Huaxia Wuda, a group of people were stunned.

There were three bodies lying on the ground, two of which were Chinese, dead or not.

But there was another body, from Sakura Country!

Now one of them is dead, for the people of Huaxia Wuda, it is just like the death of their own father!

"Lin Mo! Do you know what you have done!? You dare to kill people from Sakura Country!"

"Damn it, you are in trouble, you are in big trouble!"

"Lin Mo, why do you kill people from Sakura Country? What qualifications do you have to kill!"

A group of people pointed at Lin Mo, their faces twisted, looking like they wanted to eat Lin Mo alive.


Lin Mo waved the Red Blood Sword, shook off the blood on the sword, and then pointed at the group of people in front of him: "Whoever wants revenge can come now, I will send you to see them!"

He looked at everyone and waited quietly.

A group of people looked at each other, but no one dared to step forward.

Everyone can shout slogans, but if they really want to die, there is no way they can go!

The fact that they can go to Huaxia Wuda proves that they are not fools, so they naturally cannot die here!

Lin Mo chuckled, his eyes fell on Mike, and his face became serious.

Mike is very strong, almost a martial saint, at least one foot has stepped into that realm.

"You are very strong!" Mike looked at Lin Mo's eyes and spoke slowly.

"Fight?" Lin Mo raised the sword in his hand and chuckled.

"Who are you? Are you worthy of fighting with Mr. Mike!"

Someone pointed at Lin Mo and spoke with contempt.


Lin Mo threw the sword in his hand directly, and the sword light flashed. The man looked at Lin Mo with an incredible face.

There was a wound on his neck, and blood was constantly gushing out at this moment. He soon fell to the ground and died.

Tat tat tat!

A group of people retreated and looked at Lin Mo in awe.

They were really scared. Lin Mo was just like a lunatic, and he could kill people anytime and anywhere!

The most important thing is that Lin Mo seems to kill people based on his mood. If you say something that makes him unhappy, he will kill people directly!

"You have a strong control over the power of Qi and Blood. How did you master it?" Mike was still talking, looking down at Lin Mo: "You Chinese can't master such a profound way of operating the power of Qi and Blood. Tell me, why?"


Lin Mo rolled his eyes and turned to leave.

He came here to get back his place. Now that he has killed four people in a row, he has basically caused a big trouble.

If he doesn't leave now, maybe this Mike in front of him will die.

"Damn it, I challenge you!" Mike looked at Lin Mo's back and suddenly spoke loudly.

A short spear appeared in his hand, and the tip of the spear was made of pure gold, shining brightly in the sun.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo smiled: "What a good thing, it should be robbed from the temple. You can't have this thing!"

"How it came from has nothing to do with you, let's fight!" Mike shouted loudly, and then rushed forward.

Lin Mo could see that these foreigners had a strong grasp of the power of Qi and blood, but they did not have many martial arts.

From Ichiro Oyama to Mike in front of him, none of them used any martial arts.

Lin Mo looked serious, but he was calm and composed when he attacked.


The Red Blood Sword swung and slashed, and at the same time, Lin Mo's Qi and blood power turned into substance, and a little bit of frost formed around his body, and then floated there.

The two fought fiercely, and in a blink of an eye, they had exchanged more than a dozen moves!

"Divine Light Technique!" At this time, Mike's voice sounded, and he used martial arts!

A golden light was emitted from the top of the spear. The most important thing was that this golden light burst out in all directions like a golden sword!

Such a scene was amazing, and Lin Mo did not react at all, so that at the moment the golden light exploded, Lin Mo had several more wounds on his body.

At the same time, Lin Mo's Red Blood Sword also swung and slashed out!

"It's useless, I'm much faster than you!" Mike's face was full of sarcasm. He was half a step away from becoming a martial saint, and his strength far exceeded Lin Mo's.

This was not only reflected in his strength, but also in his speed!

The terrifying power surged, and he disappeared in an instant!

"Do you think I've been fighting with you for so long, just for fun?" Lin Mo's voice rang out. There was blood on his body, but his face didn't care at all: "Freeze for me!"

Lin Mo suddenly opened his mouth, and as his voice fell, countless traces of frost suddenly appeared in the air!

These traces of frost, at Lin Mo's command, actually connected with each other to form a huge ice surface!

Moreover, there were many pieces of such a huge ice surface, and in the blink of an eye, they merged into a larger ice surface!


Lin Mo spoke again.

