Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 179: The inheritance in the secret realm!


Along with a loud noise, Lin Mo's figure continued to retreat violently.

The terrifying power rolled up like a tornado and dispersed in all directions!

Lin Mo's face was solemn and he looked at the figure not far away.

It was a man wearing armor and holding a long knife in his hand!


The sword flashed, and the man rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

He slashed the sword from top to bottom, and instantly the air seemed to be split in half, and there was a whistling sound.

Lin Mo's expression changed greatly and he dodged to the side, but the man changed the knife from cutting down to cutting horizontally!


Blood spattered and a bloody wound appeared on Lin Mo's body.

The severe pain made Lin Mo almost scream out. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the man.

There was lava flowing on the red blood sword. Lin Mo thrust out the sword without any pause!

Sparks sprouted from the man's armor, and lava splashed from the red blood sword, but it was unable to hurt the man!

Lin Mo's expression became serious. The man in front of him was very strong, giving him an unfathomable feeling. But at this moment, Lin Mo felt like he could defeat him.

"It's like a test. If that's the case, then there's nothing to be afraid of!" Lin Mo had a sneer on his face. The next moment, the power of Qi and blood around him reached the limit!


The Tiger Fist, White Crane Fist and other boxing techniques were used at the same time, hitting the man. At the same time, Lin Mo used the spiritual realm to pull the man into his spiritual world!

This attack had a great effect in the end. The man in front of him dispersed directly, his armor fell to the ground, and his body turned into ashes.

"Like a corpse that has experienced endless years, it was burned directly to ashes by time!" Lin Mo looked at the corpse on the ground and spoke slowly.

He took a step forward, picked up the armor on the ground, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This armor is close to the ground level. This is a good thing. Its defense power is amazing. If you wear this thing, even a second-grade Martial Saint may not be able to hurt me!"

With a look of surprise on Lin Mo's face, he put the armor on himself.


At this moment, another figure appeared.

Different from the previous man, the figure in front of him is more proficient in mental power!

Lin Mo felt like his brain was going to explode. This terrifying power was flowing, as if it was about to enter Lin Mo's body!

"Get out of here!" Lin Mo roared angrily and rushed towards the man in front of him.

The final result of being proficient in mental power is that he is not very proficient in physical power, so after a short battle, Lin Mo directly tore the figure in front of him into pieces!

"Kill!" Lin Mo's eyes were red. Such a battle could be said to be hearty. After the bloody battle, Lin Mo felt as if bloodthirsty desire was flowing in his body!

"Not enough, not enough, come again!" In both violent and bloodthirsty states, Lin Mo's fighting desire reached its extreme!

"It's interesting. He actually achieved the fusion of mental power and qi and blood power. What a good opportunity!" The man's voice sounded, and the man who originally sent him here appeared in front of Lin Mo.

What was different from what he had seen before was that the man at this moment was full of life.

"Cultivation of spiritual power and qi and blood power at the same time, the two complement each other, and the martial arts here can be passed down!"

The man looked at Lin Mo and spoke slowly.

The next moment, Lin Mo felt as if his head was about to explode. A massive amount of information was transmitted to Lin Mo's mind.

Pictures flashed in front of Lin Mo's eyes, like a movie.

He tried to write down all the above contents, but found that those things were quickly forgotten after entering his mind!

"Don't worry, those memories are in your mind, and they will reappear in front of you sooner or later. Your current strength is not enough. When your strength reaches a certain level, you will naturally be able to think of what you saw today. everything!"

The man's voice sounded, and then slowly disappeared: "Time passes very slowly here, you first need to familiarize yourself with all the martial arts I have left for you!"

Only then did Lin Mo search for a sword skill in his mind.

"Instant killing sword!"

The name of the swordsmanship is very simple, and it is actually a first-level earth-level martial skill!

"It's developed!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. This is a good thing. If a first-grade martial arts skill at the ground level is put up for auction, it will definitely sell for a sky-high price!

"It's a huge profit, a huge win!" Lin Mo was extremely excited. What he needs most right now is some kind of swordsmanship, and now his wish has come true!

"So domineering, such strong swordsmanship!"

Lin Mo read the entire swordsmanship from beginning to end, with a look of admiration on his face.

It has to be said that the instant killing sword is so overbearing. The whole content of the article only has one word theme, and that is killing!

Killing intent rushed toward his face. Lin Mo blocked it and began to deduce this sword technique.

After a moment, he slowly stood up, clenched the red blood sword in his hand and started to move it.

