Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 175 Heading to the Mountain City!

"Each of us is doing our job!" The old principal shook his head: "I have seen what you have done over the years, and we have not forgotten our original intention!

This time, I will leave the things that Master asked for!"

"Don't worry, I have long wanted to drive away all those scumbags!

This place was built after countless brothers shed blood, and it is not something that these people can pollute!"

Hearing what these people said, the faces of the remaining people suddenly changed!

"Teacher, you didn't tell me that the backers behind you are so strong!"

Not only did he demolish the building of the Education Association, but he was not alone. Instead, he sat together with a group of big guys and had a state banquet. This gave Lin Mo a new understanding of the identity of the old man in front of him.

Lin Mo, who worshipped the old principal as his teacher, felt that he had won!

"They are just some old friends." The old principal smiled faintly, and it can be seen that he is in a good mood today.

I met a group of old comrades and my teacher.

"By the way, what is the identity of the master?" Lin Mo suddenly thought of the old man.

A group of big men dared not even fart when they saw the old man.

What a high status he must have!

"One of the pillars of China!" The old principal said lightly: "Okay, don't ask so many questions. What you need to do now is to go back and prepare, and leave for Shancheng tomorrow!"

"Leave so early?" Lin Mo was stunned.

"The situation in Abyss No. 6 is a bit complicated. If you go earlier, you will know more about it.

And according to my speculation, the people who entered the secret realm are far more than the ten people you killed. There should be someone in Shancheng who has arrived.

Going early is always good!"

"I understand!" Lin Mo nodded. He believed that the old principal would not harm him!

After returning, Lin Mo called Xu Bing'er.

"Ah! President, you finally called me. I heard that you and the old principal made a big fuss in the Huaxia Education Association and demolished a building!

The president was even more powerful and killed ten young geniuses in a row. The president is mighty!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Bing'er's excited voice came out.

Lin Mo was speechless for a while, and at the same time, he was a little curious about Xu Bing'er's identity.

What happened in the Education Association could not be spread so quickly. Xu Bing'er knew it so early, there must be other channels.

"Okay, I'm leaving school tomorrow, and I have two things to explain.

After I leave, the student union can go to the old principal for help, and then, you can go to Ye Qing for the distribution of Qi and Blood Pills!"

"Oh, I see!" Xu Bing'er nodded repeatedly: "Is Ye Qing the president's rumored girlfriend?"

Lin Mo's face was full of black lines: "Knowing too much will be silenced!"

Then he hung up the phone.

Thinking of Ye Qing, Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and called her.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Qing came in pajamas, carrying a small shoulder bag.

I have to say that Ye Qing has a good figure. Under her pajamas, the mountains are undulating, which is spectacular.

"Is it dangerous to go out this time?" She will not forget the degree of danger she had last time she entered the abyss.

"I don't know, but there are many benefits. I must go and see it!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Then you take all these with you, I'll give you all the factory's inventory!" Ye Qing took out thirty glass bottles from her bag and placed them in front of Lin Mo: "You must come back alive!"

"Don't worry!" Lin Mo smiled, hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and patted her on the head.

This action can be said to be very intimate. Ye Qing trembled and her cheeks were immediately stained with a blush.

"I... I'll go back first!" Ye Qing stood up suddenly, opened the door and walked out.

Looking at Ye Qing's hurriedly leaving back, Lin Mo smiled helplessly.

After leaving, Ye Qing ran downstairs of the factory in one breath, and then gently patted her full chest. She was really scared just now.

You know, when she just arrived, Lin Mo's eyes had been noticed by her.

She was a little worried that if she continued to stay there, something might happen!

There was no conversation all night. The next morning, Lin Mo left the capital and boarded the plane to the mountain city.

It has to be said that Huaxia Military University has great power. The plane Lin Mo took was a special flight, and Lin Mo was the only passenger on the plane.

On the plane, the beautiful flight attendant hinted to Lin Mo more than once that she was single and wanted to add a contact method with Lin Mo to facilitate in-depth communication in the future.

Lin Mo refused.

After the plane landed, Lin Mo slowly got off the plane in the lost eyes of the lady.

Shancheng, located in the hinterland of China, is full of mountains, and the whole city and the mountains are almost integrated.

This is also the origin of the name Shancheng.

There have been many scenic spots and historical sites in the mountains since ancient times. According to some research in China, the emergence of the abyss has a lot to do with the emergence of scenic spots and historical sites. In many cases, the abyss is behind the scenic spots and historical sites.

So many times, it has to be said that scenic spots and historical sites are still very good at choosing places!

After Lin Mo arrived in Shancheng, he found the Shancheng Abyss Management Association based on the address he got from the old principal.

