Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 183 Watching with eager eyes

Half an hour later, the top of the volcano!

Looking at the magma pool formed on the top of the volcano, Lin Mo's face was very strange.

A line of text appeared in front of him.

"Consume ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills to temper the body once!"

Ten Qi and Blood Pills!

The value is close to 200 million!

"Is this a tempering pool or a man-eating pool? It's too dark!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but speak, looking at the magma under his feet, Lin Mo speculated that the closer to the pool, the more Qi and Blood Pills consumed!

With this guess, Lin Mo walked down a distance and tried again.

Sure enough, here, the price of tempering the whole body is seven high-level Qi and Blood Pills!

Further down, it became three!

Lin Mo looked at the magma in front of him, and a hesitant look appeared on his face, because he happened to have three high-level Qi and Blood Pills on him!

"How about giving it a try?" Lin Mo spoke softly, then gritted his teeth and directly used up the three high-level Qi and Blood Pills!


Lin Mo jumped directly into the magma, and the hot breath entered Lin Mo's body at once.

Feeling the terrifying heat coming from all directions, Lin Mo even felt that someone seemed to be constantly hitting his body with a hammer.

"Is this to hone my body?" Lin Mo's face showed a thoughtful look.

However, just one minute later, Lin Mo was thrown out.

"This... this... three high-level Qi and Blood Pills, just consumed like this? Not even a minute! Black heart!"

Lin Mo was speechless, and felt extremely painful.

After checking his body, Lin Mo was surprised to find that all his injuries were healed, and the consumed Qi and Blood power was also restored!

"This..." Lin Mo was extremely surprised. This magma can actually heal injuries and replenish the consumed Qi and Blood power!

"Good stuff!" Lin Mo's eyes sparkled, and he was extremely happy.

He was sure that the pool must have other uses, but it was a pity that he had a limited number of Qi and Blood Pills now, and he had to wait until he had enough Qi and Blood Pills before slowly exploring!

After leaving the dream, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

"I stayed in the dream for five hours!" Lin Mo's face was full of surprise. In fact, Lin Mo felt that he didn't stay in the dream for a long time.

But who would have thought that so much time had passed!

He looked down at the bottle in front of him and shouted, "Oh my god, where are my pills!"

Lin Mo originally had fifty intermediate Qi and Blood Pills, but now, there are only two intermediate Qi and Blood Pills left, and the rest have all disappeared!

"Could it be that they were consumed when upgrading the game environment!" Lin Mo made his own guess.

"Damn it! I really don't know if I made a profit or a loss!" Shaking his head, Lin Mo got up and was about to go to the old principal to see if he had returned, when he suddenly felt someone approaching.

"Someone knows I'm back!" Lin Mo frowned. He had just returned for more than five hours, and he was found by someone?

Condensing his breath, Lin Mo hid himself at the same time, silently drew out the Red Blood Sword, ready to give the enemy a fatal attack at any time!


There was a slight sound from the door, and soon the door lock was opened, and a figure walked in.

"Don't move!" Lin Mo's figure flashed and rushed directly in front of the man, and the Red Blood Sword was already across the man's neck.

"Lin Mo, you're back!" Ye Qing's surprised voice sounded.

"Ye Qing?!" Lin Mo showed a surprised look on his face. After turning on the light, he saw Ye Qing wearing casual clothes and holding some fruits in her hands.

"You are..."

Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing with some curiosity.

"I... I have been sleeping here with you these days..." Ye Qing's face was a little red. "Since you are back, then I will leave. You can eat these fruits at night!"

After saying that, he left the fruits and was about to leave.

Lin Mo smiled and said, "How about sleeping together?"

Ye Qing felt that her heart was about to come out of her throat. After a while, she turned around and glared at Lin Mo fiercely.

"You are so shameless!" After saying this, Ye Qing turned and left.


At the moment when Lin Mo left the door, a flash of knife light flashed and slashed directly at Ye Qing's body!

Lin Mo's face changed drastically. When he rushed forward and wanted to block the knife, he found that it was too late!

A huge wound on Ye Qing's chest was bleeding continuously.

Not far away, there stood a man in black, with the long knife in his hand still dripping blood. He looked at Ye Qing and Lin Mo coldly, with regret in his eyes: "You are not dead! What a pity!"

"Die for me!" Lin Mo settled Ye Qing down, roared and rushed towards the man in black!

The strength of the man in black has reached the realm of the first-grade martial saint. Facing Lin Mo, he chuckled, used martial arts to slash at Lin Mo fiercely!

"Die for me!" The man shouted coldly!


The sword light was bright, and Lin Mo was angry, and this sword was even more terrifying!

The man was cut in half by Lin Mo, half of his body fell to the ground, with an unbelievable look on his face.

