Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 163: Establishing Authority

"Are you sure you don't want to think about signing the document?"

The two of them left the restaurant, and Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled face: "When you were discussing business with the Ye family, why did you hold on to your share of the profit?"

"People change. Besides, haven't you already agreed to my request?" Lin Mo said with a smile, while walking forward with his hands behind his back.

Ye Qing shook her head and looked at Lin Mo's back, feeling a little helpless. She really didn't expect Lin Mo to make such a request.


At this moment, a thunder rang out, and sudden raindrops fell. The two of them were unable to dodge, and were directly showered on their heads and faces.

The rain was like a downpour, and everything was soaked in just a few seconds.

I have to say that Ye Qing's figure is so good. After being soaked by the rain, the dress sticks to her body, graceful and beautiful.

"You...don't look!" Ye Qing blushed, being stared directly at by Lin Mo's eyes made her really uncomfortable and almost turned red.

Lin Mo turned away: "Let's go back and change clothes quickly. Although we are all martial arts cultivators, your strength is not high and you can easily get sick!"

When the two of them returned to school and were about to part ways, Ye Qing suddenly stopped: "By the way, take off your clothes and I'll take them back to you to wash them! Just...just think of it as a thank you for helping me last time." present!"

Ye Qing blushed and made an excuse.

Lin Mo was confused for a moment, and by some mistake, he took off his coat and handed it to Ye Qing.

After Ye Qing took it, she reached into her pocket and said, "Put away your mobile phone and wallet..."

At this point, Ye Qing was stunned because he found two palm-sized boxes in Lin Mo's pocket.

Lin Mo was also stunned. When he just took off his coat, he felt that he had forgotten something, but now he finally remembered it.

Seeing Ye Qing going through his pockets, he wanted to stop him, but seeing Ye Qing's face, he knew it was too late.

Sure enough, after Ye Qing took out the box from Lin Mo's pocket, he glanced at the contents, screamed, and threw the box towards Lin Mo.

"I...if I told you that this thing is chewing gum...would you believe it?" Lin Mo looked at the box in his hand, the smile on his face was uglier than crying.

"You..." Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo, blushing, and said nothing for most of the day. Finally, she thought of Lin Mo's behavior in the restaurant, and suddenly understood something.

She directly covered her face, turned around and ran away, but she also took Lin Mo's coat away.

Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing leaving, scolded Feng Xuan after a long time, and then turned around and entered the house.


Early the next morning, Lin Mo got up from bed. What happened yesterday affected him so deeply that he even dreamed about it at night.

Even in his dream, he was slapped by Ye Qing.

"Today is the day to join the student union. You'd better not mess with me. I'm in a bad mood right now!" Lin Mo said coldly after changing his clothes.

The office of the student union is located in the comprehensive office building inside the school. Moreover, the entire office space of the student union covers a large area, and the president's office even occupies a full floor!

"It's an exaggeration. It's too exaggerated. There is a small simulation room in the president's office, and there is even a blood measuring instrument!"

After Lin Mo took a look at his future office, his eyes suddenly widened. He finally understood why so many people wanted to run for the position of president.

This special treatment is too good!

Sitting on the president's office chair, Lin Mo looked out the door.

From the moment he came in, he felt that there was someone outside the door.

"Who is it? You're not tired after standing outside for so long!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door to the office was pushed open, and a figure slowly walked in.

"Hello, President Lin, I am your assistant, my name is Xu Bing'er!"

What walked in was a girl with a single ponytail, baby fat, fair skin, and round eyes on her face, looking very cute.

She was wearing professional attire, which gave her a strong contrasting beauty.

"Hello!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "Are the presidents here today!?"

Xu Bing'er's eyes lit up and she said, "He's not here yet!"

"Okay, help me inform them that I will have a meeting in an hour. Please arrive on time!" Lin Mo said lightly.

"Understood!" Xu Bing'er said immediately, then turned and left.

There was an excited smile on her face: President Lin seems to be a strong person, I am really looking forward to how he will deal with the vice presidents!

Wanting to watch the excitement, after Xu Bing'er left here, she directly called the three vice presidents and informed them of Lin Mo's notice.

Fifty minutes later, Lin Mo slowly walked into the conference room and sat on the main seat.

Not long after, the door to the conference room opened and a woman walked in.

She is dressed casually, has short hair, and looks cool!

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. Needless to say, the person in front of him was one of the vice presidents, Qin Lan!

"Hello, President Lin, my name is Qin Lan!" Qin Lan said, then found a seat and sat down.

Lin Mo nodded. There is no doubt that this woman is a martial arts idiot. She is not very interested in many things. The only thing she is interested in is martial arts!

Such people don't have much intrigue, and Lin Mo is happy to get along with such people.

