"Fan Jiao, the president of Huaxia Wushu University Student Union, is quite powerful. It is said that she has reached the eighth-grade Wuwang realm and has the hope of reaching the Wusheng realm before graduation!"

Behind Lin Mo, Xu Bing'er spoke softly.

Lin Mo nodded. He really admired Xu Bing'er. A good assistant can always provide the most appropriate help when it is most needed.

And Xu Bing'er is undoubtedly such a person.

"What President Fan said is not true. If you want to talk about arrogance and strength, you are really arrogant and strong in Huaxia Wushu University!

Directly broke into my school and injured my student union members. President Fan, should I give me an explanation first?"

Fan Jiao's face was cold, and she smiled lightly: "Huaxia Military University is powerful. Our people just wanted to do it for a while, so they tried to make a move. I didn't expect that you were not worthy of your name. Even if our people showed mercy, you still couldn't stop them. In the end, they were injured. I can't do anything about it!"

"So that's it..."

Lin Mo nodded, and the next moment, he disappeared from here!


A slap sounded, and a slap mark soon appeared on Fan Jiao's face, which looked very conspicuous.

Fan Jiao's face was full of anger. She listened to Lin Mo's words a second ago and thought that Lin Mo had given in. Who could have thought that Lin Mo would directly attack her in the next second and slap her in the face, so powerful!

"Lin Mo, you!" Fan Jiao covered her face, and the blood and energy in her body were boiling. She was about to rush up and fight Lin Mo to the death.


The sound of the sword rang out, and Lin Mo pointed casually, and the Red Blood Sword was suspended in front of Fan Jiao. As long as he wanted, he could pierce Fan Jiao's head at any time!

Feeling the terrifying heat from the Red Blood Sword, coupled with the sharp aura, Fan Jiao's face changed again and again, and finally said nothing.

"I'm sorry, President Ha Fan. I thought you were an eighth-grade martial king, so you should be very strong. I didn't expect..." Lin Mo shook her head with disappointment, and then looked at the foreigners behind her: "Who are these yellow-haired and short people?"

"Damn it, Lin Mo, please be careful with your words. Mike and Ichiro Oyama are our distinguished guests of Huaxia Wuda. Please be polite..."

Not far away, several vice presidents who were knocked to the ground by Lin Mo shouted loudly.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded, followed by a burst of blood splashing out. The Red Blood Sword pierced the shoulder of the vice president just now, leaving a blood hole there, which was bleeding continuously and looked extremely pitiful.

"Lin Mo...you!"

The vice president screamed, covering his wound, and stared at Lin Mo.


The sword light flashed again, and the Red Blood Sword directly pierced his chest!


Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. They never thought that Lin Mo would dare to kill people.

"Lin Mo, do you know what you are doing?" Fan Jiao could no longer hold back and shouted.

Behind him, Xu Bing'er and others were also extremely shocked.

There were many battles between the two schools, but they always ended in bloodshed and injuries. Over the years, there has never been a death.

Now Lin Mo directly took action and killed one of them!

This incident must have a great impact!

"Huaxia Military University has school rules. All students of Huaxia Military University have the status of military department. In other words, your status of military department determines that your body is not allowed to be injured by foreigners.

This time, I have investigated very clearly. The reason why these foreigners appeared in our school was that this vice president and President Fan personally led the team and led several foreigners into the campus!

President Fan doesn't know that Huaxia Military University is a key confidential school and does not allow any foreigners to enter without permission?!"

Lin Mo said coldly: "Also, you two brought foreigners into the important place of Huaxia without authorization. God knows if you have other ideas?

This so-called vice president has been defending that foreigner from the beginning to now, saying that they have no shameful transactions, I don't believe it!

After leaving here, I will ask someone to investigate his bank account and social relationships to confirm whether he has any connection with foreign countries!

If there is no connection, I, Lin Mo, am willing to exchange my life for another...

As for President Fan!"

Lin Mo picked up the sword in his hand and weighed it, then looked at Fan Jiao silently.

Fan Jiao's face was extremely ugly. Lin Mo was threatening her, and threatening her in front of so many people!

"Is this the martial arts spirit of China?"

At this moment, behind Fan Jiao, the short and fat Dashan Ichiro slowly walked out: "In our beautiful country of cherry blossoms, we have always been open-minded..."

"So your name is Dashan, because you were born at the foot of the mountain?" A man behind Lin Mo spoke with a mocking face.

Dashan Ichiro looked ugly because he understood the meaning of this sentence.

But he couldn't refute it, because he was really born at the foot of the mountain. His mother had a wonderful encounter with two soldiers from the beautiful country, and then he was born.

Although he didn't know who his father was, he felt proud of his bloodline from the beautiful country since he was a child!

Dashan Ichiro didn't respond, but Fan Jiao couldn't help but speak: "Lin Mo, let your people shut up. I am a great China. Don't you have a little tolerance?

