Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 180: Magma Body Tempering

"I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise..." Lin Mo said lightly, and at the same time swung his sword out!

The crimson sword light suddenly shot out, and the thick street lamp pole not far away was cut off by Lin Mo's sword!

The three of them turned pale with fright. If this sword struck them, they would definitely not have any chance of survival!

"We are telling the truth..." Someone spoke, but there was a dodge in his eyes.

Lin Mo saw this scene in his eyes and sneered in his heart.

Of course it was impossible for these people to tell the truth, but he didn't care. He picked up one of them and headed in the direction they were pointing.

The person being carried by Lin Mo had a look of despair on his face, but he didn't dare to make a sound at all.

Lin Mo's figure flashed crazily all the way, and after a moment, he arrived at the building they were talking about.

"The teacher said that this is the research center of the entire city. They felt what was inside that day and wanted to go in and take it out, but they also failed!" The man being carried by Lin Mo looked at Lin Mo , with a complicated expression: "You have been recognized by the statue, maybe you can go in!"

Lin Mo glanced at him, smiled, opened the door and walked in.


As soon as they walked in, there was a wave of heat hitting their faces. Even when several people breathed, they could feel the scorching heat of the air.

"It's so hot!" Lin Mo was soaked with sweat and glanced at the entire building: "There is no air conditioning in such an advanced place!"

The man being carried by Lin Mo also felt a little uncomfortable, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Where is the entrance!" Lin Mo asked.

"I don't know..." The man shook his head.

Lin Mo didn't speak, and his mental power spread out around him.

In an instant, Lin Mo felt the source of the scorching power, and he walked along the heat.

The deeper he went, the more terrifying Lin Mo felt.

The clothes on his body began to smell burnt, and would fall off even with the slightest touch.

As for the guy he was carrying, he was almost dehydrated.

Lin Mo thought for a while and threw him aside away from the heat.

Continuing to move forward, Lin Mo saw a large door blocking his eyes.

Above the gate is a mural. The content on it is very simple. One day a meteorite fell from the sky and landed here, and then the whole city began to develop!

In other words, the entire city actually began to develop after the meteorite fell.

The meteorite became smaller and smaller as the years went by, until it was only the size of a fist and was hidden behind the door.


Lin Mo tried to punch out and hit the door directly.

The loud noise echoed throughout the building, but the door in front of him remained motionless and showed no signs of opening.

"The thing is behind the door, but I can't get it..." Lin Mo looked at the door in front of him, looking for possible mechanisms bit by bit.

Soon, Lin Mo discovered a strange room on the mural.

In the mural, there is a figure from behind. He is holding a sword in his hand. On the blade of the sword, there seem to be two words, instant kill!

Instant kill?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then a possibility came to his mind.

Instant killing sword technique!

Lin Mo directly used this kind of sword technique. He was now considered a beginner. He slashed out with a sword, and the sword light spurted out and hit the door.

In an instant, the mural on the door began to melt, and eventually the lava flowed down the door, and then flowed into the back of the door.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and silently took two steps back.


Soon, there was a roar, and the door in front of me slowly opened!

When the door opened, Lin Mo understood why his punch did not cause any damage to the door.

Because the door is too thick, a full meter!

Moreover, the material used for the entire door should also be specially made, exuding an inexplicable luster.

"It would be great if we could lift all the gates away!" Lin Mo had a thoughtful look on his face and tried it, but failed in the end.

"Forget it, if it was carried away so easily, then there would be a problem!" Lin Mo shook his head, and his eyes fell on the magma from before.

At this time, he finally saw why the lava flowed behind the gate.

Because you can see a huge pool in front of the entire gate. The pool is filled with bright red magma, and the terrifying temperature is radiating from the pool!

Lin Mo took a step forward, and his clothes instantly turned to ashes.

"Fortunately, I'm the only one here, otherwise it would be embarrassing!"

Lin Mo shook his head and walked towards the magma pool.

You can see a stone the size of your head floating in the magma pool.

There was a special luster on the surface of the stone. Lin Mo concluded that this stone was the material they were talking about, and it was also the meteorite that fell from the sky on the door mural!

After guessing this, Lin Mo did not hesitate and began to try to get the stone back.

The red blood sword is too short and cannot touch the stone.

There was nothing in the whole room except a pool, and no fishing tools at all.

"What should I do?" Lin Mo was a little anxious. The things in the pool could forge heaven-level weapons, but now he could only look at them, but he couldn't get them.

"You can't just jump into the lava and pick up the rocks!" This thought came to Lin Mo's mind.

Then he thought of the scene in the mural on the door.

He quickly turned around and ran towards the door, his eyes constantly searching the mural. Finally, he saw the picture he wanted to see.

That was the scene where the meteorite had just fallen. The meteorite fell and created a huge crater on the ground.

