Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 157: Understand the secret! Auditions begin!

"I told you that you can't do it!" Lin Mo said slowly: "Also, since you have said it, let me announce it in advance... I, Lin Mo, will participate in the election for student union president!

Please support me! "

Lin Mo stood quietly in front of Zhang Chulan and said the above words directly.

There were many people watching, and after hearing these words, they all fell into silence.

"Lin Mo actually wants to run for student union president?!"

"Is this really a big event? I'm going to become the president and lead a group of people just after I'm a freshman?"

"It seems that he is not qualified enough..."

"Why are you not qualified enough? Are you stronger than him?!"

Not long after, the news that Lin Mo was going to run for president spread throughout the campus.

And Lin Mo's related deeds were all unearthed in a very short period of time.

However, as the protagonist of this matter at this moment, Lin Mo was looking at Feng Xuan with a sneer on his face.

"Brother Lin Mo, please don't be impulsive!" Feng Xuan said with an awkward smile on her face: "I mainly forgot about something. Look at my current strength...has it improved a lot?

While you were taking the Heshen Guo, I was also in retreat, seeking a breakthrough..."

Feng Xuan's current strength has actually reached the ninth-grade Martial King realm. It seems that he has indeed made a breakthrough during this period.

"Senior Feng Xuan, why are you nervous? I just want to discuss with you..."

Lin Mo sneered twice and rushed forward with a fist.

The roaring sound kept coming, and soon the center of the battle between the two was filled with the power of blood. Countless strands of power were boiling, and the energy that escaped almost shattered the dormitory building!

"Are you cheating? You're so strong!"

Feng Xuan had a look of shock on her face, and the fight between the two became more and more frightening.

Although Lin Mo is only a third-grade Martial King, his attack power is ridiculously strong!

With the blessing of bloodthirsty and violent states, Lin Mo was like a god of war, causing the ground to shake with every move he made.

"Senior Feng Xuan, do you think there was any reward for our last trip to the abyss?" Lin Mo spoke while pumping his fist forward.

The White Crane Fist was used, and it actually gave him a feeling of peace of mind.

He pumped his fist, as steady as a rock!

"Is this the special function of White Crane Fist?" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face. After a discussion, he discovered the additional function of White Crane Fist.

He pursued the previous feeling and kept exploring, and finally he caught a glimpse of enlightenment.


Lin Mo's eyes sparkled and he spoke loudly.

Feng Xuan also felt something was wrong, because Lin Mo's attack power was constantly increasing, but at the same time, his punching speed was not messy at all.

stable! So stable!

Every punch Lin Mo gave him felt like he was facing a boxer who had been boxing for a lifetime!

"This kid is so evil..." Feng Xuan couldn't help but complain, but the movements of her hands did not stop and she was still fighting.

"I see, the additional effect of White Crane Fist is called... immovable as a mountain!"

Lin Mo's eyes were bright, the White Crane Fist and the Leopard Fist complemented each other!

At this moment, with the blessing of the four states, Lin Mo not only increased his speed a lot, but his hit rate was also frighteningly high.

Feng Xuan's face was ugly, because facing Lin Mo's punch, he felt like he couldn't avoid it!

"Strong! Too strong!"

In the end, Feng Xuan could only call for a timeout. If the fight continued, he would probably lose!

Because from beginning to end, Lin Mo didn't use any mental power!

"If you use your mental power, I won't be able to hold on for ten minutes at all?" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo with a wry smile.

He was already at the ninth-level Martial King realm, but facing Lin Mo, he had no choice but to admit defeat!

"Not that..." Lin Mo smiled and waved his hand.

"That's good, that's good. I thought I couldn't even last ten minutes in your hands!" Feng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

However, the next moment, he was shocked by Lin Mo's words.

"What I said is not...meaning that if I want to defeat you, it won't take me that long. Five minutes is almost..."


Feng Xuan was so angry that she almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. This kid Lin Mo was really angry to death!

"You kid... I really don't know what to say. You are too strong! Maybe entrusting you with the president of the Student Union of China Military University is indeed the most correct choice!" Feng Xuan finally spoke.

"Thank you. I learned something, so I'll take my leave now!" Lin Mo was still experiencing the feeling of enlightenment. After cupping his fists, he turned around and left.

"You kid, don't forget the audition for the student union president!" Feng Xuan shouted at Lin Mo's back.

Lin Mo, who was immersed in practice, suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at the time and date, and jumped up from the bed.

