"Lao Li, speed up the car! Don't you see this guy is about to catch up?"

In the off-road vehicle, Xia Houming glanced at the rearview mirror and raised his hand to pat Li Ke who was driving.

"We have already exceeded the speed limit. If we accelerate any further, we will deduct points!" Li Ke looked at the rearview mirror in shock: "Is this kid on drugs? He can maintain such a speed for such a long time!"

"Speed ​​up more!" Ouyang Xiu said calmly.

"Yes!" Li Ke heard Ouyang Xiu speak and didn't dare to neglect. He quickly stepped on the accelerator and the car roared and sped out!

"I am!"

About two hundred meters away from the car, Lin Mo looked helplessly into the distance.

At this moment, the speed of the car increases again, and the distance between the two is increasing!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth, the energy of blood around his body was circulating, and the sound of thunder rumbled.


Lin Mo's speed suddenly increased. The ghost shadow and the additional effect of the Leopard Fist in the Five Beast Fist made his speed increase a lot again!

"This kid is a monster! He's almost catching up with me at this speed!" Inside the car, Xia Houming looked at the rearview mirror and then at the stopwatch, with a surprised look on his face.

"The speed is indeed good, it should be some kind of martial arts, but it is already very good to be able to last for so long!" Ouyang Xiu made a rough guess at a glance: "Okay, let's increase the speed a little more. I want to see what his limit is. Where!"

"Report, the speed will be increased by up to ten percent..." Li Ke said, then manually shifted gears and stepped on the accelerator deeply again!

This time, the speed of the car began to slowly increase. In fact, the speed of the car has almost reached the limit. After increasing by 10%, the car will probably be scrapped when it reaches the barracks!

"Bleeding!" Lin Mo felt the increase in speed and turned on the bleeding state without hesitation!

His speed actually increased again, and his speed seemed to vaguely surpass that of a car!


Seeing Lin Mo getting closer and closer, Xia Houming's face showed an expression of disbelief.

Because Lin Mo's current speed has far surpassed him!

"Very good!" Ouyang Xiu nodded: "Xia Houming, you can see that if you don't work hard, Lin Mo will surpass you very quickly!"

"Him? There is a big difference between his and me in realm. If he wants to surpass me, he must at least catch up!" Xia Houming said nonchalantly.

"Realm, do you think your realm is much ahead? Do you still remember the information we read?" Ouyang Xiu smiled faintly: "Do you still remember what state Lin Mo is in the information?"

"Sixth-grade Martial King, what's wrong..." Xia Houming said this, his face changed drastically: "No, Lin Mo's current strength should have reached the eighth-grade Martial King realm?

Wrong information? Impossible, I personally investigated the information, and his sixth-grade Martial King’s strength was just tested not long ago! "

"So? What do you understand?" Ouyang Xiu looked at him deeply and asked lightly.

"Understand what?" Xia Houming sat on the chair blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

"So he raised his strength to the eighth-level Martial King realm in a short period of time?" Li Ke said: "This kid is very powerful!"

"So, when we get to the foot of the mountain, let's tell the people above to adjust the pressure of the entire mountain to the level of the fourth-grade Martial Saint!"

"What?" Xia Houming looked at Ouyang Xiu: "Boss, you have to think about it. The fourth-grade Martial Saint realm not only has requirements for the physical body, but also has higher requirements for mental strength!

If we're not careful, we can drive people crazy. Lin Mo is a good young man. If something happens, the people above won't be able to spare us! ! "

"Are you Xia Houming still afraid?" Ouyang Xi glanced at him and said with a slight smile.

"I'm so scared. I'm worried that you will be ripped off again when you become the captain!"

Ouyang Xiu just smiled lightly and said nothing.

At this moment, there was a bump in the car. It turned out that they had arrived at the foot of the mountain and started to drive up the rugged mountain road.

At this time, Lin Mo also rushed up the mountain road.

"Let's start!" Ouyang Xiu said calmly.

"Got it!" someone on the mountain responded.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo, who was running wildly, trembled and almost fell to the ground!

Boundless pressure pressed towards him, and Lin Mo's face showed a look of difficulty. At this moment, the pressure he felt was like a mountain!


The mental power is fluctuating, because I also feel the mental power attacking!

But Lin Mo is now at the level of an eighth-level Martial King. After synchronizing his mental power and Qi and blood, his mental power number has remained above 8,000!

Even many martial saints are not as good as him with this value!

So when he talked about mental attacks, a sneer appeared on Lin Mo's lips.


At this moment, Lin Mo actually used his own mental power to meet the mental power attacking him!

The mental power from two different sources collided at this moment, and the air around him trembled silently, as if it was about to be torn apart at any time.


Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Lin Mo's mental power crushed the surroundings, but the pressure on his physical body was terrifying.

