Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 192: Martial Arts Museum

Inside the ancient well?

Lin Mo looked at the old man in front of him, with a look of shock on his face.

"Anyway, the place you are looking for is under the ancient well." The old man pointed at the ancient well: "If you want to enter that museum, just jump down!"

Jump down?

Lin Mo looked at the bottomless ancient well in front of him, with a look of hesitation on his face.

"How deep is this ancient well?" Lin Mo scratched his head, looked around and finally picked up a stone: "Why don't you throw a stone down and try it?"

"Don't, there may be someone under this ancient well. If you throw a stone down, don't kill someone!"

The old man raised his hand to stop Lin Mo: "If you want to go down, go down quickly, if you don't want to go down, go quickly!"

After saying this, the old man put his hands behind his back and continued to walk forward.

Lin Mo stared at the ancient well in front of him, with a firm look on his face.

"Master will not lie to me!" This was the only thought in Lin Mo's mind.

He gritted his teeth and jumped down directly!

The old man who was walking in front with his hands behind his back turned slowly when Lin Mo jumped into the ancient well, looked in the direction of the ancient well, and showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Greed, it's all greed. Sometimes greed is a good thing, which can make people stronger and stronger, but more often, greed is something that takes lives!"

The old man left this sentence and slowly disappeared!

Ah! ! ! !

At this moment, Lin Mo just wanted to curse, because the moment he jumped into the ancient well, he understood what this ancient well was!

This is actually the entrance to an abyss!

"Damn it, these people didn't set up a gate at the entrance of the abyss? There's not even a guard?"

"Damn it, when can I land? I feel like I've been falling for a lifetime!"

"After I fall, I won't hit anyone!"

Just when all kinds of thoughts popped up in Lin Mo's mind, he felt that he had passed through a door like a water curtain.

"It's coming!"

Lin Mo had several experiences of entering the abyss, so after having the previous feeling, he immediately knew that he was about to reach the bottom!

He had made preparations in advance, and the blood and qi power wrapped his whole body. At the moment of landing, the ice crystal armor formed by the blood and qi power had completely covered his whole body!


There was a shattering sound on the ground, and Lin Mo stood there and looked around.


Lin Mo's face changed slightly. He finally understood why there were no guards here, because this place was too desolate, and all he could see was yellow sand!

When Lin Mo landed before, he was stepping on a huge rock, and now the huge rock had been shattered.

"Is there a martial arts museum in this kind of ghost place?"

Lin Mo looked around. Not to mention the museum, he couldn't even see a decent building.

"There's something!"

Finally, Lin Mo spread his mental power to cover all directions!

Finally, he found that there was a corpse about 500 meters away from him!

Lin Mo flashed and approached there.

The whole corpse had turned into dry bones. You can see that there was a fist-sized hole in the chest of the corpse.

This is the only wound on the body. It can be seen that the body died from this fatal wound.

"The wound is a bit strange. It doesn't look like a weapon, but rather like some kind of... hook?!" Lin Mo's face was full of doubt.


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking air on Lin Mo's side, and he dodged the attack with a flash!


A muffled sound came, and a foot-long object was drilling out of the sand.

It was a black scorpion. At its tail, there was a tail hook as thick as a fist, with a purple luster on it.


Lin Mo immediately judged the danger of this scorpion, and at the same time, this scorpion should be the culprit for the corpse in front of him!


The scorpion failed in the first attack, and the second attack was performed again.

This time it was faster, and it shot down at Lin Mo like a black lightning!


Lin Mo's speed was not slow either. At the moment he dodged, Lin Mo had even taken out the Red Blood Sword!


The sword flashed, and Lin Mo cut off the scorpion's tail hook with one sword. At the same time, he pressed his other hand on the scorpion's body, and the golden blood power swallowed and spit, instantly covering the scorpion's whole body!

The moment the scorpion was covered, a layer of frost wrapped it up.


Lin Mo exerted a little force on his palm, and the scorpion's body turned into powder!

"Very strong, at least close to the strength of the eighth-grade martial king!" Lin Mo evaluated the scorpion's strength and showed a shocked look on his face.

He looked at the corpse under his feet and smiled lightly, "I have also avenged you. How should you thank me?"

As the voice fell, a gust of wind blew, rolling up the sand on the ground and flying away.

In the sand, more bones were revealed, and at the same time, a metal card was revealed.

Lin Mo picked up the metal card and took a look, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Is this your thank-you gift? Very good, I will accept it!"

