Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 182: Move the secret realm into the dreamland!

The blood-red sword light was three feet long, and it slashed down at Lin Mo from a long distance.


Lin Mo's figure flashed wildly, dodging the sword while punching out regardless!


The fist wind exploded, the stone wall in the distance crackled, and stones kept falling.

Tap tap tap!

A figure retreated continuously!


Lin Mo rushed up with the sword without waiting for the figure to stand firm!

Instant Kill Sword!

Even with only the entry-level proficiency, it still caused a terrible scene!

Flames jumped on the sword light, and at the same time, gusts of cold wind continued to rage with the sword intent!

It must be said that this sword was too terrifying. With just this sword, the killer's face changed!


He held the sword to resist, but after a crisp sound, the sword in his hand broke directly.

And Lin Mo held the Red Blood Sword and moved forward!


A large amount of blood spurted out, and the figure split directly!


Lin Mo looked calm, glanced behind him, and dodged away directly.

The entrance to the abyss was guarded by someone, but now a killer had sneaked in!

"Someone wants to kill me!" Lin Mo thought of a lot in an instant.


As soon as he rushed to the exit of the abyss, two figures rang out.

They were the two people who guarded the gate before. They walked towards Lin Mo with long knives in their hands.

"Stop and accept inspection!" One of them said.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he felt a murderous intent, and one of the two kept his hands behind his back. Lin Mo's mental power detected the weapon in the man's hand!


Lin Mo shouted coldly, and his speed suddenly soared!


He punched out, and with the current strength of Lin Mo's physical body, it can be said that the punch at this moment is extremely terrifying!


One of them exploded directly!


At the same time, Lin Mo swung the sword, which was still an instant kill sword!

After the two guards were killed, Lin Mo saw the long swords hidden behind them.

"Humph! Mountain City! What a mountain city!"

Lin Mo snorted coldly, and without staying here for too long, he rushed directly to the distance.

Not long after Lin Mo left, two figures rushed out of the abyss. They were the two martial saints.

They looked at the body cut in half by Lin Mo on the ground, and their faces changed slightly.

After a few steps forward, they saw the bodies of the two guards again.

"This Lin Mo is incredible..."

"He got something in the secret realm, and he must not be allowed to leave the mountain city!"

"You use all your connections now to prohibit him from leaving the mountain city. I will contact the teacher now and let him take action!

If it doesn't work, put pressure on the Chinese army!"

The two martial saints looked at each other and immediately made their own decisions!

After leaving the abyss, Lin Mo went to the airport and prepared to leave.

But soon he found something wrong.

"Someone is following me!" With Lin Mo's current mental power, he can clearly sense the situation within a hundred meters around him.

Now he felt that someone was following him, which made him extremely angry. He silently memorized the information of several people who followed him.

At this moment, not far from Lin Mo, five figures were constantly shuttling back and forth. Their movements were fast and professional. After entering the airport, they were still able to lock Lin Mo's position in the crowd.

At the same time, these people continued to report Lin Mo's dynamics on the intercom.


Just when several people were about to report Lin Mo's position again, Lin Mo's figure flashed and appeared directly behind one of them.


The man's face changed drastically. Just as he was about to speak, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach!

Lin Mo pulled out a dagger and disappeared in an instant.

After being pierced through the heart by Lin Mo, the man stood there, staring at the direction where Lin Mo left, and finally fell to the ground.

Under him, blood kept flowing, and finally gathered into a message...

"Ah! Murder!"

The corpse on the ground soon caused a commotion, and a group of people screamed and fled.

The remaining four figures changed their faces slightly and looked around to find Lin Mo's figure.

But the crowd was in a mess, and they had no way to find Lin Mo.

"Are you looking for me?" At this moment, Lin Mo's voice sounded in one of the ears.

The man's face changed slightly, and just as he was about to take action, he felt a warmth on his neck.

When he touched it with his hand, blood was everywhere!


In just a few minutes, Lin Mo made a series of moves and killed all five people who followed him!

At the same time, Lin Mo left calmly.

Half an hour later, Lin Mo drove madly on the highway.

Guessing that he was being followed, he simply gave up the idea of ​​taking the high-speed rail back to Beijing and rented a luxury car instead.

According to the navigation display, Lin Mo will be in Beijing in at most ten hours!

"The speed is too slow!" Lin Mo shook his head and simply increased his speed.

The performance of the luxury car has been fully utilized!

Along the way, Lin Mo did not encounter any danger and came directly to Beijing.

This time Lin Mo's gains were huge. After returning to Beijing, the first person he looked for was the old principal.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that since the old principal went to the Education Association, he was often invited to the Education Association to discuss important matters.

Lin Mo did not tell anyone his whereabouts. Now that he was back, Lin Mo went directly back to his dormitory.

From the time when the secret realm was inherited until now, although Lin Mo killed enemies along the way, he was also injured.

After taking out the healing elixir and swallowing it, he was silent for a moment and then took out all the intermediate Qi and Blood elixirs on his body.

"A total of fifty intermediate Qi and blood pills can increase the Qi and blood value by five hundred..." Lin Mo looked at the pills in front of him and silently estimated.

A few days ago, Lin Mo's strength had reached the fourth-level Martial King. If he swallows these Qi and Blood Pills now, he might have the possibility of hitting the fifth-level Martial King!

