Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 173 Killing ten people in a row!

In the meeting room, President Ding had a helpless look on his face. His eyes fell on the old principal, and he shook his head and said, "I didn't expect you to come!"

He slowly stood up and walked step by step to the old principal: "Is this kid your disciple?"

"I just want to know the reason. You should know the status of the military university in China. You should also know how many students who graduate from the military university die on the bloody battlefield every year. But now, are you just chilling our hearts like this?"

The old principal had an unwilling look on his face and stared at President Ding.

"There is nothing we can do about it!" President Ding sighed deeply: "The space in that secret realm is limited, and it is extremely dangerous. Without the strength of the ninth-grade martial king, entering it is a dead end!

Although your military university students are excellent, are there any ninth-grade martial kings?"

"What about those foreigners? Their strength does not meet all the requirements!"

The old principal was unwilling to listen to President Ding's words at all, and spoke lightly.

"Their situations are special, and they are related to some transactions with the people above!" President Ding shook his head: "You should know that there is still a gap between us and the United States, so we occasionally give something in exchange for something.

But in China, all the quotas are given to the strong men above the ninth-grade martial king..."

"Dad, he is just an old man, why are you wasting time talking to him, just tell him directly, what if there are quotas and they are not given!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and a young man walked out of the room inside the conference room.

With a nonchalant smile on his face, he looked up and down at Lin Mo, and then his eyes fell on the old man: "Old man, don't say that you are no longer the president of the military university, even if you are still sitting in that position, what does it matter?

The quota is not given to you, and it will not be given to you!"

"Ding Quan, shut up, go back!" President Ding's face changed drastically, staring at the young man and spoke sternly.

"Dad, you are the president of the Education Association, are you afraid of a mere old man?" Ding Quan looked at President Ding with a puzzled look on his face: "Just tell them that the quota is given to me, and what about my several senior brothers?"

After the voice fell, several young men came out of the room. Their strength was similar to Ding Quan, and their eyes were full of provocation when they looked at Lin Mo at this moment.

"You all have quotas?" The old principal looked at the ten young men in front of him with an indifferent look on his face.

"Old man, you still don't believe it, but the fact is that we have already got the quota. Okay, we have made a fuss, get out of here quickly, remember, this is the Education Association, not a place where you can do whatever you want..."

Ding Quan waved his hand, like chasing away a fly.


At this moment, behind the old principal, Lin Mo's figure flashed and appeared in front of Ding Quan.

Ding Quan's face changed drastically, and when he opened his mouth to speak, the Red Blood Sword was already against his brow.

"If you dare to say a word, you will die!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Now his Ghost Shadow Martial Arts proficiency has been improved again, and has reached the master level. Even the peak of the Martial Saint may not be able to capture his figure!

Ding Quan's face was ugly, but the Red Blood Sword was against his forehead, which made him dare not speak at all.

"Lin Mo!" An angry shout sounded, and President Ding stared at Lin Mo: "Do you know where this place is? If you dare to kill people here, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"So you are threatening me?" Lin Mo smiled lightly, and the sword in his hand moved forward slightly. A stream of blood flowed down. The sword had pierced into the center of his eyebrows a little!

Feeling Lin Mo's murderous intent, Ding Quan's face changed drastically. At this time, he couldn't care so much, and shouted: "Father, what are you hesitating about, kill him for me!"

"Lin Mo, don't seek death..." President Ding looked at the blood flowing from Ding Quan's forehead, and felt very distressed. This is his only child, who is usually spoiled and can't bear to scold.

But now, he was injured by Lin Mo!

However, before he finished speaking, the sword in Lin Mo's hand pierced Ding Quan's forehead!

The Red Blood Sword pierced through the head and came out, and blood kept dripping down the tip of the sword.

Lin Mo looked at President Ding calmly: "President Ding said that entering below the ninth-grade martial king is a dead end. Your son is not a match for me, a mere third-grade martial king. I think it's better to die in my hands than to die in the secret realm!

At least now President Ding can collect the body of his child!"

As Lin Mo's voice fell, President Ding roared and rushed towards Lin Mo!

"President Ding, calm down!" The old principal flashed and came to President Ding. He slowly raised his hand and blocked President Ding's attack.

After the two collided, the blood and qi generated continued to surge around, and the entire conference room began to shake.

"Old thing, you want to stop me?" President Ding's eyes were bloodshot, staring at the old principal.

At this moment, his address to the old principal became old thing.

It can be seen that President Ding did not take the old principal seriously.

