Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 160: Marrow Cleansing and Bone Cutting

Under the impact of the tiger roar, Lin Mo's voice echoed throughout the abyss.

And in front of the screen, many people covered their ears, because this voice actually carried mental power and spread out to the surroundings, which was extremely terrifying!

"Isn't this kid a little too arrogant? He actually wants to challenge the rest of the people alone!"

"How can this be considered arrogant? If I had Lin Mo's strength, I would be ten times more arrogant than him, believe it or not!"

"I can be a thousand times more arrogant!"


A group of people laughed and spoke. Although Lin Mo's behavior was a bit arrogant, he actually reported his position himself.

But some people thought that Lin Mo's strength was enough, and it was normal to be a little stronger and more arrogant!

Just as Lin Mo revealed his position, someone else appeared beside Lin Mo and wanted to attack Lin Mo!

At this time, Lin Mo was extremely indifferent and directly performed the Five Beast Fist. The two states of bloodthirstiness and violent blood were superimposed. His eyes were as terrifying as a blood wolf, and he rushed forward with anger!

Both students were sixth-grade martial kings, but facing the full-power Lin Mo, they could only lose with hatred.

The terrifying power flowed through Lin Mo's body, and these two people were no match for him at all!

"After all, he has been baptized by blood and fire, and is completely different from ordinary students!

I dare say that as long as Lin Mo releases his blood power, these people will definitely be scared to death!"

"Indeed, Lin Mo has entered the real abyss, killed monsters, and even had intersections with the group of people from the Dark Blood Society. He personally killed people from the Dark Blood Society, so Lin Mo really has murderous aura!"

Many people admire Lin Mo very much. This battle really accumulated a lot of popularity for Lin Mo!

In the end, this battle was no suspense. Lin Mo won. He even defeated the two easily without using his mental power!

Lin Mo was guarding the exit. In the next period of time, Lin Mo made many shots and defeated many people.

"Something is wrong. We seem to have overlooked something..." Someone spoke in front of the screen.

The old principal and others also looked serious. The excitement of this selection match was far beyond their imagination.

But at this moment, they felt like something important was forgotten!

Finally, Lin Mo in the abyss suddenly looked up at the sky: "Oh my God, I roughly calculated that I probably defeated more than 80 people... What about the rest? Don't tell me that they can't even beat so few people?

If this is true, I will be very disappointed!"

"This kid is really not modest, but it is still easy for the remaining people to select the last three people!"

"Indeed, this is just a competition, and finally four people will be selected as the candidates for the top four... Wait, damn, I finally know what is wrong..."

Someone suddenly realized what he had overlooked!

"Damn it, now look at the screen, there are only two students left, Lin Mo and Hu Yao, so there is no need to carry out the so-called four-in-two..."

"Oh my god, if you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have noticed that it was really like this, there are only two students left!"

"However, Hu Yao is also amazing, he actually defeated more than a dozen people, although not as many as Lin Mo... but I heard that he is very low-key and equally powerful!

It is said that someone saw him practicing boxing under a waterfall, and in the end, the boxing intention was like a tidal wave, with huge energy directly dispersing the water falling from the waterfall!"

"I heard that Hu Yao has a certain breathing method, which is related to a certain Yellow Emperor in the myth of ancient times!"

"It is definitely not ordinary if it is related to the Yellow Emperor!"

Everyone looked at the screen with a look of shock on their faces, and they were looking forward to the battle between Lin Mo and Hu Yao!

"Look, aren't the positions of Hu Yao and Lin Mo a little... close!!"

Someone pointed at the two screens and suddenly spoke, their faces excited, and their eyes showed expectations!

"It's really close, and we can even meet soon!" Some people were excited and wanted to see it. The two geniuses fought fiercely!

"Damn it, let them get out of here quickly, the finals are not here!"

The old principal couldn't help but start, he suddenly felt that everything would become weird wherever Lin Mo made a move!

However, at this time, it was too late, Lin Mo and Hu Yao both felt each other's presence!


The huge abyss gate is about to close, and this screening competition is about to end!


The two figures rushed out at the same time, and the next moment, the two of them were very skilled in their movements, and they actually used the same movement at the same time!


After a loud noise, Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock.

Hu Yao's strength is very strong, and just a punch made him feel like his body was about to split.

Lin Mo can be sure that Hu Yao did not use his full strength.

Naturally, Lin Mo did not use his full strength, but with a quick punch, both of them tried out a lot of things!