On the metal card, it turned out to be a map of this abyss, with the location of the museum marked on it!

Lin Mo roughly determined the direction. Although it was difficult to determine the direction in the yellow sand, the metal card had detailed instructions on how to determine the direction.

Based on the instructions above, Lin Mo quickly found the correct position and walked forward.

In the next few hours, Lin Mo encountered many monsters, all of which were below the martial saint level. With Lin Mo's current strength, he could easily defeat them.

But for many martial arts cultivators, Martial Sainthood is an elusive realm. Once encountered, death is almost certain.

"I hope the final result is worthy of my hardships along the way!" Lin Mo said softly, the look on his face becoming more determined.

According to the map, he was still about an hour away from the final museum location.

When the ghost shadow was used, Lin Mo's figure flickered and disappeared from here in a few ups and downs.

What has to be mentioned is that the spiritual energy in the entire abyss is actually very thin, and the only way to replenish the energy and blood is through the energy and blood pill.

Fortunately, Lin Mo collected a lot of qi and blood pills along the way, otherwise, he would probably suffer from qi and blood exhaustion.

An hour later, Lin Mo stopped. According to the place marked on the map, where he was now was the museum.

However, Lin Mo was now standing in a canyon, with stone walls a hundred feet high on both sides. There was yellow sand under his feet, and not even a hint of green could be seen.

How could such a place be called a museum?

Lin Mo looked around with a puzzled look on his face.

His mental power spread out, but he didn't find anything.

After a long time, he simply sat down cross-legged and slowly closed his eyes.

Because he discovered that there were no monsters such as scorpions here, and it was completely safe.

He used the idea of ​​​​contemplation to make his body empty and in an excellent state.

At this time he finally discovered something.

On the stone wall in the distance, there were light spots everywhere. Those light spots were flickering continuously, as if they were following a certain pattern. Watching the flickering of those light spots, Lin Mo actually felt a sense of peace.

"Those light spots..." Lin Mo's eyes brightened slightly, feeling one of the light spots, and then slowly approached.

He stretched out his hand to touch the light spot, but his hand passed through the light spot.

Nothing happened!

"How could this be?" Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face, and then reached out again to touch a light spot next to him.

This time, nothing happened.

"There should be martial arts within the light spot, but I have no way to access it..." Lin Mo frowned, and then simply used the Thunder Breathing Technique.

When the power of Qi and blood dispersed, Lin Mo finally felt something different.

Those light spots are still in front of me, but some of them have changed.

Their color turned into the same golden color as Lin Mo's energy and blood, as if they were echoing Lin Mo!

"Those martial arts should be suitable for me!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he rushed towards those light spots.

"This is the Wolf Blood Technique, which allows people to further improve when in a violent blood state! Good thing, I have mastered the violent blood skill. If I cooperate with the Wolf Blood Technique, it will take off!"

"And this, it turns out to be an ice thorn, which matches the power of my blood and energy, and its power can be increased by 30%..."

"this is……"

Lin Mo looked at the spots one by one, and the smile on his face became stronger because he found that these martial arts were very good!

"Master said that one of these martial arts is suitable for me, but I didn't expect that so many martial arts are suitable for me!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and wanted to absorb all the light spots in front of him!

"Wolf Blood Technique, Ice Thorn..." Lin Mo had already memorized the names of several of the techniques and was ready to absorb them.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a panic in his heart.

"Why is this happening? My heartbeat is speeding up..." Lin Mo's hand was already on the light spots of Wolf Blood Technique and Ice Thorn. As long as they are turned on, these two techniques can be obtained.

But at this moment, Lin Mo had an intuition that if he turned on the two light spots, he might die!

"Master said that there is a martial art that is suitable for me. He did not say that all martial arts are suitable for me..."

Lin Mo shook his head, and his mental power dispersed again. At the same time, the Thunder Breathing Technique started to work. He seriously felt the golden light groups.

In the end, Lin Mo's eyes lit up because he discovered that among these light groups, there was a light group that was different from all the light groups!

"This light group is not only glowing with golden light, it can even be seen, although there is a certain mark flowing on it... Even the martial arts on my body are echoing..."

Behind Lin Mo, a giant tiger appeared, standing there with its head held high and its chest high, roaring.

Next to the tiger stands a wolf, and in the sky is a white crane...


At this moment, Lin Mo heard the sound of a dragon roaring in the light group!

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, he knew what kind of martial arts was inside the light spot!

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