Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 178 Entering the Secret Realm!

Lin Mo didn't pay much attention to the vigilance of several people, but was trying to see if he could escape his mental power into the secret realm.

"It's such a strong force of repulsion that I can't even explore it!" Lin Mo was not disappointed. He withdrew his mental power and turned around to look at the people who had walked behind him.

"Where do you come from?" Among the people, a man in black asked. He was not very young anymore, he was at least twenty-five or six years old, and his whole body exuded the power of tyrannical energy and blood.

He should have reached the realm of a second-grade Martial Saint, but his blood value will not exceed the limit of a second-grade Martial Saint.

"Chinese Military Academy, Lin Mo." Lin Mo said his identity with a smile and looked at the others: "Do you know how to enter the secret realm?"

After the words fell, Lin Mo clearly felt that several people's attitudes towards him had changed.

After several people looked at each other, the power of Qi and blood in their bodies began to change.

After Lin Mo's spiritual power was withdrawn from the secret realm, he did not withdraw his mental perception.

So at this moment, Lin Mo clearly felt that the people around him were becoming more wary of him. At the same time, he could even feel the energy and blood of the man in black moving slowly. This was a precursor to the use of martial arts!

"I don't remember that the Chinese Army is qualified to enter the secret realm!" On the side, a young man spoke slowly, looked at Lin Mo, and chuckled: "However, since you have come in, don't say that we won't give you a chance. …

That is the entrance to the secret realm, let’s go in and take a look! "

He pointed at the entrance to the secret realm in the distance and spoke calmly.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. This was to ask him to explore the way. In fact, if he was the only one in the abyss, he would definitely have to enter the secret realm door.

But Lin Mo was reluctant to let him explore the road.

"I've given you such a good opportunity, why are you hesitating? Do you want us to send you in?" The man in black said calmly.

Lin Mo didn't speak, but he knew very well in his heart that since no one had ever entered the secret realm, the first person to enter the secret realm would definitely gain a lot.

But these people let him go in first, so there must be only one reason, that is, the first one in would be in danger!

These people have backers behind them. If they can enter them, they must know more about the secret realm than Lin Mo...

"Boy, you are wearing down my patience... Since you don't want to go in, don't blame us for being rude!" The man in black glanced at the man in green next to him: "Send him in!"

The man in green chuckled ferociously, stretched his muscles and walked towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's expression remained unchanged and he took half a step back.

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of mocking laughter from all around.


The next moment, the man in green rushed towards Lin Mo. He stretched out a hand and grabbed Lin Mo's neck fiercely!

The look of fear on Lin Mo's face became more and more obvious. The man in green smiled even happier when he looked at Lin Mo's face.

Just when the man in green was about to touch Lin Mo's neck, the fear on Lin Mo's face disappeared instantly, and the smile on his face turned into a mocking look!

"Something's wrong!" The man in green had a bad premonition in his heart, but now that the arrow was on the string, he had to shoot. He had already taken action, and there was no possibility of stopping!

"Let me in!" The man in green said coldly.

"My strength has reached the seventh-level Martial King. I can completely crush him. The advantage is mine!" the man in green thought.


At this moment, Lin Mo took action.

He slapped him with lightning speed, and the man in green suddenly stood there.

Before he could recover, Lin Mo's hand had already grabbed his shoulder, and then he was grabbed by Lin Mo and rushed towards the secret realm!

The man's expression changed drastically and he wanted to ask for help, but it was too late.

The power of Qi and blood in Lin Mo's body surged out, and after entering the man's meridians, it was all frozen like frost!

The man in green had no power to fight back.

"Since the opportunity is so good, you'd better go in and take a look first!" Lin Mo snorted coldly and threw the man in!

In an instant, a tyrannical force came over from the secret realm. The man in green only had time to let out a scream before it exploded in the air!

A stream of blood spurted out from the secret realm. Lin Mo was closest to the entrance of the secret realm. His whole body was covered in blood. He looked like the God of War from hell!

"Dead!" Lin Mo was covered in cold sweat. Looking at this scene, he was glad that he didn't rush in after arriving here.

"Go in!" Seeing someone die, the man in black showed a trace of cruelty on his face, gritted his teeth and shouted, and then rushed towards the secret realm!

When Lin Mo saw the man in black trying to enter the secret realm, he immediately understood that the secret realm should be safe now and he could enter!

At that moment, he used Ghost Shadow and rushed in directly.

Although the man in green is very strong, Lin Mo's ghostly shadow has become extremely terrifying with his high proficiency!

Before the man entered, Lin Mo rushed in like lightning!