The deep pit was quickly filled with magma, and the meteorite was suspended above the magma, exactly like the scene in front of me!

Immediately afterwards, a figure walked into the magma, bathed in the magma, and used a tool to remove a small piece of stone!

"Do you really want to bathe in the magma and take out the rocks?"

There was a look of hesitation on Lin Mo's face. Needless to say, the temperature in the magma was terrifying, but the temptation of heaven-level materials made Lin Mo not want to think about it so much!

"I'm really confused..." Lin Mo had a confused look on his face.

After a moment, a determined look appeared on his face.

"What are you afraid of? I have absorbed that ice card and become the ultimate Martial King. Even if the temperature of the magma is very high, I should be able to use the ultimate ice attribute to fight it!"

After Lin Mo was silent for a moment, he made up his mind. After walking towards the magma, he took a deep breath and walked towards the magma!


As soon as he stepped into the lava, a terrifying heat spread all over his body along his feet!

Lin Mo's face showed a look of pain, and the power of Qi and blood began to circulate. Ice covered Lin Mo's body bit by bit, and the hot breath suddenly dissipated a lot.

A large amount of steam began to emit, and the ice on Lin Mo's body began to disappear.

The Thunder Breathing Technique was constantly operating. Lin Mo used the Thunder Breathing Technique to keep the heat of the magma out of his body.

But it has to be said that Lin Mo ignored the horror of magma.

He discovered that the magma was eating away at the energy and blood in his body bit by bit!

The effect of Xuan Bingjia was constantly decreasing, and more heat began to gather on Lin Mo's body.

Fortunately, Lin Mo was almost touching the stone!

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the stone desperately.


The moment his hands touched the stone, a wave of heat hit him, and Lin Mo's hands were about to be burned to coke!

"The temperature in the magma actually comes from this stone!"

Now, Lin Mo finally understood that this stone contained terrifying heat, and the so-called magma was only a part of the temperature of this stone!

Lin Mo had a shocked look on his face. After trying a few times and failing to move the stone at all, he was ready to give up!

But the next moment, he was stunned because his hands were firmly fixed on the stone and he couldn't take it off at all!

"It's over!" Lin Mo looked ugly, because the ice armor on his body had dissipated, and the heat of the magma began to burn his flesh and blood!

Fortunately, Lin Mo had already used the Thunder Breathing Technique to train his body before. For a while, the magma could not burn his body to ashes, but if he couldn't get out of here as soon as possible, it would only be a matter of time before he was burned to ashes. question!


At this moment, Lin Mo felt a wave of information coming into his mind, and a picture appeared in front of his eyes!

That was someone bathing in the magma, and after bathing, his body underwent horrific changes!

"Can this magma actually temper the physical body?"

After seeing all the scrolls clearly, Lin Mo had a shocked look on his face.

Some people use magma to temper their bodies and gain huge rewards!

"Is it true or false..." Lin Mo had a pensive look on his face. The next moment, he gave up resistance and allowed the hot power to wash over his body!


For a moment, Lin Mo felt as if his body was about to be torn apart. After he really let go of his defenses, the scorching power began to rush through his body!

The blood flowing in the meridians seems to have turned into magma, constantly scouring all the meridians!

Lin Mo's entire face began to distort due to pain, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

One minute, two minutes... ten minutes!

The hair on Lin Mo's head had been burned to ashes, and all the hair on his body had disappeared.


A slight sound came, and Lin Mo's expression changed slightly, because he knew what the sound was.

In the magma, his flesh and blood are cracking! The terrifying temperature burned his body to pieces!

The blood continued to flow, and Lin Mo gritted his teeth and still persisted.


At this moment, two figures slowly walked in outside the door.

It was the two people he had left outside before.

"Hey, I didn't expect this kid to actually get into the lava!"

"Who can withstand such a terrifying temperature?"

"Seek death!"

With mocking looks on their faces, the two of them walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

They casually picked up the red blood sword on the ground and chuckled: "Good thing, it will be ours from now on!"

"Boy, you are so arrogant outside, now I see what else you have to say!"

The expressions of ridicule on the faces of the two men were extremely strong, and they were about to attack Lin Mo while standing next to the magma pool.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, he's being devoured by his eyes right now. Let's wait until he's half dead before we take action to prevent accidents!"

One person stretched out his hand and stopped the person who was about to take action.

"That makes sense..." The man chuckled, and the two simply sat down by the pool: "It's a pity that Naigou was so unlucky that he died of heat outside!"

"One more person means one more fortune. Isn't it good for the two of us to have this stone alone?"

The two smiled at each other, not caring at all about the death of the person who came with them outside.

"Okay, it's almost time, we can start!"

After waiting for a few minutes, the patience of the two had almost been exhausted.

They picked up the swords in their hands and looked into the pool, and were immediately stunned.

"Where is the person?!"

In the pool, Lin Mo disappeared!

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