Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 167: Get Back the Ground

"Where is President Cai?"

Lin Mo stood in the conference room, looking at everyone, frowning slightly.

"He said he was practicing, and he had reached a critical moment to break through, so he couldn't leave..." Xu Bing'er's face was helpless. Such an excuse was too low-level, but at this time, they couldn't say anything.

"Where is he in seclusion?"

"Please follow me..." Xu Bing'er's eyes lit up, and she looked at Lin Mo with expectation.

Xu Bing'er walked in front, and Lin Mo followed with a group of people.

Not long after, they came to the vice president's office. Before they approached the door, Lin Mo's spiritual perception had been released, and in an instant, it enveloped the entire vice president's office.

However, the next moment his face became strange, because there was not only Cai Kun in the office, but also a woman.

At this moment, the woman was sitting on Cai Kun's body, working hard.

"President, I'll go knock on the door!" Xu Bing'er said, and when she was about to step forward, she was stopped by Lin Mo.

"I'll do it myself!" Lin Mo said lightly.


The next moment, Lin Mo punched out, and the door of the office flew away directly. Even the terrifying Qi and Blood power escaped, and even broke a lot of the wall!

Because the door flew away, the whole office was exposed to everyone.

On the sofa in the room, two people were naked, looking at the door blankly.

Especially Cai Kun, when he was working hard, an accident happened, which frightened him directly.

"President Cai has worked hard in cultivation. This is the Qi and Blood Pill for this month. Let's give this position to others in the future!" Lin Mo threw two Qi and Blood Pills on the ground and turned away with everyone.

Cai Kun looked at the Qi and Blood Pills on the table, and his face became ugly.

But he didn't dare to have any opinions, because Lin Mo's strength was much stronger than his. If he forced a move, the final consequence might be that he was directly abolished by Lin Mo.

Another reason is that the student union faced provocations from other schools, and many people were injured, but as the vice president, he was doing this here...

"Those who can still fight, follow me, the rest of you should go to heal your wounds, and those who should practice well, go back to practice!" Lin Mo's voice sounded, and they had already walked to the school gate.

"Fight them!"

"Kill them!"

"Let them see how powerful we are!"

A group of people spoke loudly with a strong fighting spirit on their faces.

Lin Mo nodded and took out his mobile phone. Not long after, more than a dozen off-road vehicles stopped directly at the school gate.

After everyone got on the car, Lin Mo told the driver the address.

The convoy started to set off, and a group of people rushed towards Huaxia Wuda in a mighty manner.

The distance between the two schools was not very far, so half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of Huaxia Wuda.

A group of people walked down in a mighty manner, stood at the school gate and looked a few times, and then walked directly inside.

"Who are you, this is Huaxia Wuda..."


Lin Mo punched out and blasted away several students who were blocking them.

Of course, Lin Mo did not use his full strength, so although they were injured, they were not fatal.

"President Lin is mighty!" A group of people were extremely excited.

Because not long ago, after the people from Huaxia Wuda arrived at the Military University, they had the same attitude as Lin Mo, and injured several students guarding the gate, and then forced their way in.

"Lin Mo, the president of the Huaxia Military University Student Association, heard that the students from Wuda have profound cultivation, so he came to learn from them!"

After entering the gate, Lin Mo's voice rang out.

His voice contained the power of the tiger roar, and Lin Mo's current strength has improved a lot, so when he spoke at this moment, his voice was echoing throughout the school.

After three consecutive sounds, Lin Mo and a group of people stood in the square in the center of the school, waiting quietly.

Because of Lin Mo's appearance, there were more and more students around them, and many people pointed at Lin Mo and others, and the words they said were also extremely unpleasant.

"You are so shameless. You were beaten up like this by people from our school, and now you dare to show up here..."

"Shameless, if I were them, I would have bought a piece of tofu and killed myself..."

"I will just drown myself with urine..."

A group of people spoke, making the faces of those following Lin Mo extremely ugly.

"You..." When one of the students was about to refute, Lin Mo raised his hand and stopped him directly: "Only incompetent people will argue with people like them!

You should know that when your fist is hard enough, all the truths will be biased towards you!"

Lin Mo's words directly resonated with many people, and many people nodded.

Only the people from Huaxia Wuda looked at Lin Mo and others with hatred in their eyes.


Lin Mo disappeared directly from here!

Bang bang bang!

Muffled sounds kept coming, and Lin Mo took action. Under the effect of the ghost shadow, relying on the spiritual realm, Lin Mo narrowed the range to a certain level, covering only one person each time. In just a few tens of seconds, a group of people fell to the ground.

