
Lin Mo's face showed a look of pain. After the marrow-washing grass was swallowed into his belly, he was experiencing pain all over his body, which was unbearable.

"This is too scary, the marrow-washing grass is just like Ling Chi!"

"Yes, Lin Mo is so strong, and he is screaming so fiercely now. If he puts it on me, he will definitely not be able to bear it!"

"Is it that uncomfortable? Could it be that Lin Mo screamed loudly on purpose? To show his strength?"

Everyone started talking, and they had their own understanding of Lin Mo's screams.

"You bunch of idiots, haven't you felt it? Although Lin Mo is in pain, the power of his blood and energy is increasing, and his aura has also changed. It's terrifying!"

"What do they know? They can't detect Lin Mo's changes at all. After all, they are too far away from Lin Mo's realm!"

"Having said that, after this time, will Lin Mo's energy and blood power rise again? If so, Hu Yao may not be his opponent at all!"

"The final is between the two of them, and I'm looking forward to their showdown!"

Everyone was talking, and they were full of expectations for the decisive battle that followed.

At this moment, the pain on Lin Mo's body gradually disappeared, and the effect of the marrow-washing grass was fully demonstrated.

The power of qi and blood flows, and he can clearly feel the smooth feeling. Every time he uses the power of qi and blood, there is no obstacle, and it is even more powerful when it is running!

It has to be said that after Lin Mo used the Heshen Fruit to fuse his mental power with the power of Qi and blood, the energy in his body became very special. The energy contained in the marrow-washing grass was also purified and refined into the body. middle.

"I'm getting stronger, and the energy, blood, and spiritual power in my body are soaring. It's unexpected!"

Lin Mo was extremely pleasantly surprised. After some inspection, he discovered that his realm had changed. If nothing unexpected happened, he should have entered the realm of the fourth-grade Martial King!

The most important thing is that he looked inside himself, and his mental power scanned his body from top to bottom like a skynet, over and over again, and in the end there was nothing wrong.

This result made him extremely happy, because the impurities on his body had completely disappeared, and his whole person was flawless, ethereal and peerless.

Lin Mo stood up quietly, giving people the feeling that he was just like a banished immortal in the sky.

"This kid's temperament is different. What just happened was so effective?"

"Marrow-washing grass, damn it, this is such unlucky luck!"

A group of people looked at Lin Mo standing there with envious expressions on their faces. In fact, some people had unwilling expressions on their faces and their eyes flickered. They were silently thinking about how to resolve the situation in front of them.

Soon, Lin Mo opened his eyes with a calm smile on his face.

At this moment, his strength has skyrocketed, and his energy and blood power have increased a lot!

"Lin Mo, isn't it inappropriate for you to do this? The marrow-washing grass is so precious. You took it out of the abyss and should have given it to the school. However, you swallowed it privately. According to the school's discipline, you should be punished. At the same time, Disqualified from participating in the finals!”

"That's right. The abyss is obtained by the school after spending a certain price. You have benefited from it, and you should share it with the school!

I suggest that the school should donate blood from Lin Mo's body and use it to refine elixirs containing the effects of marrow-washing grass! In this way, the combat effectiveness of our school will be greatly improved! "

Several people spoke. They stood on Hu Yao's side and seized the opportunity. They used such twisted words to the extreme to force everyone to force Lin Mo to withdraw from the selection. They even actually extracted his blood and refined it into a pill. The medicine was distributed to everyone.

Lin Mo watched this scene quietly. He had to say that this method was really extraordinary. It was considered a conspiracy, not too big or too small.

But Lin Mo would not tolerate them. He saw him walking forward step by step. The Tiger Fist had not yet been used, but the aura on his body was like a tiger descending from the mountain. It was terrifying to the extreme!


Lin Mo suddenly took action and slapped one of the people who spoke in the face.

"Lin Mo, what do you mean, do you really think the school doesn't dare to beat you?!"

"That's right. Isn't it too domineering to attack us all of a sudden? Aren't you worried that the whole school will denounce you?"

"Let's all work together. If that doesn't work, use thermal weapons. We must kill this kind of person completely!"

Some people in the crowd were actually deceived. Their eyes looking at Lin Mo were full of coldness, and they actually wanted to take action.

Lin Mo sneered, what the world lacks most are conspirators, and what is more, there is no shortage of fools!


The aura on his body exploded. Since the other party wanted to attack him and use such despicable methods, Lin Mo would not be polite and even use more powerful methods!

He took a step forward, and there was a sound of thunder exploding under his feet.

The Thunder Breathing Technique was pushed to the extreme by Lin Mo at this moment, and the thunder could be faintly heard on his body.