"I'm going, it's already the day of the knockout rounds. Fortunately, I woke up in time!" Lin Mo quickly put on new clothes and ran towards the school square.

This time, the selection of the student union president is open to the entire school, and everyone can participate. According to the selection process, there will be an audition at the beginning, which is commonly known as the big battle.

"I don't know where this big brawl will take place..." Lin Mo walked into the crowd and glanced at Feng Xuan, who was presiding over the selection on the stage.

As the previous president, it was normal for him to preside over the selection competition.

Feng Xuan on the stage slowly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Lin Mo standing below.

He hadn't seen Lin Mo just now. He thought Lin Mo had changed his mind temporarily and didn't want to participate!

Fortunately, Lin Mo arrived at the last moment!

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet. The selection time has come. Please ask the staff to block the entrance. Those who follow will lose the qualification to participate!" Feng Xuan spoke, and after her words fell, several gates entering the venue were locked directly. .

"I am about to graduate, and someone must take the position of president. Huaxia Military University is different from other schools. Our military university is all about strength. If you want to become the president, it will be difficult to convince the public without absolute strength!

Therefore, the selection of the president is mainly based on strength. Now I will announce the rules of the competition!

The competition is divided into three parts. The first part is the audition to select the top four, then the four will advance to the second place, and finally it will be the finals to choose the final president!

So if you want to become the guild leader, just give me a good performance in the battle stage!

In this big battle, the school has spent a lot of money and rented a small abyss directly from the Ministry of Education as your fighting place!

Although there are no monsters in this small abyss, there are still occasional opportunities to appear in it!

You will have three days. During these three days, you must use the most powerful means to survive in the abyss and eliminate your opponents!

Of course, if you are lucky, you may get something from the abyss!

Okay, I now announce that the game will start in half an hour, you still have half an hour to prepare! "

After Feng Xuan roughly explained the rules, she threw the microphone aside and walked towards Lin Mo!

"Don't you want martial arts? It is said that there is some kind of martial arts in the abyss. You can try to find it!" Feng Xuan whispered in Lin Mo's ear.

"What?!" Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock. There were actually martial arts skills in the abyss!

Feng Xuan patted Lin Mo on the shoulder, with an enigmatic smile on her face, and then turned and left.

Lin Mo looked at Feng Xuan's leaving figure, feeling a very bad premonition in his heart.

Soon, Lin Mo knew where these bad premonitions came from. Almost everyone in the crowd focused on Lin Mo.

That look was like looking at a chicken that had been waiting to be slaughtered!

"I'll go, you're trying to bring hatred to me!" Lin Mo immediately understood Feng Xuan's purpose. After greeting his female relatives and friends in his heart, Lin Mo quickly calmed down.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. Feng Xuan clapped her hands, and a group of beautiful female students came forward. They held trays in their hands, and inside the trays were metal objects like medals.

"This is your call system. You only have one chance to call. After you connect the call, you will be automatically disqualified. At the same time, the staff will take action to rescue you from the abyss!

So, please use this medal with caution! "

Feng Xuan introduced them with a smile.

Lin Mo took the medal in his hand, glanced at it briefly, and then crushed it with his hands.

He doesn't really need this thing...

When the others saw Lin Mo's actions, they were all stunned for a moment, and then quickly put their medals close to their bodies. After all, this is something that can save their lives!

"Please go in, everyone. In the abyss, everyone appears in a different area... We will see you in three days!"

Feng Xuan opened her mouth and pointed to a big tree not far away: "I placed the entrance to the abyss there, you can just walk in!"

As Feng Xuan's voice fell, many people rushed forward.

"Don't be anxious, the knockout round is fair to everyone..." Someone spoke loudly to persuade others not to be anxious, but he himself moved faster than anyone else and rushed to the gate in the blink of an eye.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and in the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred people rushed in!

Lin Mo walked slowly towards the entrance of the abyss, and with a flash of light, he also disappeared here.

"Because this abyss is already a very old thing for us in China. Over the years, some of the equipment in the abyss has been updated. Although we have no way to enter the abyss, we can see all of them through surveillance. The state of man!”

As Feng Xuan finished speaking, the wall not far away began to glow, and was eventually divided into nearly a hundred screens!

"That's what's going on inside the abyss. Look, Lin Mo was surrounded by people as soon as he entered the abyss!"

Someone stared at the screen and soon discovered Lin Mo's whereabouts, and spoke loudly and excitedly!

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