Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 19 Are you threatening me? !

In the alchemy room, Lin Mo put the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace and began to make the alchemy.

With the experience of the first time, Lin Mo's movements were more skilled this time, and the speed was doubled on the original basis.

"According to the introduction on the alchemy recipe, if you are proficient to a certain level, it only takes one hour to refine the primary Qi and Blood Pill!"

Smelling the medicinal fragrance coming from the alchemy furnace, Lin Mo glanced at the time - two hours.

"As far as I know, the average refining time for the primary Qi and Blood Pill is more than three hours..." Lin Mo smiled excitedly: "I am now far ahead!"


"Where are the people?"

At the entrance of the martial arts field, a young man looked at Zhu Ting: "My sister asked me to come. She is out of town now and has no time to come."

Zhu Ting looked at the young man in front of her and immediately recognized him as Ye Qing's younger brother, Ye Fan!

It is said that Ye Fan, who is only seventeen years old now, has reached more than 8.5 in Qi and Blood, and is a true genius.

Some people even said that this person's talent for alchemy is also amazing.

Feeling Zhu Ting's gaze, Ye Fan smiled slightly.

As a genius, Ye Fan enjoyed being admired.

"The person is in the alchemy room!" Zhu Ting came back to her senses and quickly said, "Shall I take you there?"

"No need, I can go by myself!" Ye Fan smiled.

After that, he led the two middle-aged men to the alchemy room.

"Uncle San, do you think what grandpa said is true? Someone can actually refine four Qi and Blood Pills with three Qi and Blood Grasses?" Ye Fan looked at one of the middle-aged men.

Ye San, one of the direct descendants of the Ye family, has a very high alchemy skill and is also Ye Fan's uncle.

"I don't know." Ye San shook his head: "The recipe of my Ye family's Qi and Blood Pill can be ranked in the top three in the whole of China...

If what my father said is true, it is really... unimaginable!"

Ye Fan nodded, and while talking, the three of them had already arrived at the door of the alchemy room.

Because the alchemy room belongs to the Ye family, Ye Fan has the permission to enter.

When the three entered, it was the moment of the pill.

The small alchemy room was filled with the aroma of medicine, and the faint energy of qi and blood lingered, which shocked several people.

"You are..." Lin Mo looked at Ye Fan and others, frowning slightly: "The alchemy room is still in use, please wait outside."

Ye Fan did not answer, but rushed directly to Lin Mo and stretched out his hand to grab the alchemy furnace.


Lin Mo raised his hand and hit his palm, frowning and said: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Fan retracted his hand and smiled faintly: "I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Ye Fan, from the Ye family in Jinling, this is my third uncle, and this is Tai Shu, my personal bodyguard.

A few days ago, you refined a furnace of pills in our alchemy room. According to my grandfather's estimation, you should have four pills in one furnace.

Let me verify the authenticity!"

After raising the name of the Ye family, Ye Fan stretched out his hand to the alchemy furnace again.


Lin Mo raised his hand again and said coldly: "Please go out!"

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment and stared at Lin Mo blankly.

The name of the Ye family would have some status in the alchemy world, and it had a certain reputation in Jinling.

But the young man in front of him, who was the same age as him, actually opened his hand twice in succession.

"This classmate..." Ye San looked at Lin Mo's attitude, smiled, stepped forward and said: "We have no ill intentions, just want to see if you really refined four pills."

Lin Mo glanced at him, did not speak, but turned on the computer screen next to him and bought four medicine boxes.

Then he opened the alchemy furnace, took out the pills one by one, and put them into the box.

The three people looked at Lin Mo taking out the pills, and their eyes widened immediately.

"Really refined four pills! And the quality of the pills is extremely high!" Ye San couldn't help but exclaimed.

The quality of the pills can affect the amount of absorption.

Lin Mo not only refined four pills, but also improved the quality of each pill to an extremely high level!

The three looked at each other and saw excitement on each other's faces.

"Little friend..." Ye San couldn't help but step forward and changed his address to Lin Mo: "Can... let me see your pill refining process?"

"What do you think?" Lin Mo looked at him as if he was an idiot.

The most important thing in refining pills is the pill formula, but the refining process is equally important.

Some experienced alchemists can even infer the entire pill formula by observing the pill refining process.

"I'm abrupt!" Ye San shook his head regretfully.

Ye Fan on the side raised his eyebrows and said, "Uncle San, grandpa and sister have handed this over to us. We just need to get the pill formula!"

As he said that, he looked at Lin Mo and stretched out a finger: "Ten million, sell your pill formula to me!"

Ten million?

If it were two weeks ago, Lin Mo would be very interested in this number.

But now, Lin Mo has spent more than two million on the pills.

Not to mention, he also has the design drawings of the brass knuckles and some other materials.

The value of these things added up is definitely more than 10 million.

What's more, Lin Mo's Qi and Blood Pill formula is definitely beyond any existing formula. He wants to buy the formula for only 10 million?

Lin Mo stuffed the Qi and Blood Pill into his schoolbag, and walked out the door without even looking at Ye Fan.

"Stop!" After seeing that he was ignored, Ye Fan showed an angry look on his face: "Uncle Tai, stop him!"

