I have to say that Ding Bao is very strong. After the two punched each other, Lin Mo felt as if all the bones in his body were about to crack!

And there was a force rushing through his body, causing him to feel extreme pain.

"You do have the arrogance, but if you kill people here, I can't keep you!" Ding Bao said calmly.

His eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he felt a little happy in his heart, because Lin Mo took the initiative to kill people, which just gave him an excuse.

"An inch of cold light!"

He drank coldly, a ray of cold light shot out from his fingertips, and a terrifying aura followed.

Tsk tsk tsk!

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and cold light shone on all ten of Ding Bao's fingers. They were about a foot long. When he pinched the air, they produced strong fluctuations.

"Xuanbing Armor!"

Lin Mo used his martial arts skills, and a thick layer of ice armor condensed all over his body.

The sound of jingling bells was heard endlessly, Lin Mo's eyes were cold, he waved his fist and blasted out.

Although he only got four of the Five Beast Fists, Lin Mo was extremely powerful after he stood up.

There was an explosion in the air, the roar caused by the collision of two forces.

The expression on Lin Mo's face did not change. He found that while using the Tiger Fist, the stronger the fighting spirit in his heart, the stronger the punch became!

"Is fighting strength related to fighting spirit?" Lin Mo was guessing in his mind. At the same time, he activated the thunder breathing method. Thunder flashed on the surface of his body, and there was even a muffled thunder in his body.

On the other hand, Ding Bao's face on the opposite side became more and more solemn. During the battle, he became more and more frightened.

Lin Mo seems to be getting stronger. You must know that this is a battle, and Lin Mo can still keep getting stronger!

"The evildoer...can't stay!" Ding Bao had this thought in his mind: "If he really grows up in the future, my father and I will definitely suffer!!"

Thinking of this, the killing intent in his eyes became even stronger!

"Let me see how big the gap is between the Martial Saint and the Martial King!" Ding Baohan said in a cold voice.

At the same time, he began to mobilize the power of Qi and blood all over his body.

"Qi and blood phantom body!" Ding Baohan said in a cold voice.

Immediately afterwards, the power of his blood began to pour out.

The rich power of Qi and blood began to change in Lin Mo's sight, and finally turned into a battle armor covering Ding Bao's body.

Lin Mo looked serious, and he could tell that this was the transformation of Qi and blood.

Although he has mastered this method, this is the first time he has seen someone transforming into a form based on Qi and blood, and performing some kind of martial arts!

You can feel that this martial arts is very powerful. The moment it was used, Lin Mo saw what seemed to be a three-meter-high giant standing behind Ding Bao!


The giant punched Lin Mo. When it hit the ground, you could see countless cracks spreading out in all directions.

Lin Mo's face became serious, the power of this punch was terrifying!

The most important thing is that the giant's movements are very fast, completely in sync with Ding Bao!


Taking one step forward, the floor tiles shattered under his feet!


Ding Bao spoke hoarsely, just one word, but there was endless killing intent surging.

There is no doubt that the giant is very powerful, but Lin Mo doesn't believe that this kind of martial arts can last forever!

After using the ghost shadow, Lin Mo dodged the giant's attacks again and again, and at the same time, Lin Mo continued to take action.

He now has quite a few tricks up his sleeve, and even because he holds the Red Blood Sword, his attack power is frighteningly high!

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the giant behind Ding Bao began to become blurry!

"It seems the time has come!" A sneer appeared on Lin Mo's face, and the next moment, he took action forcefully!

Four kinds of fist intentions were condensed by him, forming phantoms standing behind Lin Mo.

The tigers and hungry wolves were roaring, and the whole space was shaking, as if it was about to collapse at any time!

"Come and fight! Aren't you capable of fighting?"

Lin Mo had a crazy look on his face, feeling the terrifying fighting spirit surging in his body. Lin Mo did not stop it and allowed this fighting spirit to fill his mind, and after just a few minutes, Lin Mo Mo's eyes are red!

He kept pumping his fists, and there was a blast of punches in the air!

Ding Bao's face turned ugly. The martial arts he just used was very powerful, but the consumption was also terrifying. He thought he could kill Lin Mo in the shortest time, but who would have thought that Lin Mo would start to suppress him now!

"Kill! I don't believe you are my opponent!"

After a brief period of confusion, Ding Bao's face showed a crazy look. He used the remaining energy and blood and rushed towards Lin Mo desperately!


Fists and kicks connected, Lin Mo's fighting spirit seemed to have reached a vent, and he instantly overwhelmed Ding Bao with endless fists!

Ding Bao's face changed drastically. This attack was simply too terrifying. When he looked up, everything he could see were shadows of fists. The most important thing was that he didn't know how to dodge at this moment!

With a pop, Lin Mo punched him, and in just a moment, Ding Bao's body took a dozen steps back!

He looked at Lin Mo with a horrified expression. Just when he was about to say something, Lin Mo's figure rushed towards him again!

