Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 162 Ye Qing's Gift

Lin Mo stood alone on the final stage.

His current strength has reached the level of the third-grade martial king, coupled with his powerful mental strength, so even if he didn't say a word, he made a group of people pale and feel inexplicable pressure.

What's more, one of the biggest candidates for the position of president, and the most outstanding descendant of the Hu family, is now lying at Lin Mo's feet.

The whole process of the final was unexpectedly boring. The two people just stood there, and there was no visible battle. One of them fell directly there!


Finally, someone in the crowd spoke with an excited look on his face.

Lin Mo recognized that they were the students who went to the village together at the beginning. After experiencing life and death together, they had a harmonious relationship and became Lin Mo's supporters.

Feng Xuan also had a smile on his face. At the beginning, he recommended Lin Mo to run for president. Unexpectedly, he really succeeded!

"The youngest president in the history of Huaxia Military University, who won this position in his freshman year... It's extraordinary!"

"You only saw him become the president, but you didn't see his strength... Such a young third-grade martial king, three years younger than Hu Yao!"

A group of people spoke up and praised Lin Mo's strength.

"Ahem..." Feng Xuan coughed lightly and clenched the microphone in his hand: "Please ask the medical team to come up and send Hu Yao to the infirmary. All expenses must be paid by the student union!"

Until this time, someone hurriedly went on stage and carried Hu Yao away.

Feng Xuan smiled and walked onto the stage and stood in front of Lin Mo: "Now, there is no suspense. The final winner is Lin Mo. Then according to our regulations, Lin Mo is the final president of the student union!"

"Thank you, please give me more advice in the future!" Lin Mo smiled and spoke, he didn't have much to say.

"I always feel that it's not satisfying enough, there is no real fighting!"

"The battle of the Qi Master is so plain and simple, killing people invisibly!"

"But... it's really boring!"

A group of people dispersed, and the place gradually became deserted.

Only some of Lin Mo's followers came forward and excitedly congratulated him.

Lin Mo thanked him one by one, and then looked at Feng Xuan.

"Come with me!" Feng Xuan pulled Lin Mo and took him away, taking over the position of the president of the student union. He still has a lot to give to Lin Mo.

You know, the student union is the most important department in the martial arts university. It has great power and manages a large number of students.

And there are many benefits here. The school allocates a lot of funds every year, and this money is managed by the president of the student union!

In addition, the student union is not a monolithic entity, but is divided into several parts with different thoughts.

"Hu Yao's cousin Cai Kun is the vice president of the student union, a seventh-rank martial king. If you take the position of president, he will never obey you!

There is also Liu Jia, also a seventh-rank martial king. He has always wanted to become the president. Now that you have interfered, it is very likely that he and Cai Kun will unite and attack you!

These two people hold a lot of power in their hands. After you take office, they will definitely give you a head start!

As for the last vice president, her name is Qin Lan. She is quite powerful and has reached the level of a fifth-rank martial king. She has a gentle personality and should be a neutral person, but you can find a way to win him over because the Qin family is behind her.

The Qin family in Beijing is a powerful family on par with the Hu family and other families!

As for the others, they are all small characters. They can always be subdued by using both kindness and force!"

Feng Xuan said a lot. When he was the president, no one dared to disobey him because of his strong strength.

But Lin Mo is different. On the one hand, his level is too low, and on the other hand, his qualifications are too shallow, making it difficult to convince the public.

"In addition, let me tell you one more thing. None of the three vice presidents came to watch the finals today!" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo and spoke slowly.

At the same time, he raised his hand and patted Lin Mo's shoulder.

Lin Mo understood what he meant. There was no doubt that this was a show of strength. He didn't care about Lin Mo's strength at all.

"Thank you, don't worry. Since I am the president, there are naturally many ways to make them surrender!" Lin Mo smiled faintly, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

If they are obedient, it's fine. If they are not obedient... all of them will be useless, and then replaced!

"You kid, you can establish your prestige, but you can't do dangerous things. These people are the living forces of the military. You must put the overall situation first!"

Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo's eyes and was immediately shocked. He was afraid that this kid would make a mistake and directly abolish all three people.

"Don't worry, I am good at convincing people with virtue..." Lin Mo smiled and waved his fist.

"Your fists, can't be the so-called virtue..." Feng Xuan said helplessly.

Lin Mo smiled and said nothing.


The phone rang, and after taking a look at the contact, the smile on Lin Mo's face became even more intense.

"Finally you remembered to call me, aren't you worried that I would kill myself?" After answering the phone, Lin Mo smiled and said.

"I have 100% trust in you, you are the strongest!" Ye Qing's voice rang: "Also, congratulations on becoming the new president, do you have time? I'm going to give you a gift!"

