Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 158: Beat me up? Dream on!

Huaxia Military University, inside the abyss!

Lin Mo looked around with a normal expression. The area of ​​the abyss was not small, but at this moment, there were at least thirty people surrounding him!

"You think I'm easy to bully, so you come here to attack me?" Lin Mo said slowly with a smile on his face.

"Lin Mo, don't blame us. You can only blame yourself for being too high-profile. A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

Look, since the establishment of Huaxia Military University, there has never been an example of a freshman becoming the president, so you should just do your own thing honestly!"

"Well said, Lin Mo, don't blame us!"

Several people sneered and kept approaching Lin Mo.

In their opinion, Lin Mo was in danger this time. More than 30 people attacked at the same time. No matter how strong Lin Mo was, he couldn't bear it and would be injured.

"You really think too much..." Lin Mo chuckled, and the next moment, the whole person disappeared from here. When he appeared again, he had already rushed into the crowd!


His movements were incredibly fast, and he stretched out his hands and directly took out the medal from one of them.


Lin Mo crushed the medal without hesitation, and the person automatically lost the qualification!

His movements were too fast, and in a blink of an eye, he crushed all the medals of more than a dozen people!

In other words, Lin Mo now has to face only a dozen people!

The most important thing is that when Lin Mo took action, he chose a few people with relatively strong strength. Now the remaining dozen people are weaker and not that strong!

"Too shameless, actually using this method to eliminate people, isn't Lin Mo worried about winning unfairly?"

As one of the important figures in this competition, Lin Mo's performance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

In addition, at the beginning, more than 30 people surrounded Lin Mo, and everyone thought it would be a fierce battle, so they focused their attention on the screen where Lin Mo and others were.

But who would have thought that Lin Mo actually eliminated more than a dozen people in this way!

"This is the best way. Think about it. If Lin Mo really wants to become the president, how should he win when facing 30 people besieging him?"

"Go all out?!" Someone responded in confusion.

"Well said. I want to ask you, what will happen if you go all out?

Can you ensure that your strength is appropriate and will not cause casualties?"

Someone spoke up and raised such a question.

Many people were silent, because when they go all out, they can't control their strength at all. Once this happens, the final result will become uncontrollable!

Casualties will inevitably increase further!

"So, Lin Mo eliminated half of them at once, so that everything is under his control..."

This person finally came to this conclusion.

"You mean, a dozen people are not a big problem for Lin Mo, everything is under control?" Someone showed a look of shock on his face, thinking that this was impossible.

One person faces more than a dozen strong people who surpass him... and he is still confident? This is really like a myth, unbelievable!


At this moment, Lin Mo made a move!

His movements were fast and powerful. He pushed his Ghost Shadow Body Movement to a new height again, which was the result of his improved proficiency.

He was just like an afterimage, moving through a group of people. His speed was too fast. Some people wanted to attack, but in the end, they didn't even touch the corner of his clothes!

"Too strong, too fast, it disappeared in a flash, completely dissipated!"

"Yes, do you feel that Lin Mo's momentum is increasing..."

Some people found Lin Mo's abnormality, that is, Lin Mo's momentum at this moment is too strong, and he doesn't look like a third-grade martial king at all!

Bloodthirsty, violent blood!

Faced with this kind of request, Lin Mo had no other choice and directly opened these two states!

At the same time, he punched. Under the blessing of the immovable mountain, each of his punches was extremely accurate, and the fist wind was fierce, making a deafening sound!

Tiger Fist!

Leopard Fist!

White Crane Fist!

Wolf King Fist!

The first four punches of the Five Beast Fists were fully displayed in Lin Mo's hands!

These punches were too terrifying. Lin Mo performed them at the same time, and it seemed as if they were about to merge together!

The momentum was magnificent, and the power it brought was even more terrifying!


The muffled sound continued, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Mo actually knocked all ten of them to the ground!

The remaining seven people looked at the ghostly Lin Mo, and finally showed a look of fear on their faces.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. He is only one person. We have seven people. It is impossible that we are not his opponents. One of us will make a sacrifice and drag him to death, and the other six will directly attack!

Among the seven people, the strongest one spoke up and gave such a command.

"Why? You are the strongest. I think it is more reliable for you to drag Lin Mo!"

Some people were unwilling to do so. Delaying Lin Mo meant that they would be eliminated. How many people were willing to sacrifice themselves to help others?

Lin Mo sneered. When these people were arguing, he actually knocked down two more!

There are still five people left!

"Don't settle for so much, let's attack together, whoever is eliminated in the end will be unlucky!"

Finally someone yelled and said something like this!

Everyone nodded in agreement, this is more fair!

Five people took action at the same time, and the strongest one among them had reached the level of fifth-grade Martial King!