Soon after, Xu Bing'er also came and stood beside Lin Mo, preparing to take minutes of the meeting.

An hour passed, and there were only three of them in the entire meeting room, and the other two presidents did not show up.

"President Qin, I'm sorry, everyone is not here, the meeting will be postponed!" Lin Mo smiled apologetically at Qin Lan, and then looked at Xu Bing'er: "Notify the ministers of all departments of the Student Union, and the other two vice presidents, the meeting will start in half an hour!"

Xu Bing'er nodded, feeling a little disappointed with Lin Mo.

The two vice presidents had already made it clear that they did not give face, but Lin Mo actually changed the meeting time.

Not strong at all!

Half an hour passed, and there were a total of fifteen departments managed by the Student Union, and only five people came in the end, and the two vice presidents still did not show up.

"Sorry everyone, not everyone is here, the meeting will be postponed for another half an hour!"

Lin Mo looked at Xu Bing'er, and this time he didn't need to speak, Xu Bing'er had already taken out her mobile phone and started to tell everyone Lin Mo's latest instructions.

Another half an hour passed. Nine of the managers of the fifteen departments came, and six remained!

The two vice presidents still did not show up!

Xu Bing'er looked at Lin Mo, thinking that he would continue to postpone the time.

But this time, Lin Mo did not speak, but looked in the direction of the door indifferently.

He did not say a word, but just looked at the door quietly.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room became weird. Except for Qin Lan, everyone's face had an inexplicable look.

On the first day of hurting people, the two vice presidents came to show their power. How should this young new president deal with it?

Everyone knew that if Lin Mo did not deal well this time, then no one would take him seriously in the future.

As for Qin Lan, the reason why she did not have such a face and expression was completely because she was not interested in these.

Because Lin Mo noticed that Qin Lan had actually started to practice at this moment, and the blood and qi were boiling and constantly condensing in the dantian.

However, Lin Mo noticed that when Qin Lan pulled the blood and qi, the direction of these blood and qi in the meridians was not quite right.

"President Qin, do you want to try to draw the blood and qi so that they no longer pass through the two major acupoints of Tianling and Qingfeng, but pass through the Qihai and Guixu, and finally enter the Dantian..." Lin Mo's voice sounded in her ears.

Qin Lan paused, looked up at Lin Mo, and then the blood and qi slightly changed the direction of flow. According to Lin Mo, it passed through the Qihai and Guixu and finally entered the Dantian.


Qin Lan's body trembled violently, opened her eyes, and looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

And Lin Mo just smiled and nodded lightly: "President Qin has such a strong talent!

Please continue!"

Qin Lan suppressed the shock in her heart and continued to practice, because she had a feeling that she had been stuck in the fifth-grade martial king realm for a year, and today she might be able to break through to the sixth-grade martial king realm!

"Haha, sorry, sorry, we are all practicing today, so we are late!"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and two figures walked in first, followed by the managers of the remaining six departments.

However, this time, Lin Mo did not look at them, but set his eyes on Qin Lan.

The two who spoke saw that Lin Mo did not pay attention to them, and the smiles on their faces suddenly sank.

"Haha, President Lin..."

Cai Kun smiled lightly and looked at Lin Mo.

"Shut up!" Lin Mo suddenly shouted coldly, and the sound waves of the tiger roar mixed with mental power rushed towards Cai Kun and Liu Jia!

Cai Kun sneered, feeling the power of the sound waves, he was about to circulate the power of blood and qi to resist.

But the next moment, the sound waves rushed over with mental attacks!


Cai Kun felt that his head was about to explode, and he screamed and sat down on the ground.

As for Liu Jia, because he was standing at the back, he was not hit very hard, but despite this, his legs were still shaking!

This sudden change scared the six managers at the door and made them retreat again and again, looking at Lin Mo with pale faces.


At this moment, Qin Lan, who had been practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong momentum burst out of his body!


Qin Lan broke through directly under Lin Mo's guidance and became a sixth-grade martial king!

Liu Jia and Cai Kun, who were originally furious, changed their faces. They didn't expect that Qin Lan would break through at this time!

"Hahaha, congratulations, President Qin!" Lin Mo stood up and said with a smile.

"Thank you, if it weren't for your guidance, I would have no chance of breaking through!" Qin Lan looked at Lin Mo with gratitude in her eyes.

She was very pure. Lin Mo helped her, so she was naturally grateful.

"Not worth mentioning!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then turned to look at Liu Jia and Cai Kun at the door: "Oh, what's going on?

I didn't scare you just now!

I'm really sorry, President Qin was just at the critical moment of breaking through, I was worried about accidents, so I used martial arts unconsciously...

I hope you're not hurt!"

Lin Mo apologized while stepping forward and pretending to help them up.

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