Lin Mo felt like he had passed through a layer of sponge. After a short moment of lack of oxygen, Lin Mo quickly resumed breathing.

When everything in front of him gradually became clear, a shocked look appeared on Lin Mo's face.

Because this place is like a certain city in the human world.

There are towering buildings here, and viaducts that span the city like giant dragons.

Vehicles can be vaguely seen on the bridge, and there are even planes in the sky!

But Lin Mo felt deeply afraid, because... whether it is the planes in the sky or the vehicles on the viaduct, they are all stationary!

Lin Mo took a few steps forward, and his mental power extended out, and he saw more things.

Everything in the whole city seemed to be paused at a certain moment, and everything stopped. Lin Mo even saw a thrown flying disc hanging in the air not far away, as if it would fall at any time!

Another terrifying thing is that there is no figure in the whole city... Not only a figure, but no living creatures in the whole city, not even a corpse!

This made Lin Mo feel deeply afraid.

"Charge!" Lin Mo was silent for a short moment, and then rushed directly into the distance!

His speed was very fast, because he felt someone following behind him.

The black-clothed man was very powerful. Although Lin Mo was sure to escape from his hands, there were seven people behind him. If these people attacked together, Lin Mo would be in danger!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As soon as Lin Mo left, eight figures rushed out, led by the black-clothed man.

"He should go to the center of the city. We can't let him get there first!"

The black-clothed man spoke loudly with a strong sense of vigilance on his face.

Several people looked stern and nodded repeatedly.

Before they entered the secret realm, some strong men explored the secret realm and knew about it. Because of some restrictions, these strong men could not get the most important things in the city, so they had to come.

Before they came, the strong men told them everything in the secret realm.

So they knew that every once in a while, someone needed to use his life to open the door of the secret realm.

Before they came, they actually got the news that Huaxia Wuda had selected an unlucky guy as a sacrifice in exchange for a place.

At first, they thought Lin Mo was the unlucky guy, but they didn't expect that Lin Mo was actually from Huaxia Military University.

But for them, whether it was Wuda or Military University, it didn't matter, as long as there was a sacrifice.

But who would have thought that Lin Mo was so alert that he noticed when they took action and killed the man in green!

"This waste!" The man in black couldn't help but speak in his heart, and at the same time he increased his speed.

Lin Mo's speed was actually faster, and he noticed that the increase in the blood power in the secret realm was faster. After the running of the Thunder Breathing Method, there was thunder shining all over his body.

It must be said that such a scene was very amazing, because at this moment Lin Mo could be said to be completely wrapped in thunder!

"What a powerful Thunder Breathing Method, I can feel my blood power increasing!"

Lin Mo was extremely surprised. If he stayed in the secret realm for a few days, Lin Mo felt that he might reach the fifth-grade martial king realm!

Just as he was running all the way, a huge statue appeared faintly not far away in front of him.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a kung fu robe, with a long knife on his waist and a sword on his back.

The whole statue was at least 30 meters high. The man looked very handsome. Although it was just a statue, it still made people feel the man's peerless style!

"What is this..." Lin Mo looked at the statue in front of him, sped up, and came to the foot of the statue.

"A stele..." There was an inscription at the foot of the statue, but the words on it had been erased. Lin Mo only confirmed from a few words that the strength of the statue man was indeed very strong!

"It's a pity that I can't see all the words on the inscription clearly..." Lin Mo said helplessly.

He looked around and confirmed that he had come to the center of the city, but there was no chance along the way!

"Didn't they say that there would be good things in the secret realm? Why didn't I see anything?" Lin Mo was a little helpless and turned around to run in another direction.

At this moment, he was in a trance, and a figure appeared not far away.

"Do you know what martial arts is?" The figure was a man. He did not turn around, but a voice came from him.

"What is martial arts?" Lin Mo frowned. This was a question he rarely thought about. Since he embarked on the path of martial arts, he has been practicing hard. At this moment, he was asked rashly, and he actually felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"What is martial arts? Martial arts is to go against the will of heaven!" Lin Mo's face was firm: "Fight with people, fight with heaven! Fight with yourself!"

"Fight with people? Fight with heaven? Fight with yourself?" The man's voice sounded again, and this time Lin Mo actually heard a sense of mockery in his tone.

Before Lin Mo could speak, his eyes suddenly blurred.

The city in front of him was disappearing, and everything became blurred.

"I want to see how you fight!" The man's voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears.


Just when Lin Mo wanted to speak, a loud bang suddenly exploded not far away from him!

Lin Mo felt a huge force rushing at him, and then he flew backwards!

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