Lin Mo returned to his original position and looked at them quietly.

"Lin Mo, you!"

Looking at the fallen people, the anger on the faces of those people from Huaxia Wuda deepened, but they did not dare to make any moves.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several figures rushed out and stood in front of everyone, looking at Lin Mo with cold eyes.

"Did you attack us?!" One of them said, his name is Li Mu, the vice president of the Huaxia Wuhan University Student Union.

"Nonsense!" Lin Mo said lightly: "But you'd better retreat first. With your strength, it's not possible at all. I'm afraid I might kill you accidentally!"

Lin Mo spoke calmly. In fact, he was telling the truth. The person in front of him was indeed not very strong. Although his level had improved, it would take a long time to settle down.

"Or maybe the three of you come together, one by one, I don't think it's troublesome!" Lin Mo pointed at the remaining two people and said calmly.

The three of them are all vice-presidents of the Huaxia Wushu University Student Association. Since they can achieve this position, their IQs are not low, and they can all understand the meaning of Lin Mo's words.

In fact, they even understood that the reason why Lin Mo said such words was definitely not because of arrogance, but because Lin Mo really had the strength.

Compared with Lin Mo, their strength is like that of teenagers.

But if the three of them join forces, it will be different. If the three of them join forces, they can easily defeat even a strong man at the level of a Martial Saint!

What's more, Lin Mo's strength is only a third-grade Martial King!




There are three figures, three different auras, one of them has a terrifying human body, and only a few afterimages are left when it is running.

While another figure was running wildly, a long bow appeared in his hand.

Draw a full bow and shoot the genius!

The arrow was like a shooting star, shooting towards Lin Mo's eyebrows.

The third figure used fists, and the power of this boxing technique was amazing. When he waved his fists, he could actually hear the air vibrating, as if it was about to explode.

There is no doubt that these three people are powerful people.

"Stand back!" Lin Mo roared softly.

The next moment, he waved his fist and punched the vice president.


The vice president only felt a tyrannical force burst out of Lin Mo's body, and after entering her body, he almost tore him into pieces!


Lin Mo raised his hand to block the incoming arrow, and then threw it in the direction of the arrow.

The last figure held a blue sword in his hand. Its blade was like sapphire, and its sharp aura suddenly emitted, causing cold sweat to flow down Lin Mo's face!

A bang!

Lin Mo directly drew out the red blood sword and faced him fiercely.

The vice-president who wields a sword is very strong, especially in swordsmanship.

But when it came to Lin Mo, he couldn't stand it at all.

Blessed by the two states of violent blood and bloodthirsty, Lin Mo was like a terrifying god of war, almost invincible!

At least here, Lin Mo's combat effectiveness is definitely at its peak!

Bang bang bang!

With three muffled sounds, Lin Mo made a strong move and used the fastest speed to knock the three vice presidents who rushed up to the ground!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo's face showed a faint smile, and his whole body calmed down: "Why don't you ask others to give it a try? With all due respect, with your strength, I will win. There is no sense of accomplishment..."

humiliation! anger!

A group of people looked at Lin Mo and felt like they were going crazy.

Some people were gearing up and wanted to rush towards Lin Mo together and then kill Lin Mo.

But soon their expressions changed!

Because Lin Mo actually threw the red blood sword in his hand directly. What they didn't expect was that the red blood sword flew out as if it was a psychic, and finally stopped in front of the three people who were talking.

A sword hung far away from them, but as long as Lin Mo's mental power moved, this sword could pierce their eyebrows in the shortest time!

Several people had ugly looks on their faces, and they didn't dare to say a word at this moment!

"Haha!" Lin Mo sneered. In the past, these people were the ones who liked to spread rumors the most, and stood there most actively, wanting to come up and challenge Lin Mo.

Now Lin Mo has given them a chance. A sword is hanging there, and they can fight at any time if they want.

But the three of them were so honest that they stood there obediently, not daring to say a word.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo waved his hand and said calmly: "You are an eggless person!"

The faces of the three people were even uglier, but they couldn't say anything at this time.

"President Lin has such a bad temper. He brought a group of people to my student union to cause trouble. Isn't it a bit unruly?"

At this moment, a female voice sounded, and not far away, a woman walked slowly.

I have to say that she has a very good figure, and after wearing a tight leather jacket, she completely showed off her charm.

Behind the woman, there are several young men. They are all very powerful, but judging from their appearance, they are not Chinese!

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