Facing such five people, Lin Mo would naturally not face them forcefully!

After the ghost shadow was cast, it was extremely difficult for the five people to catch Lin Mo's figure.

Lin Mo was surrounded by five people, fighting and retreating at the same time.

In the end, Lin Mo defeated three more of them, leaving only the two strongest ones still chasing Lin Mo!

The three of them chased each other very fast, going deeper and deeper into the abyss!

"Someone is fighting, two people chasing another person... What is this person's identity?"

"It seems to be Lin Mo? Hurry, let's go after him and eliminate Lin Mo!"

While Lin Mo was escaping, someone noticed them. After recognizing Lin Mo, three more people actually joined the team chasing Lin Mo.

Lin Mo, who was rushing at the front, was helpless. He couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and scream. He was so unlucky that there were so many people chasing him!

"Someone is approaching again. It seems that they are not weak. They are at least the seventh-grade Martial King!" Lin Mo's face changed slightly as he was running away like crazy. He felt someone approaching: "It seems that there is more than one. I am so unlucky!"

Lin Mo had a sad face, but when he saw clearly who was coming, he suddenly started laughing again.

From another road, there are also several people chasing one person.

The person being chased, Lin Mo, knew his information. His name was Wang Ye, he was very strong, he was a junior this year, and he had now reached the eighth-level Martial King realm!

He has a high reputation among junior students, but now he is being chased by seven people.

"How miserable!"

"It's so tragic, we feel sorry for each other!"

Lin Mo and Wang also saw each other and sighed like this at the same time!

The two had a quick look and then separated.

Lin Mo continued to be chased. He found the right opportunity and kept taking action to reduce the number of people chasing him.

"smell good……"

Lin Mo, who was charging forward, suddenly moved the tip of his nose and smelled a scent coming from not far ahead.

The fragrance was not very strong, but to Lin Mo's sense of smell, it seemed like it was trying to get into Lin Mo's heart!

"What a rich fragrance. It is probably some kind of precious medicinal material. It may be able to increase the power of Qi and blood!"

Lin Mo made this judgment, and then headed directly in the direction of the scent!

This is a mountain, covering an area that is not too small. At this moment, Lin Mo was standing at the foot of the mountain, took a deep breath, and then started climbing!

The Thunder Breathing Technique has shown extremely terrifying effects during mountain climbing!

Lin Mo climbed all the way up. His speed was very fast, and his whole body was wrapped in thunder. He looked like a thunder god!

The power of his energy and blood is increasing, and the speed is still accelerating!

"It's so strong, this kid actually has such powerful speed!"

"The whole body is covered with thunder. This should be some kind of breathing method. It's very strong! It's disappointing... something is wrong. Why is Lin Mo going up the mountain!"

Someone asked this question while feeling emotional.

Those who can participate in the selection of the president are almost all strong men who are not weak in strength. They are not only strong in strength, but also have high IQs.

So after instantly understanding that Lin Mo's mountain climbing was definitely for some purpose, their faces showed a look of fanaticism.

"I smelled a scent, it was medicinal scent!"

"So there is a medicinal plant on the mountain, which is definitely worth a lot of money. Lin Mo smelled it, so he rushed up. Haha, I didn't expect that it would be an advantage for us in the end!"

"Yes, Lin Mo discovered precious medicinal materials, but they ended up falling into our hands. I'm quite angry when I think about it!"

"Hehe, there's nothing to say. Let's attack Lin Mo forcefully and plunder Lin Mo's fortune, and at the same time make him lose the chance to run!"

Some people are not pure-hearted and are hostile to Lin Mo. They want to take this opportunity to not only snatch Lin Mo's fortune, but also to disqualify Lin Mo!

Lin Mo had a cold face. He rushed to the front, but his mental power was always in a state of divergence. He could clearly see everyone's every move, word and deed!

"Since you are going to attack me mercilessly, then don't blame me!" Lin Mo said with a sneer.

The next moment, he stood there directly and roared like a tiger roaring: "Next, I will attack with all my strength, without any reservation. You can snatch luck from me, but no matter how injured you are, don't blame me. !

If you really use your full strength, I can't guarantee whether you will still be alive! "

Lin Mo responded with a cold snort and an arrow!

This arrow turned out to be made of the power of Qi and blood. It was completely black and extremely well-thought-out. It shot out quickly and was caught by Lin Mo with his hand, and then crushed into pieces!

"Spiritual Realm!" Lin Mo stretched his hand forward and shook it hard!


The spiritual light lit up, and Lin Mo directly transformed into the master of the spiritual world, trapping all those chasing him inside!

At the same time, Lin Mo looked towards the top of the mountain, where there was a platform.

There is a green plant growing on the platform, and the medicinal fragrance is emitted from the green plant!

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