Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 170: Secret Realm of the Abyss

"Tell me, why did you come to China?"

At the Huaxia Military University, Lin Mo was sitting on a chair, with Mike tied up in front of him.

At this moment, the power of Qi and blood around Mike's body was imprisoned and could not be released at all. He was kneeling in front of Lin Mo, accepting the trial.

"I am from the Beautiful Country. You dare to attack me. Aren't you afraid of the Beautiful Country's anger?"

Mike was very stubborn. Even at this time, he was still unwilling to give in, and even threatened Lin Mo and others.

"People who come to our country, beat me, and threaten me, do you think I, Lin Mo, are easy to bully?" Lin Mo had a sneer on his face.

A trip to Huaxia Wuhan University today made him feel angry.

Many years ago, China had an era of groveling, but now, China has begun to overtake it in all aspects.

But some people can never straighten their broken spines.

"Lin Mo, right! Just wait for me. I'm not the only one coming to China this time. If you arrest me, they won't let you go!

When they come, all of you will die! "

With a sneer on his face, Mike pointed at Lin Mo and spoke sharply.


Lin Mo's figure flashed and he came to Mike, raised his hand and broke his hand!

Mike's face was twisted and he looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.



There was another soft sound, and Lin Mo broke both of his hands with an expressionless expression!

"If you dare to say these useless things again, I will cripple your legs. It can be seen that the martial arts you practice are mainly on your legs. If your legs are crippled, you will be useless for the rest of your life!" Lin Mo glanced at his legs and spoke slowly.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Mike was completely stunned. He looked at Lin Mo blankly, and finally slowly lowered his head.

"Tell me, what's the purpose of coming here?" Lin Mo spoke again, gently patting Mike's face with one hand.

"For the secret realm of the abyss!" Mike said with a look of panic on his face: "This time we received news that there will be a secret realm in the abyss in China, and we are here just to enter the secret realm!"

"Secret Realm of the Abyss?" Lin Mo was stunned, because he had never heard of such a place from beginning to end.

"I...I don't have enough permission to know, but our captain knows that she...she is very strong and has reached the level of a first-class Martial Saint!"

Mike opened his mouth and directly stated their purpose. At the same time, he mentioned that their captain turned out to be a martial saint!

Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face. He had already become a Martial Saint before he graduated from college. Such a talent is indeed terrifying!

But then again, the reason why Mike revealed the rank of their captain was probably to threaten Lin Mo.

"You still want to threaten me at this time. Your captain is very strong, so let her come to me!" Lin Mo sneered and put one hand on Mike's legs.

Seeing this scene, Mike was almost frightened to death. He trembled all over and said, "I...I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to threaten you..."

Lin Mo smiled faintly and left instead of destroying his legs.

Mike was the only one left in the whole room. At this moment, he was covered in cold sweat. The severe pain and fear made him curl up.

If you know what you will experience when you come to China, he would never come here even if he died!

If he knew that people at the Huaxia Military University were not easy to deal with, he would not have done anything at the Huaxia Military University even if he was beaten to death!

After Lin Mo left here, he called Xu Bing'er directly.

"President Lin, are you looking for me?" Xu Bing'er looked at Lin Mo with eyes full of reverence.

Lin Mo has not been in charge of the student union for a long time, but now, the methods and strength he has shown have conquered everyone.

Just like what happened today, someone from the student union was beaten, and Lin Mo took a group of people to Huaxia Wuhan University to seek justice. Just thinking about it makes people's blood boil!

The most important thing is that Lin Mo beat so many people on his own and even captured a person from the beautiful country.

"What are you thinking about? You look like you are stupid!" Lin Mo raised his hand and waved in front of Xu Bing'er: "I want to ask you something, do you know what the secret realm of the abyss is?"

"The secret realm of the abyss?" Xu Bing'er frowned, "I don't know, but I have a way to help you check it out!"

Xu Bing'er quickly took out her mobile phone from her body, dialed a number and went out.

"Brother, I have a question for you... You answer my question first. When I go back depends on my father's attitude!"

Xu Bing'er's voice sounded, and Lin Mo stood aside, coughed slightly, and then took a few steps back.

"I want to know where the secret realm of the abyss is?" Xu Bing'er said.

"Don't worry about where I heard the news, just tell me where this place is!" Xu Bing'er's tone seemed very tough.

Lin Mo stood far away and could not hear clearly the conversation between the two.

But what he can be sure of is that Xu Bing'er's identity is definitely not simple.

