Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 18 Miss Ye, the person has been found!

"I feel much better!"

After swallowing the pill, Lin Dayong showed a look of enjoyment on his face.

All his limbs were warm, the pain in his back disappeared, and the injuries on his face and body also disappeared.

"This pill is amazing!" Lin Dayong stood up and moved his arms: "I feel younger!"

Wang Ping, who was watching this scene, also smiled: "You must thank your teacher! So, I will buy some gifts tomorrow, and you can bring them to your teacher when you go to school the day after tomorrow!"

"No need!" Lin Mo waved his hand: "I can get into a good university, which is the best gift for them!

Oh, by the way, there is also this..."

Lin Mo fumbled in his schoolbag for a while, took out the 50,000 yuan he had looted from Shi Lei and others, and put it on the table.

"Where did you get so much money!" Lin Dayong and Wang Ping stared at Lin Mo with wide eyes: "Xiao Mo, you can't do anything illegal!"

"Mom and Dad, you think too much..." Lin Mo smiled and said: "Shi Lei and others will pay for our medical expenses..."

"Medical expenses?" Lin Dayong looked at Lin Mo in confusion: "Can Shi Lei be so kind?"

"It's true." Lin Mo said seriously: "I met Shi Lei when I went to school today. He knelt down in front of me and apologized desperately. In order to show his sincerity, he even broke his legs...

If I didn't want this 50,000 yuan, he wouldn't even get up..."

"Impossible...Shi Lei is not that kind of person!" Lin Dayong scratched his head, his face full of disbelief.

"Oh, Dad, can I still lie to you?" Lin Mo stuffed the money into his parents' hands: "Besides, if he didn't give the money voluntarily, did I snatch it from him?

I can't beat him either!"

"That's right! Although Shi Lei has not reached the level of a first-grade warrior, his strength is not weak. You can't be his opponent..." Lin Dayong nodded in agreement: "It seems that Shi Lei has a conscience."

"Yes, yes!" Lin Mo nodded repeatedly...


At night, Lin Mo took out another Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it.

Entering the game screen again, in addition to the three options of "Goblin Kingdom", "Cat Demon Forest" and "Martial Arts Field", Lin Mo also saw a gate.

"This gate should be the entrance to the next copy." Lin Mo raised his foot and walked towards the gate, but was blocked there.

A line of text appeared above the gate: Five Qi and Blood Pills are required.


Lin Mo looked at the text above and was shocked.

One Qi and Blood Pill costs 200,000, and it costs 1 million to open the third dungeon!

"Forget it, forget it, I'll continue to mix experience in the Cat Demon Forest and the Goblin Kingdom!" Lin Mo shook his head and went directly into the Cat Demon Forest.

In the next few days, the remaining three Qi and Blood Pills were all consumed by Lin Mo in the Cat Demon Forest.

"I feel that my Qi and Blood are much more sufficient now than before..." Lin Mo felt the Qi and Blood power in his body, and a satisfied look appeared on his face: "It should have exceeded 9!"

"The pills are used up, just in time to go to the martial arts field to refine pills." In addition to bringing Lin Mo's Qi and Blood value to increase, the three Qi and Blood Pills also allowed him to harvest three Qi and Blood Grasses and three cat demon claws.

"I don't know where to get the fangs of the cat king..." Lin Mo packed up and left home with his schoolbag on his back.

Today is Saturday, and there are quite a few people in the martial arts field.

Zhu Ting looked at the line in front of her and showed a look of disappointment on her face.

"That guy hasn't come for almost a week..."

Ye Qing has already given half of the one million promised, and the remaining 500,000 needs to find Lin Mo to cash it.

But now a week has passed, and Lin Mo seems to have disappeared.


Just when Zhu Ting was feeling melancholy, a figure appeared at the end of the line.

"It's him!"

Zhu Ting's eyes lit up, and after confirming that she was not mistaken, she showed an excited look on her face.

If she hadn't been afraid of other people's complaints, she would have rushed to Lin Mo now.

"What's your name? Give me your contact information!" When it was Lin Mo's turn, Zhu Ting took out her mobile phone without waiting for him to speak, and looked at Lin Mo with expectation.

Zhu Ting was so excited that she almost shouted this sentence.

The result was that the people in the queue behind Lin Mo couldn't help looking at them, with gossipy looks on their faces.

"Tsk tsk, girls nowadays are really proactive..."

"If you look as handsome as him, I guarantee that girls will be so proactive!"

"But this girl looks a lot more aggressive than the boy, is it a sister-brother relationship?"


Listening to the discussions around her, Zhu Ting's face couldn't help but blush.

"???" Lin Mo looked at Zhu Ting blankly, then shook his head: "Sorry, we are not suitable..."

"Not suitable?" Zhu Ting was stunned, and then gritted her teeth in anger.

"Please help me get the number for the alchemy area and blood measurement!" Without waiting for Zhu Ting to get angry, Lin Mo quickly put forward his needs.

"Here's the number!" Zhu Ting glared at Lin Mo fiercely, and handed the number to him unhappily.

Lin Mo didn't care too much. After getting the number, he went to the test area to line up.

He now urgently wanted to know what his blood value was.

Half an hour later, Lin Mo entered the measurement room.

