Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 174: Turn the world upside down!

With endless coldness on the face of the old principal, he walked towards President Ding step by step.

"It's not enough to get to this point!"

"If you want to cause trouble, then make it turn upside down!"

A sinister aura evaporated from the old principal's body, making people feel a chill all over his body.

President Ding's face changed drastically, and he said sternly: "Wei Yunlong, what on earth are you going to do!"

Wei Yunlong is exactly the name of the old principal, but after so many years, few people still remember his name!

When the old principal heard the name, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face.

"No one has mentioned this name for a long time. To be honest, I really miss it..." The old principal slowly shook his head and grabbed President Ding with one hand!

The moment this hand was stretched out, the power of Qi and blood burst out, forming a huge palm, directly grabbing President Ding in his hand!

At the same time, the old principal raised his left hand and slapped the entire conference room hard!


There was a loud noise, and the power of blood condensed into a huge palm and hit the wall hard!

With a loud noise, terrifying power reverberated, and the entire conference room began to collapse!

Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face. This was the first time he saw the old principal use his strength, and it was so terrifying!


The old principal held Lin Mo with one hand and President Ding with the other hand and left the conference room directly!

When he appeared again, he was already in the yard!

The vibration here naturally attracted the attention of many people. Lin Mo could feel that people were rushing here from all directions!

The old principal's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the Education Association in front of him and chuckled: "When I founded the Military University, I teamed up with a few old people to establish the Education Association. I thought that this place would become the soil for the rise of our Chinese children, but who I can't imagine that this soil now breeds so much darkness and filth!

In this case, what should we do with this kind of place? "


As soon as he finished speaking, the old principal raised his hand and slapped him hard!

At this time, Lin Mo's expression changed drastically because he saw something terrifying.

In mid-air, a palm that was completely condensed with the power of qi and blood slapped down hard, and the power of the palm was terrifying. After a hard slap, the entire building was destroyed!

Lin Mo stood aside and looked at this scene in shock!

What kind of place is this? The best people in China live here, but now the old principal has destroyed the Education Association with a slap!

Of course, what Lin Mo didn't expect the most was that one of the founders of the Education Association turned out to be the old principal!

Whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen figures appeared here, and Lin Mo's expression changed slightly, because the aura of some of them was not much weaker than that of the old principal!

There is even someone with a stronger aura than the old principal!

As for the remaining people, their auras are also above the peak of the Martial Saint!

Lin Mo looked serious and glanced at the old principal worriedly.

"Wei Yunlong, what the hell are you doing!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Then a figure appeared in front of the old principal, raised his hand and slapped the old principal on the shoulder.

This slap was obviously a sign of force. The old principal's body became shorter, and all the energy and blood in his body suddenly dispersed!

Lin Mo looked at the incoming person warily, and at the same time, the power of Qi and blood was running, trying to find an opportunity to attack the incoming person.

"Boy, you want to attack me..." The visitor looked at Lin Mo with a curious smile on his face.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo rushed forward!

Master level proficiency in ghosting!


Lin Mo paused and placed a hand directly on his forehead.

That finger contained terrifying energy and blood power. Lin Mo could feel that as long as that person's thoughts moved, his eyebrows would be pierced!

"Lin Mo, stop, this is my teacher!"

At this moment, the old principal suddenly spoke.


Lin Mo turned to look at the old principal, and then glanced at the person coming.

This man has white hair, but not a single wrinkle can be seen on his face.

The most important thing is that facing this person, Lin Mo has an unfathomable feeling!

"The strength is very strong, surpassing the Martial Saint, and even surpassing the realm above the Martial Saint!"

Lin Mo was extremely shocked. Martial King and Martial Saint were a threshold that many people could not cross in their lifetime.

In fact, after becoming a warrior, every major stage is a huge threshold, and the higher you go, the higher the threshold is!

What is the realm above the Martial Saint?

Lin Mo looked solemn, and the next moment, he knelt down in front of the old man with a plop.

"Master, sir, I'd like to meet you, little Lin Mo!" Lin Mo kowtowed three times.

The movements are so smooth!

Seeing this scene, the old principal and the old man were shocked!

They didn't expect Lin Mo to be so straightforward.

"You get up first..." the old man said helplessly.

"Master, please make the decision for me, and my master, we are all being bullied!"

Lin Mo did not get up, but looked at the old man pitifully.

The old man also looked helpless. Things had suddenly reached this point, and many things had become troublesome!

