Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 164: Give a date after a beating

"I don't need you to help me!" Cai Kun raised his hand with an angry look on his face and slapped Lin Mo on the back of his hand.

He staggered to his feet, while Liu Jia behind him stared at Lin Mo with a gloomy face, like a hungry wolf staring at its prey!

"The two presidents are late. Today's meeting is over. Please go back!"

After the two of them stood up, Lin Mo smiled and spoke.

Liu Jia, Cai Kun and others looked cold. They just arrived here and didn't say anything. The meeting was over?

"Let's go!" But the two did not intend to indulge Lin Mo, and turned around and left the office with a group of people.

"Help me notify everyone. Ten minutes later, we will continue the meeting here!"

Lin Mo issued his order lightly. Xu Bing'er's eyes were shining, and there was a trace of respect in her eyes when she looked at Lin Mo, because the martial arts that Lin Mo had just displayed were indeed very powerful, and the two vice presidents were scared to the ground.

"What are you going to do? Do you need my help?"

Qin Lan sat on the side and spoke at this moment.

"No need, I can still solve this problem, President Qin just needs to concentrate on cultivation!" Lin Mo smiled lightly. If he couldn't deal with the two here, the days ahead would only be more difficult.

Qin Lan nodded, then closed her eyes and continued to cultivate.

Lin Mo looked at Qin Lan's appearance, and felt a sense of emotion in his heart. The road of martial arts needs such people, and there is a great possibility of reaching the top.

Five minutes later, eleven heads of fifteen departments came, and two more came in the eighth minute.

Fifteen minutes later, Liu Jia and Cai Kun walked in with the remaining two heads.

"You two can go out. Before you came, we have cancelled your positions!" Lin Mo pointed at the other two heads and spoke lightly.

The two people's faces immediately fell, and they looked at Cai Kun and Liu Jia.

"President Lin, what do you mean? They have always done a good job in their work. It's not appropriate for you to fire them like this!"

Cai Kun spoke lightly.

At the same time, they looked at the several persons in charge of the conference room. Among these people, five had followed them originally, but now they sat in the conference room obediently.

If they can't keep these two people, then it will be even more impossible for anyone to follow them in the future!

So keeping the two people at all costs is the best choice!

"They were late for the meeting four times. What's wrong with me firing them?" Lin Mo said lightly: "The two presidents were also late four times, but I believe that the two presidents had important things to do, so they were late...

However, I can forgive the two presidents, but it doesn't mean I can forgive them!"

Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed at the two people, and said coldly: "What are you two doing standing here? Do you want to listen to our confidential meeting?"

"President Liu... President Cai..." The two people were anxious and looked directly at Cai Kun and Liu Jia.

"Get out!"

Lin Mo suddenly spoke, and a thunderous sound rang out, with a whistling sound, which made people tremble!

The bodies of the two people trembled violently, and they almost collapsed there. After they came to their senses, they left here without looking back.

"Two presidents, please take a seat, let's start the meeting!" Lin Mo said lightly, pointing to a chair not far away.

Unlike before, according to the positions of Liu Jia and Cai Kun, their seats should be in the front, but at this moment, their seats were arranged at the back.

This clearly shows that they are not taken seriously!

"Humph, President Lin is really good at humiliating people. After all, we are both old members of the student union. Now we are arranged in this position. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?" Cai Kun spoke slowly, and his eyes had turned cold at the same time.

Because the two responsible persons were not saved, he had seen that someone looked at them with a different look.

This made the two feel a sense of crisis, and they had to find their place back.

"Oh, you two came late, so you can only sit in the back, they came early, so they can sit in the front!" Lin Mo said with a faint smile.

"Humph, when did the seats start to be arranged according to the time of arrival? If Liu came early, could he sit in President Lin's position?" Liu Jia spoke, his voice was cold, and he looked at Lin Mo with mockery in his eyes.


Lin Mo slapped the table with his hand, and his aura suddenly became extremely cold. His mental power also instantly enveloped the two of them like a storm.

The spiritual realm!

Lin Mo directly used the spiritual realm and pulled everyone in the conference room in.

In the spiritual realm, Lin Mo was like a god of war, wearing solid armor, holding a knife in one hand and a sword in the other. He swung and slashed casually, and you could see the sword intent bursting out, which was extremely terrifying!

"If you don't want to sit in the position of the two presidents, you can leave now. After all, there are many people outside who want to come in, but they don't have the chance!

Also, I heard that the two presidents are busy with cultivation. In my opinion, martial arts practitioners should take cultivation as their own responsibility, so let the position go and give it to others. The two of you just concentrate on cultivation!"

Lin Mo spoke, and his voice was really like thunder, rolling in, extremely terrifying!

At this moment, in the spiritual realm, the pressure Lin Mo gave people was terrifying. More than 3,000 mental powers were not something that a martial king-level strongman could bear!

Even though their strength has surpassed Lin Mo's, it is still not enough!