He was taking action, and his momentum was so terrifying. He punched out like a tiger descending from a mountain, and thunder flashed around him.

Lin Mo was fighting, opening and closing, and every move was shocking.

Some people admired in their hearts that Lin Mo was really too strong and his fighting instinct was far superior to other people.

Bang bang bang!

The muffled sound continued, and Lin Mo directly maimed all the people who had been hiding in the dark before setting fire, leaving them lying on the ground wailing continuously.

"Damn it, Lin Mo, if you can't destroy the monsters, how can you do anything to us?!"

Among the group of people lying on the ground, some were still speaking, unwilling to let Lin Mo go like this.


Lin Mo's eyes darkened, and he stepped hard on the man's chest!

A mouthful of blood spat out, and the man's face showed a look of shock, because he couldn't believe that Lin Mo dared to attack so forcefully in front of so many people, and caused him serious injuries.

"Old principal, make the decision for me!"

He looked at the old principal, his voice pleading.

"Although I am about to retreat, I am not dead yet! Lin Mo is my disciple, and you are targeting him everywhere and trying to snatch the creation that originally belonged to him from his hands. In my opinion, you really deserve to die! "

The old principal was getting older, his hair was graying, and his waist was already a bit stooped, but at this moment he spoke forcefully and actually wanted to directly stand up for Lin Mo.

At this moment, the old principal's strength was terrifying. The man who yelled before shut his mouth and got up honestly.

Lin Mo glanced at everyone and said calmly: "I know you are all elites, now tell me, how many of you have achieved seventh-grade Martial King or above?

How many people have become ninth-grade peak martial kings? "

Lin Mo asked calmly.

Some people lowered their heads with ashamed looks on their faces. Lin Mo's humiliation method was simply ridiculously powerful. They were much older than Lin Mo, but their final strength was actually much worse than Lin Mo's!

"Old principal..." Someone opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't dare to say anything!

After a short break, the day of the finals finally arrived.

Lin Mo still stood on the edge of the ring to warm up according to the original rules. At the same time, he looked into the distance, Hu Yao should be coming!

At this moment, a noisy voice sounded, and a road separated from the crowd in the distance, and Hu Yao slowly walked over.

He first walked to the flower pot with a smile on his face, "Is this prepared for me? To celebrate my victory!"

He was very confident and looking at Lin Mo at the same time.

In fact, at this moment, Lin Mo was also looking at Hu Yao. He discovered the problem, that is, Hu Yao's momentum had changed and his realm had improved!

"What's going on? He can't have my ability. Did he use some special method?" Lin Mo thought inwardly and looked at Hu Yao.

In fact, Hu Yao was even more shocked at this moment. It was just a marrow-washing grass, but it actually made Lin Mo look different!

"Lin Mo, you are very strong, but you are not as good as me. You can admit defeat. I will spare your life and I won't kill you. How about that?"

Hu Yao put his hands behind his back and looked at Lin Mo quietly.

He had already judged how strong Lin Mo was.

"It's several levels worse than me. It's not good enough. I'll make a strong move later!"

Hu Yao had already made plans in his heart and was ready to win in the shortest possible time.

"Now I announce that the finals of the president selection competition will now begin. Let's talk about the general process..."

Feng Xuan came on stage and continued to act as the host.


After the two of them arrived, Feng Xuan announced the start of the game with a roar!


As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Yao took the initiative!

He was too strong. He was already much stronger than Lin Mo, but at this moment he actually took action first.

"It's a bit despicable, obviously he's jumping the gun!"

"The spiritual realm..."

However, at this moment, Lin Mo suddenly trapped Hu Yao in his spiritual realm!

At the same time, he transformed into an NPC in the spiritual world and fought against Hu Yao with his spiritual power!

You know, Lin Mo's mental power and blood power are the same value. At this moment, Lin Mo takes action forcefully, preparing to take away those NPCs!

"Hmph, I really thought that the Qi Nian master was great. Don't forget that I come from the Hu family in the capital, and I am also a Qi Nian master!"

Hu Yao spoke, and at the same time he was also launching a spiritual attack!

He is very proud that the news that he is a Qi Master has always been sealed, in order to give the enemy the most fatal blow at the steward's moment!

But when she used this kind of martial arts, she ultimately failed!

However, at this moment, Hu Yao seemed to see Lin Mo's mental power leaving!


The next moment, Hu Yao felt his head buzzing, as if someone was beating gongs and drums in his mind!

"Ah!" He screamed, holding his head and falling directly to the ground!

There were shocked looks on everyone's faces. Who would have thought that the final result would be like this. Lin Mo won the title of champion without much effort!

In other words, the new student union president is Lin Mo!

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