Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 196: Joining the Ministry of War

"Join the Ministry of War?"

Lin Mo frowned and looked at Ouyang Xiu and Xia Houming in front of him.

As a Chinese, Lin Mo has a natural liking for the Ministry of War.

Given Lin Mo's current situation, joining the Ministry of War is indeed a good choice.

In the world of high martial arts, the strong are respected, but the strong who are isolated and helpless will not live long!

If Lin Mo wants to stand at the peak of martial arts in the future, he is destined to have a huge force to support him. Compared with the Ministry of War, the Chinese Army is mostly younger!

"Don't rush to reply, Lin Junior Brother, we can wait!" Ouyang Xiu looked at Lin Mo and smiled.

He spoke in a gentle tone, giving people a gentle and elegant temperament, which is completely different from a soldier.

On the contrary, Xia Houming on the side has a rough face and dark skin. At first glance, you can tell that he is a soldier who has been on the battlefield for a long time.

"..."Lin Mo lowered his head, and while thinking, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

There were two figures coming quickly, one of them had boiling blood and exuded a terrifying aura, the other had a restrained aura, but gave people a stronger sense of oppression!

"At least an eighth-grade martial saint! The one with a restrained aura might be stronger!" Lin Mo's pupils shrank slightly, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

These two people are probably coming for me!

"Lin Mo, what crime should you be punished for killing my Baigongtang people!"

"What nonsense, just kill them!"

Two eyes fell on Lin Mo, like looking at a fish on a chopping board.

"Why don't you ask me why I killed your craftsmen?" Lin Mo said helplessly.

"What are you talking about, die for me!" One of the figures shouted coldly, raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo with a palm.

The blood and qi were boiling, causing the air around him to tremble constantly.

Lin Mo's face changed drastically, he couldn't take this palm, he couldn't avoid it!

"I am willing to join the Ministry of War!" Lin Mo yelled, "Help!"

He turned around without hesitation and hung on Ouyang Xiu.

Hearing Lin Mo's voice, the hand that fell paused slightly and glanced at Ouyang Xiu and Xiahou Ming.

At this moment, neither of them spoke, and Ouyang Xiu stood there with a stern face, motionless.

"Help! I joined the Ministry of War, you can't not protect me!" Lin Mo was about to cry. The two people from the Ministry of War would not be so unreliable!


Seeing that the two did not move, the man who had just made a move shouted again, and a hand fell down!


Xiahou Ming flashed in front of Lin Mo, looked at the palm that fell in the air, and took out a token from his body.

The token was made of fine iron, with dense patterns carved on it, and in the middle of the pattern, a word "Soldier" was carved!


Seeing this word, the hand stopped again, hanging less than one meter away from Xiahou Ming.

"You two, Baigongtang has no intention of being an enemy of the Ministry of War!" Another strong man from Baigongtang who did not take action said: "But this man killed our Baigongtang craftsman. If he doesn't die, how can our Baigongtang keep his face?"

"You also heard that he has joined the Ministry of War!" Ouyang Xiu glanced at Lin Mo who was holding his thigh, a little speechless, but still looked at the two strong men from Baigongtang: "Since he is from my Ministry of War, even if he made a mistake, it is my Ministry of War that will handle it!

The matter of Baigongtang, my Ministry of War will naturally investigate it and give you an explanation!"

"Sorry, you two, Baigongtang can't hand people over to the Ministry of War!" The strong man from Baigongtang shook his head: "Please give me some face..."

"I said a few polite words to you, do you really think I gave you face? Do you really think we don't know why the people from Baigongtang died?" Xiahou Ming shouted coldly: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will bring 10,000 people to destroy your Baigongtang!"

Xiahou Ming was irritable and pointed at the two strong men from Baigongtang and cursed.

The two masters of Baigongtang looked ugly. They had a high status in Baigongtang, but now they were humiliated by two young men!

Just when Xiahou Ming wanted to continue speaking, Ouyang Xiu finally broke free from Lin Mo's hands. He stepped forward and looked at the two people in front of him: "You two, from now on, Lin Mo is my military department!

He is here. If you want to make a move, please do so!

Xiahou Ming, let's go!"

After saying that, he actually took Xiahou Ming to the distance!

The two masters of Baigongtang watched them leave without looking back, their eyes were uncertain.

And Lin Mo looked at the expressions of the two and felt relieved all of a sudden.

"If you two are not going to make a move, I will leave with them!" Lin Mo smiled lightly, waved at them, and then turned to Xiahou Ming and Ouyang Xiu.

"Just let him go like this?!" One of the masters of Baigongtang spoke.

"What else can we do?" Another person said coldly: "He is already a member of the Ministry of War. If we attack him, it is equivalent to attacking the Ministry of War. At that time, the entire Baigong Hall will be finished!"

"Will the Ministry of War be the enemy of our entire Baigong Hall for him alone?"

"If you don't believe it, you can try it now!

"..." Another person opened his mouth, and finally lowered his head and stopped talking.

At this time, Lin Mo had caught up with Ouyang Xiu and Xiahou Ming.

