Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 159: Marrow Cleansing Grass

A green herb was growing on the hillside. When the wind blew, it kept swaying, as if it was very happy.

Lin Mo looked at the herb in front of him, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. This thing exuded a medicinal fragrance, and just smelling it made him feel extremely comfortable.

There is no doubt that this herb is of great benefit to him!

But on the hillside, someone was rushing up. Lin Mo could find the herb, and they could also find it. At this moment, they noticed the extraordinaryness of the herb, and they all seemed to be crazy!

"Spirit Realm!"

Lin Mo used the Spirit Realm. Now his mental power is strong, exceeding 3,000 points. Even the mental power of the peak martial king is not as good as his.

The Spirit Realm unfolded, and some people who rushed to the front were instantly confused. They looked at everything in front of them, and the next moment, they actually forgot to climb, and directly let go of the stones, vines, etc. that they were tightly holding. They slipped and fell directly from the hillside!

The whole mountain is not very high, and the mountain is not too steep, so a group of people rolled down from the mountainside. When they reached the foot of the mountain, although they were not dead, there were few intact bones in their bodies. They were all broken!

"Oh my God, what is going on? What kind of martial arts did Lin Mo use to make so many people lose their minds and fall from the top of the mountain!"

"Too cruel, I am now a little glad that I did not participate in the selection, otherwise, I might be useless now!"

A group of people stared at the screen, watching them fall from the mountainside like dumplings, and each of them showed a look of shock on their faces.

Such a scene is really amazing. The students on the mountainside are all the best of Huaxia Military University. They are extraordinary, but something went wrong here. They were killed instantly by Lin Mo...

"It's mental power, Lin Mo used mental power!"

"I heard that Lin Mo is a mind-reading master!"

Someone told the truth and told everyone Lin Mo's identity.

"A third-grade martial king, plus a mind-reading master, and judging from the martial arts he displayed, his mental power is definitely not low... My God, this kid Lin Mo is too amazing!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

But on the mountainside, Lin Mo didn't relax at all. He looked at the people who kept climbing up the mountainside. In addition to those who fell down, there were actually more than a dozen people who kept climbing up, with eager looks on their faces.

The spiritual realm enveloped them, but it couldn't affect their minds.

"There is some kind of weapon on the body that can resist the lethality brought by the spiritual realm!" Lin Mo analyzed seriously.


At this time, the blood and qi arrow shot out again.

Lin Mo's eyes sank, and he raised his hand and punched the blood and qi arrow. His fist was wrapped in light golden blood and qi, and at the same time, those powers were constantly swallowing and spitting out, directly smashing the arrow into pieces!

"You dare to attack me? It seems that you don't know how powerful I am unless I teach you a lesson!" Lin Mo sneered, and actually jumped up from the top of the mountain, and then frantically chased the young man who had just shot the Qi and Blood Arrow!

Lin Mo's speed was too fast, and he had rushed out more than ten meters in the blink of an eye!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The student had a fierce look on his face, and he was not nervous at all when facing Lin Mo who was rushing down.

The Qi and Blood Power around him burst out, and in front of him hung a black arrow feather condensed by the Qi and Blood Power. At the same time, he pulled the bow casually, and the arrows burst out directly!

Boom boom boom!

Lin Mo was dodging, and the Ghost Shadow Phantom was really powerful. Although it was not a top martial art, it was considered a top existence among the martial arts of body movements.

While he was dodging, his figure was constantly flashing, and finally rushed directly in front of the student.


The student's face changed drastically. His name was Zhang Yi. He was an amazing archer and mastered the first-grade martial arts of the Earth Rank, the Qi and Blood Arrow. With his extraordinary talent, he directly practiced this martial art to a very high level of proficiency.

But facing Lin Mo, he was still defeated!


Lin Mo punched, and the Tiger Fist burst out with the might of Lin Mo coming down the mountain!

Zhang Yi was so scared that his face turned pale, and the Qi and Blood Arrow in front of him actually broke directly.

The tiger went down the mountain, so terrifying!

He seemed to see Lin Mo transformed into a three-meter-tall tiger, opening his bloody mouth and biting towards him!

Such a scene was simply too terrifying. Just a punch, it was so scary!


Zhang Yi was hit in the chest by a punch, staggered back several steps, and then half-knelt there with a plop!


The power of Qi and Blood surged, and after Zhang Yi was solved, a woman who had been following Zhang Yi took action!

She held a pink long sword in her hand. The sword was extremely sharp and shone with cold light. There was no doubt that this sword was made of special materials and was extremely powerful. With one strike, it seemed that it could cut the space in two!

But Lin Mo was not afraid at all. He clenched the air fiercely.