Here, Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh that the road in the mountain city was really difficult to walk. You were at the top of the mountain one second, but you might be at the foot of the mountain the next second!

There are many abysses in the mountain city, so the Mountain City Abyss Management Association has a lot of people and occupies a lot of space.

After Lin Mo arrived here, he first showed his ID.

"This is my place to enter the abyss!" Lin Mo looked at the man who was in charge of receiving him, and took out his own proof!

It was signed and stamped by President Ding of the Education Association.

The man in front of him picked up the document coldly, glanced up and down, and then looked at Lin Mo: "You said you are a student of Huaxia Military University, do you have any proof?"

Lin Mo took out his student ID.

"I don't know if this student ID is forged. Also, you said you are Lin Mo, so you are Lin Mo?"

"The level of forgery is so high now, we can't tell whether it is true or false!"

The man at the reception desk spoke slowly with a provocative look on his face.

Lin Mo looked at the man and smiled faintly, "So, whether it's true or not, can't you verify it yourself?

I don't believe that the Abyss Association doesn't even have the means to verify it!

I can now call Huaxia Military University or have a video call with the old principal to prove my student status!"

"Now that technology is so advanced, you can use software to change your face. In short, I don't believe you are a student of Huaxia Military University, unless you let all the managers of Huaxia Military University come to Shancheng to prove your identity..."


As soon as the man's voice fell, Lin Mo raised his hand and punched him in the face.

Caught off guard, the man's body fell heavily to the ground, and he opened his mouth and spit out several teeth!

"You dare to hit me, do you know where this is!"

The man stood up and looked at Lin Mo, speaking angrily.


Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped the man in the face again.

The few remaining teeth of the man also fell out, and there was no tooth in his entire mouth!

"Lin Mo, do you know that you are causing trouble for Huaxia Military University by doing this!" The man looked at Lin Mo coldly and spoke sternly.

"So, you think I am a student of Huaxia Military University now?" Lin Mo looked at the man and smiled faintly.

The man was speechless for a moment.

Pa Pa Pa!

"As expected of the person who destroyed the Education Association and killed my brother, he is really very powerful!"

At this time, a faint voice sounded, and a young man walked out slowly.

The man looked a bit like Ding Quan, so he should be his brother.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Ding Bao, the brother of Ding Quan. My useless brother was killed by you. Do you feel any guilt in your heart?" Ding Bao looked at Lin Mo and spoke faintly.

"Since he is useless, he will die if he dies..." Lin Mo said lightly: "Do you want to take revenge on me for a waste?"

Ding Bao's eyes flashed coldly. After staring at Lin Mo for a long time, he smiled slowly: "I underestimated you. You dare to be so arrogant in my Huaxia Mountain City Abyss Management Association..."

"You are so arrogant, believe it or not, I will kill you now!" Ding Bao didn't finish his words, and the man said sternly.


Lin Mo raised his hand and slashed, the knife flashed, and a blood line appeared on the man's neck.

Then the man's head fell down, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

"Since you want to kill me, there is nothing to say, I will send you to the west first!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Ding Bao's face became ugly in an instant. The man was his younger brother, and everyone in the association knew it.

Now the man died in Lin Mo's hands. If he didn't show any expression, it would be difficult for him to gain a foothold here in the future!

"Lin Mo, you killed someone here, I can't forgive you! In addition, the Huaxia Military University will always be included in the banned list of the Mountain City Abyss!"

"You have so much power?" Lin Mo looked at Ding Bao and said lightly.

"I just happened to have this power!" Ding Bao smiled, and the next moment he rushed directly towards Lin Mo! ,

First-class Martial Saint!

Lin Mo's face was serious, but he didn't have much fear in his heart!

He was just a Martial Saint, it's not like he had never killed before!


Lin Mo's figure disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared again, his momentum suddenly changed!

Bloodthirstiness and violent blood were activated, and the abilities of multiple senses were constantly being blessed!

At the same time, Lin Mo's mental power instantly covered out!

Spirit Realm!

"It's useless to me. I knew your mental power was extraordinary. I can't be unprepared at all!" Ding Bao said lightly.

"So this time it's aimed at me, right!" Lin Mo smiled lightly. He was prepared, so it was naturally aimed at himself!

It seems that President Ding still wants revenge in Beijing!

In fact, what Lin Mo doesn't know is that based on the things President Ding did in Beijing, after self-examination and mutual investigation, he will not be able to die ten thousand times!

Before dying, it is reasonable to take Lin Mo away!


With a loud bang, Lin Mo and Ding Bao punched each other directly!

The two figures retreated violently, and Lin Mo's face showed a solemn expression, looking at Ding Bao.

As a martial saint, Ding Bao's strength is undoubtedly stronger than all the martial saints he has met!

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