Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 191 Lin Mo's Actor Training

"You...dare to kill me?!"

Jiang Chao kept spitting blood from his mouth, and his pale face was full of shock and disbelief.

However, Lin Mo did not respond. He just stepped forward and bent down to take out the soul-killing knife from Jiang Chao's body.

Feeling the chill, Lin Mo's face showed a smile: "He actually reached the fourth level of the Earth Level!"

This was completely beyond Lin Mo's expectation. A fourth-grade earth-level weapon was already terrifyingly valuable!


The moment Lin Mo held the soul-killing knife in his hand, the energy and blood in his body suddenly boiled, and a giant western dragon could be vaguely seen forming behind Lin Mo!

"This is..." Lin Mo was shocked. He could feel that the power of Qi and blood in his body seemed to be empowered, and its power was increasing exponentially!

"The ice dragon soul and the ice card that was absorbed by me both come from the same monster. Could it be that there is an inexplicable connection between the two, so now the soul-cutting knife in my hand has undergone a different transformation!"

Lin Mo was thinking, and at the same time, he held the soul-cutting knife and slashed forward lightly!


On the ground, a pale sword light slashed forward, and dense cracks continued to spread. At the same time, frost covered the ground one after another. When the wind blew, those places covered by frost immediately collapsed!

"The terrifying cold actually froze the ground, and the cold eroded all the frozen places and rotted away!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face, and the power of this knife shocked him beyond measure!

Putting away the soul-killing knife, Lin Mo turned around and walked outside!


Behind him, there was a sound of breaking through the air.


Lin Mo drew his knife and slashed behind him!


With a soft sound, the two figures retreated suddenly and stood about three meters away from Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, you are so brave, killing people in our Baigong Hall!" one of them said.

This was a middle-aged man with a cold face, holding a short knife in his hand, pointing at Lin Mo.

"Your Excellency, you don't want to ask me why I killed someone?" Lin Mo said calmly.

"No matter what the reason is, killing someone in our Baigong Hall is a capital crime!" The man said: "It's your fault, then you deserve to die!

Even if it's my Baigongtang's fault, it's you who deserve to die! "

"What a Baigongtang, so domineering!" Lin Mo sneered, and the next moment, he flashed and rushed towards the two of them!

Since the other party has made it clear that he wants to kill him, there is nothing left to say. Instead of continuing to argue, it is better to take action first!


The sword flashed!

Lin Mo used his martial arts skills to wipe out life with one strike!

Lin Mo has just reached the entry level of this kind of martial arts, but even so, the power of this sword is terrifying to the extreme!

The snow-white sword light was like frost, and wherever it passed, even the air was frozen!


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and one of them raised his hand to block it, but with a slight sound, the man's hands were cut off!

The man's face changed drastically, and when he wanted to dodge, he realized that it was already too late!

Not far in front of him, there was a sharp blade of frost sweeping towards his head!

This sword was exactly the one that Lin Mo cut to destroy life!


Blood spattered, and after one stab, the man's figure fell to the ground, and soon became silent!


Kill instantly with one knife!

The man with the short sword looked at Lin Mo with a solemn look on his face.

Because the person who died was in the realm of a third-grade martial saint, but he was killed instantly by Lin Mo with a single blow!

"You will pay for what you have done..." the man with the short sword spoke sharply.

However, at this time, Lin Mo disappeared again!

The expression of the man with the short sword changed greatly. He raised the short sword in his hand and looked around, as if he was about to take action at will.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The sword light flashes!

Lin Mo rushed out with a red blood sword in hand!

Instant killing sword!

During this period, Lin Mo's proficiency with the instant-kill sword improved again, reaching intermediate proficiency!

The man was horrified and raised the short knife in his hand to resist!

But after a soft sound, the dagger was disconnected!

Looking at the short knife on the ground, the man's face was blank, and at this moment, his chest suddenly burst open!

Large amounts of blood continued to spurt out, and the man with the short sword had already disappeared!

Lin Mo looked up and looked into the distance, where there were several terrifying auras approaching.

"Hmph, what a Baigongtang, come one by one, right?

I don’t have that much time to waste with you! "

Lin Mo spoke calmly, then held a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, with an indifferent look on his face.

"If I strike with my sword, as many of you as you come will die!"

Lin Mo's voice was extremely cold, and with the impact of the tiger's roar, it echoed throughout the Baigong Hall.

At the same time, it can be seen that the power of Qi and blood on Lin Mo's body is constantly gathering. The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword appear behind Lin Mo, and these two shadows are getting bigger and bigger. In the end, a shadow appears behind him. Two phantoms: a giant sword and a long sword!


About ten feet away in front of Lin Mo, several figures stopped directly there.

They are all strong men from Baigong Hall, and their strength is around the fourth-grade Martial Saint. But when they saw these two phantoms, their expressions changed slightly!

Because the power emerging from the two phantoms is really terrifying. If it really cuts down, they really won't be able to catch it!