As the sound of this word fell, the ice began to gather in the direction of Lin Mo from all directions.


As the sound of collisions rang out, a figure appeared in the center of the ice, and it was Mike who was ready to run away!

"This is impossible, I'm the fastest!" Mike's face was filled with disbelief: "You cheated, you must have cheated..."

He was suddenly stunned when he said this, because he found that his body was wet, as if he had been caught in the rain.

"It's... frost!" Mike suddenly looked at Lin Mo: "When fighting with you, you not only condensed frost in the air, but also condensed a lot on me.

The reason why I was so fast, but I was still caught by you is that frost appeared in my flesh and blood, which slowed down my speed a lot without my knowing it!"

Mike slowly spoke and said his conclusion.

Lin Mo just smiled. He didn't want to say much about his defeated opponent. Besides, it was impossible for Lin Mo to teach such a good fighting method to the people of the United States!

"Lin Mo, I admit defeat, let me go, I'm going back to the United States!"

Mike looked at Lin Mo. Although he admitted defeat, his tone seemed to be indifferent, as if he was ordering Lin Mo to let him go.

"Take the person away!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Xu Bing'er immediately pointed to the few people behind him: "Take the person away!"

A group of people were extremely excited. Those who can join the Huaxia Military University are often very passionate, so seeing this scene, they were simply very happy.

"You can't take me away, you can't!" Mike's face was filled with disbelief. He was actually taken away by Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, do you know what you are doing? If you do this, there is no turning back. Your future will be hit by countless blows, and you can even say that you have no future..."

A student spoke with an unhappy look on his face.

"If you want to save people, just do it directly. Promise me that you can take the people away. If you don't dare, shut up. Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Lin Mo spit out those two words, then turned and left.

A group of people came and went in a mighty manner. Although Huaxia Wuda is big, no one dared to take the initiative.

"Something big has happened. The sky is falling!"

Looking at Mike being taken away, a group of people felt extremely uncomfortable.

That was a person from the United States. How dare Lin Mo take people away? Isn't he afraid of the revenge of the United States?

"No, we must find a way to rescue him!"

"Yes, we must rescue him, otherwise, our entire school will be in trouble!"

"That's right, sisters, it's time to save the warriors of the United States and save ourselves!"

"Sisters, I think we can use online public opinion..."

A group of women gathered together and began to think about countermeasures.

In the end, they posted a help post on the Internet. The general content was that a man from the United States was forcibly taken away by a group of despicable Chinese men, calling on all women to rescue him together!

"Sisters, it's time for us women to show our glory!"

"Save him!"

All of a sudden, hundreds of women began to rush towards Huaxia Wuhan University.

Beijing is considered a university town, so this group of female students came very quickly and waited at the school gate in just over ten minutes.

At this time, Lin Mo and others just arrived at the school gate.

"It's them!"

"Damn it, look at my poor foreign friend, he was tortured like this by them!"

"Oh, my heart is about to break!"

A group of women had distressed expressions on their faces, and their eyes were full of hatred when they looked at Lin Mo!


"Let them see the anger of us women!"

A group of women yelled and stepped forward to kill Lin Mo and others!

A group of people looked at Lin Mo with hesitation on their faces. Faced with this situation, they didn't know whether they should take action!


Lin Mo responded to them with actual actions!

The ghost shadow body technique was performed, and Lin Mo rushed out.


At the same time, Lin Mo spoke loudly, and the power of blood and qi burst out. The ground was just sprinkled with water by the sprinkler, so it was still wet. At this moment, Lin Mo said ice, and the shoes of the people walking on it were immediately frozen to the ground!


Because they were still moving forward, they were restricted from moving at this moment, so they fell to the ground with a thud!


Lin Mo suddenly roared, and the killing intent on his body was released at the same time.

The power of Qi and blood became more terrifying under the blessing of the two states of violent blood and bloodthirstiness, and these powers pressed towards the women in an instant!

Screams and screams continued to sound, and they felt fear under the cover of Lin Mo's killing intent.

At this time, Lin Mo walked towards them step by step with the Red Blood Sword.

A group of women's faces changed drastically, and they were about to curse.


Lin Mo slapped them in the face: "What do you want to say? Try to say it?"

Lin Mo had a dangerous smile on his face, and the women who were beaten opened their mouths, but finally closed their mouths honestly.

Lin Mo smiled sarcastically, stood up, and looked at the people behind him: "Take the people away, tell them, if you want people, bring money!"

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