Anna was strong and domineering. When she spoke again, she had already clenched the dagger in her hand and rushed towards Lin Mo.

She mastered some kind of movement and martial arts. A figure flashed for a few times and then disappeared in front of everyone. When she reappeared, she was already standing only one meter away from Lin Mo!


The sound of breaking wind sounded, Anna held the dagger horizontally, and then swiped it fiercely.

The sharp dagger cut through the air and made a harsh scream!


In front of Lin Mo, ice flashed, condensing into a piece of armor and wearing it on Lin Mo's body.

At the same time, his fist became extremely crystal clear, and with a bang, he smashed towards Anna's dagger!

The strength of Xuan Bing Jia's martial arts skill is related to the realm. Now that Lin Mo's strength has reached the third-level Martial King, the strength of Xuan Bing Jia has more than doubled!

At this moment, the coldness on Lin Mo's fist continued to spread, and with a crisp sound, Lin Mo's fist and Anna's dagger collided!


It can be seen that a crack appeared on the fist, and the dagger made a trembling sound, and then collapsed a little!

Anna's face changed drastically. This was a Xuan-level weapon, and the tip of the blade was broken off by a punch!

She looked at Lin Mo's fist, with a solemn expression on her face - what kind of fist is this? It's as hard as a diamond!


Just when Anna was shocked, Lin Mo's fist hit him again!

Moreover, Anna's face was solemn, because behind Lin Mo, a fierce tiger appeared!


The roar sounded, and Anna was briefly stunned by the impact of the tiger's roar. When she came to her senses again, Lin Mo's fist had already hit her in the face!

Anna is beautiful, but at this moment, a fist mark appears on her perfect face, and her yellow hair is disheveled and messy!

Looking at this scene, a group of people took a breath of air.

Anna's strength has reached the realm of martial saint, and now she was hit in the face with Lin Mo's fist!

This is almost like a myth, unbelievable!

"Very good!" Anna opened her mouth and spit out the blood in her mouth, then a sneer appeared on her face.

The expressions of the two foreigners who were not far behind her changed slightly and they backed away a lot.

"Captain Anna is going crazy, stay away quickly, don't let it affect us!"

"Yes, Captain Anna, who was in a state of madness, completely disowned her relatives. The last time she fought with the so-called sons of gods in Greece, she fell directly into a state of madness. Those sons of gods were all destroyed, and Several of our people were accidentally injured, and they have not fully recovered yet!"

There was a look of fear on the two people's faces. After looking at each other, they actually retreated a lot again.

Lin Mo was fighting and also paying attention to Anna's condition.

At this moment, the power of Qi and blood in Anna's body began to surge, and the flow of these power of Qi and blood began to become chaotic!


Anna actually let out a roar!

You know, Anna is a woman and her voice is very nice, but the sound coming out of her mouth now is like a ferocious beast!

"Going mad! Anna actually went mad! Her talent for madness is to become a werewolf, Lin Mo must die!"

The yellow-haired foreigner had an excited look on his face and spoke loudly.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, stood there quietly, watching the completion of Anna's madness.

After going berserk, Anna's strength rose again, and she was already on the verge of a second-grade Martial Saint.


With the sound of breaking wind, Anna rushed forward again.

Her yellow hair was constantly flying, and she just let out an unconscious roar!


Lin Mo's movements were also very fast. When Anna rushed towards her, the ghost shadow movement technique had already brought Lin Mo to a very far place!

But Anna, who was in this state at the moment, didn't think about it at all. She just followed Lin Mo and kept running!


Behind his head, there was a sound of breaking wind. Without thinking, Lin Mo directly waved his fist and hit behind him hard!

With a bang, the ice on Lin Mo's hand was shattered and the dagger fell to the ground.

A Xuan-level dagger was smashed by Lin Mo's fists!

Anna, who was in a mad state, did not care about her weapons, but waved her hands.

At this moment, there are wolf claws formed by condensation of energy and blood above his nails, and there are even wolf teeth growing in Anna's mouth!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo didn't hesitate at all and took action again.

Xuan Bing Jia is just a defensive weapon, activated with the power of Qi and blood, but now Lin Mo's Qi and blood power is limited, so it is difficult to activate it too many times in a row!

But Lin Mo didn't panic at all, he had other trump cards that he didn't use yet!

"Try my gravel palm!" Lin Mo had a sneer on his face, raised his hand and slapped Anna on the chest!

