challenge you!" Zhang Chulan pointed at Lin Mo and said loudly: "The two of us must have an agreement, that is, whoever loses will withdraw from the election for student union president!"

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly came back to his senses. There were still a few days to run for the student union president.

"You are not my opponent!" Lin Mo finally shook his head and said, "But you can participate in the election for president. After all, everyone has the right to run!"

After that, he turned around and left, taking out his cell phone and preparing to call Feng Xuan.

"If you don't fight me, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Chulan became extremely angry when he saw that Lin Mo dared to ignore him.

He is a senior, and in his opinion, his strength is about the same as Lin Mo's, but now Lin Mo's words have completely angered her!


Feng Xuan roared angrily, and her confidant rushed towards Lin Mo.

"Lightning Punch!"

"Five consecutive leg whips!"

He directly used two martial arts skills, each of which was very powerful!


At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly moved forward and punched out at the same time!

A ferocious tiger appeared behind him, and at the same time it seemed as if it was descending a mountain, its aura was extremely ferocious.

Tiger punch!

Lin Mo only punched, and Zhang Chulan's body flew backwards and hit the ground heavily!

"I told you that you can't do it!" Lin Mo said slowly: "Also, since you have said it, let me announce it in advance... I, Lin Mo, will participate in the election for student union president!

Please support me! "

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