"How is this possible..." The man opened his mouth, finally uttered these words, and then closed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Lin Mo took out a healing pill from his body and stuffed it into Ye Qing's mouth.


Lin Mo tore open Ye Qing's coat, checked the wound, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

This knife did not hurt the vital parts, it was not fatal!

"You have a good rest!"

After carrying Ye Qing into the house, Lin Mo came to the body of the man in black.

"Xuan-level long sword... There is no corresponding certificate on the body, or the Dark Blood Order... It's a member of the Dark Blood Society again!"

Lin Mo's eyes were cold. This was the third time he was assassinated in the past few days!

"Dark Blood Society, since you provoke me, don't blame me for being rude!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold and he spoke with gritted teeth.


At this time, Lin Mo's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Lin Mo, are you back?" Feng Xuan's voice sounded on the phone.

"I'm back!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "The school is a little uneasy. The people of the Dark Blood Society attacked me and injured Ye Qing!"

"What! They acted so quickly?!" Feng Xuan's shocked voice sounded, and then Lin Mo's mobile phone received a text message.

"Take a good look at the content of the message!" Feng Xuan said and hung up the phone.

Clicking on the message, Lin Mo glanced at it and his face immediately became extremely gloomy.

The content of the message was very simple, that is, the news that Lin Mo got an opportunity from the secret realm was spread.

And the news that Lin Mo had materials that could be used to make heavenly weapons was also spread.

"They want to kill someone with a borrowed knife?" Lin Mo figured everything out in an instant and spoke with a cold face.

"You're right. They're going to kill someone with a borrowed knife. The materials of the Heaven-level weapon are still very attractive. For many martial saint peak masters, being able to own a Heaven-level weapon is something they dream of!

You are not strong, and there will definitely be many people who will attack you openly or secretly..."

After Feng Xuan hung up the phone, he quickly came to Lin Mo. He looked at Lin Mo and hesitated for a moment and said, "There is another thing. There are different voices in the school. Someone wants to control you and get the inheritance from you, as well as the stone..."

"They want it too?" Lin Mo's eyes were mocking: "It seems that the teacher was kept in the Education Association not just to reminisce about the past!"

Lin Mo is not a fool. At this time, the old principal was kept in the Education Association. If it wasn't to make Lin Mo a lonely person, what else could it be for?

"But if you want to gnaw on this bone of mine, it depends on how good your teeth are!" Lin Mo said coldly: "Thank you!"

"If you need any help, tell me!" Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment: "I will contact the student union and give you enough support when the time comes!"

Lin Mo nodded in thanks, and after seeing Feng Xuan off, Lin Mo turned and went into his room.

Ye Qing had fallen asleep, and after taking the healing pill, her wound had begun to heal!

No words for the whole night.

The next morning, Ye Qing was awakened by a series of knocks on the door.

She opened her eyes and saw herself lying on Lin Mo's bed, and Lin Mo was lying beside the bed.

"Lin Mo!" Ye Qing felt a little warm in her heart. Needless to say, Lin Mo must have stayed by the bed all night last night!

"You're awake, do you feel better now?" After opening his eyes and seeing Ye Qing, Lin Mo's face was full of concern.

"It's almost healed, fortunately the wound is not fatal!" Ye Qing was also scared. She looked at the location of the wound and her face was slightly red: "Did you bandage the wound for me?"

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Don't worry, I didn't see anything!"

Ye Qing rolled her eyes at Lin Mo. It was bandaged like this. Who would believe it if she said she didn't see anything!

But since Lin Mo said he didn't see anything, Ye Qing planned to pretend that he really didn't see anything.

"Open the door!"

At this time, the voice outside the door sounded again, and this time there was some impatience in the voice!

Lin Mo glanced at Ye Qing: "Wait in the room, don't come out no matter what happens!"

After leaving this sentence, Lin Mo came to the door and opened it.

A middle-aged man stood outside the room, looked Lin Mo up and down, and said: "Are you Lin Mo?"

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Who are you?"

"I am the vice president of the school education association, and our president wants to see you!" The middle-aged man spoke with a commanding tone in his voice: "Follow me now! Remember to bring what you got from the secret realm!"

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the man in front of him: "What's wrong, is the school education association very interested in what I got in the secret realm?"

"Whether you are interested or not has nothing to do with you, just do what I say!" The man's voice was cold: "Okay, don't waste time, hurry up, the president doesn't want to wait too long!"

The man waved his hand, looking impatient.

"What if I don't leave!" Lin Mo smiled lightly, and turned around and sat on the sofa.

The middle-aged man was immediately angry when he saw Lin Mo's attitude: "What's your attitude? It's your honor that the president asked you to go. Hurry up and follow me!"

As he spoke, he walked into the room.


Lin Mo casually threw out a dagger and stabbed it directly in front of the middle-aged man: "If you dare to take another step forward, I will kill you..."

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