"Miss Xiaoqing, Baigongtang is not an ordinary place. There should be no shortage of weapons of the ninth grade of Xuanjie. Why are you so shocked when you see this soul-cutting knife?"

Lin Mo looked at the shocked look on Xiao Qing's face and couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Qing was silent for a moment, and then said: "The ninth level of Xuanjie is indeed very common, but this sword is a little unusual..."

"Unusual?" Lin Mo thought of the scene when he got this knife in the secret realm, and didn't notice anything different at that time!

"This sword is likely to have growth attributes. If the soul of a monster can be fused into it, there is a great possibility of improving its level!" Xiao Qing said: "Also, other weapons can only smelt a monster once. Soul, this sword can be smelted many times!"

Smelted multiple times! ?

Hearing these words, Lin Mo's face suddenly showed a look of shock.

After the soul-killing sword smelts the ice dragon soul, it should be able to be upgraded to the earth level. If it can continue to be smelted later, its level will only get higher and higher!

Even in the end, it is very likely to break through to the heaven level!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo showed a smile on his face. This is good news. I didn't expect that a weapon obtained in the secret realm would be so powerful!

"Thank you, Miss Xiaoqing, for clarifying my doubts. I came here this time to smelt the monster's soul into the weapon!" Lin Mo said as he took out a pale ball of light from his body and placed it on the table.


As soon as the light ball touched the table, it made a cracking sound. You could see the frost spreading continuously to the surroundings, and the terrifying cold air directly caused the table top to disconnect continuously!

"What a terrifying cold!" Xiao Qing raised her eyebrows, and when she looked at Lin Mo, a solemn expression appeared on her face.

The Ice Dragon Soul is not an ordinary soul. Judging from the current performance, Xiao Qing has already seen how precious it is.

Lin Mo was able to take out such a precious thing casually, and Xiao Qing broke his love. He must not be an ordinary person!

"Mr. Lin, please wait a moment and I will invite the weapon refiner for you now!" Xiao Qing's attitude changed again. When she looked at Lin Mo, she became soft-spoken.

Shortly after Xiao Qing left, a maid came forward and gave Lin Mo a cup of fragrant tea.

"Good tea!" Lin Mo looked at the tea in front of him and praised it.

At this time, not far away, Xiaoqing came slowly with a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man had a faint smile on his face, and when he looked at Lin Mo, a flash of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Lin Mo was too young. In his opinion, a young man like Lin Mo could make something good.

Thinking of this, he looked at Xiaoqing aside and glared at her reproachfully.

"Master Jiang Chao, he needs to smelt this monster soul into his sword. This sword has growth properties, and the monster soul provided by Mr. Lin is not an ordinary thing!"

Xiao Qing seemed to understand what Jiang Chao meant, so he introduced him.

"A weapon with growth attributes?" Jiang Chao had a look of interest on his face and looked at Lin Mo: "Show me your knife!"

Lin Mo nodded, took out the soul-killing knife from his body, and placed it on the table.

At the same time, the Ice Dragon Soul was still on the table, placed not far from the knife.

At this time, Jiang Chao had the opportunity to see the soul-killing knife and the ice dragon soul.

“It’s really a sword with growth attributes!

And this monster soul... is even rarer, it actually has the ultimate ice attribute!

If the sword merges with the monster soul, it should rush directly to the third level of the earth level!

And this sword will also directly have ice properties! "

Jiang Chao looked at Lin Mo with a shocked look on his face. He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Lin, how about we talk?"

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and said, "If Master Jiang Chao has anything to say, just say it!"

"Xiao Qing, you go down first!" Jiang Chao looked at Xiao Qing and spoke softly.

After Xiao Qing left, Jiang Chao looked at Lin Mo and said softly: "Mr. Lin, can you bear the pain of parting with this knife and the soul of the monster?"

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, looked at Jiang Chao and said, "Mr. Jiang is interested in my things?"

"Indeed, little brother, don't worry, I am willing to pay a high price to buy it!" Jiang Chao paused as if thinking about something, and then said after a long time: "In this way, I, Baigongtang, are willing to bid for a knife and this monster soul. Two hundred million, how about that?”

Two hundred million is indeed a lot of money, but you must know that Xuan-level weapons are worth hundreds of millions, and this Soul-Slaying Sword is still a ninth-level Xuan-level weapon that can grow!

Then this soul-cutting sword alone can be called priceless!

What's more, there is also the Ice Dragon Soul with the ultimate ice attribute, which is also extremely valuable!

Jiang Chao only paid 200 million, which can be said to be bullying a child!

"Master Jiang Chao, are you kidding me?" Lin Mo shook his head: "I will not sell these two things. I also asked Master Jiang Chao to help me refine these two things for the due fee. Lin Mo You won’t miss a point!”

Lin Mo directly rejected Jiang Chao's desire to buy and expressed his attitude at the same time.