So when his mental power defeated the mental power around him, Lin Mo himself was also injured by the pressure!

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Lin Mo gritted his teeth, thought for a moment, and simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to practice the Thunder Breathing Method, constantly restoring his strength.

"Something is wrong! Why do I feel that my body is still getting stronger?"

Just when practicing the Thunder Breathing Method, Lin Mo suddenly discovered something unusual.

His body strength was constantly increasing, the pressure around him was endless, and Lin Mo's body seemed to be constantly moving.

"The body is absorbing the pressure from all around!" Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise: "After these pressures are mixed with the power of qi and blood, they can have a great effect on the strength of my body..."

"The pressure is still a little insufficient!"

Lin Mo looked around and shouted loudly: "Is there anyone? Can you increase the pressure a little more!"

After shouting several times in a row, Lin Mo found that there was no response from all around, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

At this moment, the off-road vehicle was almost at the top of the mountain.

Xia Houming looked back and didn't see Lin Mo's shadow.

"Hehe, that guy was finally left behind by us, but it's normal. It took me ten hours to climb the mountain!

Lin Mo is not as strong as I was at the beginning. It's amazing that he can climb within twelve hours!

By the way, boss, you must get Lin Mo under my command. It's a pity not to give such a good seedling to me!"

"It's useless if I give it to you!" Ouyang Xiu glanced at him and said lightly.

"Boss, what do you mean by this? I want to ask you, in our Jingcheng Elite Army Hall, besides me, which bastard dares to lead him! Which bastard is capable of leading him?!"

Xia Houming is very arrogant, but he has the capital to be arrogant.

The entire Jingcheng Elite Army Hall has a total of 100 people, divided into ten teams, each with a captain.

All ten captains must accept Ouyang Xiu's command!

The team Xia Houming belongs to is the strongest team among the ten teams in Jingcheng, and Xia Houming is also the best among all the teams.

"I'm going to take him personally, do you have any objection?" Ouyang Xiu looked at Xiahou Ming and said lightly.

"Boss is going to take him personally?" Xiahou Ming was stunned, then nodded repeatedly and said: "No problem, no problem, boss, you are definitely better than anyone else!"

Xiahou Ming was shocked by the news that Ouyang Xiu was going to take Lin Mo personally.

At this time, the car slowly stopped.


After the three people got out of the car, a light sound came from inside the car.

With a loud bang, a puff of green smoke came out from the back of the car, and then it was completely scrapped!

"It's scrapped!" Li Ke said helplessly: "Boss, do I have to write a report?"

"It's okay, don't you write it often?" Xiahou Ming smiled and patted his shoulder: "Besides, it's the boss who asked you to drive so fast, it's okay!"

"If you have nothing to do, go to the gravity room for ten hours of training!" Ouyang Xiu glanced at him and said lightly.

"Boss, I was wrong!" Xiahou Ming admitted his guilt with a good attitude: "By the way, let's quickly see where this kid is!"

He ran directly to a small wooden house not far away, knocked on the door and went in.

"Haha, how is it, is that kid exhausted?

Is he crying for mercy?"

After entering the wooden house, Xiahou Ming spoke to several soldiers staring at the screen.

"Captain Xiahou, you are here..." In the wooden house, several people looked a little embarrassed. When they saw Ouyang Xiu also came in, they quickly stood up and saluted: "He didn't beg for mercy..."

"Didn't beg for mercy? It's okay, this kid has some backbone!" Xiahou Ming nodded lightly: "Not bad, he has the style of my past... You two, adjust the live footage!"

The two soldiers in the wooden house nodded, and after operating on the computer for a while, a huge picture appeared in front of them.

In the picture, Lin Mo was sitting cross-legged there, looking around, and opening his mouth to say something.

"Hahaha, this kid is really cursing, I got it right!" Xiahou Ming looked at Lin Mo and laughed: "I'm so happy that I can make this kid lose face!"

"I don't think he is cursing..." Li Ke on the side said: "He seems to be asking for something?"

"What else can he ask for? He obviously can't stand it anymore and wants us to turn off the pressure!" Xiahou Ming's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something, and looked at the two people on the side: "You two turn on the sound, I want to hear this kid's complaints!


The two soldiers looked at each other and nodded.

They operated on the computer for a while, and soon there was a sound coming from the computer!

"Where are the people? Is there anyone? Can the pressure be any greater?

What can this little pressure do? If it goes on, I will fall asleep!

Is this the only means of the Ministry of War? You use this little pressure to test this genius?"


Xiahou Ming listened to the voices around him, and his face was embarrassed.

Ouyang Xiu, who was standing behind him, smiled and said, "According to what he said, adjust the pressure to the limit that a sixth-grade martial saint can bear!"

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