Lin Mo waved his hand lightly, and the spiritual world was instantly unlocked.

In the meeting room, the faces of the thirteen responsible persons were already full of shock, and the few people who followed Liu Jia and Cai Kun were already sweating coldly!

"Two presidents, are you going or staying? Give me an explanation!" Lin Mo glanced at them lightly, coughed lightly, and raised his hand to knock on the table in front of him.

Xu Bing'er quickly turned around and picked up the cup from the table beside her and made a full cup of tea for Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction. It's good to have a secretary. With just a gesture or a look, the work is done!

He picked up the tea and drank a cup slowly, and the smile on his face was still calm.


At this moment, Liu Jia slapped the table fiercely.

"Hmph, President Lin is so angry when he takes office. Is he bullying us two old people?

Then let's start the operation. Did President Lin choose the wrong opponent?"

He stood up directly, and the blood and qi in his body burst out and covered Lin Mo's body.

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. He was waiting for this moment!

"President Liu is threatening me!" He stood up directly, and his mental power and blood and qi were running at the same time.

In addition, he activated the two states of blood-thirsty and blood-thirsty to increase his momentum again!


Two forces on Lin Mo's body rolled towards Liu Jia's body.

Feeling that power, Liu Jia's eyes turned cold, and he snorted lightly, and was about to attack.

"Just you?" Lin Mo sneered, and the murderous intent on his body began to flow.

Unlike Liu Jia, Lin Mo had killed people before, and his hands were stained with blood. At this moment, the murderous intent was agitated, and he pressed towards Liu Jia with a terrifying momentum!

In an instant, Liu Jia's face changed, as if he was in an ice cave!

"President Liu is quite capable, but compared to me, you are still far behind!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Give up your position, or... die!"

Lin Mo opened his mouth, and in one sentence he actually wanted to kill someone!

Liu Jia's face changed wildly, he stared at Lin Mo's eyes, he didn't believe that Lin Mo could really kill people.

But after seeing Lin Mo's eyes, he dared not not believe it!

"Hmph, this position, it's better not to!" Liu Jia said coldly, and turned around and left the meeting room!

The moment he walked out of the meeting room, he actually felt a sense of powerlessness, as if his whole body was exhausted!

"What a pity, I still want to fight with President Liu!" Lin Mo shook his head regretfully, and then set his eyes on Cai Kun. "President Cai and President Liu seem to have a good relationship. President Liu has resigned from the position of president because of his poor health... I wonder what President Cai thinks?"

Cai Kun looked at Lin Mo with deep eyes, and after a long time, a smile appeared on his face: "President Lin, that's not the case. President Liu and I are colleagues. We both work in the student union, and it is only right to discuss together. Now that he has left the student union, I naturally have to draw a clear line with him. After all, there are many secrets in the student union that need to be kept..."

"President Cai is still very righteous. In this case, President Cai will continue to sit in this position, and we can choose two department heads!

As for President Liu's position, I will keep it for him. When he figures it out, come to me again!"

Lin Mo smiled faintly and quickly made his own arrangements.

The whole venue was silent, and no one raised different opinions.

Everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to reserve a position for President Liu. Liu Jia and the Hu family have a relationship, and it is absolutely impossible for them to surrender to Lin Mo.

That is to say, from now on, there will only be two vice presidents in the student union!

A group of people were shocked, and there was a hint of solemnity in their eyes when they looked at Lin Mo.

Those who have reached their current position in the student union are not fools. From the means used by Lin Mo to do this, they all understand one thing... Lin Mo is not someone who is easy to bully. In front of Lin Mo, it is better to keep your tail between your legs!

"By the way, since everyone is here for this meeting, let me announce something. I know that the department heads of the student union used to have a low-level Qi and Blood Pill every month, and the vice presidents have two. Today, I announce that the benefits of low-level Qi and Blood Pills have been cancelled!"

After the voice fell, a group of people showed dissatisfaction on their faces, but looking at Lin Mo one by one, no one dared to speak.

After all, if the Qi and Blood Pills are cancelled, the student union still has other benefits. If you make Lin Mo unhappy and get fired, then there will be no benefits!

Lin Mo saw everyone's faces and smiled in his heart.

He paused for a few seconds before saying slowly: "I believe everyone has heard that the school has studied a new way of refining pills. The efficiency of refining intermediate Qi and Blood Pills has been greatly improved, so the original benefits will be cancelled and all will be changed to intermediate Qi and Blood Pills!

In other words, the person in charge will get one intermediate Qi and Blood Pill per month, and the vice president will get two!"


As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, the whole conference room was about to explode!

What is a surprise! What is excitement?

Originally, everyone's mood fell to the bottom, but now it's like riding a roller coaster, rushing to the peak!

One intermediate Qi and Blood Pill per month, that's nearly two million!

The eyes of everyone looking at Lin Mo changed!

Xu Bing'er behind Lin Mo looked at him with curiosity in her eyes!

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