Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 181 Leaving the Secret Realm!

"Where are the people?"

"I'm afraid they've already been killed. After all, it's magma. Normal people would have died long ago!"

The two looked at the pool in front of them and spoke slowly.

"That guy got it for free!"

"Stop talking so much. Get the stone out first..."

They had already prepared before coming, so they took out the tools and started to salvage.

However, the stone seemed to be fixed on the pool, and the tools they prepared couldn't salvage it at all!

"Something's wrong. What the teacher said should be fine. We can't really go down to salvage it!"

"Are you stupid? If you really go down, will you still be able to survive?" The other person glared at him, picked up the tools and smashed the stone twice.


Accompanied by a sound, the stone didn't move at all, but ripples rippled, and the tools of the two began to break!


And, after the terrifying aftermath spread, it actually shocked the two people back again and again, and they spit out a mouthful of blood when they opened their mouths!

Such a scene shocked the two people speechless. They stood there with their hands covering their chests. When they looked at the stone, they actually felt a sense of fear.

Just as the two were shocked, a figure slowly opened his eyes under the magma.

He was bald, without a single hair, and his flesh and blood were covered with cracks.

Frost formed around his body and was then melted by the magma. Two different energies were constantly colliding.

Thunders were jumping one after another. Lin Mo activated the visualization method, and the cracks on his body began to recover.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the recovery speed of the cracks was simply too fast. In just a few minutes, his flesh and blood seemed to have been recast!

"So strong!" Lin Mo sighed in his heart. Under the magma, he moved his body and smiled.

"The strength of the body has increased... The body is comparable to the peak of the martial saint!"

Lin Mo was extremely surprised and looked up at the stone hanging above his head.

"The effect of this thing may not be as good as this magma..." He spoke slowly.

Now the effect of the magma on him has disappeared. Now he has become a saint in the flesh. Even if the Martial Saint attacks, it is difficult to hurt him!

"It's time to go up and take the stone away. The journey to the secret realm is over..." Lin Mo spoke slowly, and then began to float up.

At the same time, the two people on the edge of the pool looked at the magma in front of them, and a melancholy look appeared on their faces: "This time, the task that the teacher gave us, in addition to obtaining the inheritance of the city, is this stone!

If we don't take the stone back, the two of us will definitely be criticized!"

"What can I do? This stone can't swim to the shore by itself..."

As the voice fell, the two suddenly saw the stone in the magma tremble, and then it actually approached the shore quickly!

"Oh my god, this stone is not spiritual, I just said a word, and it ran to the shore!" The two looked at each other and were extremely surprised.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and get it up!"

The two hurriedly took action and bent down to get the stone.

Just when the two hands touched the stone, the other two hands suddenly stretched out from under the stone!

At the same time, the magma churned, and Lin Mo came out from it.


He let out a long breath and looked at the two people in front of him: "Thank you!"

He loosened his hands and let the two people lift the stone up.

The two people saw that Lin Mo was stunned. He lifted the stone directly like a puppet. After putting it down, he trembled all over and shouted: "It's a corpse!"

In the eyes of the two people, Lin Mo must have been burned to death by the magma. Now what appeared in front of them must be Lin Mo's body!

"Do you have clothes? Give me one. I feel a little embarrassed standing like this!" Lin Mo looked at one of them. This person was about the same size as him.

The man shook his head instinctively. Before he could speak, Lin Mo had already picked up the Red Blood Sword and pressed it against his forehead.

"Take it off!"

The man was at a loss, and he could only take off his clothes and hand them to Lin Mo.

After changing his clothes, Lin Mo set his eyes on the stone on the ground.

"I'll take this thing away, do you have any objections?" Lin Mo picked up the stone as big as his head and put it into his mind.

How dare the two of them have any objections? When they faced Lin Mo at this moment, they were panicked because they knew that they would never be Lin Mo's opponent!

After watching Lin Mo leave with the stone, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"How are we going to explain to the teacher when we go back!"

"Humph, explain, what's so difficult to explain, that stone, do you think ordinary people are qualified to take it?

We just need to go back and tell the teacher that the stone is in Lin Mo's hands, that's all!"

"Okay, let's leave quickly, tell the teacher about the things in the secret realm quickly!

In addition, this time Lin Mo not only got the stone, but also got the inheritance in the secret realm, and this matter must be reported truthfully...

I have seen how Lin Mo was besieged!"

The two smiled at each other, and saw the coldness in each other's eyes.

Just as Lin Mo was leaving here, several figures stood outside the secret realm. They were very powerful and had reached the peak of the second-grade martial saint realm!

Behind them stood several people, who were the ones who were driven out of the secret realm by Lin Mo!

"Did the Lin Mo you mentioned really get the inheritance?"