"Strength is the most important thing. If I become a Martial Saint, who else can be my opponent!" With a smile on his face, Lin Mo opened one of the bottles and swallowed a Qi and Blood Pill inside!

Game loading...

These words appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes, and then he came to the game world in the dream.

"It has been detected that the Qi and Blood Pills are sufficient, and the Fire Crystal has been detected. Do you want to upgrade the game environment?"

Just when Lin Mo entered the game, a line of numbers appeared in front of Lin Mo.

At the same time, the question of "Would you like to upgrade?" was also echoing in my ears.

"Upgrade?" Lin Mo thought for a while, then silently muttered in his heart: "Upgrade!"

"Instruction received, upgrading in progress..."

Such a voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears, and then he saw everything in Lin Mo's eyes begin to change.

First, a volcano appeared in the distance, and the hot magma continued to flow, converging into a small river that flowed not far from Lin Mo.

At the same time, the dilapidated church in front of Lin Mo disappeared, replaced by the city in the secret realm.

"Is this moving the city in the secret realm into my dream?" Lin Mo looked at everything in front of him with a look of surprise on his face.

"The statue in the center of the city has disappeared, and the place where I got the fire crystal has also disappeared..." Lin Mo shuttled through the city, scanning the buildings and some shops in front of him!

Soon Lin Mo's eyes stopped at one of the shops for a moment.

"Elixir shop?" Lin Mo looked at the elixir shop in front of him with a curious look on his face.

He walked into the elixir shop and felt the aroma of medicine.

"Such a strong scent of medicine..." Lin Mo followed the scent of the medicine and finally saw three pills that had been refined in the pill furnace.

"This is a high-level Qi and Blood Pill. One Qi and Blood Pill can provide one hundred points of Qi and Blood power!" Lin Mo looked at the Qi and Blood Pills in the pill furnace, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"What a good thing, I have to put this away!"

Lin Mo searched for a while in the elixir shop, and finally found a pure gold box in a place similar to a secret room.

After struggling to open the box, Lin Mo saw a parchment inside.

"It turns out to be a method for refining high-level Qi and Blood Pills... and according to what is said above, it seems that it can double the refining efficiency of the existing high-level Qi and Blood Pills!"

Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise. A small elixir shop found such a good recipe for high-end elixirs!

"The harvest is huge!" Lin Mo had a smile on his face. After putting away the pill recipe, he began to search slowly in the pill shop.

"The permission is not enough, you need to continue to upgrade to explore!"

Just when Lin Mo was about to enter the warehouse of the elixir shop, this prompt appeared in front of Lin Mo!

"I'm about to go to the warehouse, and you actually said that I don't have enough permission!" Lin Mo was speechless for a while. Needless to say, there must be a lot of good things in the warehouse of the elixir shop.

It's a pity that I'm in a hurry now and can't get in at all!

"What are the conditions for upgrading!" Lin Mo couldn't help shouting to everyone around him.

"Fifty advanced Qi and Blood Pills!"

This reply sounded in my ears.

Fifty high-level Qi and Blood Pills? !

Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face. The price of one high-grade Qi and Blood Pill was close to 18 million, and the price of 50 pills was close to 1 billion!

"Why don't you go and grab it!" Lin Mo cursed and left the elixir shop with a look of resentment on his face.

"The whole city has actually moved here, so does that mean I can find other good things in the city!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up as he suddenly thought of this.

Looking around, it is certain that the entire city is very developed, and Lin Mo speculates based on the instant killing sword that the martial arts value of the entire city is also very high.

It is impossible for a city like this not to have a martial arts family. Once a martial arts family is discovered, it is likely that martial arts and various resources will be discovered!

"I've made a fortune. I've really made a fortune this time!" Lin Mo said slowly with an excited look on his face.

Let him explore the entire city slowly. Lin Mo firmly believed that he could understand the entire city in a short period of time.

"And the volcano in the distance..." Lin Mo looked up and looked into the distance. The volcano did not erupt, but there was always lava flowing down.

After getting close to the magma, Lin Mo stood aside in silence for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch the magma.

"Do you want to spend an intermediate Qi and Blood Pill to forge flesh and blood?"

At this moment, a line of text appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"Yes!" After Lin Mo chose yes, his hand reached into the magma!

A sharp pain spread throughout his body, and at the same time Lin Mo felt slight changes in his hands!

In just one minute, Lin Mo's hands were sent out by a repulsive force.

At this time, Lin Mo saw that there was a thick layer of blood scabs on his hands!

After removing the blood scabs, Lin Mo looked at his hands with a look of surprise on his face.

"The strength has increased a lot..."

He took out the Red Blood Sword, hesitated for a moment, and stabbed his right hand fiercely!

With a light ding, there was no wound on his right hand!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo smiled.

If he didn't use martial arts, ordinary swords and knives shouldn't hurt his hands!

"In other words, this magma can also temper my flesh and blood! And as long as I spend Qi and Blood Pills, I can complete the tempering in a very short time!"

This is Lin Mo's guess, and he couldn't help but look up at the top of the mountain.

All the magma flows down from the top of the mountain.

"So, if I get to the top of the mountain, will the effect of the magma be better?" Lin Mo looked at the top of the mountain with a curious look on his face.

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