Dashan Ichiro came to China just to learn from each other, and he didn't have the dirty thoughts you said..."


The sound of the sword rang out again, and the Red Blood Sword was suspended in the air again, pointing at Fan Jiao's heart!

Fan Jiao's face was extremely ugly, because she felt that Lin Mo really wanted to kill her!

"Shh... If you can't speak, don't speak, be good!" Lin Mo raised a finger and spoke softly.

Dashan Ichiro sneered: "You humble Chinese people only know how to do such ridiculous things. What's the ability of your own people to attack your own people..."


Before Dashan Ichiro finished speaking, Lin Mo's figure disappeared, and a slap hit his face.

When he appeared again, Lin Mo was already standing three meters away: "Who said we only beat our own people?"

This slap made Dashan Ichiro's face swell up. His body was originally fat, and now it looks like a pig's head!

"Baga! You, are dead!

Damn, lowly, Chinese!"

Ichiro Ohyama covered his face and stared at Lin Mo fiercely. The next moment, he crossed his hands over his head and directly pulled out the samurai sword on his back!

The samurai sword was about 1.2 meters long and was actually flashing with a blue luster!

"Ghost sword..." Xu Bing'er behind Lin Mo suddenly spoke loudly: "President, be careful, his sword can cut through mental power, and there is some terrible natural toxin on the blade, there is no solution!

Swish and kill!"


Ichiro Ohyama laughed grimly, swung his long sword and rushed up.

His strength is the same as Fan Jiao, but at this moment he is using swordsmanship completely!

It must be said that Ichiro Ohyama's swordsmanship is amazing. There was an explosion when he swung and slashed, and the terrifying blood and qi flowed out, forming an arc of light, slashing towards Lin Mo diagonally!

Swish, swish, swish!

Lin Mo's figure kept flashing, and the ghost shadow body movement became extremely strange under Lin Mo's performance!

He dodged the knife light, raised his hand and grabbed it, and the Red Blood Sword appeared in his hand.


Lin Mo swung the sword, and Ichiro Oyama's face changed slightly. When he was about to block it, it was too late!

A wound appeared on Ichiro Oyama's chest. The wound was deep enough to see the bone, which was extremely terrifying!

Ichiro Oyama roared, held the knife with both hands, and slashed at Lin Mo again!

Lin Mo swung the sword, his demeanor was calm and calm.

The sound of ding-dong was endless. Lin Mo fought with a sword and did not retreat. On the contrary, cold sweat gradually flowed from Ichiro Oyama's face, and he was about to lose.

"Mr. Oyama, I'll help you!" Fan Jiao suddenly roared, gritted her teeth, and stood beside Ichiro Oyama, and attacked at the same time!


She actually used a sword, and her first move was a fatal move!

The sword light flashed, and she actually went to Lin Mo's brow!

This sword is very strong, very cool, and the blood power surges, it has already reached the extreme!

Lin Mo didn't care, with a sneer on his lips.

He was very open-minded. From the beginning, Fan Jiao stood on the side of foreigners. It was no surprise that she wanted to kill him now!

What's more... Lin Mo also wanted to kill her!


Lin Mo suddenly sneered, raised one hand slowly, and then swung it down violently!


The spiritual realm!

Lin Mo used spiritual martial arts to pull the two people in front of him directly into the spiritual realm.


At the moment when the two entered the spiritual realm, the red blood sword in Lin Mo's hand suddenly swelled up, and in a moment it was ten feet long!

A sword ten feet long, such a scene is undoubtedly terrifying.

What's more, this sword is still emitting rolling heat waves, like magma flowing continuously.


The sword swung and slowly swept towards Fan Jiao and Dashan Ichiro!

The two people's faces changed drastically. They wanted to dodge, but found that they couldn't dodge at all.

"Damn it!" Dashan Ichiro and Fan Jiao stood shoulder to shoulder. Seeing the sword sweeping over, Dashan Ichiro actually picked up Fan Jiao and threw her towards the sword!


A muffled sound came, and Fan Jiao was directly swept by the sword and cut into two halves!

Dashan Ichiro took advantage of this time to dodge and jump continuously, and finally avoided the sword.

"You don't think that's all I can do!" Lin Mo sneered, raised his hand, and the Red Blood Sword split into three, flying towards Dashan Ichiro from three angles!

For a moment, Dashan Ichiro was stunned, staring at the Red Blood Sword blankly.


Finally, he gritted his teeth and swung the samurai sword towards Lin Mo.

But it was useless. Lin Mo's sword had already swept over, and with a puff, it cut into Dashan Ichiro's body!

Muffled sounds continued to be heard, and Ichiro Oyama's body suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Plop! Plop!

The spiritual world dissipated, and Ichiro Oyama and Fan Jiao fell directly to the ground, already dead!


Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

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