A look of displeasure flashed in Jiang Chao's eyes. His status in Baigongtang is not low. Even because he has a backer behind him, he can always speak the truth in Baigongtang!

Now a young boy dared to refuse him!

This made him feel that he had lost face!

Since you have lost face, you must get it back!

After gathering his thoughts, Jiang Chao showed a faint smile on his face: "The cost is easy to say, so being able to see such a good thing is considered good luck for us refiners!

Give me the stuff and I'll smelt it for you for free! "

"Free?" Lin Mo blinked, shook his head and said, "Thank you Master Jiang Chao for your kindness, but I don't like to take advantage of others, so I just charge the normal price!"

Jiang Chao stared at Lin Mo, and after a moment, he nodded with a smile and said: "Since you want to pay, just collect the money according to normal procedures!

Just wait, I'll take the things to smelt, and then you'll pay! "

After saying that, he took the soul-cutting knife and the ice dragon soul and turned around to leave.

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Chao's leaving figure with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Not long after, Miss Xiao Qing walked in. Seeing that there was nothing in front of Lin Mo, she couldn't help but said: "Mr. Lin, do you still have the materials for your weapons?"

"Leave it all to Master Jiang Chao!" Lin Mo explained with a smile: "Master Jiang Chao said that after the smelting is completed, he will ask me for money!"

Xiaoqing's expression changed slightly, and after a long time, he sighed and said: "Mr. Lin, although I shouldn't remind you, if I don't say anything, my conscience will be uneasy!

Master Jiang Chao probably took away your weapons and the Ice Dragon Soul!

He won't help you smelt! "

Hearing Xiao Qing's words, Lin Mo's face suddenly darkened.

He finally understood the meaning of the expression on Jiang Chao's face earlier!

"So you're trying to trick me!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Qing with cold eyes and said, "Miss Xiao Qing, can you tell me where Jiang Chao will appear?"

Xiao Qing hesitated and directly told Lin Mo the location of Jiang Chao's office.

After thanking him, Lin Mo chased in the direction Jiang Chao left in a flash.

At this moment, Jiang Chao came to his office as quickly as possible. After closing the door, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Hey, what a good thing. I didn't expect that I would be so lucky. This is a weapon that can grow!

There is also a monster soul with ultimate attributes. If it is smelted, this weapon will be the ultimate weapon!

Or the ground level! "

Speaking of this, Jiang Chao thought of Lin Mo and couldn't help but smile scornfully: "What an idiot, at such a young age and carrying so much treasure, this is obviously the way to die!

If I spare your life, it is considered a kindness! "

As he spoke, he began to smelt.

The whole process went very smoothly. After spending a lot of materials, it only took a few minutes to smelt it successfully!


At the moment when the smelting was successful, a dragon roar sounded from the blade!

Immediately afterwards, a storm swept out from the blade, and the whole room seemed to be blown by a strong wind of frost, with ice crystals condensed by the cold air everywhere! !

"Hahaha, what a terrifying power of frost! What a pure ice attribute!

This weapon can be called the ultimate familiar weapon! "

Jiang Chao looked at the soul-killing knife in front of him with a smile on his face.

This really surprised him. After smelting, the level of the Soul-Slaying Sword was raised to the astonishing fourth level of the Earth Level!

Even higher than he expected!

"Haha, I'm rich!" Jiang Chao couldn't help but laugh: "Even if I don't plan to use this weapon myself in the future, I can give it to a strong swordsman in exchange for his blessing!"

This kind of growable weapon, in the hands of a strong person, is almost 100% sure to be upgraded to heaven level!


Just when Jiang Chao fantasized about winning the favor of a strong man, there was a loud noise outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door to his office was kicked down, and a figure stood there quietly.

"Lin Mo, are you crazy?"

Jiang Chao was shocked when he saw Lin Mo standing there, but when he thought that this was Baigong Hall, he felt confident: "What are you doing here? This is the center of my Baigong Hall. You broke in rashly, believe me or not." Baigongtang..."

"Give me the knife back!" Lin Mo said calmly.

"Knife, what kind of knife?" Jiang Chao had a sarcastic smile on his face: "Are you crazy, and you actually went to our Baigong Hall to ask for a weapon?!

Believe it or not, I will ask someone to beat you up and throw you out right now! "

"So, are you really planning to take my weapon for yourself?" Lin Mo raised his finger and pointed at the soul-killing knife placed in front of Jiang Chao: "That's my thing. If you hand it over now, I can treat it as your own. Did not happen!"

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about? Do you really think that the things I, Jiang Chao, swallowed into my stomach can protrude so easily..."

Jiang Chao smiled sarcastically, and when he was about to say something, Lin Mo suddenly disappeared in front of him!


By the time Jiang Chao saw Lin Mo again, it was already too late!

A flash of sword light flashed, and a line of blood suddenly appeared on Jiang Chao's neck!


Jiang Chao spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground!

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