One of them spoke.

"It's true. We saw him standing under the statue with our own eyes. He obviously had an epiphany!"

Someone spoke, and then said: "We even suspect that Lin Mo may have got the stone!"

"That stone!" The three martial saints showed a look of shock on their faces: "Okay, we know!"

The three martial saints looked at each other and soon stood at various positions at the exit of the secret realm.

At this moment, Lin Mo had already arrived at the exit of the secret realm after running all the way.

He turned his head and looked at the two people who were following him behind him.

"You two go out first!" Lin Mo spoke.

The two looked at each other, and when they were hesitating, the Red Blood Sword in Lin Mo's hand had already crossed their eyebrows.


Two figures rushed out of the secret realm.

Outside the secret realm, the three martial saints felt the fluctuations coming from the gate, their eyes flashed, and they took action directly!


The two of them spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell straight to the ground, and they were dead!

"Why are you here? Where is Lin Mo?" The four people who came out before them stepped forward and asked loudly.

"Just behind..."


Before he finished speaking, Lin Mo had already rushed out!


The moment he rushed out, Lin Mo used his strongest boxing without hesitation!

With a loud bang, the fist wind exploded and slammed into the crowd!

The terrifying Qi and blood power became extremely powerful under the blessing of the two states of violent blood and bloodthirstiness. A powerful force directly lifted the nearest few people away!

At the same time, Lin Mo used the ghost shadow to rush out of the crowd!

He didn't dare to delay for a moment and ran all the way!

The strength of the three martial saints in the crowd completely crushed him. Even if he was now a saint in the flesh, he couldn't stop the three martial saints from joining forces!


The three martial saints looked at each other and were extremely angry, because Lin Mo actually escaped under their noses!

The speed of the Martial Saint was terrifying. After just a few minutes, he caught up!

Lin Mo felt the fluctuation of Qi and blood behind him, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

"Old Three, you are faster. Catch up first and stop him! The two of us will be the last!"

One of the Martial Saints spoke and looked at the youngest person!

The Old Three nodded, urged the power of Qi and blood, and the speed skyrocketed!


He rushed over at once, and was only about one meter away from Lin Mo!

"Die!" The Old Three showed a grim smile on his face and attacked Lin Mo's back!

"Instant Kill Sword!"

Lin Mo suddenly stopped, and the Red Blood Sword in his hand slashed fiercely at the Old Three!

This sword seemed to contain infinite energy. When the sword was slashed, a terrifying fluctuation swept out!

The face of the Old Three changed drastically, and he wanted to retract his outstretched hand, but it was too late!


Blood spurted out, Lin Mo cut off the third brother's arm with a sword, and with the sword's will, he stood directly on the third brother's shoulder!


A large amount of blood flowed, and the wound on the third brother's shoulder was so deep that the bone was visible!

"Hey, if you dare to chase me again, I will chop you directly!" Lin Mo smiled and turned his head to continue running wildly!

"Third brother, what's wrong!" The other two martial saints caught up with him, looking at him, with a look of shock on their faces: "What kind of swordsmanship did he use just now to hurt you!"

"If I guess correctly, it should be the inheritance in the secret realm! They are right, this kid got the inheritance!"

The third brother spoke gloomily. He is a martial saint, but he was chopped by a martial king!

If this gets out, where will he put his face?

"Can't let him walk out of the abyss alive!" The other two martial saints spoke gloomily.

"He can't leave!" The two spoke coldly, and then continued to chase forward.

Lin Mo's speed was still much slower than the two martial saints. Soon, they were about to catch up with Lin Mo!


Lin Mo stopped several times and then attacked forcefully.

But the two were well prepared. After dodging Lin Mo's sword, they attacked forcefully and hit Lin Mo's chest directly!

After Lin Mo took the punch, he didn't dare to delay for a moment and continued to run wildly!

"The exit is just ahead!" After running wildly for an unknown period of time, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up because he saw the exit not far away!

After leaving the abyss, he didn't believe that the two martial saints behind him dared to attack him so blatantly!

"We can't let him run away!" The two martial saints' faces changed slightly, and one of them took out a short spear from his body and threw it fiercely at Lin Mo!

The short spear stabbed at Lin Mo's back like lightning!

Lin Mo activated the Mysterious Ice Armor, but this short spear was obviously not ordinary. The Mysterious Ice Armor on Lin Mo's body only resisted for a moment before it was shattered!

Fortunately, Lin Mo's body was strong, and the short spear hit him only made him feel extremely painful!

Lin Mo used this force to get closer to the gate!


Lin Mo rushed out directly!


At the moment when Lin Mo rushed out, a blood-colored long sword stabbed at Lin Mo's heart!


This was Lin Mo's first feeling!

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