The most important thing is that Lin Mo actually wants him to make the decision for him!

"Yunlong, what is going on?" The old man looked at the old principal and said calmly.

"Teacher, you should ask him!" The old principal threw President Ding aside and said calmly.

The old man looked at President Ding and said sternly: "Tell me the whole story!" President Ding's face turned pale. He didn't know the identity of the old man in front of him, but in front of the old man, he felt like he was an ant!

And he knew very well that if he lied, he would probably be killed directly!

In order to survive, he could only tell the story of what happened.

After hearing this, the old man was silent for a moment and looked at the dozen strong men around him: "How many of you know the truth about this matter? How many of you don't know?"

"I have no idea……"

"I don't know either……"

A few people spoke, but eight others remained silent.

The old man chuckled and raised his hand a little.

Puff puff!

The muffled sound continued, and blood suddenly burst out from the man's chest!

At the same time, they groaned and half-knelt on the ground.

"Excuse me!"

The strength of the eight people was above that of the Martial Saint, but facing the old man, they knelt down at the same time, and even after being injured, they did not dare to say a word.

President Ding was immediately stunned when he saw this scene, because among the people kneeling down, some of them were his immediate superiors and were very powerful, but now they are all kneeling there...

What is the identity of the old man?

Lin Mo looked at the old man and had the same question in his heart.

The identity of the old man must not be simple!

"I'm very disappointed!" the old man said, looking at the ruins in the distance: "The Education Association has become like this, so there is really no need to exist!

From now on, self-examination and mutual examination, if there is still a similar situation, kill! "

The old man was actually more murderous than the old principal, and he was about to kill someone!

The expressions of a group of people changed drastically. For so many years, they had been sitting in their positions and no one could restrain them. They had long since ignored some things!

Now if we ask them to investigate themselves and each other, isn't that asking for death?

Some people's eyes were dazed, and they were thinking silently in their hearts.




Several muffled sounds rang out, and several people in the crowd who were constantly calculating were turned into bloody mud!

Lin Mo couldn't help but twitch his brows. Those were all powerful men who had surpassed the Martial Saint or above, and they actually killed them on the spot!

Bang bang bang!

Lin Mo bowed his head and said: "Master is mighty!"

The old man looked at Lin Mo helplessly, and then looked at the old principal: "What kind of things have you collected?"

The old principal was also confused. He didn't expect Lin Mo to be like this. He had no backbone at all.

But then again, Lin Mo saw him being beaten by the old man before, so he took action resolutely. This attitude moved the old principal.

"Teacher, Lin Mo is my most recent disciple and the one I am most satisfied with!" The old principal said with a smile: "Besides, I believe the teacher has also felt that Lin Mo has a very good talent!"

The old man glanced at Lin Mo and nodded silently: "The third-grade Martial King realm is indeed good. I hope to reach the Martial Saint realm before graduating from college!"

Lin Mo nodded repeatedly: "Thank you, Master, for your approval. I will work hard!"

In fact, what he was thinking was that if he had enough Qi and Blood Pills, he could reach the level of Martial Saint in half a year!

At least the blood value can reach the realm of martial saint!

"Pass my order, Lin Mo has one qualification for the secret realm of Abyss No. 6, and the rest of the qualifications are decided by Wei Yunlong!"

After saying these words, the old man turned and left.

After the old man left, Lin Mo could clearly feel that everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people looked at Lin Mo with solemn expressions on their faces. To be valued so highly by the old man, Lin Mo can look forward to the future!

"Wei Yunlong, you are finally back, and you have gained such a good disciple. How about a treat tonight? We brothers haven't eaten together for a long time!"

A man stepped forward, smiled and spoke.

"It's been a long time indeed." The old principal nodded: "I didn't expect that after so many years, your strength has surpassed mine!"

"You can pull me down. If we are in high positions, we will have a lot more resources. Back then, you had great ambitions and wanted to cultivate more strong people for China, so you established the Huaxia Military University. Over the years, the students of the Military University It has already played a huge role in many places!

Compared with you, we are nothing! "

"Everyone just performs their duties!" The old principal shook his head: "I have seen what you have done over the years, and we have never forgotten our original intention!

I’ll leave it to you to do what Master asked for this time! "

"Don't worry, I've long wanted to get rid of all those stupid things!

This place was built after the bloodshed of countless of our brothers, and it is not something they can pollute! "

After hearing these people's words, the expressions of the remaining people suddenly changed!

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