The man known as Uncle Tai nodded and stepped forward to block Lin Mo.

Uncle Tai exudes tyrannical energy and blood power, and the value definitely exceeds 20!

"Second-grade warrior." Lin Mo's heart sank, but there was no fear on his face: "Is the Ye family going to rob it openly?"

"So what if I rob you?!" Ye Fan was angered by Lin Mo's attitude. As the young master of the Ye family, he was usually aloof. When had he ever been treated like this?

"Ye Fan, shut up!" Ye San shouted coldly, then looked at Lin Mo: "Little friend, don't leave in a hurry, the price can still be discussed...

Ten million won’t work. What if we pay 100 million? "

One hundred million is a huge number to anyone.

"Mr. Ye, do you think it's appropriate to buy this prescription for 100 million?" Lin Mo looked at Ye San with a smile.

Seeing Lin Mo's expression, Ye San's heart suddenly sank.

He thought that Lin Mo was just a student and not very young, so a price of 100 million should be able to win him over.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo didn't take 100 million seriously at all.

"It's not easy!" Ye San sighed inwardly.

"Boy, do you know what the consequences of being greedy are?" Seeing Lin Mo's refusal again, Ye Fan said angrily: "You really think you can ignore our Ye family because you have the pill in your hand?

Do you believe what my Ye family said, no one in Jinling dares to provide you with the materials for alchemy?

Even if you refine the elixir, you can't sell it if my Ye family is here, believe it or not? "

With the strength of the Ye family in Jinling, he can definitely do what Ye Fan said.

Seeing Lin Mo not speaking, Ye Fan thought he was frightened by him, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Idiot." After a moment, Lin Mo rolled his eyes at him, dropped these two words, opened the door and walked out.

Ye Fan looked at Lin Mo's back and was stunned.


A few seconds later, he punched the table next to him. The expensive computer desk instantly broke into two halves.

"How dare he scold me?!" Ye Fan shouted: "Third uncle, give me an order to check his identity and ban him..."

"Okay, shut up!" Ye San glared at him and said softly: "What he said is not wrong. You are indeed an idiot!"

"Uncle Third, you!" Ye Fan looked at Ye San angrily.

"The Ye family's status in Jinling is indeed not low, and they even have a certain status in the entire Chinese alchemy world.

But this does not mean that my Ye family is invincible.

Our Ye family is not alone in the alchemy world. Within Jinling, the two families that can compete with my Ye family are the Gao family and the Wang family.

Your grandfather and sister left Jinling this time because the Gao family recently obtained an elixir recipe from outside, which can increase the rate of primary Qi and Blood elixirs by thirty percent!

In this way, a furnace of pills from the Gao family will have a 35% chance of producing three pills!

In this way, our Ye family's advantage in primary Qi and Blood Pills will be gone!

The Gao family and the Ye family have never dealt with each other. Now that the Gao family has the upper hand, what awaits my Ye family in the future will be the Gao family's cannibalization step by step!

When you threatened him with those words just now, did you want to push him to join the Ye family's rivals?

If the Ye family doesn't provide him with the materials for refining the elixir, are the Gao family and the Wang family not willing to provide it either?

If you use your power to bully others, is it possible that the two of them will also use your power to bully others?

I will report today’s matter to my father, but please don’t interfere with what happens next!

You should have a practical class in the afternoon. Principal Chen said that you did not attend the practical class on Monday. When your father comes back, I will report the truth! "

After Ye San finished speaking, he took a deep look at Ye Fan, then turned and left.

Ye Fan stood in the alchemy room, his eyes flashing.

"Uncle Tai, go back first, I'm going to school!" After a moment, Ye Fan spoke softly.

After Uncle Tai left, Ye Fan came to Zhu Ting again, took out his mobile phone and transferred 600,000 to her.

"For the extra 100,000, you can help me investigate his identity." Ye Fan confessed and left the martial arts arena directly.

After leaving the martial arts arena, Lin Mo went straight to the school.

After checking the time, Lin Mo did not go to the practical classroom, but came to the door of the class.

Before class, the whole class was noisy, but after Lin Mo came in, everyone became quiet.

Lin Mo's eyes searched the crowd and finally landed on Li Wei.

Seeing Lin Mo staring at him, Li Wei's face suddenly turned extremely pale.

The next moment, Lin Mo walked toward him step by step with a smile on his lips.

"You...what are you going to do!" Li Wei looked at Lin Mo, fear written on his face.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Lin Mo opened his arms from left to right, and after four slaps, Li Wei's entire face swelled up, and he opened his mouth and spit out a few teeth.

Li Wei covered his face and looked at Lin Mo angrily.

The next moment, Lin Mo suddenly leaned forward, leaned close to his ear, and whispered: "It should have been your father who called the Public Security Department last time...

So, you should also know that I have killed people before... and I don't mind killing one more! "

After that, he left the classroom directly.


After Lin Mo left, Li Wei's shrill cry suddenly sounded behind him.

Lin Mo sneered and walked into the practical class on the side.

Just as Lin Mo entered the classroom, another figure walked in.

"Is it him?!" Lin Mo's eyes flashed, he didn't expect to meet Ye Fan here.

And Ye Fan also saw Lin Mo, and couldn't help showing a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect to meet you here..."

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