The yellow-haired man's face was full of arrogance. He stretched out a finger towards Lin Mo and gently hooked it.

This action can be said to be contempt to the extreme. Behind the man, several yellow-haired young men showed smiles on their faces. When they looked at Lin Mo, they were also full of contempt.

Lin Mo did not respond, but took a step forward and helped the young man lying on the ground up.

"Are you okay?" Lin Mo asked.

"I...I'm fine!" The young man looked at Lin Mo gratefully. After being helped up, he immediately said: "President Lin, you want to avenge our school. They are all from the beautiful country. This time you are facing Our school took action and many people were seriously injured!

They also uttered wild words, saying that most of our Chinese army are useless!

President Lin, if you take action, they will lose!

Please seek justice for our school! "

"I was just expelled from the school, so I am no longer a student of the Huaxia Military University!" Lin Mo smiled and shook his head: "So I am not qualified to take action for the Huaxia Military University!"


Lin Mo's words made a group of people look shocked.

A group of people looked at Lin Mo curiously, wondering what happened to cause Lin Mo to be expelled from school?

"I came back this time just to pack up my things..." Lin Mo took a step forward and looked at the yellow-haired young man in front of him: "Please give way!"

"Lin Mo, didn't you hear what I said? I asked you to come up and die, don't you understand?" The yellow-haired young man looked at Lin Mo with an unhappy look on his face.


The power of Qi and blood boiled, and the yellow-haired young man directly waved his fists towards Lin Mo!


Just when his fists were about to touch Lin Mo, Lin Mo's figure suddenly disappeared!

"Where are the people?!"

The yellow-haired young man had a puzzled look on his face.

However, the next moment, he felt a sense of danger.

The yellow-haired young man suddenly turned around and punched his left side!


The sword light flashed, and the bloody sword light was only about one meter long, but the energy contained in it was amazing!

The young man felt that the scene in front of him began to turn upside down, and then he heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Then he saw his headless body falling to the ground.

Only then did the young man realize that his head had fallen off!

he died!

When he died completely, the last scene he saw was that Lin Mo shook off the red blood sword in his hand and said with a chuckle: "A mere first-grade martial saint dares to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of me!

Pooh! "

"Do you guys also want to try my sword?" After Lin Mo killed the yellow-haired young man, he looked at the remaining people and said calmly.

Several people quickly backed away, with wary looks on their faces.

Lin Mo was so strong that a first-grade Martial Saint was instantly killed in front of him!

Their strength is about the same as that of the yellow-haired young man, so if they really have to fight Lin Mo, the final result will definitely be death!

They are not fools. They would not do it even though they knew it was an act of committing suicide!

Lin Mo chuckled, put away the Red Blood Sword, and walked towards the campus.

The group of people slowly dispersed, got out of the way, and watched Lin Mo leave.

"Why was President Lin expelled!?" At this moment, someone spoke up again and asked this question.

"How did I know!" Someone shook his head. Lin Mo has not been the president for a long time, but the things he has done have convinced many people!

Let me ask, who else dares to follow the old principal to the Education Association and directly overthrow the entire Education Association?

Who can kill ten people in a row there, and nothing happens at all, and even get a place to enter the secret realm of the abyss from the Education Association?

And who made a strong move when these young men with yellow hair came to provoke them, killing one of them instantly?

The students are all young, so they have a natural admiration for the strong, and Lin Mo is the person they admire!

What's more, when Lin Mo became the president, the benefits received by all the students in the student union were real!

After Lin Mo returned to his dormitory, he spent a few minutes packing his things and then prepared to leave.

"Are you really leaving?" A voice sounded from behind Lin Mo.

When she turned around, she saw Feng Xuan standing there with a look of helplessness on her face.

"Someone has spoken. I can't leave unless I leave. The teachers have been taken to Rob's Abyss. Although I don't know where that place is, I think it must be very dangerous!"

Lin Mo had an apology on his face. This time, not only Wei Yunlong, but also his master Chen Hanzi was implicated and sent to the Dead Sea for training!

"What are your plans later?"

Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo and spoke calmly.

"My master told me about a place and asked me to go there to find a martial art specially prepared for me... I want to try it!"

Huaxia Martial Arts Museum, when Lin Mo heard the name from Chen Banzi, he was stunned. Is there anyone in this world who collects martial arts in one museum?

But since the master has said it, Lin Mo will naturally not miss such a good opportunity!