"I have time!" After Lin Mo and Ye Qing agreed on a meeting place, he hung up the phone: "I have to leave, the beauty has an appointment."

"Be careful!" Feng Xuan smiled and said: "Do you want me to give you a few Dudu?"

Lin Mo, such a pure child, was stunned for a long time when he heard these words before he realized what he was saying. After scolding him for being shameless, he turned around and left.

However, after Lin Mo took a few steps, he recalled Ye Qing's words in his mind.

"She said she wanted to give me a gift... Well, she really wanted to give herself to me, right?" Lin Mo already had a picture in his mind.

Although he has no practical experience, the Internet is developed and Lin Mo's theoretical knowledge is very solid.

"It's over. I've been led astray by Feng Xuan. All I can think about is all the time!" Lin Mo shook his head and said helplessly.

I went back to the dormitory and changed my clothes, then tidied up before leaving the door.

When passing by the store, Lin Mo saw Dudu at the exit checkout, hesitated for a moment, and finally went in and bought a box.

"It's not that my thoughts are unhealthy, but I'm thinking about Ye Qing..." Lin Mo comforted himself in his heart.

The place where the two met was a restaurant outside the school.

As one of the best schools in China, Huaxia Military University has very complete supporting facilities around it. In order to meet the consumption needs of local tycoons, there are also high-end hotels here.

"Wu Zhichun!" Lin Mo looked at the name of the restaurant in front of him and couldn't help but smile. This name was really not good.

"Lin Mo!" At this moment, a voice sounded. Lin Mo, who came back to his senses, looked around and saw Ye Qing standing there handsomely.

She was wearing a black dress that just reached her knees, black stockings on her calves, and her black hair was spread over her shoulders. Just one look at her made Lin Mo feel excited.

I have to say that Ye Qing is really good-looking. When we met this time, she was obviously dressed up, with light traces of makeup on her face.

"Long time no see!" Lin Mo said with a deliberate smile.

"It's been a long time indeed. I'm too busy!" Ye Qing smiled: "Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner today to celebrate you getting the position of president!"

Ye Qing spoke. She had a deep love for Lin Mo. In addition, Lin Mo rescued her last time. Now, in Ye Qing's heart, Lin Mo has become the most important person to her.

In fact, Lin Mo was somewhat aware of this emotion.

In Lin Mo's heart, he actually recognized Ye Qing's existence.

The two had known each other since high school, and with their shared experiences, Lin Mo already had a place for Ye Qing in his heart.

They sat down and ordered several recommended dishes from the restaurant.

"How is the cooperation with the school going?"

"It's very good. The old principal takes good care of me..." Ye Qing glanced at Lin Mo, her cheeks a little red.

Because the old principal gave her too much preferential treatment. In the old principal's own words, he had already regarded Ye Qing as his disciple's wife. She was considered his junior, so she naturally had to take special care of her.

Moreover, during the entire cooperation process, Ye Qing also worked very hard, often working on the development without sleep or food.

"The intermediate Qi and Blood Pills have been successfully refined, and the latest batch will be on the market soon!" Ye Qing smiled and told Lin Mo the good news: "In addition, the refining efficiency of the intermediate Qi and Blood Pills is indeed very high, which is higher than usual. The refining method has more than doubled!”

She spoke with an excited look on her face.

The Ye family is an alchemy family and is very sensitive to these data and knows what they represent.

According to the pill recipe provided by Lin Mo, the price of the intermediate Qi and Blood Pill will be much lower.

"That's a good thing. When the price of intermediate Qi and Blood Pills decreases, many people's strength will be greatly improved!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

In the future, monsters from the abyss will appear on Blue Star. The pictures he saw of the future were too terrifying.

Martial arts are flourishing, but it is not enough to face future crises. If you want to defeat those monsters, more strong men need to appear!

"By the way, I also said I would give you a gift!" Ye Qing said with a smile.

"Here?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and glanced around.

There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and I felt so shy in front of so many people!

"Is there anything I can't do here?" Ye Qing looked puzzled, and then took out a stack of documents from his small bag: "The old principal and I discussed a ratio of 40 to 60.

I want to give you 30% of the shares, and I’ll keep 10% of the shares!

Please sign this document! "

Ye Qing placed the document directly in front of Lin Mo and spoke seriously.

"Is this the gift you're talking about?" Lin Mo was stunned.

"If it's not this, what else could it be?" Ye Qing was also stunned and looked at Lin Mo: "Is there anything else you want?"

"No, no!" Lin Mo shook his head repeatedly, scolded Feng Xuan in his heart, and then pushed the document back: "The sharing is not very useful to me, so I don't want it. However, I I need your help with something else!"

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