Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 187: Expelling Lin Mo

"Wei Yunlong can leave, but I can't!"

Before Lin Mo could speak, the old principal stepped in front of him, staring intently at the three figures who appeared here.

The old principal's teacher's expression remained unchanged, and he waved his hand to the old principal, telling him not to be nervous.

Lin Mo noticed that the old principal's breathing was still rapid, and the energy and blood in his body were still circulating.

"Teacher, they are..." Lin Mo looked at the old principal and spoke in a low voice.

"Like my teacher, he is a pillar of China!" the old principal said, with a very serious expression: "I just didn't expect that they would show up. Are these old guys ready to quarrel?"

When the old principal mentioned the people in front of him, there was no hint of respect in his voice.

Lin Mo's face was extremely solemn. The pillar of China was at least a figure like his master.

With such an identity, it would be fine if he didn't take action, but if he did, it would be absolutely impossible to target just Lin Mo!

"What are you doing to these old guys, do you want to give them a good beating?

Okay, today I will work with you to overthrow this place! "

The old principal's teacher smiled lightly and spoke, and at the same time, the power of Qi and blood in his body began to escape.

Click! !

On the ground, cracks continued to spread around, and terrifying power continued to flow. Some buildings not far away were the first to bear the brunt and were torn into pieces by an invisible force!

Lin Mo watched this scene quietly, with a solemn look on his face.

"Master is so strong!" Others couldn't help but praise.

"This is just the beginning!" The old principal said in a deep voice, his eyes flashing, and it could be seen that he was also very excited.


At this moment, the old principal's teacher seemed to turn into a black hole, constantly devouring everything around him.

The boulders on the ground approached him, and then were annihilated and turned into powder. When the tree trunks approached, they also disappeared!

"Chen Banzi, are you going to destroy the whole of China?"

Among the three, one couldn't help shouting loudly, and at the same time they took action, attacking and killing the old principal's teacher, Chen Banzi!

"Hey, am I going to destroy China, or are you going to destroy China? If you want to play, I will play with you to your heart's content!"

Chen Banzi sneered, looking at the palms covered in the sky, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Here comes the knife!"

He raised his hand and a bright knife appeared in his hand in the void.

This is a ring-headed sword, with nine wrist-thick rings jingling.

Before he took action, a sharp aura continued to flow out!


Chen Banzi suddenly swung his sword and slashed around.

A cry of surprise rang out, and a figure was cut down directly!

"Chen Banzi, are you crazy?" The remaining two people were shocked and couldn't help but yell at him.

"I'm not crazy. Isn't this exactly what you want?"

Chen Banzi laughed, the ring-shou knife in his hand shook, and he slashed at the remaining two people again!

"Stop it all!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo saw that the knife in Chen Banzi's hand disappeared, and the two people who were about to take action stood upright, motionless.

"If you have so much strength, why not go to the Dead Sea Secret Realm to practice!" The old voice sounded again.

"I'll admit my mistake later!"

Upon hearing these words, the faces of the four people, including Chen Banzi, changed slightly, and they raised their hands in one direction at the same time.

"Since you know your mistake, just stand aside and stop talking!" The voice sounded again: "Wei Yunlong, right? Why are you so weak?"

The old principal's face turned red, and he cupped his fists and said, "This junior has always been obsessed with the world of mortals, so he hasn't made much progress..."

"Since it is because of the mortal world, from now on, I will cut off the mortal world and go to the Rob Abyss to practice. When will I advance to the next great realm, when will I come back!"

"But..." The old principal wanted to say something else, but Chen Banzi stopped him with his eyes!

In the end, he could only clasp his fists and nod in agreement.

"As for you..." an old voice sounded. Although he didn't say who it was, Lin Mo knew very well that the word "you" refers to him!

"Senior!" Lin Mo stepped forward and said, "This junior is called Lin Mo!"

"Lin Mo, it's excusable, but after all, I made a mistake..." an old voice sounded.

Lin Mo slowly raised his head and looked towards the direction from which the voice came, with a hint of mockery on his face: "Since you made a mistake, please ask the senior to punish you!"

"Lin Mo, shut up!" Chen Banzi's expression changed drastically, he looked at Lin Mo and scolded.

"Master, this disciple does not think that he is wrong!" Lin Mo shook his head: "However, since this senior said that I was wrong, then I will be punished!"

After that, he simply stood aside and said no more.

The old principal's eyes flickered for a few times, and finally he sighed and said: "Junior knows that senior is here to train juniors, but the junior is not convinced by what senior said today, so I'd better decline senior's kindness!

From today onwards, Wei is still obsessed with the world of mortals! "

"Wei Yunlong, are you going to make me mad to death?" Chen Banzi's face changed drastically and he looked at Wei Yunlong as if he wanted to slap him to death with his hand.