"Okay, I understand, leave the school affairs to me!" Feng Xuan finally spoke.

After thanking him, Lin Mo turned and left.

Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure with a calm smile on his face: "Don't worry, as a brother, I will never let you leave in vain!

The things the school did this time really made people blush!

It’s definitely not possible without paying some price! "

Feng Xuan said and turned around to leave.

Half an hour later, Xu Binger stood there in the student union conference room, looking at a pile of documents in front of her.

“Distribute these documents through all channels!

Also tell everyone that I, Xu Binger, will drop out of school! "

After Xu Binger said these words, she took out a student ID card from her body, threw it on the ground, and then turned around and left.

Not long after Xu Binger left, another figure appeared in the conference room.

It is Qin Lan, one of the vice presidents!

Qin Lan picked up the document on the table and took a look at it, then looked at several other people in the office: "Is everything on it true?"

Several people hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Students have special information channels, and we can basically confirm that these information are true!"

Qin Lan nodded and put the file down.

She groped around for a while and finally took out a student card.

After throwing the card on the table, Qin Lan turned and left.

She didn't say anything, but her meaning was already obvious - from now on, she, Qin Lan, is no longer a student of Huaxia Military University!

"How about we..." Several people in the conference room looked at each other, finally gritted their teeth, took out their student cards and threw them on the table!


Several people just turned around and left the office with a stack of documents!

Soon, these documents began to be published in corners of the school and on the Internet.

"What, Lin Mo left because someone in the school wanted to steal the things he got from the secret realm!

"What, Lin Mo went to the Education Association alone just to rescue his teacher!"

"The old principal was actually targeted and almost died at the Education Association!"

There is the truth of everything on the Internet. A group of people looked at the content on the Internet with angry looks on their faces.

Just when everyone's anger reached its limit, another news came out.

Xu Bing'er, Qin Lan and other strong figures in the student union actually chose to leave the school at this time and were no longer students of Huaxia Military University!

The news spread like a tornado throughout the school.

The high-level conference room of the school.

"Confused! Really confused!" Wang Qiang, the current principal who was sitting in the chair, looked at the remaining members of the Education Association with an angry look on his face: "Your president is an idiot, are you idiots too?

Lin Mo is from my school, why do you want to steal his things?

The places are earned by people, and the things are obtained by fighting for their lives!

You'd better just grab something from him!

When did our school become such an unreasonable place! "

The people in the Huaxia Military University Education Association had helpless looks on their faces, but no one regretted it.

That is a heaven-level material. As long as you get it, you can directly make it into a heaven-level weapon!

How many people may not be able to see things in their lifetimes, but they can have them as long as they get that stone!

Not to mention that Lin Mo is just a small student, even the senior leaders in the school will take action!

"Okay!" Another voice sounded. It was the dean of the school's martial arts academy and the person second only to Wang Qiang in the Huaxia Military Academy!

The dean of the martial arts academy is named Ding Jie. He is very powerful and has already touched the threshold of the peak of martial arts.

"It's meaningless to talk about this now, let's have a good discussion about how to deal with these things that have happened now!

I forgot to tell you that those who were injured by those beautiful Chinese people in the school are all lying in the hospital now. Their injuries are very serious. Even if they recover, they will probably be disabled! "

In the conference room, a group of people were silent. For martial arts cultivators, if their cultivation is gone, it would be better to die!

"If you want to save them, you have to spend a lot of money. The school needs to make a decision as soon as possible!"

"If they don't live up to their expectations, what does it have to do with our school!" At this moment, someone from the Education Association spoke with a look of disdain on his face.

"If we don't save them, our school's reputation will be ruined!" Ding Jie said calmly with displeasure on his face.

"It's just a few students, it won't ruin the reputation of the school..."

In the conference room, several people began to agree with their words and did not want to provide help to those students.

After a final show of hands, they reached a consensus that it was enough to save the lives of those students, and they could not spend too much money to cure them!

The future of a group of young students was determined by a few selfish people in the conference room...

Just when a few people were about to discuss the following content, someone else ran in with a panic look on their face.

"Let me tell you, leaders, I just received news that the school's pill research and development factory has announced that it has stopped production. Ye Qing left the school, and at least half of the people in the factory followed her!"


A group of people had shocked looks on their faces.

They may not care about the students, but they still care about the elixir factory very much!

After all, if the elixir factory is really built, it will be a huge source of income for the school!

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