"You two get out of here!"

At this moment, a terrifying roar sounded, and this voice seemed to be extremely angry, and it directly yelled, asking Lin Mo and Hu Yao to get out!

The two stood face to face, and there was a lot of tension between the two sides.

But now, the old principal was angry and even planned to disqualify Lin Mo and Hu Yao from the competition.

"There are geniuses every year, one more of you is not much, and one less of you is not much!

This is an audition. You two will have many opportunities to fight in the finals! "

In the end, the old principal would never let the two fight directly!

"See you in the finals!"

Finally, Lin Mo spoke, and then left the deep exit directly, and entered the Huaxia Military University from there!

"See you in the finals!" Hu Yao also waved his hand, and soon turned into a residual shadow and rushed out!

Lin Mo looked at the crowd of onlookers, nothing changed at all, and even saw his appearance, some people were excited and shouted Lin Mo's name loudly.

"Teacher!" Lin Mo came directly to the old principal and said in a deep voice: "I have discovered something. There are many different places in the abyss, and there are also opportunities. You should have seen it. I got a grass that made me feel comfortable all over. I feel that it should be something extraordinary!"

Lin Mo took the grass out of his body directly, with an expectant look on his face, and handed the herb to the old principal.

The old principal looked excited on his face, looking at the herb in his hand, and after a long time, he sighed: "It turns out that it is really this kind of grass. It's so rare. Your luck is against the sky! ”

The old principal had previously determined that this herb was the marrow-washing grass. Now, after taking it in his hand and observing it, he finally confirmed that this was the marrow-washing grass!

"Since it is a good thing, then let's treat this as a gift from students to teachers!" Lin Mo smiled and directly handed the herb in his hand to the old principal.

The Heshen Fruit is so precious, but the old principal gave it away without hesitation. Lin Mo absolutely didn't care about a mere marrow-washing grass!

"If this thing is useful, I won't refuse it, but it really doesn't work this time!" The old principal shook his head: "At my age and realm, the marrow-washing grass is no different from poison. If you really want to toss it once, even if you don't die, you will lose a layer of skin!"

The old principal spoke, this medicine didn't work on him at all! This is really regrettable!

"Teacher, don't lie to me!" Lin Mo was a little unconvinced.

"I lied to you so much! You should know that during this period of time, I have regarded you as my disciple. In the future, I hope you can rise and stand completely at the top of the entire China and even the entire world! "

The old principal patted Lin Mo's shoulder and continued, "Since you have entered the finals directly, I want to tell you to swallow this marrow-cleansing grass as soon as possible and refine it quickly!"

Lin Mo nodded and took the thing in his hand.

The finals will be held in the afternoon, and he still has time.

"The teacher can help you guard here, you can choose to swallow it here!" The old principal said with a solemn look on his face.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Mo finally nodded. He was going to take the marrow-cleansing grass here!

In front of so many people, Lin Mo sat down directly, holding the marrow-cleansing grass in his hand, and his expression was solemn.

"It's no big deal, just take it directly, but the process may be a bit painful! "The old principal spoke with a serious look.

Lin Mo nodded, and without any hesitation, he swallowed the marrow cleansing grass!


He took a breath of cold air. This was too painful. It was just a moment, and the grass exploded directly in his mouth, as if he had swallowed a chili pepper, hot and spicy.

And the grass was melting, turning into the purest power, constantly cutting Lin Mo's blood vessels and meridians like a knife!

This pain was too terrible, and blood began to seep out of Lin Mo's body!

"It's so scary, this kind of pain, how many people can bear it, can't bear it at all, and may die!"

"Indeed, I have heard about the working process of the marrow cleansing grass, which is to directly temper the human meridians and reorganize them again, very painful!

Even the bones have to be broken and grow again! "

Some people spoke up, describing the marrow cleansing grass as very scary.

At the same time, the fact is that Lin Mo felt the effect of the marrow cleansing grass in his body, and there was really a flame burning in his meridians.

These flames were burning his meridians, constantly consuming the impurities inside, burning a little bit.

The golden blood power was flowing, and the gold became more and more intense!

This is a refining process, which is very scary and terrible.

Black dirty blood began to flow out of his body, and an unpleasant smell came out. A group of people frowned and couldn't help but take two steps back!

"It smells so bad, is this all the dirt on the body? ! "


At this time, such a sound rang out from Lin Mo's body, as if his bones were broken!


At this time, Lin Mo finally couldn't help it and screamed loudly!

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