"Thank you!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

"Since you have joined the Ministry of War, we are naturally your strongest backing!" Xiahou Ming smiled and said: "But you are really amazing, you killed all five martial saints by yourself! This combat power can be ranked in the upper middle even in our Elite Soldiers Hall!"

"Elite Soldiers Hall?"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and looked at Ouyang Xiu on the side.

"The Elite Soldier Hall is a place where the Ministry of War selects strong men from the millions of soldiers in the Ministry of War. They are excellent in all aspects.

When you arrive at the Ministry of War and pass the test, you can also apply to join the Elite Soldier Hall!"

Ouyang Xiu patted Lin Mo and smiled, "You are quite strong, and joining the Elite Soldier Hall should not be a problem!"

"What are the benefits of joining the Elite Soldier Hall?" However, Lin Mo spoke directly, making the smile on Ouyang Xiu's face disappear instantly.

"Hahaha, others are proud to join the Elite Soldier Hall, but you want to know if there are any benefits to joining the Elite Soldier Hall!

I'm convinced, I'm really convinced!

Hahaha, this time, the two of us recruited a conscious person in!"

Xia Houming spoke loudly with a smile on his face.

At the same time, he stretched out a hand and patted Lin Mo's shoulder fiercely.

He was very strong, and after several consecutive pats, Lin Mo felt that his bones were slapped.

"Where are we going now?" Rubbing his shoulders, Lin Mo looked at Ouyang Xiu.

"The Ministry of War in the capital!" Ouyang Xiu said, "Since you have joined the Ministry of War, we must first give you a formal identity!

In addition, we will assess your strength, and the results of the assessment are related to your position and treatment, so don't hide your incompetence!

In the Ministry of War, you don't need to hide your strength, because only when you show enough strength can the Ministry of War pay enough attention to you! Others can have enough respect for you!

The Ministry of War is like the martial arts world, the strong are respected!"

Ouyang Xiu rarely said a few more words. At the end, he raised his hand, as if he wanted to pat Lin Mo's shoulder, but finally put it down: "Okay, call the convoy to pick us up!"

"What about this kid?"

Xiahou Ming pointed at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "He is a new recruit, we can't let him ride in the same car as us, right?"

"New recruits should follow the rules of new recruits!

The Ministry of War has been here for so many years, and I have never heard of anyone making exceptions!" Ouyang Xiu said lightly!

"Okay, I understand now!" Xiahou Ming smiled, then took out his phone and pressed a few buttons.

"Okay, the message has been sent, we just need to wait here!"

After that, Xiahou Ming and Ouyang Xiu squatted down by the roadside.

"What did you get in the secret realm that made those old guys attack you without shame?" Xiahou Ming looked at Lin Mo and asked curiously.

Lin Mo looked at them deeply, thought for a while and said: "A piece of stone, it is said that it can be used to refine heaven-level weapons!"

Lin Mo finally did not hide it and roughly explained the function of the stone.


Xiahou Ming sneered: "Weapons can certainly improve a person greatly, but if one only wants to rely on weapons, then this person is probably useless!

There is a person in my military department who is known as the boxing king. Over the years, he has smashed countless earth-level weapons with his pair of iron fists!

So what if it's a heaven-level weapon? I have a punch that can destroy the world!"

Xiahou Ming said this and swung his fists twice fiercely.

"Your boxing intention is not enough. If you want to reach the level of boxing king, you must at least practice the power of your fists to the extreme!

When can you follow your boxing intention, when can you be considered to be heading towards the level of boxing king!"

As Ouyang Xiu said this, he looked at Lin Mo: "You are the same. If you want to improve your boxing intention, you must be pure in your heart and know what the purpose of your punch is!

One punch, no distractions!"

Ouyang Xiu said and punched out.


A loud noise came, and the air in front of the few people actually made a bang!

This is the sonic boom formed after the boxing speed reached a terrifying level.

But Lin Mo saw it clearly just now, the speed of this punch was not fast!

He opened his mouth and was about to ask something, but saw that both of them stood up.

"The car is coming!" Ouyang Xiu pointed to the distance, where an off-road vehicle was driving rapidly.

Ten seconds later, the car made a sharp sound, and drifted 360 degrees in front of several people, and finally stopped steadily in front of the three people.

The car window rolled down, and a dark face appeared in Lin Mo's sight.

He first looked up and down at Lin Mo, nodded friendly, and then looked at Ouyang Xiu and Xia Houming: "Get in the car!"

Xia Houming and Ouyang Xiu nodded, opened the door and got into the off-road vehicle.

Lin Mo smiled quickly, stretched out his hand towards the door, and was about to get in the car.

With a bang, the door was directly closed by Ouyang Xiu.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

At the moment when Lin Mo was stunned, the engine of the off-road vehicle roared and drove away.

By the time Lin Mo came to his senses, the car had already gone several hundred meters!

"What's going on? You don't want me to run to the Ministry of War, do you?"

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Lin Mo waved at the car, then ran after it.

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