Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 172 Ask for an explanation!

The room was extremely dark, and the body on the ground seemed to be exuding cold air, especially since Mike's eyes were not closed and had turned extremely gray!

Anna had a look of horror on her face, she was really frightened.

Lin Mo was so strong that he defeated her directly with the strength of a third-grade Martial King!

This kind of fighting power is one of the most powerful even in the beautiful country!

"What do you want to know!" Anna took a deep breath, looked at Lin Mo, and spoke slowly.

"Where is the secret realm of the abyss, and what qualifications are needed to enter it!" Lin Mo looked at Anna and spoke slowly.

"How do you know!" Anna looked shocked. This trip to China was just to enter the secret realm of the abyss.

But it's all confidential...

She set her sights on Mike and said harshly: "This loser really fails to achieve anything but fails more than he does!"

"Miss Anna, do you have a tough mouth?" Lin Mo said lightly, while holding the red blood sword in his hand.

The red blood sword was glowing with bursts of scorching flames, and even if it wasn't placed on Anna, she still felt the terrifying heat.

"You...can't kill me. There are only four of us coming to China from Beautiful Country this time. If I die, there will definitely be a fight between Beautiful Country and China!" Anna said.

But her eyes were full of uncertainty, because there was a corpse lying there on the ground!

"Have Miss Anna answered my question yet..." Lin Mo shook his head and said: "If Miss Anna is unwilling to answer, it doesn't matter. I will send you to accompany Mike, and then go outside to find someone to come in and continue asking!"

Anna bit her lip and stared at Lin Mo: "I tell you everything, you can't kill me!"

"You have no right to choose now!" Lin Mo said lightly, while the red blood sword in his hand was pressed between Anna's eyebrows.

"It's Abyss No. 6 in the mountain city. We got news that a secret realm appeared in Abyss No. 6!

After contacting China, we finally got four places. As for how China arranged the places, I don’t know..." Anna shook her head and told Lin Mo everything she knew.

"Mountain City? Abyss No. 6?" Lin Mo had a curious look on his face.

"Don't you know, Shancheng is one of the first cities where abyss appeared. It is said that the number of abyss in Shancheng has reached nine!" Anna looked at Lin Mo: "You are very strong, but you don't seem to have a very clear understanding of the distribution of the abyss in China. !”

"Since you know it very clearly, please ask Miss Anna to tell you everything you know!" Lin Mo said lightly.

He really wasn't very clear about the situation in the Chinese Abyss. The content in the textbooks was not updated in real time, and some new abyss even had a confidentiality period for a period of time!

Anna is from the Beautiful Country. Although she doesn't want to admit it, the Beautiful Country's research on the abyss is further than that of China!

"According to our investigation, the place where the abyss first appeared in China should be Lop Nur. At that time, three abyss should have appeared at once, but the terrain there was very strange, so the monsters in the abyss did not appear in large numbers.

The second is Kunlun Mountain. According to our investigation and inference, there are at least six abyss in Kunlun Mountain, and there are nine abyss in the mountain city..."

Anna spoke very carefully, telling everything she knew.

Lin Mo listened quietly and silently recorded the situation in the abyss.

"That's all I know!" Anna said, "Let me go!"

"Tell me the situation in the abyss of your beautiful country!" Lin Mo stared at Anna and spoke again.

Despite her reluctance, Anna still spoke and explained the situation in the abyss of the beautiful country.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that in the early days of the abyss, the Beautiful Country even tried to use Big Ivan to explode the abyss, but the explosion failed in the end!

Now, there are a total of seventy abyss controlled by the Beautiful Country, and there are no one knows how many good things have been obtained from them.

"The same goes for you China. The abyss is a danger, but it is also an opportunity. If you want to improve your martial arts, the abyss is the only way!" Anna said.

Lin Mo nodded, but he didn't think so, because he could complete the upgrade through the game scenes in the dream. Of course, the premise was that he had enough Qi and Blood Pills!

"Lin Mo, I have told you everything I know. Now you can let me go!" Anna looked at Lin Mo. At this moment, her face no longer looked domineering, but instead there was a touch of prayer!

Lin Mo glanced at her, and just when he was about to take action, the door to the office suddenly opened.

The old principal walked in slowly followed by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man has a terrifying aura about him, and he is at least a strong man at the martial saint level.

The old principal followed calmly, and even smiled and nodded after seeing Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, you killed this person?!" After the middle-aged man came in, he saw Mike lying on the ground, and his expression darkened.

"It's me!" He nodded, and at the same time remembered the identity of the middle-aged man - Zhou Pei, the current president of Huaxia Military University.

"How audacious!" Zhou Pei had an angry look on his face and slapped Lin Mo in the face!