"President Lin, let me ask clearly..." Xu Bing'er came over and looked at Lin Mo with a solemn expression on her face: "This is a very high-level secret, I hope you can keep it a secret!"

Lin Mo nodded: "I will definitely keep it a secret!"

"President Lin, you should be very clear about the existence of the abyss. The so-called secret realm of the abyss is a small world that exists independently in the abyss!

We all know that there are dangers and opportunities in the abyss, but the abyss secret realm is different. This kind of place is usually opened up by powerful creatures in the abyss, and the collections inside are all the collections of these powerful creatures!

So there is generally no danger.

Once the abyss secret realm appears, it means that there will be great gains!

It is said that the reason why the martial arts of the United States are a little ahead of China is because they once discovered some things that only exist in Western mythology in the abyss secret realm..."

Xu Bing'er did not hold back at all and directly told all the news she got.

Lin Mo nodded, thanked him, and fell into deep thought.

Xu Bing'er stood aside and waited quietly.

She was very sensible and did not make a sound.

"How did they know the existence of the abyss secret realm, and which abyss did the secret realm appear!

Why do these people from the United States and the Sakura Country have the qualifications to enter the secret realm, but we still have no news? "

Lin Mo's face was ugly. Since it was a great opportunity and it was China's territory, Chinese students should be allowed to enter first.

Now a group of foreigners were allowed to enter. Lin Mo felt extremely angry just thinking about it!

"President Lin, it's bad. Three foreigners are coming outside. They... They said they want to kill people here!"

Just at this time, two figures rushed in and spoke loudly.

Three foreigners?

Lin Mo knew as soon as he heard it that it was the companions that Mike mentioned.

"Take me to see, and also notify the student union that all those above the King of Martial Arts level to follow me out! "Lin Mo opened his mouth and walked towards the gate alone.

From a long distance, he could see many students from Huaxia Military University standing at the gate, blocking the way like a wall.

Bang, bang, bang!

Lin Mo heard a muffled sound, and judging from his experience, it was the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

Screams sounded from time to time, and Lin Mo's mental power dispersed, and he saw a scene that made him extremely angry.

A woman was attacking strongly, holding a dagger in her hand, and every time she swung it, someone fell down!

"Get out of my way!" Lin Mo's eyes suddenly turned red.

The students of Huaxia Military University are much more courageous than those of Wuda University. They were beaten like this, but they still rushed forward one after another!

"President Lin is here! "

Someone in the crowd spoke up, and then they quickly dispersed.

Finally, the people at the gate split into two teams, and a road appeared in the middle.

At this time, Lin Mo finally saw the three people standing opposite.

One of them was a woman, but her height was over 1.8 meters. The most important thing was her muscular body. Just one look was enough to shock people!

Behind the woman stood two young men, one with yellow hair and the other with brown hair. Both of them looked unruly.

"Lin Mo?!" The woman looked at Lin Mo. Her name was Anna, and she was the captain of this trip to China.

For this trip to China, their first choice was actually Huaxia Military University, but Huaxia Military University rejected their request for cooperation, so they could only choose Huaxia Wuhan University.

Fortunately, Huaxia Wuhan University had a high degree of cooperation. In order to alleviate their loneliness, they even arranged study partners. Each person was assigned two study partners. It must be said that the study partners of Huaxia Wuhan University were very professional and good at all aspects of technology...

"Are you Mike's captain? "Lin Mo spoke lightly, and at the same time he looked at the dozens of people lying on the ground, all of whom had wounds on their bodies.

Anna was very powerful, and she stabbed them with a dagger, causing them to fall to the ground directly, but without hurting their lives!

"Hand over Mike, kneel down and apologize, and I can spare your lives, otherwise, all of you in the student union will die! "Anna spoke, her eyes were cold, and the killing intent was constantly stirring.

Lin Mo's expression was solemn. Anna was very strong, and she must have experienced many fierce battles, and she definitely had lives on her hands!

"Too much nonsense..." Lin Mo shook his head, and the next moment, he flashed and rushed towards Anna!




Lin Mo instantly turned on all his states, and his momentum rushed to the highest peak!

At the same time, the spiritual realm was also unfolded. Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed, and the spiritual realm enveloped Anna and the other three.

Anna didn't expect Lin Mo to act so quickly. After a brief surprise, she quickly stabilized her mind.

"A third-grade martial king dares to be arrogant in front of me. Since you are the captain, I will start killing you!"

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