Putting both hands on the measuring instrument, after a sharp pain, a number appeared on the screen.


"Sure enough, the blood value of 9 has been broken!" Lin Mo let out a long breath and smiled.

Who would have thought that he, who was 0.8 blood two weeks ago, has now reached a blood value of 9.6, and is only one step away from becoming a first-class warrior!

Just as Lin Mo was about to leave, his eyes caught another machine in the test room.

"I have practiced martial arts now, so I can just see what the attack index is!"

Lin Mo currently masters two martial arts, Vajra Finger and Stone Breaking Fist, and has reached advanced proficiency.

"Vajra Finger!"

Standing in front of the measuring instrument, Lin Mo performed martial arts.

After a while, a string of numbers appeared on the screen.


"It's so high!" Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed.

According to Lin Mo's estimation, each time the Vajra Finger is performed, the blood consumed is about 1.

And about 1 blood can normally be converted into about 50 times the attack power.

But now, Lin Mo actually converted his attack power 120 times!

"Stone Breaking Fist!"


Lin Mo used Stone Breaking Fist again, and also converted more than 100 times his attack power!

Looking at the numbers on the screen, Lin Mo smiled deeply.

Such a terrifying conversion rate, even with advanced proficiency, may not be achieved!

"It is the analysis of martial arts in the martial arts arena that allowed me to increase the conversion rate of qi and blood to an extremely high level!" Lin Mo quickly analyzed the reason.

With the help of the martial arts arena, Lin Mo can perform martial arts infinitely and perfectly, thus achieving a terrifying conversion rate.

"I don't know if I can single out a first-grade warrior now!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he was a little eager to try.

Concentrating his mood, Lin Mo left the test room calmly.

There was a young girl and a young man queuing outside.

"Sister, did you see the expression of that person just now?"

The moment the three of them passed by, the young man glanced at Lin Mo's expressionless face.

"I didn't notice, what's wrong?" The young girl shook her head.

"I see he has a bitter face, the test result must be bad!" The young man's face was full of gloating: "Sister, do you think my blood and qi value can break through 8 this time?"

"It should be possible!" The girl nodded.

"Hehe, at the age of 18, he has reached 8 blood and qi. Although it can't be compared with the monster like Hu Qing, he can also be called a genius!" The young man stood in front of the tester and pressed his palm on it.

After a while, a number appeared on the screen.

"8.1!" The young man looked at the number on it and laughed: "Hahaha, see, it really broke through to more than 8!

There are less than three months left. I have to work harder and strive to break through to become a first-class warrior before the college entrance examination!"

"Come on, sister believes in you!" The girl patted the young man's head: "Do you want to test the attack power of martial arts? Didn't you learn the diamond finger a few days ago?"

"Of course I have to test it!" The young man raised his chin: "I'm just a little bit away from reaching the intermediate proficiency!"

The young man stood in front of the measuring instrument and performed the diamond finger.


The young man nodded with satisfaction, "Hahaha, this conversion rate has reached the intermediate standard! I am indeed a genius..."

After a pause, a smile flashed in the young man's eyes, and he looked at the girl: "Sister, can you find out the blood value of that guy just now?"

"I have the permission to check, but why are you checking this?" The girl frowned: "Do you know him?"

"I don't know him!" The young man shook his head and said, "I just want to see how far a genius like me has left ordinary people behind!"

"Don't be proud!" The girl couldn't help but scolded: "You can have the blood now, of course, because you have talent, but also because your family provides you with enough resources!

Ordinary people don't have as many resources as you, it's normal..."

"Sister, I know!" The young man smiled and said, "Just satisfy my curiosity!"

"Just this time, never again!" The girl shook her head and entered a string of numbers on the measuring instrument.

The girl opened the permission to check and opened the most recent measurement record.

"I wonder if it's above the undergraduate line..." The young man looked at the screen with a smile on his face, and then his smile slowly froze...

"9...9.6?!" The young man rubbed his eyes: "How is this possible?!"

The girl was also shocked when she stared at the screen. When Lin Mo passed by her, although she didn't pay too much attention to Lin Mo, she could see that Lin Mo was born an ordinary person.

Poor in literature and rich in martial arts, it is difficult for an ordinary family to produce a martial arts genius.

But the ordinary people they thought just now were so terrifying!

"Could it be a mistake..." The young man looked at the screen in disbelief.

The girl glared at him: "You have to accept the reality! There are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens!"

"Maybe he is just dressed in rags, but his family is actually rich and has no less resources than us..." The boy said unwillingly: "Sister, can you help me see if he has any measurement records of attack power..."

The girl glanced at him and called up the test record of the measuring instrument again.

"Vajra finger attack power 121!!"

"Stone breaking fist attack power 113!!"

The two numbers that appeared on the screen once again made the young man extremely desperate.

Lin Mo had no idea what happened in the test room. At this moment, he had already entered the alchemy room, bought the necessary materials, and prepared to make the alchemy.

At the same time, Zhu Ting, who was guarding the door, took out her mobile phone and called Ye Qing.

"Ms. Ye, I have good news for you. I have found the person you asked me to find!"

"He is in the martial arts arena now! He has entered your alchemy room again!"

"Come quickly!"

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