Suddenly, the water vapor between heaven and earth condensed, and then solidified by the power of frost, becoming a frost sword!

The sound of the sword was very pleasant, but everyone felt their heart being pulled suddenly when they heard this sound!


The pink sword actually broke directly and then turned into powder!

Many people standing in front of the screen cheered directly. Such a scene was too rare. A fierce punch actually broke the pink sword into pieces!

"Lin Mo is invincible. This kind of attack is shocking. After today, the younger generation will no longer have Lin Mo's opponents. His current enemies should have become young strong men from overseas, or even strong men of the same generation as us!"

Among the spectators, some teachers couldn't help but sigh at this scene.

Lin Mo is really too strong.

He has been extremely weak since he was a child and could die at any time. Although he has good talent and his blood and qi are already very high in the first year of high school, for some reason his blood and qi began to decrease.

In the end, only 0.8 was left!

Fortunately, Lin Mo later mastered the dream and was able to improve his blood and qi. Now his strength has reached the third level of Wu Wang, which is a level that many people cannot reach in their lifetime!


At this moment, a muffled sound came, and the battle between Lin Mo and the woman was decided.

Lin Mo slashed forward with the Frost Sword and directly cut off the woman's sword.

Sword defeated sword, Lin Mo won fairly!

In front of the screen, a group of fairies opened their mouths, but in the end they didn't find a point to punch!

In the end, they could only curse: "Stinky man, don't know how to be gentle with women!"

At this moment, there were still people climbing the mountain, but after seeing Lin Mo enlarge the Frost Sword in his hand ten times when he raised his hand, many people were scared and pale!

In the end, Lin Mo condensed the Frost Sword with the Mysterious Ice Jue, which was ten meters long. He swung it and swept forward!

Many students could only curse loudly and then fled madly downwards!

In the end, after no one could be seen on the whole mountain, Lin Mo came to the top of the mountain with satisfaction, looking at the herbs still swaying there, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Good stuff, this herb is definitely of great origin, it is probably some kind of powerful medicine that can transform people!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he made such a guess.

Because just smelling the fragrance of the medicine, he felt comfortable.

This further proves that the herb is extraordinary!

"This kid is so lucky to come across this thing!"

Someone in front of the screen sighed with envy on his face.

"What kind of herb is this?"

"Marrow Cleansing Grass!"

"What is Marrow Cleansing Grass?" Everyone looked at the martial artists who recognized the name of the herb, each with an eager look on their faces.

"Marrow Cleansing Grass, just like the name, after swallowing this thing, you can be reborn, cleanse your hair and marrow, make yourself flawless and clean, and your body is bright and clear!

This thing is too rare. If I hadn't seen it in an old-fashioned herbal book, I would definitely not know it!"

"Marrow Cleansing? Flawless?!"

A group of people widened their eyes and showed excitement on their faces. There is no doubt that this effect is too important for them!

A person's physical fitness represents the limit of a person's martial arts achievements!

There is no doubt that after washing the hair and marrow, a person will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Should I give this thing to him now? Or wait until I get out and ask the teacher to help me take a look?"

Lin Mo looked at the herb in his hand, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

In the end, Lin Mo stretched his brows and made his own choice.

He carefully put away the herb. In order to prevent someone from discovering his secret, Lin Mo directly put it in an ordinary storage space.

"Now I'm just waiting for it to end quickly... I just don't know how the selection of other groups is going!"

Lin Mo started to go down the mountain. After getting the marrow cleansing grass, he roughly estimated that there were already about 60 students who had been defeated in the competition!

The remaining 30 or so people should be able to decide the top three!

In this way, including Lin Mo himself, it happens to be the top four!

Lin Mo started to go down the mountain with a smile on his face.

At the same time, thunder rolled on his body. This was the running of the Thunder Breathing Method. The terrifying Qi and Blood Power was constantly replenishing the Qi and Blood Power missing in Lin Mo's body!

After going down the mountain, Lin Mo chose a direction and prepared to go to the entrance of the abyss and leave from there.


Just when he passed a dense forest, someone took action, hiding in the tree, and wanted to take advantage of Lin Mo's recovery time to plot to kill Lin Mo.

It's a pity that Lin Mo's speed was faster. When they took action, Lin Mo had already performed the Ghost Shadow and left here.

"I'm really pissed off. Do you dare to fight me in a fair fight?"

A young man had a dissatisfied look on his face and wanted to fight Lin Mo for real.

"I eliminated more than 60 people by myself. You guys don't have more than me. You dare to let me fight you in a fair fight? Pah!

I'm waiting for you at the exit. See you in the finals if you have the guts!"

Lin Mo's voice rang out. With the blessing of the tiger's roar, almost everyone in the abyss heard Lin Mo's voice!

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