"It seems that I am still old, so that the president of a mere education association can no longer take me seriously..." The old principal shook his head slowly, with a helpless look on his face.

But the next moment, the old principal's face suddenly became serious. He raised his hand and pointed at the remaining nine young men, and said lightly: "Lin Mo, take action and kill all of them!"

Lin Mo nodded and stepped forward.

"Old man, do you know their identities? Do you know whose children they are? You..." President Ding wanted to say something, but the old principal raised his hand and slapped him!

What he was about to say was interrupted!

Lin Mo stepped forward step by step, looked at the remaining nine people, grinned: "Everyone, you should know the purpose of my coming here. It is difficult to disobey the master's order, but if anyone is willing to give up the quota, Lin Mo is willing not to fight with them!

Of course, if you are unwilling to give up, then there is no way... Kill them all!"

Lin Mo's face showed anger, because the strength of the nine people in front of him was all below the eighth-grade martial king realm!

If these people can have a quota, then why can't Huaxia Military University have one!

But Lin Mo didn't want to kill innocent people, so he gave them a choice, leave, you can live, stay, that is to be an enemy of himself, you will die!

"Who do you think you are, and you dare to threaten me, do you know I am..."

A young man raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo with a mocking look on his face.

But the next moment, his face turned ugly, a blood line appeared on his neck, and then his head fell off!

Killed another one!

President Ding's face turned ugly, he looked up and stared at the old principal: "Do you really want to make this matter out of control?"

"Keep killing!" The old principal ignored him and looked directly at Lin Mo and continued to speak.

Lin Mo nodded and looked at the remaining eight people.

The faces of several people changed drastically, and they slowly took a step back.

"Why are you afraid of him? Didn't you hear that he is a third-grade martial king? Can't we eight people beat him to death?"

A voice sounded.

However, the next moment, Lin Mo's figure disappeared again, and when he appeared again, the man's chest was already red!


A sword pierced the heart, and another person was killed directly!

In just a few minutes, there were only seven young men left in the entire conference room!

"A bunch of idiots, come together, what are you waiting for at this time! Do you really want to be killed one by one by him!" President Ding suddenly spoke in a stern voice.

The remaining seven people looked at each other, and finally showed a firm look on their faces.

"On the road of martial arts, we cannot retreat!" The seven people spoke at the same time, and then rushed towards Lin Mo at the same time!

Lin Mo sneered, and the momentum on his body burst out all of a sudden!

The two states of bloodthirstiness and violent blood were directly activated!


Lin Mo punched out, and the power of blood and qi condensed and wrapped around his fist, directly smashing the chest of one of them!

At the same time, Lin Mo jumped high-Eagle Step!

This step directly stepped on the top of one of the people's head, and his head shattered in an instant!

Lin Mo did not stop. Now Lin Mo has mastered four of the Five Beast Fists, and has practiced them to a very high level of proficiency.

At this moment, he performed the Five Beast Fist, and several boxing techniques echoed each other, whistling, wolf howling... A variety of sounds were mixed, and a terrifying atmosphere filled the entire conference room!

And Lin Mo's blood and qi have now taken shape, and his strength is so strong that he can't be treated by ordinary martial kings at all.


Lin Mo took a step forward, and several fierce beasts appeared. They were all transformed from blood and qi, roaring and rushing towards the remaining young men!

The bloody smell instantly spread, and the entire conference room became like hell!

"Lin Mo, you can't kill me, my father is the vice president of the Ministry of War!"

"My father is the vice president of the Finance Association..."

The faces of several young men changed drastically, and they quickly spoke loudly, revealing their identities, trying to stop Lin Mo.

"If I let you go, won't you cause trouble for me?" Lin Mo said lightly.

He saw fear in the eyes of several people, but also saw deep hatred hidden under the fear!

If he didn't kill them, would he wait for them to kill him in the future?

As they said, there is no retreat in the martial arts!

Looking at the bodies that fell in the room, President Ding was completely stunned.

He really didn't expect the final result to be like this.

Among these people, several were students of Huaxia Wuda, and the rest were descendants of aristocratic families or tycoons.

But now, their bodies are right in front of him, all dead!

Because of a few places, they all died here!

"Old man, do you have to go to this extent?" President Ding said sternly.

He is not the opponent of the old principal. If he was, he would have slapped the old principal to death long ago!

"Go to this extent?" The old principal suddenly smiled, he took a step forward, and his momentum rose again.

"This step is far from enough!"

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