The instant killing sword means killing with one blow!

Lin Mo kept swinging his sword and did what the martial arts required!

I don't know how long it took, but a smile appeared on Lin Mo's face.

"Finally we're getting started..." At this point, Lin Mo's expression changed slightly, and when he looked around, the scenery was getting darker.

When Lin Mo saw everything in front of him clearly, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Because he felt the terrifying murderous intent flowing, and it was rushing towards here at a very fast speed!

"Boy, what did you do!" Seeing Lin Mo standing there, the black-clothed man showed an angry look on his face: "Whatever you got from here, hand it over now, otherwise you will die without a burial place!"

The black-clothed man looked at Lin Mo's attitude and immediately guessed a lot. He felt that Lin Mo must have got something!


What responded to him was the sword in Lin Mo's hand!

A cold light flashed, and Lin Mo swung the sword directly at the black-clothed man!

The black-clothed man's face changed slightly, and when he wanted to dodge, he found that it was too late!


Lin Mo's sword directly cut off half of the man's shoulder. Such a scene can be said to be extremely terrifying!

"Brother Zong!"

A group of people following the black-clothed man shouted loudly and rushed towards Lin Mo at the same time.

After Lin Mo's attack, his figure exploded back. It must be said that the instant killing sword is indeed very powerful, but the sword that Lin Mo slashed out earlier actually drained all the blood and qi in Lin Mo's body!

"What a terrifying consumption of blood and qi. If I hadn't been prepared, I might have been lying down now!"

Lin Mo smiled and said, facing the remaining group of people, the smile on his face can be said to be extremely terrifying.

The man in black has been killed, and the remaining people are not at the level of martial saints, and it is impossible for them to be Lin Mo's opponents.

"Hand over what you got, otherwise, even if you get out, you won't live long!"

One of the men spoke, looking at Lin Mo with hatred in his eyes.

"Do you think you can stop me with just a few of you?" Lin Mo pointed the red blood sword in his hand at the people in front of him and spoke lightly.

Lin Mo's contemptuous attitude made several people extremely angry.

"What are you talking about? Just kill them!" Suddenly someone spoke and wanted to kill people directly!


A sound of breaking wind was heard, and the man who had spoken to kill fell straight to the ground.

Lin Mo casually shook off the blood beads on the Red Blood Sword and looked at the remaining people: "If you have anything else to say, hurry up and say it. It's too slow to kill them one by one. It's better to kill them all together!"

Seeing Lin Mo's eyes, a group of people's faces changed wildly and retreated one after another.

"Did I let you go!" When someone wanted to escape, Lin Mo suddenly called them to stop.

Several people looked back at Lin Mo with a look of fear on their faces: "You have already killed two people, do you want to keep killing?

Don't you know who is behind us?"

"The last person who told me this, now his body has become a skeleton!" Lin Mo smiled faintly, not caring about what this person said.

"Leave three people for me, the rest of you can leave!" Lin Mo stretched out three fingers and spoke slowly.

Three people!

Even if two of them died, they still had seven people left...

"You guys stay..."

"I don't want to stay, if anyone stays, it's you who stays..."

After hearing that Lin Mo only left three people, the remaining seven people began to get confused.

Lin Mo watched them fighting, his eyes full of disappointment.

If the seven of them attacked together, Lin Mo would never hurt them, and all seven of them could escape!

But at this moment, just to fight for the chance of four lives, they couldn't wait to kill the extra people without waiting for Lin Mo to speak!

After a bloody battle, three people were left here, and the remaining four left without looking back.

"You can tell me if you have any ideas!" Lin Mo looked at the remaining three people, their bodies were covered with wounds, and they were all bleeding at the moment!

"Lin Mo, let me go, I promise that from now on, you can choose the entire Chinese army at will!"

One of them spoke, his stomach was full of wounds, but his mouth was the hardest, and at this time he was still unwilling to reveal any information.

But Lin Mo had a lot of patience, he started to torture this person directly.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and started to confess!

"What good things are there in the secret realm?" Lin Mo asked his first question, and at the same time looked at the yellow land in the distance, with a look of disappointment on his face.

There should be creatures buried in this yellow land, but now there is no trace of their burial!

"There is the inheritance of the entire city!" The man said with a look of fear on his face: "I believe you have seen it too, the whole city seems to be dead, only the inheritance is preserved.

In addition, there is a piece of material on the building over there, which is said to be able to refine heaven-level weapons!"

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