This speed was so fast that Lin Mo's figure left a series of afterimages, which finally condensed in front of Ding Bao!


Ding Bao looked at Lin Mo, and just when he was about to say something, Lin Mo's fists hit him one after another like a violent storm.

In just a few breaths, Ding Bao was punched at least a hundred times!

The sound of bones breaking continued to sound. It was certain that there were not many intact bones left in Ding Bao's body!

I have to say that Wu Sheng was so strong that even when he was seriously injured, he was still able to stand there and stare at Lin Mo coldly.


Lin Mo directly raised his hand to strangle Ding Bao's neck and slowly raised it.


The fist power dissipated, and the raging power poured out directly destroyed most of the office!

"You lose!" Lin Mo said lightly, while slowly exerting force.

Ding Bao's life and death depended on his thoughts!


At this moment, a voice sounded, and then a figure was seen walking out slowly. This was a middle-aged man wearing a suit with a solemn look on his face, walking towards Lin Mo step by step. Go!

The aura on his body was very strong, and in just a few steps he showed a power that surpassed that of a fifth-grade Martial Saint!

"Let them go!"

The man spoke, with an unmistakable flavor in his voice.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him: "Why should I let him go!"

"You have the upper hand, and he has been seriously injured by you now. There is no need for you to kill him!" the middle-aged man said slowly.

But there was anger hidden in his eyes.

"What if I don't let him go!" Lin Mo said slowly: "Could it be that you want to kill me?"

"You are causing trouble in my mountain city. If I let you kill people in front of me, how can I, Tan Zhan, hang out in the mountain city in the future..."

The man said his name, and Lin Mo raised his eyebrows.

Tan Zhan is the person in charge of Abyss No. 6!

"You were already here when he used the Qi-Blood Illusion Body, but you didn't take action at that time. I wonder if it was me who was held by the neck in the end, would you still show up?"

Lin Mo spoke calmly.

During the fight, Lin Mo had already noticed the man's presence, but he did not take action at that time. Instead, after Lin Mo won, he asked Lin Mo to let Ding Bao go!

What kind of truth is this!

"I say it again, let him go!" Tan Zhan said calmly: "You killed people in my mountain city. Even if Ding Bao kills you, you deserve it, but you can't continue to make mistakes now!"

"Hahaha, this is simply the best joke I've ever heard. Why don't you want to know if I kill people?

Also, Ding Bao had murderous intentions for me from the beginning, didn’t you know? "

"Stop talking nonsense and let him go..." Tan Zhan had an impatient look on his face and spoke sternly.

But halfway through his words, he was interrupted by Lin Mo's movements!

Lin Mo's right hand squeezed hard!


The sound of cartilage breaking sounded, and Ding Bao's hands dropped weakly!

Lin Mo killed Ding Bao!


Lin Mo immediately let go of his right hand, and Ding Bao's body fell directly to the ground.

"I killed the man, now you can attack me!"

Lin Mo spoke calmly, staring at Tan Zhan intently!

"How brave!"

Tan Zhan was really angry to the extreme. Lin Mo killed people one after another today, making the entire Mountain City Abyss Management Association lose face!

But can he really kill Lin Mo's mother?

The killing intent filled his eyes for a while, but finally it slowly subsided!

He couldn't kill Lin Mo, because this time, he got the news that Lin Mo's quota was very special!

They have roughly understood what happened in the capital, and they have also heard rumors of self-examination and mutual inspection!

Now if Lin Mo really dies here, the entire Mountain City Abyss Management Association will be shaken!

"Lin Mo... very good, you are very good!" He gritted his teeth and slowly spit out these words!

"I also think I'm good!" Lin Mo said slowly with a smile on his face: "I'm not the manager of Abyss No. 6, I just have good vision!"

Lin Mo's words made Tan Zhan's eyes filled with anger, but he couldn't kill anyone!

"Very good, I hope you can come back alive in the secret realm!" After a long time, Tan Zhan said, while picking up the documents scattered on the ground, and raised his hand to sign his name on Lin Mo's document!

"Take this and go to the entrance of Abyss No. 6. They will let you in when they see the document!" Tan Zhan handed the document into Lin Mo's hand.

"Thank you!" Lin Mo took the document and said calmly: "It's just a signature. If you two had given it to me earlier, you wouldn't be lying here!

Are you stupid? "

After saying these words, Lin Mo turned around and left here!

As soon as these words were spoken, it could be said that the entire Management Association of Abyss No. 6 was offended, but Lin Mo didn't care!

Half an hour later, Lin Mo followed the address and arrived at the entrance of Abyss No. 6.

Looking at the documents handed over by Lin Mo, the people guarding the entrance had strong anger on their faces.

"Be careful in there, don't die in there!" A young man looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but say.


Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

"Shut the dog's mouth if it can't spit out ivory!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Don't look at me with that look. I've already killed two, and I don't mind killing one more!"

After saying that, he entered the No. 6 abyss without looking back!

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