The old principal raised his hand to block it, and at the same time snorted coldly: "Principal Zhou wants to kill my students in front of me, is it because I am old and stupid and easy to bully, right?"

The old principal's voice was very soft, but the meaning behind his words was obvious.

"Old principal, that's not what I meant. As you can see, Mike died in our school. This is a huge trouble!" Zhou Pei looked ugly: "If Lin Mo doesn't die, I can't explain it to the beautiful country! "

"They are knocking on the door. If you are not as skilled as the others, you will die!" The old principal said calmly: "Huaxia Military University is not cowardly enough to sacrifice its students!"

"Old principal..." Zhou Pei looked ugly. When he was about to say something else, he was interrupted by the old principal raising his hand.

"If you don't want to be the principal, I can replace it with someone more responsible!" The old principal was so domineering that he wanted to replace Zhou Pei as the principal!

Zhou Pei's expression changed, and finally he could only sigh: "If Mike dies, he will die, but Miss Anna must be let go!"

"Is Miss Anna's father one of the elders of the Beautiful Country's Martial Arts Association? He is also very powerful. If she has any shortcomings, we will have to face the Beautiful Country's Martial Arts Association!"

Zhou Pei said in a deep voice: "I know the old principal is not afraid of death, but with so many students from our Huaxia Military University, are they all going to die in battle?"

"Teacher, I never planned to kill him from the beginning. My disciple has always been a kind person..." Lin Mo said with a smile and moved the red blood sword away from Anna's eyebrows.

Everyone was speechless for a while, and Anna hurriedly ran behind Zhou Pei as if she had escaped.

"Old principal, please restrain Lin Mo, junior, take your leave!" Zhou Pei left here with Anna.

Outside, there were two foreigners being controlled, which gave Zhou Pei a headache.

"You are a little impulsive!" The old principal waited until everyone had left, then looked at Lin Mo and spoke slowly.

"It's not impulsive, after all, I have gained something!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "A secret realm was discovered in the abyss of Mountain City No. 6, and I want a qualification!"

Lin Mo recounted the news he got from Anna and made his own request at the same time.

"Mountain City, a secret realm was discovered in Abyss No. 6?!" The old principal's face was solemn. He had never heard of this at all!

"Wait a minute!" The old principal took out his mobile phone from his body and dialed a number: "I want all the information about Shancheng No. 6 Abyss! By the way, give me all the information about Shancheng Abyss!"

After hanging up the phone, his phone rang again not long after, and a compressed document was sent to him.

The old principal opened the information, browsed it quickly, and said: "There is no record of the relevant secret realm in the information, but through the analysis of the No. 6 Abyss, I concluded that there is indeed a secret realm in the No. 6 Abyss!"

The old principal was one of the first people to enter the Chinese Abyss, and his understanding of the Abyss must be very deep.

"We don't know about such a big thing, but people from the beautiful country know about it! This is really ridiculous!" The old principal's face was gloomy, obviously angry.

"Teacher, what are you going to do?" Lin Mo asked cautiously.

"What should I do?" The old principal frowned: "I'll take you to ask for a spot!"

The old principal was very domineering. He left the school with Lin Mo and walked towards the center of the capital in a car.

"Teacher, where are we going!" Lin Mo looked at the direction of the car and already had some guesses in his mind.

Sure enough, not long after, the city tower appeared in front of them. When the eight guards saw Lin Mo and the old principal, they immediately came over vigilantly.

The old principal took out a token from his body and threw it away!

Seeing the token, the eight guards bowed in unison, and then respectfully invited Lin Mo and the old principal to enter the gate.

"Is this where those people work?" This was the first time Lin Mo came here. He looked around, his eyes full of curiosity.

"There's nothing interesting to see. If you want to come, you can take this token and come anytime!" The old principal put the token in Lin Mo's hand.

"Teacher, I don't dare to ask for it!" Lin Mo quickly put the token back: "Who does the teacher want to take me to see?"

"President of the Abyss Management Association!" the old principal said calmly.

The old principal was very familiar with this place, and soon he led Lin Mo to an attic.

"Old principal, you are here!" From the attic, a middle-aged man came out with an attentive look.

"I'm looking for Ding Shou!" the old principal said calmly.

"President Ding is in a meeting now..." The middle-aged man said with a somewhat hesitant look: "How about I take you to the reception room to drink some tea first..."

Before he finished speaking, the old principal pushed him away and led Lin Mo into the attic.

All the way to the third floor, the old principal kicked open the door of the office: "What's going on in the secret realm of the abyss in Mountain City No. 6?

Also, why don’t we, the Military Academy, have any quota to enter the secret realm? "

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