"Give me...die!" Lin Mo roared angrily while slashing down with both hands!

The two virtual images were like the collapse of the Optimus Pillar, and they hit several people in the distance!

The faces of several people changed drastically, and they scattered around and left. At the same time, they shouted loudly in the direction of Baigong Hall: "All disciples, disperse quickly!"

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of people rushed out from the Baigong Hall, their faces turned pale with fright as they looked at the shadows and lights of swords falling slowly in the air!

"Then...what is that!"

"My Baigongtang is finished!"

"Dead! Where the sword light and sword shadow cover us, we have nowhere to escape!"

A group of people from Baigong Hall looked desperate. Facing the light and shadow of the sword that Lin Mo slashed down, they felt that they could not stop it at all!

Seeing the two phantoms getting closer, the look of despair on their faces became more solemn!

Just when everyone thought they were finished, the two shadows suddenly disappeared!

At this moment, almost everyone has their eyes closed, waiting for death to come.

However, after waiting for a few minutes, the expected pain did not appear. Someone opened his eyes and looked into the sky.

The shadow has disappeared!

They looked around and found no place destroyed by the shadow!

"how so?!"

"The shadow disappeared! We are fine!"

"That person spared our lives?"

The face of the person who felt that he had passed through the gate of hell showed a look of joy at surviving the disaster, and at the same time, he felt a little grateful to Lin Mo in his heart.

At this time, several powerful figures in the distance gathered together again. They looked in the direction where Lin Mo was originally, and fell into deep thought.

"We were fooled, that kid is not that strong at all!"

"He is just bluffing. Those two phantoms look scary, but in fact, they just look scary and have a terrifying momentum. If they are really slashed down, they will not hurt anyone at all!"

Two people reacted first and spoke loudly.

"'s impossible. That kid looked very angry. When the sword flashed and the shadow fell, I also felt the aura of terror..."

Some people didn't quite believe it and retorted.

"Since that kid is so strong, where is he now?"

"Since you can defeat us, why can't you leave calmly?"

The two people who reacted first spoke again.

This time, the remaining strong men finally understood. They looked in the direction where Lin Mo was originally with expressions of disbelief on their faces: "We were actually deceived by a boy?"

"You have deceived so many people!"

A group of people had guilty looks on their faces. Facing Lin Mo, they actually gave up!

"This matter... no one is allowed to tell it!"

Finally, a few people spoke and gave orders to everyone present.

But they knew very well that there was no way they could hide this matter. In less than an hour, it would definitely spread throughout Tianjing City!

Just when everyone in Baigong Hall was discussing how to suppress this matter, a figure appeared about a kilometer away from Baigong Hall.


Lin Mo panted heavily, with a smile on his face as he said he would survive a disaster: "Damn it, if I hadn't run so fast, I might have been killed by you people!"

He was a little lucky. When he used Apophis' Wrath, the terrifying sword light left a deep impression on him.

So in the past few days, Lin Mo has been thinking about how to use the Red Blood Sword to display that kind of sword light.

Finally, Lin Mo thought of a way, but the sword light displayed in this way could only show that kind of power, but it had no offensive power!

In other words, this sword can only scare people at most!

Fortunately, all the people at Baigongtang believed it!

"Thanks to my spiritual martial arts - the spiritual realm!" Lin Mo's mastery of the spiritual realm has reached an advanced level of proficiency.

At this level of proficiency, the spiritual world can reach another form, which is to exert mental interference on everyone within the specified range, changing their perception of something when they see it to a certain extent!

What Lin Mo did was to make them feel fear when they saw the sword light.

Finally it worked!

"I made a profit this time. I originally planned to pay a handling fee, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be nothing!"

Lin Mo was very happy, with a smile on his face - free prostitution does make people happy!

After one thing was over, Lin Mo was ready to go to his next destination, which was the Chinese Martial Arts Museum.

According to what was shown on the map, Lin Mo walked all the way towards the core area of ​​Tianjing City.

The entire Tianjing City is actually not very big. According to the map, Lin Mo arrived at the location marked on the map in less than an hour.

"It's really strange. The map clearly indicates that the museum is here, but there is nothing here!"

Lin Mo looked around. It was really strange here. There were high-rise buildings all around, but there was a large open space here.

There is an ancient well in the center of the clearing.

Other than that, I can’t see where the so-called museum is!

"How could this happen? Where is the museum?" Lin Mo dispersed his mental energy and looked around, but found nothing.

"Young man, what are you looking for?" At this moment, an old man came over, looked Lin Mo up and down, and asked with a smile.

"Old man, do you know where the martial arts museum is?"

"You're looking for the Martial Arts Museum?" The old man raised his eyebrows, with a look of surprise on his face.

After seeing Lin Mo nod, the old man pointed to the ancient well not far away and said: "The Martial Arts Museum is in that ancient well, you can find it if you jump in!"

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