After going crazy, Anna no longer cared about her chest, so Lin Mo's slap almost knocked Anna to pieces!

"It's developing very well!" Lin Mo commented lightly in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly felt a dangerous aura!

"not good!"

He took a few steps back regardless, but by this time it was obviously too late!

After going crazy, Anna almost ignored her fighting style. With her werewolf state, she actually pounced directly towards Lin Mo!

The wolf fang bit Lin Mo's face fiercely!

It must be said that such a scene is extremely terrifying!

Lin Mo could even see that there was still some meat stuck on the wolf fang. A fishy smell came, and Lin Mo almost fainted!



Lin Mo dodged two bites in a row, but he found a big problem.

That is, when Anna bit him with the wolf fang, it actually left ripples in the air!

"This fang... is really invincible!" Lin Mo praised.

Facing Anna in this state, Lin Mo naturally couldn't fight hard.

Since it is a frenzy, then the time must be limited. Lin Mo has two choices.

The first choice is to find a place to hide, and then wait until the effect of Anna's high retreats before fighting.

The second choice is to take advantage of the fact that the werewolf's brain is not very good, and you can destroy the werewolf now!

As long as the werewolf is destroyed, Anna will lose!


Lin Mo finally spoke loudly, and he chose the second one!

The road of martial arts cultivation is a road of moving forward courageously, and one must be fearless!

The following battle was much harder than Lin Mo had imagined. Relying on the advantage in realm, Anna suppressed Lin Mo again and again.

And Lin Mo did not give in at all. Wounds had already appeared on his body, but there were more wounds on the werewolf!

The ghost shadow was really powerful, making it difficult for Lin Mo's figure to be captured even at the realm of martial saint.

He just kept wandering and cutting!

The dagger that fell on the ground became Lin Mo's weapon, and he kept cutting Anna's body with the broken dagger!

The severe pain made Anna's face full of painful expressions, and even because of the pain, his attack became extremely cruel.

The dagger had been forcibly thrown far away by Anna, and Lin Mo could only use his fists as weapons at this time, constantly attacking!

It must be said that Lin Mo's fists were also extremely terrifying, especially after his physical strength increased, the hardness of his fists was also very considerable!

Now even the eighth-grade martial king could not withstand Lin Mo's fists!

Just when Lin Mo felt that he was about to die, he suddenly found that Anna's attack speed began to slow down.

She even had a dazed look when attacking!

"Is the time of frenzy coming to an end?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. After discovering this problem, his attack speed became faster!

And Lin Mo's means of attack became more and more ruthless!

In the end, a group of people from the Huaxia Army felt that Lin Mo was too cruel!

Anna was a woman after all, but Lin Mo showed no mercy when he attacked, and was extremely strong!

Finally, after the two fought for nearly an hour, Anna's demeanor gradually recovered, and her face was extremely pale!

She looked at Lin Mo who rushed over, with a touch of confusion in her eyes, and then the killing intent gathered. She actually took out a dagger again and threw it at Lin Mo!

Lin Mo didn't care at all, and directly raised his hand to block the dagger, and at the same time, the other hand hit her hard on the back of the head!

Anna rolled her eyes and fainted directly!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo smiled, and the two foreigners following Anna changed their faces!

"Kill all the rest! And throw them into the ravine!"

"I tell you, nature is the greatest. After a year, all the sins will be covered up!"

Lin Mo spoke slowly, then stepped forward to pick up Anna and walked towards the meeting room where Mike was interrogated before!

According to the previous appearance, Lin Mo directly tied Anna with two ropes! !

Not long after, Anna slowly opened her eyes and looked around blankly. The first thing that caught her eye was Lin Mo's smiling face.

Anna's face was very ugly, staring at Lin Mo: "You actually arrested me, do you know that you violated the martial arts protection law!

Do you know how the United States will punish you if they know that I am in trouble!

I warn you not to mess around!

You should know how powerful the United States is!"

It has to be said that the people of the United States are confident. At this time, they still dare to threaten Lin Mo!

Lin Mo did not say anything, but just raised his leg and kicked a corpse not far away!

At this moment, Mike was lying on his back with a pale face, his eyes turned gray, and he was obviously dead!

But at this moment, Lin Mo directly brought the corpse in front of Anna!

"Take a good look, this is the person you are looking for, he just doesn't listen, and now he is like this, do you want to become like this too?"

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