"Teacher, the disciple is right!" Wei Yunlong shook his head: "If the same thing happens to the teacher, the disciple will make the same choice as Lin Mo, so the disciple feels that Lin Mo is not wrong!"

Chen Banzi was silent for a moment, and finally did not speak, but he moved his feet and stood in front of Lin Mo and the old principal.

Lin Mo's heart warmed up. At this time, Chen Banzi actually chose to stand on their side.

"Interesting!" The old voice sounded, looking at the few people standing there, and there seemed to be mockery in the tone: "Lin Mo, right? Since you know you are wrong, I will punish you to withdraw from Huaxia Military University from now on!

As for Wei Yunlong, because he contradicted me, he was directly sent to Rob Abyss!

Then it was Chen Banzi... who went directly to the Dead Sea and trained for half a year!"

After the voice fell, Lin Mo noticed that the three people who had confronted Chen Banzi before had a mocking smile on their faces.

"Half a year in the Dead Sea, congratulations to Chen Banzi!"

"Chen Banzi... Shengtian Banzi, now it's all right, you have lost everything!"


The three people slowly spoke, looking at Chen Banzi and others, and mocked loudly.

Chen Banzi's expression did not change. He just stood there quietly. After a long time, he clasped his fists and said, "Junior, I obey your orders!"

"Junior, I obey your orders!" Wei Yunlong could only apologize and responded loudly.

As for Lin Mo, he clasped his fists, but said nothing.

Leaving Huaxia Military University was not something that was particularly painful for Lin Mo.

After experiencing so many things, Lin Mo was a little disappointed with both Huaxia Military University and Huaxia Martial Arts University!

When the old voice disappeared completely, the matter here was over!

Lin Mo looked at the old principal standing aside and said, "Teacher, when are you going to leave?"

"The senior said to leave immediately, so I'm going to leave right away!" The old principal looked at Lin Mo and hesitated.

"Teacher, if you have anything to say, don't worry about anything!"

"Lin Mo, I don't know when I can come back this time. You will be alone in the future. You can endure it if you can. If you really can't bear it, then kill it!"

The old principal's words were very bloody, and Chen Banzi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

After saying this, the old principal turned and left.

Silently watching the old principal's back as he left, he finally clasped his hands and saluted respectfully.

"You are a man of integrity and have not let Master down!" Chen Banzi patted Lin Mo on the shoulder: "In that case, I will give you a chance!

Your swordsmanship is good, but there should be no corresponding knife skills. Today I will teach you one!"

"One knife kills life!"

Chen Banzi read out the name of the martial arts, and Lin Mo immediately felt a chill.

"One knife kills life, one knife kills life... What a domineering name!" Lin Mo's face was full of admiration.

Then, Lin Mo's mind became more informed.

"Knife skills!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. He had a good knife, and now Lin Mo also had a knife skill. He would practice slowly in the future. As long as he improved his proficiency, killing the enemy should not be a problem!

"So strong!"

After reading the content of the knife skills, Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed.

"You are not bad, young man, you have cultivated your mental power to such a terrifying level at such a young age!

Let me see, your physical body is not weak either..."

Chen Banzi's voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears. After a moment, Chen Banzi seemed to have thought of something and said excitedly: "Go to the Huaxia Martial Arts Museum, there is another martial arts there, which is simply created for you!"

"You said too much!" The old voice sounded again, and then Lin Mo saw a flash of light, and Chen Banzi's figure disappeared.

"Martial arts created for me?" Lin Mo had a curious look on his face, and finally he could only turn around and leave.

Now Lin Mo no longer belongs to Huaxia Military University, so Lin Mo has to get the certificate of leaving school and related materials in a very short time.

So, Lin Mo has to go back again.

Lin Mo finally chose to take a taxi to school. When he was close to the school, Lin Mo instinctively felt a chill.

"I am really helpless. I hated school when I was a child, and I still hate it now!" Lin Mo looked helpless and spoke slowly.

"Oh, Huaxia Military University is so lively today! Many people are gathered at the gate. Is there any activity?"

At this moment, the driver suddenly spoke, attracting all of Lin Mo's attention.

Looking through the car window at the school gate, there were three layers of people standing inside and outside, and cheers would be heard from time to time.

The mental power spread out, and in Lin Mo's mental vision, he saw two figures fighting.

One of them was obviously stronger than the other, so in just one minute, the weaker one was directly knocked out by a punch!

With a bang, the figure fell hard at Lin Mo's feet.

A group of people turned to look in the direction of Lin Mo, and when they saw Lin Mo, the entire viewing seat suddenly became quiet.

After an unknown amount of time, someone exclaimed: "It's Lin Mo!"

"Lin Mo?!" The crowd dispersed, and a figure slowly walked out.

He had yellow hair, a white face, blue eyes, and looked a little noble.

But the look in his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo at this moment was greedy.

"Lin Mo, right? Come up and get killed!"

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